7,490 research outputs found

    Newness Against the Grain: Democratic emergence in organisational and professional practice

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    What is the nature of democratic innovation in a performative culture? The purpose of this chapter is to help answer this question by giving conceptual substance to the notion of democratic emergence as a specific kind of innovation in the context of contemporary governance trends. It is argued that the performative governance which is the product of these trends is not invulnerable to challenge because of deficiencies in the capacity of managerialism and performative governance to improve services, and the creative spaces for agency and initiative created by the valuing of entrepreneurialism and innovation. The chapter draws on existing conceptual work on democratic approaches to school organisation and innovation, relevant literature on entrepreneurialism, and offers a brief insight into an example of democratic innovation in practice

    Acute pain management in the early postoperative care

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    An analysis of the importance of information for the planning and running the production in wood industry companies

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    V lesni industriji ločimo tri tipe proizvodenj: kosovno, serijsko in masovno. V raziskavi smo ugotavljali, katere informacije so ključne za uspeŔno planiranje in vodenje posamezne vrste proizvodnje. Potrdili smo hipotezo, da ima vsaka od omenjenih vrst proizvodnje svoje specifičnosti in zato so tudi vrste informacij, ki so potrebne za odločanje v posameznih proizvodnjah, različno pomembne. Rezultati raziskave, opravljene v dvanajstih slovenskih lesnih podjetjih, prikazujejo, katere so tiste informacije, ki so pri odločitvi v zvezi s planiranjem in vodenjem proizvodnje najpomembnejŔe. Izsledke raziskave bi bilo smiselno upoŔtevati pri postavitvi informacijskih sistemov v lesnih podjetjih.In wood industry, three types of production are known: piecework, serial and mass production. The presented research attempted to determine which information was crucial for successful planning and running of an individual type of production. We confirmed the supposition that each of the mentioned types of production has its own specifics and that the sets of information necessary for decision-making in an individual type of production are therefore of different importance. The results of the research performed in twelve Slovenian wood industry companies show that the information is of the utmost importance for decision-making as far as planning and running the production is concerned. It would be quiet reasonable to take into account the results of the research when setting up information system in wood industry companies

    Implementing agile methodology in software development

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    This thesis is based on an actual case of transitioning from a traditional to an agile software development methodology on an enterprise resource planning project, which is being developed in one of Slovenian companies. It describes the problems, that the development team faced with the traditional method and the reasons for transitioning to an agile methodology. It includes brief descriptions of extreme programming and kanban, and a more in depth description of Scrum, which was the chosen methodology for the project. It also describes certain customizations of the method, which were deemed necessary due to specific nature of the project, followed by an analysis of the original problems and how they were affected by the change in methodology. In the end, possible improvements for the future are addressed

    Documents and data flow in construction project control

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    This diploma thesis describes construction documents, which are divided into two large groups. One group of documents presents the project preparation phase whereas another group deals with the construction phase. A good project realization requires a good connection between documents and a good data transfer between them. This provides feedback which enables a faster and easier way of analyzing the project realization and taking appropriate measures, as well as a faster way of preparing monthly accounts. The main point of this kind of sistem is a work order. This is a document, which comprises all data. In spite of all sorrounding technology, some companies still use documents in physical form and prepare monthly accounts in the same manner. The thesis describes the systematization of data transfer from the construction book to the monthly accounts by using work orders. At the end of the thesis, there are schemes of document connections and transfering data
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