8 research outputs found

    Milano e l’anarchia militare

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    According to the common opinion, the status of base of operations accorded to Milan at the time of Gallienus prefigures the pre‐eminent role of the city that will emerge during the Tetrarchic age; notwithstanding, this historical period has been little investigated so far due to the scarcity of available documentation. Therefore, this paper aims to study the history of Milan and, more generally, of the Cisalpina between the invasion of the Alamanni in 259‐260 and the age of Diocletian. During these years, northern Italy seems to act as a driving force of macro‐regional events which concern the internal struggles to achieve the imperial power and the conflicts with those barbarians who were militarily active along the borders. Particular attention will be paid to Aureolus: his military ducatus, which was extended at least to the Raetia, prefigures the connection be‐ tween the Raetia and Italy that will be institutionalised in late antiquity.È opinione corrente che il ruolo di base operativa rivestito da Milano durante l’età di Gallieno anticipi quella preminenza della città poi affermatasi in età tetrarchica; questa fase tuttavia, anche a causa della scarsità della documentazione, è stata sinora poco indagata. Il contributo si propone pertanto di approfondire lo studio della storia della città, e più in generale della cisalpina, tra l’invasione degli Alamanni del 259‐260 e l’avvento di Diocleziano. In questi anni, l’Italia settentrionale appare il motore di eventi di portata macro‐regionale, che investono sia le lotte interne per la conquista della porpora, sia lo scontro con i barbari che premono sui confini. Particolarmente significativa appare l’esperienza di Aureolo, il cui ducato militare esteso perlomeno sino alla rezia preannuncia quel legame tra la rezia e l’Italia che verrà istituzionalizzato in epoca tardoantica

    Ο ΙΕΡΟΣ ΦΩΤΙΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΟ FILIOQUE. Μελέτη της «Ἐγκυκλίου ἐπιστολής» και του «Λόγου περὶ τῆς τοῦ ἁγίου Πνεύματος μυσταγωγίας»

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    Η εργασία, η οποία φέρει τον τίτλο: «Ο Ι. Φώτιος και το Filioque. Μελέτη της «Ἐγκυκλίου ἐπιστολής» και του «Λόγου περὶ τῆς τοῦ ἁγίου Πνεύματος μυσταγωγίας» αρχίζει με την παράθεση της διδασκαλίας κάποιων εκ των επιφανέστερων Πατέρων της Εκκλησίας, προ της εποχής του Ι. Φωτίου, σχετικά με το ζήτημα του ‘εἶναι’ του Αγίου Πνεύματος. Ασχολείται με τις απαρχές και τη διάδοση του Filioque, καθώς και την αντιμετώπισή του από τον Ι. Φώτιο, εντός των ιστορικών συγκυριών της εποχής του. Τα κύρια εξεταζόμενα κείμενα είναι η Ἐγκύκλιος ἐπιστολὴ και ο Λόγος περὶ τῆς τοῦ ἁγίου Πνεύματος μυσταγωγίας, αμφότερα συντεθειμένα από τον Ι. Φώτιο.The work, which is entitled: SAINT PHOTIOS AND THE FILIOQUE. A Study of the "Encyclical Letter" and the "The Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit" begins with the quotation of the teaching of some of the most prominent Fathers of the Church, before the time of St. Photius, on the issue of the 'being' of the Holy Spirit . It deals with the origins and the spread of Filioque in the West, as well as its confrontation by St. Photios, within the historical conjunctures of his time. The main examined texts are the "Encyclical Letter" and the "The Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit", both composed by St. Photios