43,805 research outputs found

    Soft skills of Czech graduates

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    Finding a job is easier for people who are better equipped with soft skills, as they are more productive. Therefore, this article deals with the evaluation of soft skills of graduates from Czech public universities. The results show that the same soft skills are required from university graduates as from the population as a whole (only problem solving is more pronounced with them), but the required level of these skills is 42% higher in the case of graduates. Unfortunately, employers perceive the level of graduates' soft skills insufficient as their level is by 16.46 to 31.15% lower than required. A more detailed analysis showed that, in terms of the development of soft skills, Czech universities provide a very homogenous service. Graduates of universities have nearly the same level of soft skills, while they can also identify similar strengths and weaknesses. These findings suggest that Czech universities should pay more attention to the systematic development of soft skills.Web of Science181604

    Power losses in optical part of the link working in free space

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    Tato diplomová práce pojednává o charakteristikách laserových diod, difrakcí a o vlastnostech gausovského svazku. Je určen útlum vazby vysílací dioda - vysílací apertura v závislosti na velikostech apertury a na velikosti svazku v programu MATLAB. Jsou stanoveny optimální parametry vazby apertura-dioda.This master's thesis deals with the characteristics of the laser diode, diffraction and the properties of the gaussian beam. The coupling attenuation of the laser diode and the transmitting aperture is calculated depending on the sizes of the aperture and on the size of the beam in program MATLAB. The optimal parameters of the coupling diode-aperture are determined.

    Detached family house with premise

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    Bakalářská práce Detached family house with premise, je zaměřena na řešení dvojpodlažního rodinného domu 4+1 s nevýrobní provozovnou (kanceláří) pro zajištění podnikatelských aktivit potenciálního vlastníka. V práci je řešena zděná stavba s pultovou střechou, založená na základových pasech. Celá stavba je navržena ze systémových prvků Ytong v nízkoenergetickém standardu, v souladu s ČSN 73 0540 – 2. Objekt je situován na parcely 73/24 a 73/25 v obci Biskoupky, katastrální území Biskoupky, Jihomoravský kraj. Obsahem bakalářské práce je technická dokumentace pro provádění stavby, podle vyhlášky č. 499/2006 Sb., o dokumentaci staveb, konkrétně podle příloh č. 1 a 2.Bachelor’s thesis Detached family house with premise is aimed for the solution of the two storey family house 4+1 with the premise (office) for the ensuring of the business activities of the potential owner. In the thesis is solved masonry building with the mono-pitched roof, founded on the foundation strips. He whole building is designed from the system members Ytong in low-energy standard in accordance with the ČSN 73 0540 – 2. Object is situated on the parcels 73/24 and 73/25 in the village Biskoupky, cadastral area Biskoupky, South Moravian district. Content of the bachelor’s thesis is technical documentation for the building realization according to the public notice no. 499/2006 Coll., about building documentation, especially according to the appendixes no. 1 and 2.

    Participatory budgeting like new element in regional and public economy

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    Participatory Budgeting (ve zkratce PB; překlad do češtiny: správa věcí veřejných v rukou veřejnosti) je nástroj, který umožňuje realizovat dvě základní výzvy: kontinuitu v demokracii a rozvoj aktivního podílu občanů na správě věcí veřejných. Protože se jedná o pokračující proces, občané mají regulérní pole působnosti pro zapojení se „vlády“ mezi jednotlivými volbami. Nezapomínejme, že municipální úroveň je nejbližší potřebám potřeb a přání občanů. A pokud chceme „revitalizovat“ aktivní zapojení občanů – je komunální úroveň nejvhodnějším místem. Cílem tohoto příspěvku je prezentovat nové poznatky o PB, které vychází z literatury a prezentací EU kurzů Learning Community.The Participatory Budgeting (PB) is one tool to address these two challenges, namely the continuity of democracy and the development of an active citizenship. Because it is an ongoing process, citizens have a regular venue to be engaged in between elections to address issues that concern them. Let’s not forget that the municipal level is the closest to people’s needs and wants, so if we want to revitalize civic engagement, the local level is a particularly good place to do that. The goal of this paper is to present new information about PB which is present in literature and during the EU courses – Learning Community

    Recent Publication Productivity of Czech Economists

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    The author presents individual and institutional rankings based on the publications of Czech economists in impact-factor journals during 1998 to 2005 with the purpose of measuring the international competitiveness of Czech economists. His accounting methodology is egalitarian by international socio-metric standards, accounting also for publications in journals with low impact factor.impact factor; journal publications; Czech Republic; research