187 research outputs found

    Captivity of Noblemen Paladin Gundulić from Dubrovnik at the Court of Duke Radoslav Pavlović in Borač (1423/24)

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    Dubrovačkoga vlastelina Paladina Gundulića na putu iz Zvornika prema Dubrovniku u lipnju 1423. bosanski vojvoda Radoslav Pavlović zatočio je u svojoj rezidenciji u Borču. Razlog zatvaranja bila su dugovanja njegova brata Ivana Gundulića. U radu su kontekstualizirani nasljednici Jakova Gundulića, sinovi Marin, Ivan i Paladin, radi sagledavanja pozicije i djelovanja u događajima 1423./1424. godine. Opsežna akcija porodice i dubrovačke vlade za Paladinovo oslobađanje sada je poznatija i moći će se lakše kontekstualizirati u budućim istraživanjima. Djelomično je tematizirana problemska osnova kretanja i kontinuiteta prisutnosti Dubrovčana u kolonijama u Bosni.Nobleman Paladin Gundulić from Dubrovnik was captured on his way from Zvornik to Dubrovnik in June 1423 by the Bosnian duke Radoslav Pavlović and imprisoned in the latter’s residence at Borač. The reason was the debt of the nobleman’s brother, Ivan Gundulić. This paper contextualizes the heirs of Jakov Gundulić, his sons Marin, Ivan, and Paladin, in order to clarify their position and involvement in the events of 1423/24. The extensive efforts of the family and the Dubrovnik government to achieve Paladin’s release are now better known and will be easier to contextualize in future research. The author also discusses the basis of movement and continuous presence of Ragusans in Bosnian colonies


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    Cilj rada bio je utvrditi učestalost PTSP-a u prognanika iz Hrvatske te ispitati povezanost PTSP-a s brojem trauma, posebno s boravkom u logoru, te s demografskim varijablama. Ispitana je grupa od 88 prognanika, od kojih 34 muškarca i 54 žene, prosječne dobi 43 godine. Primijenjeni su upitnik za traume i Watsonov intervju za PTSP. Grupa je proživjela prosječno tri traume, a učestalost PTSP-a nakon dvije godine života u progonstvu iznosila je 45,45%. Ustanovljeno je da se pojavnost ukupne izraženosti simptomatike PTSP-a povećava s povećanjem broja traumatskih događaja i s dobi osobe, a smanjuje se s većim obrazovanjem osobe. Grupa prognanika (N=18) koji su bili zatočeni u logoru do najviše mjesec dana, a koji nisu bili izloženi torturi, uspoređena je s komparativnom grupom prognanika (N=18) izjednačenom po dobi, spolu, obrazovanju i broju proživljenih trauma. Grupe se nisu statistički značajno razlikovale u izraženosti ukupne simptomatike PTSP-a. Zaključno, rezultati ukazuju da su mlađa odrasla dob i obrazovanje protektivni čimbenici u reakciji na traumu. Kratko zatočeništvo u logoru, bez torture, nije imalo zaseban efekt na pojavnost simptomatike PTSP-a u politraumatiziranoj grupi prognanika.The aim of the study was to explore the prevalence of PTSD in refugees from Croatia and investigate the relationship between PTSD and the number of experienced traumas, especially with regard to being held in detention camp, as well as the relationship between PTSD and demographic variables. A group of refugees, consisting of 34 men and 54 women, mean age 43, were studied. Trauma Questionnaire and Watson\u27s PTSD Interview were applied. The group experienced three traumas, on average; whereas after two years of life in captivity the prevalence of PTSD was 45.45%. It was established that the total of PTSD symptoms grow with the increasing number of traumas and with the refugee\u27s age, but decrease with the person\u27s higher education. The group of refugees (N=18) who were kept in detention camp no longer than one month and were not tortured, was compared with the comparative refugee group (N=18), equal in gender, age, education and number of traumas experienced. The groups had shown statistically the same amount of total PTSD symptomatics. Conclusively, the results indicate that young adulthood and higher education are protective factors in reaction to trauma. A short period of time spent in detention camp, without torture, did not have a separate effect on PTSD symptomatics in the group of po- Iytraumatized adult refugees.Die vorliegende Arbeit soll ermitteln, wie haufig posttraumatische Stressreaktionen unter kroatischen Vertriebenen auftreten und inwiefern diese Stressreaktionen mit der Zahl der durch- Iebten Traumata, insbesondere mit der Inhaftierung in Gefangenenlagern sowie mit demographischen Variablen in Verbindung stehen. Die befragte Personengruppe umfasste 88 Vertriebene: 34 Manner und 54 Frauen im Durchschnittsalter von 43 Jahren. Angewandt wurden ein Fragebagen zur Ermittlung erlebter Traumata sowie der Watsonsche Fragebagen zur Ermittlung posttra umatischer Stressreaktionen. Die befragten Personen erlebten im Durchschnitt jeweils 3 Traumata, die Haufigkeit posttraumatischer Stressreaktionen zwei Jahre nach der Vertreibung betrug 45,45%. Es wurde festgestelIt, dass sich mit der Zahl traumatischer Erlebnisse und mit dem wachsenden Alter der Befragten die Gesamtauspraqunq des posttraumatischen Stresssyndroms steigert, mit einem htiheren Bildungsgrad jedoch abfallt, Eine Gruppe von Vertriebenen (N=18), die bis zu 1 Manat in Lagern inhaftiert gewesen, jeda ch keinen Folterungen ausgesetzt waren, wurde mit einer Vergleichsgruppe von Vertriebenen (N=18) kompariert, mit der sie in Alter, Geschlecht, Bildungsgrad und der Zahl durchlebter Traumata Obereinstimmte. Die Gruppen unterschieden sich statistisch nur wenig in der Gesamtauspragung posttraumatischer Stressreaktionen. Es kann gemar.. den Resuitaten abschliefšend gesagt werden, dass ein jOngeres Erwachsenenalter und ein h6herer Bildungsgrad Schutzfaktoren bei der Reaktion auf Traumata darstellen. Kurze Lageraufenthalte ohne Folterungen hatten keinerlei Sonderwirkung auf die Haufigkeit posttraumatischer Stressreaktionen unter den befragten polytraumatisierten Vertriebenen

    Times of war, plague, and captivity. The noble families of Zadar and the consequences of the Venetian siege in 1345/1346 and Black Death

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    Na temelju sačuvanih izvora pokušavaju se procijeniti ljudski gubici, koje je napose zadarsko plemstvo pretrpjelo kao posljedicu mletačke opsade 1345./1346. godine i Crne smrti 1348./1349. godine te ocijeniti kako su ti gubici utjecali na njihov kasniji društveni status u gradu. Sudske parnice o nasljedstvu omogućavaju detaljniji uvid u gubitke devet plemićkih obitelji (Senzadeo, Detrico, Botono, Cande, Sloraddo, Soppe, Saladini, Rosa, Drechia, Bogde/Lovrehna), što se može dopuniti podacima iz oporuka i suvremenim mletačkim izvorima.The city of Zadar suffered heavy demographic losses during the Venetian siege in 1345/1346 as well as afterwards when many citizens were taken as hostages to Venice or banned from the territories under Venetian jurisdiction. The consequences of Black Death were less considered in the historiography although, according by the preserved judicial proceedings, they were much stronger than it was earlier supposed. There are attempts, based on preserved sources, to estimate human losses, especially the losses suffered by the Zaratin nobility in this period, as well as to validate in what way their social status in the city was influenced afterwards. More detailed insight in the losses of nine noble families (the Senzaeo, the Detrico, the Botono, the Cande, the Sloraddo, the Soppe, the Saladini, the Rosa, the Drechia, the Bogde/the Lovrehna) was made possible by judicial proceedings. These can be complemented by data from testaments and contemporary Venetian sources. Although there are contrary examples, it seems that smaller and younger kindreds were more endangered as well as the old, already more demographically weakened ones. Especially vulnerable were families with young children living all together in households. Older kindreds with more branches had more chances for survival and further social and economic rise

    The importance of ex situ studies in preserving and monitoring of the species

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    Konzervacijska biologija je jedna od najvažnijih znanosti 21. stoljeća. Kako ex situ, tako i in situ konzervacija pruža nam mogućnost da naučimo više o biljnom i životinjskom svijetu i na taj način očuvamo bioraznolikost. U ovom radu predstavljen je kratak osvrt na ex situ istraživanja. Koristeći primjere različitih istraživanja na životinjama u zatočeništvu, prikazane su prednosti, ali i nedostaci ex situ istraživanja. Danas se zoološki vrtovi, uz to što osiguravaju rekreaciju i edukaciju javnosti, smatraju mjestima gdje se odvija većina ex situ istraživanja. Osim što ovom tipu istraživanja dugujemo mnoga saznanja o biologiji pojedine vrste, pomoću razmnožavanja u zatočeništvu i reintrodukcije možemo spasiti vrste koje su na rubu izumiranja. Iako se in situ pristup smatra temeljnim ciljem konzervacije, znanje i razumijevanje ponašanja mnogih životinjskih vrsta dolazi upravo iz istraživanja na zatočenim životinjama, a to je ujedno i prvi korak prema uspješnoj konzervaciji i očuvanju biodiverziteta.Conservation biology is one of the most important sciences of the 21st century. Both ex situ and in situ conservation programmes provide us possibility to learn more about wildlife and to conserve biodiversity. In this paper, a short review of the ex situ studies has been presented. Using examples of variety of captive animal studies, advantages and disadvantages of ex situ studies have been shown. Apart from providing recreation and public education, zoos are considered to be places where most of the ex situ studies take place. This type of study provides excellent research opportunities on the components of biological diversity and what is even more important, by captive breeding and reintroduction we can save animals which are on the edge of the extinction. Although in situ programmes are the ultimate goal of conservation, knowledge and understanding of the behaviour of many species have come from captive populations and that is the first step towards successful conservation and preserving biodiversity

    Antun Gustav Matoš i Đakovo

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    The paper deals with the relationship between Antun Gustav Matoš and the most important people of the town’s cultural and political life at the turn of the 19th into 20th century. The relationship between Matoš and the town Đakovo is considered from two perspectives: the first being the perspective of Matoš, which is based on his two travel accounts and numerous writings about Đakovo, i.e. the Bishop of the Diocese of Đakovo, Josip Juraj Strossmayer; the second perspective is that of Đakovo-based writers and considers their attitudes towards Matoš, with a special regard to the Bishop Strossmayer. The relationship between Antun Gustav Matoš and the Bishop Strossmayer was complex, even though it was, seemingly paradoxical, one-sided. Strossmayer was in many, ways an extraordinarily important person for Matoš, who wrote many texts about Strossmayer, for Strossmayer however, Matoš was only one among many young Croatian writers who were asking him for help and wrote about him. Strossmayer refused to provide Matoš with patronage, therefore the aim of this paper is to establish the reasons behind that decision, and determine why Croatia’s most prominent patron could not, or refused to, acknowledge one of Croatia’s most important writers.The paper deals with the relationship between Antun Gustav Matoš and the most important people of the town’s cultural and political life at the turn of the 19th into 20th century. The relationship between Matoš and the town Đakovo is considered from two perspectives: the first being the perspective of Matoš, which is based on his two travel accounts and numerous writings about Đakovo, i.e. the Bishop of the Diocese of Đakovo, Josip Juraj Strossmayer; the second perspective is that of Đakovo-based writers and considers their attitudes towards Matoš, with a special regard to the Bishop Strossmayer. The relationship between Antun Gustav Matoš and the Bishop Strossmayer was complex, even though it was, seemingly paradoxical, one-sided. Strossmayer was in many, ways an extraordinarily important person for Matoš, who wrote many texts about Strossmayer, for Strossmayer however, Matoš was only one among many young Croatian writers who were asking him for help and wrote about him. Strossmayer refused to provide Matoš with patronage, therefore the aim of this paper is to establish the reasons behind that decision, and determine why Croatia’s most prominent patron could not, or refused to, acknowledge one of Croatia’s most important writers

    Tracing a Vitaliano Brunelli story

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    Rad analizira jednu epizodu iz sinteze povijesti Zadra u srednjemu vijeku autora V. Brunellija s početka XV. stoljeća. Da bi dokazao da je u Zadru i prije 1409. godine postojala jaka promletačka struja koja je već tada pokušavala ovaj grad predati Veneciji, autor vrlo vješto - kombinirajući postojeće podatke i falsificirajući bilješke - uspijeva stvoriti uvjerljivu sliku. Stoga je ovaj rad preko prosopografije pojedinih čimbenika koji se spominju u Brunellijevoj priči postupno razotkrio zakučice kojima se autor poslužio i dokazao lažnost njegove tvrdnje.This article analyzes an early fifteenth-century episode discussed in the synthesis of the medieval history of Zadar by the author Vitalino Brunelli. To prove that a strong pro-Venetian faction had existed in Zadar even before 1409, the goal of which was to hand the town over to Venice, Brunelli created a persuasive picture by skilfully combining extant data and falsifying annotations. This article relies on the prosopographies of some of the individuals mentioned in the Brunelli story to uncover tricks that the author used and to disprove the validity of his thesis