398 research outputs found

    Provinciaal beleid en dierenwelzijn: analyse gericht op landbouwhuisdieren in Noord- Holland = Provincial policy and animal welfare: analysis for farm animals in the province of North Holland

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    Provincial States of North Holland wants to consider the options to stimulate proctices for better welfare among farm animals. This report describes these options for the major farm animal species in North Holland: sheep, dairy cattle, farmed fish and horse

    Requiem voor de visserij in Vis Mineur

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    Onderzoek naar de visstand door Natuurplanburea

    Een zelfgebouwd recirculatiesysteem in Egypte

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    In Aquacultuur nr 6, 2007, beschreef Bert-Jan Roosendaal het Egyptian Aquaculture Centre, een commerciële tilapiakwekerij annex opleidingscentrum van dr. Ismail Radwan. Deze man, die voor de ontwikkeling van de tilapiateelt in Egypte van groot belang was en is, heeft ook deelgenomen aan een korte cursus over visteelt in recirculatiesystemen en aan een studiereis langs enkele Nederlandse viskwekerijen die beide door Wageningen International zijn georganiseerd. Tijdens een recent bezoek aan zijn bedrijf konden we zien hoe de in Nederland opgedane kennis door dr. Radwan in praktijk wordt gebrach

    Registratie en monitoring van antibioticumgebruik in dieren

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    Gebruik antibiotica bij dieren kan zowel bij mens als dier resistentie veroorzaken. Alhoewel er regels zijn voor het gebruik van antibiotica, stijgt het antibioticagebruik toch. Dit onderzoek poogt inzicht te geven in de redenen van het antibioticagebrui

    Viskwekers leunen niet achterover

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    'Viskwekers kunnen niet achterover leunen,' kopte het LEI op haar website in februari 2011. Aanleiding voor dit bericht was de publicatie van het rapport Actieplan visteelt; eindrapportage (Van Duijn et al., 2010). Hieruit bleek dat het niet goed gaat met de Nederlandse visteelt en dat eigenlijk alleen de kwekers zelf iets aan deze situatie kunnen veranderen. Sindsdien hebben de Nederlandse viskwekers niet stil gezeten. Zo heeft een aantal viskwekers zich, met ondersteuning van het LEI en IMARES verenigd in een Kenniskring Aquacultuur. In deze Kenniskring zijn viskwekers bezig met het plannen van concrete acties om de concurrentiekracht van de sector te vergroten

    Het Bedrijfs Begeleidings-Systeem voor de visteelt

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    In het kader van de thema-avond over IKB is mij gevraagd iets te komen vertellen over het project BedrijfsBegeleidingSysteem voor de visteelt (BBS), dat sinds enkele maanden loopt. Ik moet dan meteen opmerken dat het project BBS niet specifiek gericht is op IKB; het is gericht op slechts een schakel in de keten: de visteler. Daarnaast is het een onderzoeksproject, zij het sterk gericht op praktische toepassing en kennisoverdracht. Toch bevat het project enkele aanknopingspunten voor een IKB-benadering in de visteelt. Zo wordt binnen het project aandacht besteed aan residuen van diergeneesmiddelen, waar de heer Goebbels meer specifiek op ingaat. Voordat ik inga op deze specifieke raakvlakken met IKB, eerst iets over de achtergrond en doelstelling van het project BB

    Basis van Burgerwaarden: Studie naar de wenselijkheid van het ontwerpen van een dataset van burgerwaarden voor onderzoek aan Systeeminnovaties

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    Landbouw en burger staan tegenwoordig verder van elkaar, het ministerie van LNV wil deze relatie graag herstellen. Daarvoor is het van belang voor projecten die zich binnen (en buiten) systeeminnovatieprojecten bezighouden met burgerwaarden vooraf scherp te beschrijven in welke rol zij de burger bij het project willen betrekken. Dat is de conclusie uit het onderzoek ‘Basis van burgerwaarden. Studie naar de wenselijkheid van het ontwerpen van een dataset van burgerwaarden voor onderzoek aan systeeminnovaties' voor de koepel Systeeminnovatie van PPO en Wageningen UR Livestock Research. Het is daarbij belangrijk bewust onderscheid te maken in de verschillende niveaus van burgerwaarden, omdat deze de manier van onderzoek beïnvloeden

    Epizoötisch Ulceratief Syndroom, EUS, in de Zambezi Rivier

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    Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) is een schimmelziekte (een oömyceet) van vis, bekend als Aphanomyces invadans of A. piscicida. het is een aangifteplichtige ziekte voor de OIE en de EU, en is nog exotisch voor de Europese Unie. Meer dan 50 vissoorten zijn gevoelig voor deze ziekte. Vooralsnog is de ziekte onschadelijk voor de men

    Optimalisering van de groei bij de karper (Cyprinus carpio L.) : een op de visteelt gericht onderzoek

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    In course of time carp culture - in Europe already practiced since the Middle Ages - has been subjected to different patterns of intensification e.g. fertilization of ponds and supplementary feeding. Mechanisation in pond farm management has also proved to be important.The aim of these measures has always been to increase the ratio of fish production to financial and/or labour investment.The experiments reported in this thesis also aimed to investigate the possibilities of intensification of carp culture using running water systems. Attention has been paid to the different stages of carp culture, e.g. reproduction, fry-raising and the rearing of larger carp.In chapter I different patterns of intensification in present day pond farm management has been briefly described.In chapter II the experimental unit, the pelleted food, the methods and calculations, employed in this research have been described.Experiments concerning induced reproduction using carp pituitaries have been dealt with in chapter III. The technique of hypophysation has proved to be a very reliable addition to normal procedures for reproduction of carp in ponds (fig. III). Furthermore it is possible to induce reproduction of carp independent of the season with very good results. For this purpose carp have been kept in warm water (23° C) before hypophysation: this treatment subjects the fish to a certain amount of heat (in ° days). The characteristic of high temperature treament which is essential for successful induction of spawning is the actual water temperature.During this time no influence of light has been observed (table V).The relationship between temperature and amount of heat followed the same pattern as the temperature dependancy of metabolic rate as described by Ege and Krogh (1914) and by Winberg (1956).In chapter IV a method has been reported for raising carp fry under artificial conditions in a hatchery. Carp fry kept in aquaria with running water of 23° C have been fed larvae of Artemia salina until they attained a weight of 70 mg. Fry over this weight accepted commercial pelleted food. Fingerlings cultured in this way have proved to be good stocking material for ponds and for other production units.Experiments in raising larger carp have been reported in chapter V. This stage is of great economic importance in carp culture because it takes a long time and needs large amounts of food. Therefore some essential characteristics of growing carp have been studied more thoroughly.The first section of this chapter deals with growth rate of carp. At 23° C experiments have been carried out in order to determine the relationship between food ration, specific growth rate and food conversion using carp of different weights (1.5-10, 30-90 and 100-1,000 gram). At 17° C the same relationship have been determined using carp of 30 gram (fig. V and VI).In the graph relating the feeding level and the specific growth rate (fig. VI) the "geometrical optimal feeding level" ("G.O.-level") has been determined by constructing the tangent to the curve from the origin. From the point of view of fish production other criteria relating final cost price are important; a high, but not maximal growth rate with a worse but still acceptable food conversion, might be preferred. These high feeding levels must be harmless to the fish. Therefore a "productive optimal feeding level" ("P.O.-level") has been approximated for carp of several sizes.As a result of the analyses of body constituents and calorific content of carp kept at different feeding levels (table XIV and XVI) it has been proved that when feeding a "G.O.-level" the specific growth rate based on fresh weight was as high as based on dry weight and on calorific value (fig. VIII). The optimum between gross conversion efficiency (K 1 ) and feeding levels has been found at the "G.O.-level". This optimum was the same for K 1 expressed in fresh weight, dry weight or calorific value (fig. IV and XI).As a consequence of this the work of Paloheimo and Dickie (1966b) has been criticized. linear relationship between log K 1 and the feeding level is given by these authors. It has been shown here that this relationship is only valid to the range of feeding levels above the "G.O.-level". Furthermore it has been shown that K 1 was negatively influenced by increasing weight (fig. X). An influence of temperature on K 1 could also be established (fig. XI).In the second section of this chapter the oxygen consumption of fasting and growing carp of different weights has been investigated. For fasting carp the relationship between oxygen consumption (T, in ml/h) and fish weight (W. in grams) could be described by the equation: T = 0.372 W 0.816(fig. XIII).Measurements at 17° C showed that the influence of temperature on oxygen consumption was similar to that found by Ege and Krogh (1914).For growing carp the relationship between oxygen consumption (ml/kg0.8/h) and feeding level (% of body weight per day) has been established. With increasing feeding levels oxygen consumption increased. However, no further increase of oxygen consumption could be demonstrated at levels above the "P.O.-level" (fig. XIV). For "P.O.- level" the relationship between oxygen consumption (T, in ml/h) and fish weight (W, in grams) could be described by the equation: T = 0.861 W 0.776(fig. XVI).At "P.O.-levels" the amount of oxygen consumed for each kg of food was 147 l, independent of fish weight and water temperature (table XXIV). Based on these data a simple equation could be derived relating in a running water system the oxygen content of the inflowing water (O i , in ml/l), the oxygen content of the water at discharge (O u , in ml/l), and the flow rate (D, in l/sec) to the amount of food per day in kg:(O i - O u ). 86.4/147 . D = kg of food per day.The value for O u in the equation could be fixed at 2.1 ml/l as has been shown by the relationship between food conversion and oxygen content of the water (fig. XV).Based on the results obtained in the first and second section, in the third section of this chapter both gross and net efficiencies for maintenance and production have been calculated. Carp requires 171.6 kcal gross energy/kg 0.8/week for maintenance. The utilization of the gross energy for maintenance was found to be 45.2% efficient. The percentage of metabolizable energy (% ME) of the rations fed and eaten has been determined by measuring the energy content of the food, of the depositions during growth and of the heat production, the latter being calculated from the oxygen consumption. Both % ME and gross production efficiency decreased with increasing feeding levels, the respective values varying between 23.8-56.8% and 15.3-44.1% (fig. XVIII). The amount of ME required for maintenance amounted to 110.4 kcal/kg 0.8/week. The efficiency of the utilization of the ME above maintenance proved to be almost the same for alle, feeding levels used and varied between 85.6-89.4% (fig. XIX).The content of ME of the food dry matter originated from these experiments were much lower than those reported in the literature for fish fed natural food. However, most of those data in the literature have been calculated by measuring the calorific value of the food ration and of the feacal material. The analysis of the detailed study of Kelso (1972) suggested that a large error is introduced by this method for calculating the ME content for the consumed food (table XXVII and XXVIII).In chapter VI methods have been described by which the results obtained by this study can be put into practice in carp culture. Integration of the above mentioned nursery procedures in hatcheries with cage culture of carp in warm water discharges and with conventional pond farming appears to be an excellent way to improve the efficiency and intensification of carp culture.</p