57,042 research outputs found


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    Content Management Systems (CMS) are often used for website development. Websites are targets of various malicious attackers, and therefore it is necessary to be familiar with the security level of websites.The paper describes some basic features of the well-known open source CMS platforms: WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. It also explains the ten most common web vulnerabilities. Web vulnerability testing has been carried out by means of various software tools. The basic installations of the CMS systems have been tested. After having tested each web vulnerability, a possible additional web security measurement for each CMS is indicated. The web vulnerabilities which cannot be directly affected by the CMS security settings have been explained. It has been shown that the basic installations of the CMSs fail to ensure safety requirements due to irresistance to some threats. Necessary software tools for the tested CMSs have been specified in order to ensure the resistance to threats which have not been provided in the basic installation of the tested CMSs. A questionnaire has been developed for the purpose of examining the security level on the websites of business entities in Croatia, and a survey has been conducted in Croatian business entities engaged in computer science, accounting and industry.Za razvoj web-sjedišta danas se često koriste CMS-ovi. Web-sjedišta meta su raznim malicioznim napadačima, stoga je potrebno poznavati razinu sigurnosti web-sjedišta i postaviti maksimalnu moguću razinu sigurnosti. U radu su prikazane osnovne značajke poznatijih CMS-ova u otvorenom pristupu Wordpress, Joomla i Drupal. Objašnjeno je deset najčešćih web-ranjivosti. Izvršeno je testiranje web-ranjivosti pomoću različitih programskih alata. Testirane su osnovne instalacije CMS-ova. Nakon testiranja svake web-ranjivosti za svaki CMS navedena je moguća dodatna mjera sigurnosti. Objašnjene su web-ranjivosti na koje sigurnosne postavke CMS-ova ne mogu direktno utjecati. Pokazano je da osnovne instalacije CMS-ova ne zadovoljavaju sigurnosne zahtjeve jer nisu otporne na neke prijetnje. Specificirani su potrebni programski dodaci na testirane CMS-ove kako bi se osigurala otpornost na prijetnje koje osnovne instalacije testiranih CMS-ova nisu osigurale. Za potrebe provjere stanja sigurnosti na web-sjedištima poslovnih subjekata u Hrvatskoj izrađen je anketni upitnik i provedena je anketa nad poslovnim subjektima u Hrvatskoj za djelatnosti informatika, računovodstvo, industrija

    Philosophy of Global Security

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    We are living in an imbalanced and insecure world. It is torn by violent conflicts on a global scale: between the West and the East, between rich and poor countries, between Christianity and Islam, between the Great Forces and naughty countries, between a global capitalist elite and workers and between the global democratic community and global terrorism. An optimistic thesis will be grounded asserting that varied cultures and civilizations can solve all existing problems and contradictions peacefully and can carry out mutually advantageous cooperation more effectively irrespective of differences between them. Security problems can be explained and defined by means of making use of fundamental philosophical notions. All levels of security are interrelated on a global scale. The problem of regulation of international relations worldwide as regards guaranteeing security of all participants in them is one of primary importance. The present-day multi-polar world could be based on a social and economic pluralism and peace culture

    Privatnost i sigurnost u elektroničkom poslovanju

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    Consumer distrust and concerns, mainly in regards to the protection of their private information and risk of being exposed to online frauds, have been the main obstacles in online commerce. This paper analyzes some of the most significant aspects of trust in e-commerce, with a focus on online security and privacy issues. With all the potential that e-commerce provides to both companies and consumers, it is in the interest of the company to increase trust among its online users. Some of the most common online crimes are analyzed and practical guidelines to achieving trust in the online environment are provided.Glavna je prepreka za elektroničko poslovanje nepovjerenje kupaca prema internetu. Ono proizlazi iz činjenice da su zabrinuti kako se koriste njihovi osobni podaci, ali i zbog rizika od izlaganja prijevari na internetu. Ovaj rad analizira neke od najvažnijih aspekata povjerenja u e-poslovanju, osobito pitanje sigurnosti i privatnosti. Uz sav potencijal koji e-poslovanje pruža svim sudionicima u ovom procesu, u interesu je poduzeća da steknu povjerenje svojih potrošača. Analizirani su i neki od najčešćih oblika kriminala na internetu, a date su i upute kako steći povjerenje u internetskom okruženju

    Uvodna riječ

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    Pozdrav novog uredništva časopisa Policija i sigurnost i obavijest o proslavi 15 godina izlaženja Policije i sigurnos

    Experience, Memory and Narrative: A Biographical Analysis of Ethnic Identity

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    In the first part of this paper, we will introduce the theoretical framework for analyzing autobiographical narratives as it has been developed by the German sociologists Fritz Schütze and Gabriele Rosenthal3, and later has been adapted by Koleva, Popova and others.4 In the second part we will use this methodology to analyze empirical data that have been collected as part of our MICROCON study on ethnic identity and the risk of inter-ethnic conflict in Bulgaria. We focus on the question of how people belonging to the group of “ethnic Turks” in Bulgaria define their ethnicity, between the competing contexts of the past (in the form of their experience) and the present (in the form of what they remember and how they reactualize it in their biographical narratives). The paper is based on the analysis of two (out of a sample of 120) narrative autobiographic interviews.


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    Korporativna sigurnost jedan je od temeljnih pretpostavki sigurnog poslovanja poduzeća. U svojoj se suštini bavi identifikacijom rizika i pronalaženjem načina da razni rizici na što manje negativan način utječu na poslovanje poduzeća. Korporativna sigurnost podrazumijeva uspostavljenu organizaciju čiji je temeljni cilj obuhvatiti područja koja mogu biti izložena raznim ugrozama, a koje se adekvatnim upravljanjem mogu izbjeći ili ublažiti. Sigurnosni poslovi uključuju uspostavu procesa identifikacije i upravljanja rizicima, business intelligence, klasifikaciju informacija, zaštitu podataka, zaštitu osobnih podataka, informacijsku sigurnost, podizanje svijesti zaposlenika poduzeća o sigurnosti, poslove tehničke sigurnosti, tjelesne i fizičke sigurnosti, zaštite na radu, zaštite od požara i zaštite okoliša, sigurnosti kadrova, sprječavanja pranja novca i financiranja terorizma, i mnoge druge poslove u ovisnosti o djelatnosti kojom se određeno poduzeće bavi. Krajnji cilj korporativne sigurnosti jest osigurati kontinuitet poslovanja u uvjetima krize i što brži opravak od njenih negativnih utjecaja te uspješan nastavak poslovanja poduzeća.Corporate security is one of the basic preconditions for safe business operations. It is essentially concerned with identifying risks and finding ways to mitigate the variable risks effects on the company's business in the least negative way. Corporate Security implies an established organization whose basic objective is to cover areas that may be subject to various threats, which can be avoided or alleviated by adequate management. Security activities include the establishment of risk identification and management processes, business intelligence, information classification, data protection, personal data protection, information security, improving employee safety awareness, technical security, proximity and physical security, health and safety at work, fire and environmental protection, personnel security, the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and many other activities depending on the activity that a particular company deals with. The ultimate goal of corporate security is to ensure the continuity of business operations in crisis conditions and the quicker rebound from negative impacts and the successful continuation of business operations

    Religiozna sigurnost: Pandemija koronavirusa i identifikacija novih konteksta

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    The coronavirus pandemic has led to reform in the religious security of the world as a whole. Existing research on the problem is based on approaches that are purely informational and non–systemic, which limits the possibilities of understanding the problem to the context of the “religion–person–state” system. Restrictions on visits to places of worship have to some extent diminished the importance of religious practices. Pandemic threats have called into question the authority of religion and religious figures. The proposed methodological tools make it possible to fully substantiate the criteria of both destructive (which under certain circumstances can be a threat to the national interests of the state, the stable development of society, the exercise of the rights and freedoms of citizens) and constructive cases (the emergence of new communication contexts in which ritual and cult practice can take place) for the development of religious security and its historical genesis in the context of the meaning–forming axis “sacred–profane”, “health–disease”. The coronavirus pandemic, firstly, encouraged religious organizations to adopt new adaptive forms for cult practices; secondly, it changed the approach to religious ministry in society, to the role of the priest in this process; thirdly, it raised the question of the implementation of sacraments and rituals in uncommon circumstances; fourthly, it has exacerbated the issue of ineffective relations between religious organizations both at the interfaith level and at the level of public administration; fifthly, it affected the modernization process of religious communication practices which are not a health threat to the people. These new trends made possible not only the expansion of the functionality of religious security, but also prompted the creation of a flexible, adaptive, open model, which would take into account the regulatory, institutional, resource, and information capabilities of the country, as well as the mentality of the people.Pandemija koronavirusa dovela je do reforme religijske sigurnosti u svijetu u cjelini. Postojeća istraživanja toga problema temeljena su na čisto informacijskim i ne–sistemskim pristupima, što ograničava mogućnosti razumijevanja problema u kontekstu sustava “religija–čovjek–država”. Restrikcije posjeta u vjerske institucije u određenoj su mjeri smanjile važnost religijskih praksa. Pandemijska prijetnja dovela je u pitanje autoritet religije i predstavnika religija. Predloženi metodološki alati omogućavaju potkrjepljivanje u potpunosti kriterija destruktivnih (pod nekim uvjetima mogu biti prijetnja nacionalnim interesima države, stabilnomu razvitku društva, ostvarivanju prava i sloboda državljana) i konstruktivnih (pojava novih komunikacijskih konteksta ritualne i kultne prakse) slučajeva za razvitak religijske sigurnosti i njezine povijesne geneze u kontekstu osi oblikovanja značenja “sveto — profano”, “zdravlje — bolest”. Pandemija koronavirusa je, kao prvo, potaknula je religijske organizacije da prihvate nove, prilagodljive oblike kultnih praksa. Drugo, promijenila je pristupe socijalnim službama, ulozi svećenika u tom procesu. Treće, postavila je pitanje podjeljivanja sakramenata i održavanja rituala u neobičnim okolnostima. Četvrto, negativno je utjecala na učinkovitost odnosa, kako između religijskih organizacija na međuvjerskoj razini, tako i na razini odnosa s državnim tijelima. Peto, utjecala je na proces modernizacije praksa religijske komunikacije koje neće ugrožavati ljude. Navedene inovacije omogućile su povećavanje funkcionalnih sposobnosti religijske sigurnosti, ali su također potaknule stvaranje fleksibilnoga, prilagodljivoga, otvorenoga modela, koji će uzimati u obzir regulatorna, institucionalna, materijalna, informacijska i mentalna obilježja države


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    Korporativna sigurnost jedan je od temeljnih pretpostavki sigurnog poslovanja poduzeća. U svojoj se suštini bavi identifikacijom rizika i pronalaženjem načina da razni rizici na što manje negativan način utječu na poslovanje poduzeća. Korporativna sigurnost podrazumijeva uspostavljenu organizaciju čiji je temeljni cilj obuhvatiti područja koja mogu biti izložena raznim ugrozama, a koje se adekvatnim upravljanjem mogu izbjeći ili ublažiti. Sigurnosni poslovi uključuju uspostavu procesa identifikacije i upravljanja rizicima, business intelligence, klasifikaciju informacija, zaštitu podataka, zaštitu osobnih podataka, informacijsku sigurnost, podizanje svijesti zaposlenika poduzeća o sigurnosti, poslove tehničke sigurnosti, tjelesne i fizičke sigurnosti, zaštite na radu, zaštite od požara i zaštite okoliša, sigurnosti kadrova, sprječavanja pranja novca i financiranja terorizma, i mnoge druge poslove u ovisnosti o djelatnosti kojom se određeno poduzeće bavi. Krajnji cilj korporativne sigurnosti jest osigurati kontinuitet poslovanja u uvjetima krize i što brži opravak od njenih negativnih utjecaja te uspješan nastavak poslovanja poduzeća.Corporate security is one of the basic preconditions for safe business operations. It is essentially concerned with identifying risks and finding ways to mitigate the variable risks effects on the company's business in the least negative way. Corporate Security implies an established organization whose basic objective is to cover areas that may be subject to various threats, which can be avoided or alleviated by adequate management. Security activities include the establishment of risk identification and management processes, business intelligence, information classification, data protection, personal data protection, information security, improving employee safety awareness, technical security, proximity and physical security, health and safety at work, fire and environmental protection, personnel security, the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and many other activities depending on the activity that a particular company deals with. The ultimate goal of corporate security is to ensure the continuity of business operations in crisis conditions and the quicker rebound from negative impacts and the successful continuation of business operations


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    The original contribution of this article resides in the studies carried out by the Author indicating that a 1% increase in the profit on sales, against the unaltered remaining financing funds, is connected with a 0.76% increase in the EU fund for support of market and capital. Against the EU operational fund, the profit on sales proves negative (-0.631). Viewed in the context of the literature indicating certain difficulties in the determination of the financial security category, the impact of technologies and procedures, the impact of unique resources, the increase of entrepreneurial orientation, and access to EU funding, the present research fills the gap in terms of the determination of the regressive relation between the profit on sales on the one hand, and the EU fund for the support of the market and capital and the EU operational fund on the other. The regressive relation is expressed by flexibility coefficients (parameters) of the power function (model). They contribute to the economic literature with their empirical model based on the Cobb-Douglas power function, whilst the model contributes to the theory related to the financial security of enterprises (model = theory). The principal research tool used in the present study is the Cobb-Douglas power model used to examine the regressive dependency of profit on sales upon the EU operational fund and the EU fund for support of the market and capital as for the years 2014–2020. The model has also been used to calculate the marginal and average profitability for the aforesaid funds as measures of the efficiency of their financial security with small- and medium-sized enterprises in Poland. Moreover, the market/capital support fund remains within the sound management zone of the enterprises under research.Originalni doprinos ovog rada sastoji se u rezultatima istraživanja koji pokazuju da je 1% porasta profita u prodaji, uz neizmijenjene ostale izvore financiranja, povezan s 0,76% povećanja europskih fondova za potporu tržišta i kapitala. Kako bi se ispitala priroda regresijskog odnosa između operativnog fonda EU za potporu tržišta i kapitala i profitabilnosti poduzeća, u radu je korišten Cobb-Douglas-ov model. Kao mjere učinkovitosti, u modelu su korišteni empirijski izračuni granične i prosječne profitabilnosti. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku malih i srednjih poduzeća u Poljskoj za razdoblje 2014.-2020. Rezultati istraživanja su potvrdili hipotezu o pozitivnim učincima EU fonda za potporu razvoja tržišta i kapitala na financijsku sigurnost malih i srednjih poduzeća u Poljskoj. Uz financijsku sigurnost, potvrđen je i pozitivan doprinos rastu profita poduzeća