14 research outputs found

    The Artificial Intelligence in Digital Pathology and Digital Radiology: Where Are We?

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    This book is a reprint of the Special Issue entitled "The Artificial Intelligence in Digital Pathology and Digital Radiology: Where Are We?". Artificial intelligence is extending into the world of both digital radiology and digital pathology, and involves many scholars in the areas of biomedicine, technology, and bioethics. There is a particular need for scholars to focus on both the innovations in this field and the problems hampering integration into a robust and effective process in stable health care models in the health domain. Many professionals involved in these fields of digital health were encouraged to contribute with their experiences. This book contains contributions from various experts across different fields. Aspects of the integration in the health domain have been faced. Particular space was dedicated to overviewing the challenges, opportunities, and problems in both radiology and pathology. Clinal deepens are available in cardiology, the hystopathology of breast cancer, and colonoscopy. Dedicated studies were based on surveys which investigated students and insiders, opinions, attitudes, and self-perception on the integration of artificial intelligence in this field

    Meta Heuristics based Machine Learning and Neural Mass Modelling Allied to Brain Machine Interface

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    New understanding of the brain function and increasing availability of low-cost-non-invasive electroencephalograms (EEGs) recording devices have made brain-computer-interface (BCI) as an alternative option to augmentation of human capabilities by providing a new non-muscular channel for sending commands, which could be used to activate electronic or mechanical devices based on modulation of thoughts. In this project, our emphasis will be on how to develop such a BCI using fuzzy rule-based systems (FRBSs), metaheuristics and Neural Mass Models (NMMs). In particular, we treat the BCI system as an integrated problem consisting of mathematical modelling, machine learning and classification. Four main steps are involved in designing a BCI system: 1) data acquisition, 2) feature extraction, 3) classification and 4) transferring the classification outcome into control commands for extended peripheral capability. Our focus has been placed on the first three steps. This research project aims to investigate and develop a novel BCI framework encompassing classification based on machine learning, optimisation and neural mass modelling. The primary aim in this project is to bridge the gap of these three different areas in a bid to design a more reliable and accurate communication path between the brain and external world. To achieve this goal, the following objectives have been investigated: 1) Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential (SSVEP) EEG data are collected from human subjects and pre-processed; 2) Feature extraction procedure is implemented to detect and quantify the characteristics of brain activities which indicates the intention of the subject.; 3) a classification mechanism called an Immune Inspired Multi-Objective Fuzzy Modelling Classification algorithm (IMOFM-C), is adapted as a binary classification approach for classifying binary EEG data. Then, the DDAG-Distance aggregation approach is proposed to aggregate the outcomes of IMOFM-C based binary classifiers for multi-class classification; 4) building on IMOFM-C, a preference-based ensemble classification framework known as IMOFM-CP is proposed to enhance the convergence performance and diversity of each individual component classifier, leading to an improved overall classification accuracy of multi-class EEG data; and 5) finally a robust parameterising approach which combines a single-objective GA and a clustering algorithm with a set of newly devised objective and penalty functions is proposed to obtain robust sets of synaptic connectivity parameters of a thalamic neural mass model (NMM). The parametrisation approach aims to cope with nonlinearity nature normally involved in describing multifarious features of brain signals

    NASA Patent Abstracts bibliography: A continuing bibliography. Section 2: Indexes (supplement 20)

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    Entries for approximately 4000 citations for the period May 1969 through December 1981 are listed. Subject, invention, source, number, and accession number indexes are included

    Aeronautical engineering: A cumulative index to a continuing bibliography (supplement 274)

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    This publication is a cumulative index to the abstracts contained in supplements 262 through 273 of Aeronautical Engineering: A Continuing Bibliography. The bibliographic series is compiled through the cooperative efforts of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Seven indexes are included: subject, personal author, corporate source, foreign technology, contract number, report number, and accession number

    Die Scum : Sex & Drugs & Contemporary Art

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    "The punk pulp love story by a post-post-modern dandy, boy-about-town, lost in the perverse underworld of sex & drugs & culture wars. We follow our narrator, drug dealer to the art scene—a hipster libertine obsessed with old movies, happily-ever-afters, and ant invasions—on his paranoid deluge into alcoholic depression and unironic misanthropy. A true hymn to individuality laced with dark humour and suicidal self-help satire. Is he living the dream? Or is the nightmare eating him alive? And will he find his happily ever after? Jubal Brown is a writer of autofiction, and producer and presenter of cultural events. Canadian Art magazine dubbed him “the dark prince of Toronto art.” DIE SCUM: Sex & Drugs & Contemporary Art is his first novel." -- Publisher's website

    Implementación de las políticas de protección para mejorar la integración de los menores no acompañados en España, Suecia y Reino Unido: un análisis comparativo

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    IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE LAS POLÍTICAS DE PROTECCIÓN PARA MEJORAR LA INTEGRACIÓN DE LOS MENORES NO ACOMPAÑADOS EN ESPAÑA, SUECIA Y REINO UNIDO: Un análisis comparativo. TESIS DOCTORAL en: El programa de “MOVILIDAD HUMANA” Autor: ONUOHA, Ekeoma Abrahams. Directores: Dr. José González Such. Dra. Maria J. Perales Montolío. Valencia, Mayo 2017 PRESENTACIÓN Esta investigación se centra en la revisión de las políticas migratorias hacia una mejorar integración de los menores no acompañados. Porqué vienen cruzando fronteras horrendas intentando escapar y sus edades oscilan entre 14 y 18 años. Hemos adoptado como termino de referencia "MENOR NO ACOMPAÑADO”. España adopta “menor extranjero no acompañado” y Reino Unido adopta “menor no acompañado solicitante de asilo” y Suecia adopta “menor no acompañado”. Los Estados han gastado muchos recursos pero, sus problemas multiplican. Por eso, destacamos los obstáculos y las áreas centrales necesarias para su integración. RAZONES PARA COMPARACIÓN Investigamos porque hubo un aumento gradual del número de menores hasta 2012, tras lo cual su número aumentó a 431.000 en 2013, 627.000 en 2014 y cerca de 1,3 millones en 2015. Son receptores de nacionalidades divergentes con diferentes sistemas y son firmantes de Acuerdo de Tampere. Se adoptan tres modelos muy diferentes legislaciones por procedencia y por modo de acogida. MÉTODOLOGIA Hemos adoptado método comparativo que facilitó la descripción, interpretación, aclaración, yuxtaposición y comparación. Se explican las diferencias y similitudes y se adoptó otro método conocido como método de ciencia deductiva. Para ello, adaptamos estándar de MIPEX, ACNUR, UNESCO, UE y compleméntalos con cuestionarios semi-estructurado y las entrevistas. RESULTADOS Los países han reaccionado con políticas diferentes y restrictivas pero que conceptualizan al menor como un tramposo cuyo principal interés es invadir el El Dorado y el mercado de trabajo. Los esfuerzos de la política europea se orientan hacia la tutela. Hemos revelado las diferencias y similitudes y las consecuencias de evaluación de edad. Para formar una base teórica para el concepto de infancia, introdujimos el fundamento teórico y la concepción histórica de la infancia en Europa en la Edad Media y en el período del siglo XXI hasta llega a la CDN. Las etapas de trayectoria migración empiezan con la detección del menor por las Fuerzas de Seguridad hasta que el mismo es puesto a disposición de las autoridades competentes. Hemos encontrado, comparado y analizado los seguimientos: La etapa de investigación, la etapa decisión, la etapa de actuación, la población y los FACTORES DE INTEGRACIÓN. Los cuestionarios semi-estructurado y entrevistas hechas proporcionan respuestas sobre nuestros factores de integración. CONCLUSIONES: Las prácticas de privación y de rechazo continuar presente en Unión Europea, aunque se considera intolerable al pensar en los menores nacionales. Existe una minusvaloración de los derechos y necesidades. Resulta inquietante concluir que se encuentran recluidos en centros de detención. Los protocolos, directivos desafortunadamente son contrarias al artículo 3, de la CDN. Se desparecen según los resultados estadísticos y señalar la necesidad de la aplicación de las legislaciones de protección. Existen problemas psicológicos, por eso los esfuerzos en la integración de los niños deberían mejorar.IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICIES FOR ENHANCED INTEGRATION OF UNACCOMPANIED MINORS IN SPAIN, SWEDEN AND UNITED KINGDOM: A comparative analysis. Program: Doctoral Investigation in “HUMAN MOBILITY” Faculty of Psychology, University of Valencia, Spain Autor: Ekeoma ONUOHA Abrahams Directors: Dra. Maria Jesus Perales Montolío Dr. José González Such Valencia, May, 2017 THE PRESENTATION This research focuses on the review of migration policies towards enhanced integration of unaccompanied minors. Why they come continuously crossing horrendous borders trying to escape and their ages oscillate between 14 and 18 years. We have adopted as reference definition "UNACCOMPANIED MINORS". Spain adopts "unaccompanied foreign minor" and UK adopts "unaccompanied asylum seeking children" while Sweden adopts "unaccompanied minor." States have spent huge resources but their problems continue to multiply therefore, we highlight the obstacles and the central factors necessary for their integration. REASONS FOR COMPARISON We investigated because there was a gradual increase in the number of minors until 2012, after which their number increased to 431,000 in 2013, 627,000 in 2014 and about 1.3 million in 2015. They are receptors of divergent nationalities with different systems and are signatories to the Tampere Agreement. There are three different models adopting unique legislation by source and mode of reception. METHODOLOGY We adopted a comparative method that facilitated the description, interpretation, clarification, juxtaposition and comparison. Differences and similarities are explained and another method known as deductive science method was adopted. To do this, we adapt the benchmark of MIPEX, UNHCR, UNESCO, EU and complement them with semi-structured questionnaires and interviews. RESULTS These countries have reacted with different and restrictive policies but they conceptualize the child as a cheater whose main interest is to invade their El Dorado and the labor market. The efforts of European policy are oriented towards tutelage. We have revealed the differences and similarities and consequences of age assessment. To form a theoretical base for the concept of childhood, we introduced the theoretical foundation and historical conception of childhood in Europe in the Middle Ages and in the period of the twenty-first century until it reaches the CRC protocols. The stages of migration trajectory begin with the detection of the minor by the Security Forces until the minor is made available to the competent authorities. We have found, compared and analyzed the followings: The research stage, the decision stage, the stage of action, the population and the INTEGRATION FACTORS. Semi-structured questionnaires and interviews provide answers about our integration factors. CONCLUSION: The practices of deprivation and rejection continue to be present in the European Union, although it is considered intolerable when thinking about national minors. There is a downgrading of their rights and needs. It is disturbing to conclude that they are held in places of detention. The protocols, directives and agreements unfortunately are contrary to Article 3 of the CRC. They disappear in doves, according to the statistical results and this indicates the need for implementation of protection legislation. There are psychological problems consequently efforts to integrate them should improve