1,556 research outputs found

    SEO as a model of integrated digital marketing by using modern web technologies

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    Diploma thesis deals with extending the scope of search engine optimization (SEO) into integrated digital marketing model. A developed model is based on the use of modern web technologies to improve recognition and direct or indirect visibility of the website or web pages in both the search engines as well as digital media with natural or unpaid (organic or algorithmic) search results. The model is designed as a result of indetified shortcomings of a comprehensive approach to the presentation of micro, small and medium-sized businesses on the web and goes beyond the general SEO, which is presented as one of its components. Setting up a quality set of technical and creative elements to optimize the model is crucial to raise a website traffic. To display the concept of the model some practical steps are carried out and measured on the active webpage of a micro-enterprise. First, options and modes for technical, structural, design and content website optimization are presented, followed by analysis of the results, which allows identification of further improvement opportunities and determination of necessary steps. The result of diploma thesis is proven and scalable integrated digital marketing model based on the classical SEO approach. Semantic web, search engine advertising (SEA) and search engine marketing (SEM), which would more fully determine the scope of digital marketing, represent the opportunity for further discussions

    Vloga managementa za dvig kakovosti trženja storitev

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    Storitve so nedvomno prihodnost vsake gospodarske dejavnosti in postajajo primarno gibalo gospodarskega razvoja neke države. Za vsako podjetje, ki se želi vključiti ali obdržati na konkurenčnem regionalnem in mednarodnem trgu, je kakovost storitve oz. natančneje kakovost opravljene storitve, ki jo organizacija nudi, odločilnega pomena. Ena izmed osnovnih nalog managementa v organizaciji ali v podjetju je, da so storitve opravljene in izvedene dovolj kakovostno. Cilj podjetja je, da so storitve izvedene tako, da najbolje zadovoljijo zahteve in pričakovanja kupcev oz. odjemalcev, katerim so namenjene

    Urejanje podeželskega prostora za rekreacijske namene na primeru zgornjega povodja reke Soče

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    Članek se na primeru zgornjega povodja reke Soče ukvarja s problematiko uporabe naravnih vrednot v turistične in rekreacijske namene. Predlagamo model ureditve rekreacijske rabe odseka reke Soče, izdelavo predloga formalnopravne ureditve upravljanja obravnavanega prostora in izdelavo režima upravljanja odseka reke Soče v rekreacijske namene, za kar smo izbrali najbolj obremenjeno območje povodja Soče v poletnih mesecih, to je devetkilometrski odsek Log Čezsoški–Trnovo ob Soči, in poskušali izdelati realen predlog trženja, predlog kontrole in predlog prostorske ureditve za zmanjšanje negativnih vplivov na okolje. Izbrana metodologija združuje znanje in prakse različnih strok, saj je treba tako kompleksno problematiko reševati v interdisciplinarni povezavi ekspertnih spoznanj. Naše glavno teoretsko izhodišče je bilo varstvo okolja, katerega cilj je varovati prostor kot vrednoto vsepovsod in v vseh njenih pojavnih oblikah. Namen varstva okolja je spodbujanje in usmerjanje takšnega družbenega razvoja, ki omogoča dolgoročne razmere za človekovo zdravje, počutje in kakovost njegovega življenja ter ohranjanje biotske raznovrstnosti. Na izbranem območju lahko povežemo prostor z vsemi njegovimi sestavinami in značilnostmi, športno rekreacijo in turizem ter dosežemo kakovostno življenje avtohtonega prebivalstva, dobro počutje gostov, varovanje naravnega okolja, omogočanje gospodarskega razvoja, ustvarjanja delovnih mest in dohodka

    Uresničevanje notranjega brandinga: razvoj konceptualnega modela

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    Notranji branding je proces, ki omogoča uravnotežen pogled na blagovno znamko na ravni celotnega podjetja. Zanj je značilno usklajevanje vrednot in vedenj zaposlenih z vrednotami in obljubami blagovne znamke. V prispevku se osredotočimo predvsem na njegovo uresničevanje, ki zahteva povezanost različnih funkcij v podjetju, kot sta notranje trženje in ravnanje z ljudmi pri delu. Na podlagi ugotovitev kvalitativne raziskave predstavimo konceptualni model uresničevanja notranjega brandinga. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da notranji branding poveča znanje zaposlenih o blagovni znamki, kar spodbudi njihovo motiviranost za širjenje podobe blagovne znamke med porabniki. Hkrati ugotavljamo, da uresničevanje notranjega brandinga zahteva usklajeno delovanje notranjega trženja in ravnanja z ljudmi pri delu. Pomen notranjega brandinga narašča, saj je proces usmerjen v razvoj virov, ki podjetju prinašajo konkurenčne prednosti in večjo uspešnost

    SEO as a model of integrated digital marketing by using modern web technologies

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    Diploma thesis deals with extending the scope of search engine optimization (SEO) into integrated digital marketing model. A developed model is based on the use of modern web technologies to improve recognition and direct or indirect visibility of the website or web pages in both the search engines as well as digital media with natural or unpaid (organic or algorithmic) search results. The model is designed as a result of indetified shortcomings of a comprehensive approach to the presentation of micro, small and medium-sized businesses on the web and goes beyond the general SEO, which is presented as one of its components. Setting up a quality set of technical and creative elements to optimize the model is crucial to raise a website traffic. To display the concept of the model some practical steps are carried out and measured on the active webpage of a micro-enterprise. First, options and modes for technical, structural, design and content website optimization are presented, followed by analysis of the results, which allows identification of further improvement opportunities and determination of necessary steps. The result of diploma thesis is proven and scalable integrated digital marketing model based on the classical SEO approach. Semantic web, search engine advertising (SEA) and search engine marketing (SEM), which would more fully determine the scope of digital marketing, represent the opportunity for further discussions

    The competing dynamics and relationships in corporate and local government agency constructions of place

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.This paper explores the dynamics of how private sector business entities and local government bodies perceive and interact with the identity of the locality in which they operate. It identifies tensions and differences in, and consequences of, the dynamics and relationships between how private sector business entities view constructions of ‘place’ and how government and publicly-funded place-marketing organisations portray and promote localities. These issues are examined through the phenomenon, brand and slogan of ‘visit, live, invest’ which is gaining credence in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in the world. The paper develops data using in-depth interviews and a smallscale survey set within an overall interpretivistic case study approach. The data and the case-study demonstrate that, despite the rebranding of the local government agencies as a placemarketing organisation committed to the new ‘live, visit, invest’ initiative and brand agenda, there is an ongoing ‘cultural hangover’ from previous place promotion policies. There are also serious impacts and consequences for relationships between the public and private sectors and with other stakeholders. The prevailing image of UKTown (real name anonymised) by business leaders is one that sees this town fundamentally as a historic, traditional and conservative town. This image has been the product of many years of older style promotion in this vein. While such an image may suggest pleasant aspects of the living environment, it has little to do with corporate image, values and concerns and many private sector business entities do not identity with it. In several instances it is even considered by certain business sectors to be ‘detrimental’ to the need for a dynamic business environment and the forms of relationships and activities these necessitate. The paper indicates a number of strategic moves that could be adopted in order to improve this predicament. Keywords: private business entities, local government agency, place identity, place marketing, branding, perceptio

    Brand I feel Slovenia: inclusion of the key areas\u27 representatives in the branding process

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