240 research outputs found

    Usability of virtual reality in construction industry

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    Construction is a sector where new technologies are implemented slowly and are still behind western\ud countries. The need for a transfer to newer technologies is connected to bussiness success of a company,\ud even though new approaches increas productivity for the employees.\ud Thesis will present implementations and technologies from a field of virtual reality (VR) that could be\ud used in the contruction industry. Virtuality is described along with its variations that link fields between\ud reality and virtuality. Two products will be presented, SmartReality and Microsofts HoloLens, along\ud with their usage in the field of construction. Strong incentive is also presented to show a future\ud development of a given sector, its strenghts and weaknesses along with their technical limitations. Both\ud products are shown in combination with other peripheries like Oculuts rift and Moverio Smart Glasses\ud which increase products usability

    Corporeity and Virtuality

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    Moje tijelo je osnova i točka susretanja svega postojećeg za mene. Međudjelovanje i objedinjenost osjetilnih sustava u jedinstvenoj, konkretnoj svijesti o svom jastvu i o svijetu, tvore cjelovito iskustvo, koje svoj sublimirani izraz nalazi u umjetnosti. Analogije, metafore, simboli, značenja i spoznaja izranjaju iz neurofizioloÅ”kih sustava svih osjetila. Međutim, medijska virtualna stvarnost, isključivo je audiovizualna, s dominacijom vizualnog. Ostala eksteroreceptivna osjetila (dodir, miris i okus), kao i interoreceptivna (visceralna) i proprioreceptivna osjetila (informacije iz miÅ”ića, osjećaj tijela kao ā€žuzemljenostiā€œ u svijetu) ostaju nestimulirana i nezaposlena. Budući da je oblikovanje bogatstvo i tanano diferenciranje iskustva, stoga razvoj i realizacija kreativnih potencijala, niču iz raznovrsnosti i integriranosti opažajno-osjetilne osnove, pokuÅ”at ćemo dokučiti moguće posljedice redukcije osjetilnog iskustva na samo dva dominantna osjetila: vid i sluh.The center of consciousness of oneā€™s existence and the existence of all other things and phenomena, is the experience of oneā€™s own body. The interaction of all sensory systems and their unification in the unique, concrete awareness of oneā€™s self and the world; form the integral experience, which finds its sublimated expression in art. Analogies, metaphors, symbols, meanings and cognition emerge from the neurophysiological systems of all our senses. However, the media virtual reality is audiovisual, with visual predominance. The other exteroceptive (touch, smell and taste), as well as interoceptive (visceral) and proprioceptive senses (information from muscles, sense of grounding) remain unstimulated and unemployed. Knowing that the formation and differentiation of experience, therefore development of creative potential is based on the richness and varietyof oneā€™s perceptual and sensory basis, weā€™ll try to ifigure out the possible consequences of the reduction of our sensory experienceto two dominant senses: sight and hearing

    Pomen prostora in časa v Driadi Gregorja StrniŔe

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    Članek obravnava prostorsko/časovno konstrukcijo dramske realnosti v StrniÅ”evi drami Driada. To je tekst, ki ne upoÅ”teva treh enotnosti in vseskozi niza fantastične elemente ter prehaja med zelo različnimi dogajalnimi mesti in zgodovinskimi časi. A StrniÅ”eva zgodba prav s temi prehajanji in izrazito fantastiko konstruira resničnost, ki obstaja za tistim, kar je vidno na prvi pogled. Prehajanje od velikega k majhnemu in obratno ali od kratkotrajnega k večnemu ustvarja napetost med tragičnim in komičnim vidikom sveta. Zato je igra groteskna. To pa ji daje tudi izrazit etični naboj, saj kaže razliko med pesniÅ”ko resničnostjo sveta in malomeŔčansko Å”tacunarsko miselnostjo, kakor StrniÅ”a pravi sodobni potroÅ”niÅ”ki družbi.The article analyses the space/time construction of reality in Driada, one of Gregor StrniÅ”aā€™s most unusual works. The drama does not follow the aristotelian rules of the three unities. Furthermore, it easily changes between different historical periods and places and therefore constructs a virtual reality, which exists behind what can be seen through limited human experience of the world. The transitions from the biggest to the smallest and from the past to the future are distinguished features ot the grotesque image of reality. The grotesqe character of the play gives rise to an ethic dimension, which sees the contradiction between the poetic comprehension of the world and its everyday consumer logic

    Features of Social Interactions in the Age of Real Virtuality from a Sociological Perspective

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    Cilj je ovog rada prije svega razmotriti neke osnovne pojmove i njihova značenja, vezane uz suvremene druÅ”tvene interakcije, polazeći od klasičnih socioloÅ”kih pojmova druÅ”tveni odnos i druÅ”tvena interakcija te sagledati Å”to se mijenja, a Å”to je isto u doba umrežavanja i Ā»preseljenjaĀ« u virtualni prostor. Drugim riječima, želimo preispitati formu i sadržaj istih u dobu bez nužnosti dimenzije prostora u nekom odnosu, pri čemu nastaju nove forme i pojmovi kao Å”to su mreža, umreženost, virtualnost i sl. U prvom poglavlju prikazat će se značenje pojmova druÅ”tveni odnos i druÅ”tvena interakcija koji podrazumijevaju one dru- Å”tvene odnose u kojima su prisutni kontakt/susret ili komunikacija te koji nas vode prema pojmu druÅ”tvena interakcija u istom prostoru i istom vremenu. Tema drugog poglavlja je druÅ”tvena interakcija u istom vremenu bez prostora, kada pojavom informacijske tehnologije pojedinci i druÅ”tva ulaze u cyber prostor nove virtualne stvarnosti. To nas pak dovodi do razvoja različitih oblika interakcija na druÅ”tvenim mrežama, Å”to je tema trećeg poglavlja. U četvrtom poglavlju razmatraju se neki rizici i neke pozitivne mogućnosti virtualnih interakcija u odnosu na realne.The aim of this paper is primarily to consider some basic concepts and their meanings related to contemporary social interactions, starting from the classical sociological concepts of social relationship and social interaction, and to see what is changing and what remains the same in the age of networking and ā€œmovingā€ to virtual space. In other words, we want to re-examine their form and content in an age without the necessity of the spatial dimension for a relationship, in which new forms and concepts occur, such as network, networking, virtuality, etc. The first chapter will show the meaning of social relations and social interaction, which imply those social relations in which contact/encounter or communication is present and which leads us to the concept of social interaction in the same space and at the same time. The topic of the second chapter is social interaction at the same time without space, when, with the application of information technology, individuals and societies enter the cyberspace of a new virtual reality. This leads us to the development of various forms of interaction on social networks, which is the topic of the third chapter. The fourth chapter discusses some of the risks and positive possibilities of virtual interactions over real ones

    Sukob civilizacija kao mogućnost i stvarnost

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    The Printed Book in Global Media Environment

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    Tiskana knjiga u digitalnom medijskom okruženju zavrÅ”ni je rad koji za cilj ima pojasniti digitalno medijsko okruženje i položaj tiskane knjige kao medija, unutar tog okruženja. Kako bi se bolje razumjelo digitalno medijsko okruženje, u ovom je radu prvo definirano klasično medijsko okruženje te okruženje novih medija. Definirana je i sama tiskana knjiga kao medij. Kako bi se bolje pojasnio utjecaj medija na druÅ”tvo i pojedinca, prema literaturi Marshalla McLuhana, u radu se spominju i njegove teorije koje je primjenjivao na razumijevanje tradicionalnih medija. Prema tim su metodama definirani i novi mediji te će one poslužiti kako bi se na kraju rada, tiskana knjiga kao tradicionalni medij, mogla definirati unutar digitalnog medijskog okruženja. Dio rada dotiče se teme e-knjige kao produžetka tiskane knjige te se ističu prednosti i nedostaci te vrste knjige nad klasičnim medijem tiskane knjige
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