34,318 research outputs found

    Historical Development of Horní zákon

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    Import 29/09/2010Horní zákon je nedílnou součástí historického vývoje hornictví. Zpracovaná bakalářská práce je rešerší historického vývoje horního zákona ve vazbách na evolučním vývoji hornictví, politickém a hospodářském vývoji země. Zejména rozvoj technologií dobývání nerostného bohatství, geologických, hutních a metalurgických věd mělo zásadní historický dopad na formování a formulování bezpečnostně právních báňských kodexů, které postupně vedly k vydání souhrnu těchto kodexů souhrnně označovaných jako – Horní zákon.Horní zákon is an integral part of the historical evolution of mining. This processed Bache-lor thesis researches the historical development of the horní zákon and links to the evoluti-onary development of mining, political and the economic development of the country. Par-ticularly technology development mining of mineral resources, geological, metallurgical and metallurgical science has had a major historical impact on the shaping and formula-ting of mining safety laws and codes, which in turn has given rise to the summary of these codes which are collectively refered to as – Horní zákonPrezenční541 - Institut geologického inženýrstvívýborn

    Detached family house with premise

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    Bakalářská práce Detached family house with premise, je zaměřena na řešení dvojpodlažního rodinného domu 4+1 s nevýrobní provozovnou (kanceláří) pro zajištění podnikatelských aktivit potenciálního vlastníka. V práci je řešena zděná stavba s pultovou střechou, založená na základových pasech. Celá stavba je navržena ze systémových prvků Ytong v nízkoenergetickém standardu, v souladu s ČSN 73 0540 – 2. Objekt je situován na parcely 73/24 a 73/25 v obci Biskoupky, katastrální území Biskoupky, Jihomoravský kraj. Obsahem bakalářské práce je technická dokumentace pro provádění stavby, podle vyhlášky č. 499/2006 Sb., o dokumentaci staveb, konkrétně podle příloh č. 1 a 2.Bachelor’s thesis Detached family house with premise is aimed for the solution of the two storey family house 4+1 with the premise (office) for the ensuring of the business activities of the potential owner. In the thesis is solved masonry building with the mono-pitched roof, founded on the foundation strips. He whole building is designed from the system members Ytong in low-energy standard in accordance with the ČSN 73 0540 – 2. Object is situated on the parcels 73/24 and 73/25 in the village Biskoupky, cadastral area Biskoupky, South Moravian district. Content of the bachelor’s thesis is technical documentation for the building realization according to the public notice no. 499/2006 Coll., about building documentation, especially according to the appendixes no. 1 and 2.

    Development of the Judicial Review of the Decisions of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic

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    The article provides an analysis of the most important judgments rendered by Slovak courts at the end of 2010, in the course of 2011 and at the beginning of 2012. The article focuses solely on judicial review of decisions issued by the National Competition Authority of the Slovak Republic. Slovak courts dealt with several key issues concerning public enforcement of competition law such as: the application of the so-called ‘general clause’; competences of the Slovak competition authority in regulated sectors; and the application of the economic continuity test. Some of the conclusions resulting from these judgments may be considered disputable. It may be argued, in particular, that they may jeopardize the effective enforcement of competition law in the Slovak Republic. At the same time, the discussed jurisprudence has managed to clarify a number of key issues which had been subject to debate for a number of years. The article presents a review of these judgments, summarizes their key conclusions and considers their possible impact on the system of public enforcement of competition law in the Slovak Republic. The article is divided into a number of parts, each of which covers an individual case, the titles of which refers to the main topic that was under discussion in the presented judgment

    Ethical and Law Issues in IT

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    Práca pojednáva o probléme softwarového pirátstva. Analyzuje právne hľadisko na problematiku softwarového pirátstva a autorský zákon, popisuje možnosti ochrán proti kopírovaniu a dopad softwarového pirátstva na spoločnosť. Zároveň popisuje formy softwarového pirátstva a uvádza možné riešenia tejto problematiky.This thesis deals with the problem of software piracy. It analyses  the legal issues and copyright law, describes the posibilities of copy protection and the impact software piracy has on society. It also describes various forms of software piracy and presents possible solutions to this problem.

    Safety management at the (micro)regional level

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    Global and domestic Czech experience shows the growing importance of safety management at the beginning of the 21st century. Area safety issues are currently well solved at the state and regional level in the Czech Republic, but there are still missing in the most developing strategic micro-regional documents. The aim of the paper is to define the term "area safety management" at the micro-regional level and its "safety system", including basic elements and relations among them