44,456 research outputs found

    一夫当关 万夫莫开——对深化劳动价值理论的思考

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    “物化劳动只能转移价值 ,不能创造价值”是一个理论扭曲 ,它造成了深化劳动价值理论的逻辑障碍。其实 ,创造价值与增加价值是有区别的 ,一般地讲 ,创造价值只能是创造剩余价值。从这个思路分析下去 ,我们发现 ,物化劳动和活劳动共同创造剩余价值。一方面 ,物化劳动来源于活劳动 ,并且是本期活劳动 ,所以讲物活劳动共同创造相对剩余价值 ;另一方面 ,活劳动肯定是本期的 ,物化劳动 (C)又来自本期的活劳动 ,故归根到底是活劳动创造价值 ,从而坚持了劳动价值一元论。承认物化劳动也创造价值具有重大的理论与现实意义


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    马克思劳动价值论科学地揭示了人类的活劳动是创造新价值的惟一源泉 ,物化劳动只是借助于活劳动转移自身的价值 ,它本身不创造价值 ,增加价值量。科学技术是科学劳动的物化 ,属于物化劳动 ,不创造新价值 ,不是价值的源泉 ,但是现代科学技术在生产过程中发挥了巨大作用 ,科学工作者的劳动即科技劳动作为活劳动的一种特殊形态 ,不仅创造新价值 ,而且能创造巨大的价值


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    A Study on Financial Analysis System from CEO’s Perspective—A Case Study on Company A

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    企业的根本问题是其命运问题,即生存和发展的问题。这个问题的解决取决于企业自身价值的大小和企业创造价值的能力。因此,企业必须不断地创造价值,实现价值的最大化,以赢取生存和发展。由此可见,企业内在的本质就是创造价值。 在当今全球化的剧烈竞争环境下,企业的生存和发展的风险骤升,这必然更加聚焦于价值创造。在实务中,“价值管理”、“价值创造”和“价值最大化”已然成为各大企业的核心任务,这深刻地反映出企业对价值创造的迫切感。为此,需要建立能够衡量并揭示价值创造的财务分析体系,以便从根本上识别价值创造的驱动因素及驱动机制,从而更好地推动价值创造。 而现代企业制度下的所有权与经营权的分离以及CEO制度的建...The fundamental issue of an enterprise is to survive and develop in keen competition, which depends on its own value. Therefore, enterprises need to keep creating value and maximizing its value to survive and develop, that’s the reason why the nature of an enterprise is to create value. With globalization and intensifying competition worldwide, the risk of an enterprise to survive and develop is ...学位:会计硕士院系专业:厦门大学与厦门国家会计学院会计硕士专业学位联合教育中心(MPACC)_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X200915710


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    Cost and Value Measurement of Creative Activities in Creative Industries: Case Research on Network Geam Industry

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    本文以度量创意产业中创意活动所花费成本和所创造价值为主线。首先回顾了创意产业的相关文献,以及已有的成本管理和价值管理理论,从而对创意产业、成本和价值度量有整体认识;其次对创意创造价值的过程即创意价值链进行研究,从而明晰创意价值链中的成本投入和价值创造;再次,借鉴作业成本法和平衡记分卡的度量思路,结合创意价值链中的成本投入和价值创造,分析创意活动的成本构成、成本动因和价值驱动因素,进而构建创意活动成本和价值的度量模型;最后结合网络游戏产业进行案例分析,对网游产业中创意活动的成本和价值进行度量。 在创意活动成本度量方面,本文将创意产业中创意活动的成本界定为创意价值链各个环节资源投入的总和,并根据...This thesis is focused on how to measure the costing and the value of creative activities in Creative Industries. At the beginning, we got the general idea on creative industry, costing and value management by reviewing the existed literatures. By studying the process of value production in the creative value chain, the content of the cost and value created of value chain in Creative Industries is...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1752006115119


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    GoGlobal Rural-Urban

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    This is a book of edited articles and design projects from five years of collaborative international design projects in developed and developing economies, including China, Thailand, Ghana and Japan. Part One contains articles on initiatives including e-commerce models for developing economies, massclusivity and craft design. Part Two is dedicated to design solutions for China’s rural-urban migration issues, which affect 55 million people a year. The project enhances knowledge about the application of design thinking to national-level issues connecting policy to implementation, extending design activity into large-scale social and economic areas. The book follows an exhibition of design outcomes in London and Beijing (2010). Hall developed his chapter (‘Go Global: Ghana’) from a conference paper given at the ‘International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference’, South Korea (2009) and further expanded as a book chapter (with Barker) entitled ‘e-Artisans: Contemporary design for the global market’ in Global Design History (2011). ‘eArtisans’ researched a proposed e-commerce model linking designer-craftsmen with a global Internet sale and distribution model for African countries. The originality lay in proposing and testing knowledge, through design collaborations, in a combination of e-commerce enterprise models; it was significant in deploying the proposed model in an experimental educational initiative. The research was based on previous experience of design, craft and enterprise projects in Thailand and China, and aligned with a creative economies report by UNESCO (2008). The context was a collaboration at the KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana, where action-based research methods resulted in a case study illustrating cultural transfer. Support and partnership were also provided by Aid To Artisans, the British Council and Africa 53. A vital aspect was the discovery of how an e-commerce model changed design concepts and creative proposals. The GoGlobal project has continued with an edited publication, Designing Social City Experiences (Jin Nam and Hall 2013)