333 research outputs found

    Pressurized Solid Reaction Route to Synthesizing Carbonated Hydroxyapatite and Its Adsorption to Mn2+

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    羟基磷灰石因与骨骼、牙齿极其相似,在医学和材料学领域被广泛研究。人体骨骼并不完全等同羟基磷灰石,比如骨骼中碳酸根离子含量在4~8wt%。羟基磷灰石发生碳酸根离子取代,即形成碳酸化羟基磷灰石(CHAp)。CHAp比羟基磷灰石有更高的骨骼再生率和骨传导性。其制备方法很多,最常用的液相法存在外来离子掺杂、有机溶剂残留等问题。本研究提出加压固相法,即采用加压CO2作为碳源,同钙、磷源的固体盐合成CHAp;分析研究CO2嵌入反应机理;将合成的CHAp应用于Mn2+的吸附。 采用CO2介入的加压固相法,考察不同钙源和磷源在加压固相法中的反应效果,以Ca(OH)2(蛋壳)为钙源,以Na2HPO4·12H2...Hydroxylapatite similar to bone and teeth, is widely used in medical and material areas.But biological apatite is not just hydroxylapatite, for example, the carbonate content in bone is about 4–8 wt%. If the replacement of carbonate ions happened, it forms carbonated hydroxyapatite (CHAp). CHAp has higher bone regeneration ratio and bone conductivity. Several techniques have been advanced to synth...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_化学工程学号:2062013115148

    The Role of PERK-eIF2α-Yap Signaling in the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    已有研究证实,Hippo信号通路失活会造成肝脏肿大和肿瘤发生,其中Yap的活性在Mst1/2双敲除小鼠肝细胞癌的发生中非常重要;内质网稳态的异常调节也在多种癌症中出现,但未折叠蛋白反应(UPR)在组织稳态中的调节作用还不清楚。我们之前的研究工作发现,在Mst1/2双敲除的小鼠肝脏中UPR被明显激活;进一步研究发现,UPR中的PERK支路能够调控Yap的转录。因此,我们想探究Hippo信号通路和UPR信号通路在肝癌发生发展中的关系。 我们认为Mst1/2双敲除小鼠肝脏中存在的慢性内质网应激,是导致肿瘤产生的重要原因。因此,我们用低剂量的衣霉素(tunicamycin,TM)刺激HepG2细胞,...It has been well established that Hippo pathway deficiency leads to liver overgrowth and tumorigenesis and Yap activation is critical for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development and maintenance. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) homeostasis is dysregulated in a variety of cancers, however the role of the unfolded protein responses (UPR) in tissue homeostasis remains unknown. Previous studies showed th...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_细胞生物学学号:2162013115253


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    太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea angulata)是中国主要的海洋养殖经济物种之一,具有重要的经济价值和商业价值,附着变态是牡蛎幼体从受精卵发育到成体所需的重要阶段,其分子机制的研究对牡蛎养殖育苗具有重要的指导意义.本研究利用双向电泳技术分离筛选牡蛎幼体附着变态过程中的差异表达的蛋白,进一步利用质谱技术鉴定幼体附着变态过程中发育相关的关键蛋白,共筛选出128个差异蛋白,鉴定并注释了39种蛋白.通过对差异表达蛋白功能分析,筛选获得了与纤毛组建相关的筑丝蛋白和与稳定钙离子胞内浓度相关的钙网蛋白,为揭示牡蛎幼体面盘组织及纤毛的退化消失和钙离子有效诱导幼体附着变态的机制提供分子数据.同时还获得了调节脂肪酸β-氧化、三羧酸循环和糖酵解重要生理功能的关键酶蛋白:乙酰辅酶A脱氢酶、异柠檬酸脱氢酶和3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶,以及调节无脊椎动物机体能量存储和释放的酶蛋白:精氨酸激酶和ATP合成酶,进一步阐明了牡蛎幼体在附着变态过程中能量调节的分子机制.福建省教育厅福建省中青年教师教育科研资助项目(JA15811);;厦门市科技局科技计划资助项目(3502Z20154078);;厦门医学院自然科学类科研计划资助项目(Z2014-08

    The Lysosomal v-ATPase-Ragulator Complex Is a Common Activator for AMPK and mTORC1

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    AMPK和mTORC1是机体和细胞内最重要的调节代谢稳态的分子。人们已经发现,AMPK复合体能够通过与体内AMP结合从而感知体内AMP/ATP的水平,并在该水平较高(即能量水平较低)的情况下引发其复合体活性的增加。该结果直接导致了多条信号通路的抑制或激活,从而引起一系列的生理变化。其结果是增加体内的产能代谢从而达到稳定体内能量水平的作用。与AMPK相反,mTORC1的激活需要在细胞内能量水平较高的情况下才能发生。mTORC1激活进一步激活了一系列下游分子,这些激活的分子造成的结果也恰恰和AMPK所造成的结果相反:增加耗能的合成代谢从而促进细胞增殖。目前的研究还表明,AMPK和mTORC1在肿瘤...AMPK and mTORC1 are the most important regulators that control metabolic homeostasis in cells and organisms. AMPK complex binds AMP thus sensing intracellular AMP/ADP levels and is activated when AMP/ADP levels increased. Activated AMPK activates or inhibits various signaling pathways, promotes ATP production and balances intracellular energy state. In comparison to AMPK, mTORC1 is activated when ...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162012015378

    TRPC1/TRPC3 channels mediate lysophosphatidylcholine-induced apoptosis in cultured human coronary artery smooth muscles cells

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    溶血卵磷脂(lysophosphatidylcholine,lysoPC)是氧化低密度脂蛋白(oxidizedlow-densitylipoprotein,ox-LDL)的主要成分。早期的研究表明,lysoPC可诱导人冠状动脉平滑肌细胞(humancoronaryarterysmoothmusclecells,HCASMCs)凋亡,但具体机制尚不清楚。近期,我们通过细胞活力测定,流式细胞术,共聚焦显微镜及分子生物学手段对lysoPC作用的分子机制进行研究发现,lysoPC可引发细胞外钙离子内流,并显著抑制HCASMCs的生长。并且经典的钙离子阻滞剂La3+、TRPC通道阻滞剂SKF-96365...Lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC) is a major component of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL). Although an earlier study showed that lysoPC induced apoptosis in human coronary artery smooth muscle cells (SMCs), the related molecular mechanisms are not fully understood. The present study investigated how lysoPC mediates apoptosis in cultured human coronary artery smooth muscle cells (SMCs) usi...学位:博士后院系专业:生命科学学院_生物学学号:201317007

    Effects of T4 on the Synthesis of Cardiolipin and TREK-1 , KCNQ1 Potassium Channels in Hyperthyroid Heart Disease

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    甲状腺功能亢进性心脏病是指在甲状腺功能亢进症时,甲状腺激素对心脏的直接或间接作用所致的心脏扩大、心功能不全、心房纤颤、心绞痛甚至心肌梗死等一系列心血管症状和体征的一种内分泌代谢紊乱性心脏病,已证实心磷脂(Cardiolipin,CL)在甲亢性心脏功能变化中起作用。心磷脂合酶(CLS)是心磷脂从头合成过程的关键酶,而磷脂酶A2(PLA2)在心磷脂重构过程中发挥重要作用。双孔钾通道TREK-1在静息膜电位的形成、复极过程和调控细胞兴奋性方面发挥重要作用,KCNQ1钾通道是心肌细胞复极化平台期的重要成分,二者都与心律失常密切相关。为了探究在甲亢性心脏病中CLS和PLA2是否受到甲状腺激素T4的调控进...Hyperthyroid heart disease (HHD) is induced by excessive thyroid hormone production causing many heart diseases like arrhythmia, cardiomegaly and heart failure etc ,it’s been proven that cardiolipin(CL) plays a role in HHD. Cardiolipin synthase(CLS) is the key enzyme of de novo synthesis of cardiolipin, while phospholipase A2(PLA2) plays an important role in the remodeling process.TREK-1 potassium...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_内科学学号:2452013115346

    Progress on Bioavailability of Calcium and Calcium-Peptide Complexes

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    Calcium is an essential nutrient for human health and plays a crucial role in various physiological processes such as bone formation, muscle contraction, nerve transmission, and blood clotting. Calcium absorption mainly occurs in the small intestine where the calcium enters the enterocytes through active transport or passive diffusion. However, the free calcium ions dissolved in gastric acid may form insoluble precipitates with other dietary components (such as phytate, oxalate, fiber) in the slightly alkaline intestinal environment, leading to decreased calcium absorption and bioavailability. Decreased calcium absorption can result in a range of bone metabolic diseases, such as rickets and osteoporosis. Therefore, it is important to choose foods or supplements that can provide highly soluble and bioavailable forms of calcium. Some organic calcium salts such as calcium gluconate and calcium citrate have been shown to form supersaturated solutions in the intestinal tract, which can enhance calcium absorption by increasing the concentration gradient across the intestinal epithelium. Furthermore, calcium-peptide complexes are proven to be very effective for improving calcium absorption without causing any side effects. Calcium-peptide complexes can serve as a novel calcium supplement. In this paper, the effects of food components on calcium absorption and bioavailability are reviewd, and the mechanisms underlying the enhancement of calcium absorption by some organic salts (such as calcium gluconate and calcium citrate) and peptides are summarized. And the potential applications of calcium-peptide complexes in human nutrition are also discussed, aiming to provide new insights that can aid in the development of safe and effective calcium supplement

    The effect of cardiolipin on the expression of HDAC6 and HDAC9 under hyperthyroid heart disease

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    甲状腺机能亢进症是一种常见的代谢紊乱性疾病,在成年女性发病率略高于男性。甲亢性心脏病是甲状腺功能亢进的严重并发症之一,是甲亢患者死亡的重要原因之一,直接危及患者的健康和生命。我们课题组在前期关于在甲亢性心脏病条件下心磷脂对甲亢性心脏病的相关研究中发现:甲状腺功能亢进可显著影响心磷脂的表达。我们前期相关实验还通过采用心磷脂酰基转移酶(ALCAT1)敲除小鼠建立甲亢模型,研究发现:甲亢条件下心磷脂含量的增加并不仅仅是甲状腺激素作用下的一个伴随性结果,心磷脂在表达增加的同时,还参与了甲亢性心脏功能的病理变化过程。据文献报道,HDAC9直接调控心脏的生长[1],在维持心脏正常功能方面具有十分重要的作用...Hyperthyroidism is a common metabolic disorder,the morbidity of hyperthyroidism in man is lower than woman.Hyperthyroid heart disease is a common and serious complication for hyperthyroidism. It is one of the most important causes of death in patients with hyperthyroidism, directly endanger the lives and health of patients.Recent evidences of our group indicate that hyperthyroidism significantly ...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_药理学学号:2452014115358

    Mechanism of Mst1/2 kinases regulating PKCα-mediated the activation of Rac1

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    当病原细菌入侵机体时,吞噬细胞(如巨噬细胞和嗜中性粒细胞等)会通过吞噬泡吞噬细菌;这一过程还伴随着线粒体以及NADPH氧化酶向吞噬泡募集并释放大量的ROS,来杀伤和清除病原细菌;其中,结合GTP的激活形式的RhoGTP酶蛋白家族成员Rac1和Rac2对于NADPH氧化酶激活的细胞吞噬过程是必需的。本实验室已有研究表明,在髓系细胞(单核细胞、巨噬细胞和嗜中性粒细胞等)条件性双敲除Mst1和Mst2的小鼠(Mst1fl/flMst2fl/flLyz2-Cre,cDKO)中,与野生型小鼠相比,对外来病原体入侵更易感、表现为血清中炎症因子大量增加、对病原体吞噬和清除能力下降、小鼠存活率显著降低等一系列...Phagocytes (such as macrophage and neutrophil )are specialized cells of the immune system that engulf harmful microorganisms and destroy them in phagosomes. This process is accompanied with the juxtapostion of mitochondria to phagosomes and the production of large amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Moreover,the‘GTP-charged’active form of the Rho-family GTPases Rac1 and Rac2 is required for ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162013115262

    Pyruvate kinase M2 plays a dual role on regulation of the EGF/EGFR signaling via E-cadherin-dependent manner in gastric cancer cells

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    背景和目的:EGFR的激活和PKM2的表达有助于肿瘤的形成和发展。EGFR激活是以亚室依赖性的方式调节了PKM2的功能并且促进了基因的转录和肿瘤的生长。此外,在恶性神经胶质瘤中,EGFR诱导的信号上调了PKM2的表达。然而,我们发现在胃癌细胞中PKM2也能调节EGF/EGFR信号通路的活性。我们的研究目的是想明确PKM2在调节胃癌细胞迁移和侵袭功能方面的生物学机制。 方法:我们采用短发夹RNA转染BGC823、SGC7901和AGS这三株胃癌细胞株,最后通过筛选稳定沉默PKM2的表达。我们用体外实验评估了PKM2对肿瘤细胞的迁移和侵袭方面发挥的作用。免疫组织化学分析是用来探索PKM2和其他蛋...Background and Aims: EGFR activation and PKM2 expression are instrumental in tumorigenesis. EGFR activation regulates PKM2 functions in a subcellular compartment-dependent manner and promotes gene transcription and tumor growth. In addition, PKM2 is upregulated in EGFR-induced pathways in glioma malignancies. However, we found that PKM2 could also regulate the activity of the EGF/EGFR signaling pa...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_内科学学号:2452010115328