46 research outputs found

    BIM och organisationskommunikation i byggprocessen. En beskrivning av Skanska Stomsystems informationshantering.

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    The construction industry has been criticized several times for failing to achieve the same productivity as other industries. BIM (Building Information Model/Modeling) is a revolutionary technology, and with a modern work method BIM has the ability to change the construction industry. The traditional paper-based information is changing into a virtual environment. A BIM- model does not automatically guarantee a complete solution, but it can contribute to an improved overall quality in the information management process. The purpose of this thesis is to describe the digital information management process at Skanska Stomsystem, by BIM. The study also intends to highlight the opportunities and deficiencies in the information management process. The study is limited to two different projects. The first step of this thesis was a thorough analysis of the current information management process at Skanska Stomsystem, to get a comprehensive overview. The research presented in this thesis is a qualitative case study that consists of an initial literature review, followed by qualitative interviews. The study shows that there are many benefits with BIM, for example it is time- and cost- efficient. But on the other hand there are also deficiencies, such as software compatibility and general lack of competence. On top of that it requires cultural changes, including new working methods, habits and change of routines. To improve the information management process, planning and communication are the success factors. Already in the early state of the construction process there should be clear goals and boundaries for each project

    From plans to plants : a case study of design using reliable plants on Campus Ultuna

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    Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att utvĂ€rdera planteringsytorna kring Mark-Vatten-Miljöcentrum och granska dess byggprocess. Detta gör vi för att skapa en större förstĂ„else för byggprocessen som helhet, de utmaningar som lĂ„g i att förverkliga en gestaltning av ett levande material samt för att förstĂ„ vilka problem som uppstĂ„tt med vĂ€xterna under processen. För att ta reda pĂ„ detta intervjuade vi ett antal nyckelpersoner som varit med i projektet. Urvalet gjordes för att tĂ€cka in sĂ„ mĂ„nga aktörer och synvinklar som möjligt. Vi gjorde Ă€ven en analys av gestaltningen utifrĂ„n Robinsons teori om vĂ€xtgestaltning och Sortes Ă„tta upplevelsevĂ€rden. Vi sammanstĂ€llde svaren frĂ„n intervjuerna till en helhetsbild av byggprocessen, gestaltningsidĂ©n och problemen som uppstĂ„tt med vĂ€xterna. Av fallstudien kunde vi dra slutsatsen att byggprocessen kan se vĂ€ldigt olika ut i olika projekt och att den kan variera beroende pĂ„ vilka individer och företag som Ă€r inblandade. Vi konstaterade Ă€ven att gestaltningsidĂ©n inte pĂ„verkades nĂ€mnvĂ€rt av de problem med vĂ€xterna som uppstod, men att gestaltningen fick modifieras lite. Vi sĂ„g Ă€ven att problem mĂ„nga gĂ„nger inte Ă€r sĂ„ enkla som de kan förefalla utan att det kan ligga orsaker bakom som Ă€r svĂ„ra att se vid en första anblick. Vi diskuterade ocksĂ„ kring vad det innebĂ€r att gestalta vĂ€xtsĂ€kert och huruvida det Ă€r nĂ„got som Ă€r möjligt och efterstrĂ€vansvĂ€rt.The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to evaluate the green spaces around the Soil-Water-Environment Centre at Campus Ultuna and the construction process of this project. We are doing this to better understand the construction process, the difficulties that lay in realizing a design made up of a living material and to find out what problems have arisen with the plants throughout the process. In order to find this out we interviewed key persons in the project. The selection of informants interview persons is made to cover as many participants and points of view of the construction process as possible. We are also doing an analysis of the design based on Robinson’s theory of planting design and Sorte’s perception of public green spaces. We have compiled the answers from the interviews into a general picture of the construction process, the design idea and the problems that have arisen with the plants. From this study we have concluded that the construction process can be very different from case to case and may vary depending on the individuals and companies involved. We have seen that the design idea was not affected by the problems with the plants but the design itself had to be altered somewhat. We have seen that problems rarely are as simple as they seem, there is usually an underlying reason which can be hard to see at first glance. We have also discussed what design using only reliable plants would mean and whether it is something that is achievable or even something to strive towards

    Grönytefaktorn i Sverige

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    Sustainable urban development is a challenge that requires handling of different goals and conflicts, such as between a dense urban structure on one hand, and the need for ecosystem services on the other. The Green Area Ratio is a type of planning tool used to ensure a certain amount of vegetation and water in the built environment. The purpose of this report is to provide a knowledge basis to integrate ecosystem services in spatial planning. The goal is to provide an overview of the use of The Green Area Ratio in Sweden as well as the experience gained. The Green Area Ratio is used in at least 15 municipalities. There is currently no systematic evaluation of how the Green Area Ratio contributes to ecosystem services. Even if it might change the rules in planning, it is not obvious that this leads to a satisfactory built environment. The Green Area Ratio is a general type of planning tool and it therefore lacks an adoption to the site-specific needs of ecosystem services

    BIM och samarbete – En studie över anvĂ€ndandet av BIM i mer integrerat projekteringsarbete

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    Syftet Àr att undersöka om projektformer med större grad av integrering mellan olika aktörer stödjer BIM bÀttre Àn mer traditionella byggprocesse

    Samordning av installationer och plastgjuten betongstomme i flerbostadshus

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    Den vanligaste byggmetoden för flerbostadshus i Sverige Àr att stommen gjuts pÄ byggarbetsplatsen. Tidigare examensarbeten har visat att stor potential finns för att förbÀttra samordningen mellan platsgjuten stomme och installationer för att under kortare tid fÀrdigstÀlla betongstommen. Syftet med detta examensarbete Àr att identifiera och analysera tekniska lösningar samt förbÀttringsmöjligheter i byggprocessen som kan medföra att stombyggnadsarbetet kan rationaliseras. Arbetet utgörs till stor del av litteraturstudier för att ta reda pÄ vilka lösningar som finns pÄ marknaden. Som ett komplement till denna information har intervjuer med olika personer inom byggbranschen genomförts. De intervjuade har alla stor erfarenhet och kunskap om flerbostadshus med platsgjuten betongstomme. Slutligen har det genomförts en fallstudie. DÀr har ritningar över installationer och stomme analyserats för att hitta andra sÀtt att lösa samordningen

    Tre projektmodeller och tvÄ fallstudier

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    The formulation of visions into practical projects is an important part of the professional expertise of landscape architects. This expertise includes the gathering, structuring, improvement and utilization of knowledge. Project models have been developed to provide tools for the implementation and governance of projects, as well as means of learning, reflection and survey of individual projects. The aim of this thesis is to describe some general project models and their theory, and to describe practical, real-life examples of project models used within landscape architecture. Questions asked are: ‱ How do the processes of idea to construction in landscape architectural projects lool like? Do project models have a relevance for the mission of landscape architects? ‱ Is a common project model used within such projects, or is the project model varying depending on e.g. the responsible project leader, the type of project and other factors? The methodologies used have been literature studies on project models and structured interviews with two landscape architects at White Architects, Göteborg (case study). The particular features of three different project models (a so-called Common Model, PROPS, and Sneda VĂ„gen) were analysed. Reflections on the different project phases of two landscape architecture projects were made after interviews. Taken together, the current work emerged into a definition of important factors for successful projects within landscape architecture. The theories on optimal project models which bring creative ideas into successful final results are not limited to one particular professional area. The Common Model and the PROPS model have large similarities, for example the different project phases. On the other hand, PROPS has been further developed, taking into consideration the increased needs of larger clients, bigger organizations, documentation and follow-up. The Sneda VĂ„gen model has parallel subprojects which provide time advantages and efficiency. This model then puts large demands not only on very well defined sub-goals but also on an extensive and meticulous pre-planning study. The variety of available models is an illustration that a project can evolve from idea to final product in multiple ways. Since every project is unique and has special characteristics, each project may develop its own process. This was also demonstrated in the results of the two White projects. The two projects had similar project model phases, but also major differences depending on project type, size and participants. Multiple project models and the uniqueness of a specific project make it difficult to establish generalized truths about which model would be the best and which model would be optimal for landscape architecture. On the basis of the present study, it is suggested that a project model provides a good structure and support for a company, organization or team. The structure facilitates the roles and responsibilities of the project partners. Documentation of the results in the project phases provides a tool for learning where good experiences may be used in future work. A working project model adapted to the needs of the organization and its clients may be cost-efficient. On the basis of the reflections made on the literature and the case study, specific prerequisites for a successful project model and project results, are: engaged project partners and individuals, well developed communication and a meticulous planning in an early stage. These factors act in concert with the promotion of creativity.Till arkitekters kompetens hör förmĂ„gan att formulera och konkretisera visioner. Till kompetensen hör Ă€ven att samla in, strukturera, förbĂ€ttra och Ă„teranvĂ€nda kunskap. Syftet med en projektmodell Ă€r att ge riktlinjer för utförande och styrning av projekt, vara utgĂ„ngspunkt för lĂ€rande och reflektion och skapa en överblick över enskilda projekt. Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att belysa generella och teoretiska projektmodeller samt visa praktiska exempel pĂ„ projektmodeller inom landskapsarkitektur. ‱ Hur kan landskapsarkitekters processer se ut och vad pĂ„verkar utvecklingen frĂ„n idĂ© till anlĂ€ggning? PĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt kan projektmodeller ha relevans för landskapsarkitekters uppdrag? ‱ AnvĂ€nder man sig pĂ„ det studerade arkitektkontoret av en gemensam och enhetlig arbetsmodell, eller arbetar man pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt beroende pĂ„ vem som ansvarar för det och vilket projekt det gĂ€ller? Genom litteraturstudier och strukturerade samtal/intervjuer med landskapsarkitekter pĂ„ White Arkitekter AB har jag dels gjort jĂ€mförelser mellan tre olika projektmodeller (den enkla projektmodellen, PROPS, och den Sneda VĂ„gen) dels reflekterat kring arbetet under de olika faserna i tvĂ„ genomförda White projekt. DĂ€refter har jag sökt identifiera betydelsefulla faktorer för framgĂ„ngsrika projekt inom landskapsarkitektur. Uppsatsens teoriavsnitt tar upp generella teorier kring projektmodeller och Ă€r dĂ€rför inte specifikt för projekt inom landskapsarkitektur. Den enkla projektmodellen och PROPS-modellen har i grunden stora likheter (projektfaser) men dĂ€r PROPS utvecklats vidare till att bli en mer omfattande modell, möjligen anpassad för större företag/organisationer. Den Sneda VĂ„gens upplĂ€gg med parallella delprojekt betonar tidsvinsten och dĂ€rmed behoven av noggranna förprojekt. De metoder och modeller som studeras och jĂ€mförs ger fördjupad kunskap om hur projekt utvecklas frĂ„n konceptuella idĂ©er till anlĂ€ggning. Varje projekt Ă€r unikt och processen kan dĂ€rför se ut pĂ„ mĂ„nga olika sĂ€tt. Detta illustrerades av resultaten frĂ„n de tvĂ„ White projekten. I dessa projekt genomfördes arbetet i likartade faser, men hade ocksĂ„ skillnader beroende pĂ„ t.ex. typ av projekt, projektstorlek och projektmedarbetare. Det Ă€r svĂ„rt att utpeka en enda projektmodell som den bĂ€sta och likasĂ„ vilken modell som skulle passa bĂ€st inom landskapsarkitektur. NĂ„gra av orsakerna till detta Ă€r att det finns mĂ„nga modeller och att varje projekt Ă€r unikt. Mina litteratur- och fallstudier pekar pĂ„ att en projektmodell ger ramar för ett projekt och Ă€r ett bra stöd för organisationen. Medarbetarnas roller och ansvar underlĂ€ttas av projektmodellen. De senaste Ă„ren har synen pĂ„ projekt förĂ€ndrats: frĂ„n att ha setts som en organisationsform ses projekt idag mer som en lĂ€roform. Genom att dokumentera projekt vĂ€l kan lĂ€rdomar och erfarenheter tas till vara och anvĂ€ndas vid framtida projekt. Genom att anvĂ€nda en projektmodell som Ă€r anpassad till organisationens syfte sĂ„ kan en projektmodell ocksĂ„ effektivisera projektarbete. Avslutningsvis leder de litteratur- och fallstudier som genomförts till slutsatserna att en framgĂ„ngsrik projektmodell och goda projektresultat underlĂ€ttas av följande förutsĂ€ttningar: engagerade medarbetare, god kommunikation och en noggrann och tidig planering. Dessa faktorer samverkar och möjliggör kreativitet

    Renovering av miljonprogrammet - förhÄllandet mellan entreprenör och fastighetsÀgare

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    År 2010 godkĂ€nde EU ett Ă„tgĂ€rdspaket med direktiv för att Europas klimat- och energipolitik att Ă„r 2020 ska följande tre mĂ„l uppnĂ„s för att minska utslĂ€ppen av vĂ€xthusgaser och sĂ€kra energikĂ€llor: Minska vĂ€xthusgaserna med 20 procent jĂ€mfört med 1990 Ă„rs nivĂ„ Öka andelen energi frĂ„n förnybara energikĂ€llor till 20 procent av den totala energiproduktionen Minska energikonsumtionen med 20 procent av de berĂ€knade nivĂ„erna för 2020 genom att förbĂ€ttra energieffektiviteten Enligt Sveriges AllmĂ€nnyttiga Bostadsföretag, SABO, kommer den ekonomiska utgiften för de Ă„tgĂ€rder som miljonprogrammet Ă€r i behov av uppgĂ„ till cirka 50 miljarder kronor. Detta Ă€r dock en grov uppskattning som tĂ€cker de mest akuta tekniska bristerna. Skulle fullstĂ€ndiga upprustningar genomföras med mer moderna kvaliteter och energibesparande Ă„tgĂ€rder Ă€r cirka 275 miljarder kronor mer troligt. Vid renovering av miljonprogrammet har ofta energibesparande Ă„tgĂ€rder setts som nĂ„got dyrt med orimliga Ă„terbetalningstider. Samtidigt finns en stor okunskap hos fastighetsĂ€garen av vilka Ă„tgĂ€rder som Ă€r effektiva och vĂ€rdeskapande. Hur ska entreprenörer i framtiden kunna visa bestĂ€llaren pĂ„ fungerande Ă„tgĂ€rder som betalar sig sjĂ€lva

    BIM och informationsöverföring - En studie om IFC-baserad teknik i förvaltningsskedet

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    Building information modelling, BIM, is a well-known and established conception within the construction business. In the building industry BIM technology is used as a tool and a work method by different occupational groups within planning, production and facility management. Due to the usage of BIM differs between the fields, so does the software’s as well. The software’s are using different types of file-formats causing a gap in the information flow between the programs. Meaning, there is a chance for information being lost when switching between different software’s. BIM therefore loses a part of its purpose if the different software’s cannot collaborate. A solution to the problem is to use an open, international and standardized file format, IFC, to make it possible to exchange and share data among the different software’s. There are mixed opinions on the reliability of IFC which will be investigated further in this bachelor thesis. The purpose of this bachelor thesis, is to review the information flow between different software’s. The matter being studied is the IFC and Fi2xml export and import in the following software’s: Autodesk Revit Architecture, Solibri Model Viewer and FME. The information being reviewed is the one created during the planning and are required by facility managers. In this bachelor thesis, literature and previous studies has been reviewed to form the basis of the interviews and simulations leading to the result. The interviews were conducted with facility managers to find out what information is required in the business. Consultants from various professions in IT, BIM and information coordination has contributed with their expertise knowledge that has formed the basis of the simulations performed. The stimulations has been conducted on models from offices spaces under reconstruction (VĂ€stgötagatan 5) and the research center ESS in Lund were the BIM technology has been paying an important role in the project. The result shows that the information that facility managers are asking for is information about area. The result imply that IFC have some weaknesses but when it comes to the information, as area and surface area etc. that facility managers are asking for there isn’t any significant problem and the information presides well

    HÄller byggprocessen mÄttet?

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    Att bygga hÄllbart innehÄller mÄnga dimensioner dÀr mÀnniskors behov av olika typer av byggnader ska tillgodoses med ett fokus pÄ hushÄllning med olika resurser. Byggnaderna ska inte bara vara energieffektiva och miljövÀnliga under tiden de brukas, utan hÀnsyn mÄste tas till en byggnads hela livscykel frÄn idé och planering till rivning och ÄterstÀllande. I denna process finns mÄnga olika aktörer inblandade. Nya material och byggnadssÀtt utvecklas stÀndigt och anvÀnds utan att det finns nÄgon lÀngre tids erfarenhet kring dessa. Det gör det Àn viktigare att det finns en Äterkoppling till alla involverade av de erfarenheter som fÄs under byggnadens levnadstid. PÄ sÄ sÀtt kan en Äterupprepning av misstag undvikas och arbetssÀtt förÀndras löpande, vilket ger en ökad hÄllbarhet. För att optimera processen, utifrÄn ett hÄllbarhetsperspektiv, Àr det viktigt att det finns en samverkan mellan inblandade aktörer dÀr ett erfarenhetsutbyte sker. Syftet med vÄrt arbete har varit att undersöka pÄ vilket sÀtt erfarenhetsÄterföring inom byggprocessen kan förbÀttras för att undvika Äterkommande fel samt hur resursanvÀndningen kan minskas för att gynna ett hÄllbart byggande. En fallstudie har genomförts dÀr vi fokuserat pÄ Skanska Sveriges sÀtt att arbeta med detta och vilka möjligheter som kan finnas för att öka Äterföringen av erfarenheter under en byggnads livstid. Studien visar att det inte finns en uppföljning över lÀngre tid, vilket medför att de erfarenheter som uppkommer i förvaltningsskedet, efter att garanti- och ansvarstid utlöpt, inte tas tillvara. Resultatet visar ocksÄ pÄ att den erfarenhetsÄterföring som finns angiven i styrdokument inte fungerar fullt ut i praktiken och att det saknas ett strukturerat sÀtt att sammanstÀlla och ta tillvara denna.To build sustainable contains many dimensions where people's needs for different types of buildings are to be met with a focus on economize different resources. Buildings should not only be energy efficient and environmentally friendly while in use, but one must have to take into account a building's entire life cycle from idea and planning to demolition and restoration. During this process, many different actors are involved. New materials and methods of construction are constantly being developed and used despite not having any long-term experience with them. This makes it even more important that there is a feedback loop back to everyone involved regarding the various experiences gained during the life of the building. This way, repeated mistakes can be avoided and working methods change continuously, resulting in an increase in sustainability. In order to optimize the process, from a sustainability perspective, it is important that there is an interaction between involved actors with an exchange of experience. The purpose of our work has been to investigate how transference of experience in the construction process can be improved in order to avoid recurring errors and how to reduce resource utilization to promote sustainable construction. A case study has been conducted in which we focused on Skanska Sweden's way of working on this and what opportunities could be for increasing the return of experience during a lifetime of a building. The study shows that there is no long-term follow-up, which means that the experience gained during the use and maintenance phase, after the termination of the warranty and liability period, is not taken into consideration. The result also shows that the transference of the experience contained in the control documents does not work fully in practice and that there is no structured way of compiling and utilizing this experience

    Miljöbyggnadscertifiering pÄ skolor och förskolor - en fallstudie pÄ ett svenskt byggföretag

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    The purpose of this work is to investigate if Miljöbyggnad certification works well for a building company in different regions of Sweden, or if a new or revised working method needs to be developed. To achieve the purpose, the author bases the study from a couple of interviews. The conclusion of the study showed that the Miljöbyggnad certification is rarely required at the Swedish building company. The decision to use the certification is often taken together in the project between the entrepreneur and the developer. Miljöbyggnad is preferably decided in the early stages of the project from scratch. The support used is according to Swedish Green Building Council manual and clarifications. In most cases at the Swedish building company, a coordinator from the department HĂ„llbar affĂ€rsutveckling is working with Miljöbyggnad but it is done in different ways in the different projects. Coordinator of HĂ„llbar affĂ€rsutveckling uses SGBC regulations with own developed documents. There is no work on various indicators clashes at the moment. A proposal developed shows that Energy, Solar Load and Daylight should be the key indicators that control the working process with Miljöbyggnad. Certification work differs between the building company regions depending on which background coordinators have. A more common approach should be developed and are requested by several Project Managers. HĂ„llbar affĂ€rsutveckling should internally develop such approaches so that the quality of certification evidence is the same. Follow-up after a project is in many cases inadequate and should be made more widely. Through a simple evaluation, other projects within the building company can take advantage out of completed projects. Feedback of experience should get better. In the majority of the Swedish building company projects Miljöbyggnad is an ambition which means that penalty doesn’t exist. The investigation has shown that the economy follow-up regarding Miljöbyggnad are not enough detailed and the costs are in many cases uncertain and estimated. It’s not clarified how much the additional cost will be for the Miljöbyggnad in the building company projects. Evaluation is needed to a greater extent also with regard to the economy. Suggestions for improvement are presented in the thesis