32,428 research outputs found

    Tensioni non risolte nel nuovo diritto societario: una lettura romanistica

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    Il regolamento comunitario n. 2157/2001, destinato a entrare in vigore l’8 ottobre 2004, in tutti gli Stati membri dell’Unione Europea, contiene la disciplina, particolarmente complessa, della cosiddetta Societas europaea, una «nuova entità societaria» riconducibile alla forma della società per azioni, la cui previsione si inserisce a pieno titolo nel processo di partecipazione dei lavoratori alla impresa. La disciplina della Societas europaea trae le sue fonti dalle disposizioni del regolamento e dalle disposizioni contenute nello statuto della società, qualora il regolamento rinvii ad esse; oppure, per quanto non disciplinato dal regolamento, dalle «disposizioni di legge» degli Stati membri emanate in applicazione delle disposizioni comunitarie dettate per la Societas europaea; dalle «disposizioni di legge» degli Stati membri per le società per azioni, purché costituite in conformità della «legge» dello Stato membro in cui la Societas europaea ha la sede sociale; dalle disposizioni dello statuto alle condizioni previste per le società per azioni, purché, come nel caso precedente, costituite in conformità della «legge» dello Stato membro in cui la Societas europaea ha la sede sociale

    <i>Fraternitas</i> e <i>societas</i>: i termini di un connubio

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    SOMMARIO: 1. Diritto e fraternità: un connubio ancora possibile. – 2. Resistenza e oblio del principio di fraternità. – 3. Effetti della fraternità ed estensione del vincolo naturale. – 4. Fraternitas e unità del consortium ercto non cito. – 5. Fraternitas e causa del contratto di societas. – 6. La fraternitas oltre la societas: una prospettiva di sistema

    Catechesis in Europe during the 20th century

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    During the 20th century, the teaching of the Catechism, and all the other forms of religious education were undergoing very serious changes and transformations. As a result of these transformations, we get the gradual introduction of the Bible as one of the main sources of the pastoral activity of the Church, especially catechesis. The Bible emerged from a period of hibernation into which it had entered for several centuries. In this work, the catechetical endeavours of Germany, of France and of Malta are highlighted. In this respect, we find the Munich method and to a much larger extent the Kerygmatic method, in Germany. In France, the use of the Bible is more linked to individual persons who, each in his or her own way tried to give a more central place to the Bible, thus opening the way to a more biblical catechesis. In Malta, we get Fr Ġorġ PRECA, who through his writings of a catechetical and educational nature gave the Word of God to the Maltese people in the vernacular.peer-reviewe

    The Economic Impact of Forming a European Company

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    Ever since 2004 companies located in Member States of the European Economic Area have been able to opt to incorporate in a supranational legal form, the Societas Europaea. We found that companies located in Member States where the Societas Europaea offers additional legal arbitrage opportunities benefit most. Moreover, our results show that the stock price reaction is positive when the decision to incorporate as an Societas Europaea involves moving the firm's registered office and that firms are moving to jurisdictions with significantly lower corporate tax rates. Finally, we found evidence of uncertainty at the registration date but not at the time of the shareholder meeting

    Labour co-determination and corporate governance in Germany: The economic impact of marginal and symbolic rights

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    For decades, some governments have fiercely opposed any statute of the Societas Europaea that foresaw German-type co-determined supervisory boards. Considering firms as pools of specific investors, we ask about the conditions that are necessary to secure the interests of specific human capitalists in an efficient way, if the real capital owners' right to residual control does not solve the ex-post bargaining problems over the sharing of quasi-rents. We disregard contract-theoretic approaches as solutions to the ex-post bargaining conflicts and suggest a constitutional approach to this major problem in the theory of the firm. From a constitutional perspective, the (non-executive) board members of the German Aufsichtsrat (Supervisory Board) - unlike the Betriebsrat (Works Council) - essentially dispose only of marginal, extremely symbolic, i.e., non-enforceable rights to represent worker investors. Legally, however, these rights are to be used first in the interests of the corporation and only secondarily in the interests of partial investors. Marginal and symbolic rights as well as fiduciary duties will make a difference in distributive bargaining, if they are legally imposed. Who is to be heard and to be involved in decision-making and what is counted as a legitimate argument or action - these are basically questions of political culture that in principle leave room for efficient international diversity. Option rights in the European directive on the Societas Europaea should thus be considered as an apt and wise decision. -- Seit Jahrzehnten wehren sich einige Regierungen vehement gegen die Schaffung einer Societas Europaea, welche mitbestimmte Aufsichtsräte nach deutschem Muster für europäische Aktiengesellschaften ermöglicht. Indem wir Firmen als Zusammenschluss spezifischer Investoren betrachten, fragen wir nach notwendigen Bedingungen, um die Interessen spezifischer Humankapitalgeber effizient abzusichern, wenn das residuale Kontrollrecht der Finanzkapitalgeber Ex-post-Verhandlungsprobleme über die Aufteilung der Quasirenten nicht zu lösen vermag. Wir sehen von vertragstheoretischen Lösungsansätzen zu Ex-post-Verhandlungsproblemen ab und empfehlen vielmehr eine konstitutionelle Annäherung an dieses Hauptproblem der Unternehmenstheorie. Aus konstitutioneller Sicht verfügen Arbeitnehmervertreter im Aufsichtsrat - im Gegensatz zum Betriebsrat - lediglich über marginale und eher symbolische, d.h. nicht die Interessen der Arbeitnehmerschaft zwingend durchsetzbare Rechte. Aus juristischer Sicht wiederum sollen diese Recht in erster Linie im Interesse des Unternehmens und erst nachrangig zur Durchsetzung von Partialinteressen verschiedener Investorengruppen genutzt werden. Marginale und symbolische Rechte ebenso wie treuhänderische Pflichten verändern die Ergebnisse von Verteilungsverhandlungen, wenn diese Rechte gesetzlich verankert sind. Wer muss gehört oder in den Entscheidungsprozess mit eingebunden werden und was gilt als legitimes Argument oder legitime Handlung - dies sind im Grunde Fragen der politischen Kultur, die im Prinzip Raum für effiziente internationale Vielfalt lassen. Optionsrechte in der europäischen Direktive der Societas Europaea sollten infolgedessen als angemessene und weise Entscheidung angesehen werden.

    When European integration meets corporate harmonisation

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    Both U.K. Corporate Law and the E.U. wide study of the Law of European Integration have been developing apace in recent years. The nexus between these two fields forms the focus of this paper, which is written from a legal integrationist perspective. Not only are the E.C. directives and proposed directives in Corporate law examined in this paper, but also the evolving European Corporate structures, which promise to enliven and add complexity to the future European Corporate landscape

    <i>Societas Publicanorum</i>

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    Recensione a Ulrike Malmendier, Societas publicanorum. Staatliche Wirtschaftsaktivitäten in den Händen privater Unternehmer, Koeln-Weimar-Wien 2002

    Кредитні документи банкірів античного Риму (розписки, іпотечні угоди, договори товариства)

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    У статті розглянуто основні види кредитних документів, які використовувалися в античному Римі: боргові розписки, іпотечні угоди, а також договір утворення банківсько-кредитного товариства (societas danistriae). Наведені згадки про використання цих документів, які зустрічаються в давньоримській літературі, а також проаналізовані їх тексти, знайдені в «Дигестах» і «Корпусі латинських написів». Визначений зовнішній вигляд означених документів і правила їх укладання. В статье рассмотрены основные виды кредитных документов, которые использовались в античном Риме: долговые расписки, ипотечные сделки, а также договор образования банковско-кредитного товарищества (societas danistriae). Приведены упоминания об использовании этих документов, которые встречаются в древнеримской литературе, а также проанализированы их тексты, найденные в «Дигестах» и «Корпусе латинских надписей». Определен внешний вид указанных документов и правила их составления. The article deals with the main types of credit instruments that were used in ancient Rome: promissory notes, mortgage agreements and contract formation of banking and credit society (societas danistriae). These references of using the documents, which are mentioned and analyzed in the ancient literature, were found in «Digesta» and «Corps of Latin inscriptions». The type of documents and the rules of their drafting is determined

    Feminist Ethics and the Question of Gender

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    Report from the 54th Societas Ethica Annual Conference 2018 in Louvain-la-Neuv