160 research outputs found

    Den sĂ€rskilda statliga ersĂ€ttningen för vanvĂ„rd i den sociala barnavĂ„rden – frĂ„n utredning till ersĂ€ttning

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    År 2006 valde den svenska regeringen att tillsĂ€tta en utredning för att kartlĂ€gga omfattningen av den vanvĂ„rd som skett i den sociala barnavĂ„rden. Utredningen bedrevs frĂ€mst genom intervjuer med frivilliga, som ville berĂ€tta om vad de utsatts för i sin barndom. Över 1000 personer blev intervjuade, det stora intresset var inte vĂ€ntat utan utredningen överskred sina tidsramar bĂ„de en och tvĂ„ gĂ„nger. Innan den första utredningen, kort benĂ€mnd VanvĂ„rdsutredningen, hade avslutats stod det klart att en ny utredning, UpprĂ€ttelseutredningen, mĂ„ste initieras. UpprĂ€ttelseutredningen hade som syfte att ge förslag pĂ„ hur en upprĂ€ttelseprocess för de drabbade skulle kunna se ut. Förslaget innebar en process i tre steg: ett erkĂ€nnande och en ursĂ€kt, en ekonomisk kompensation samt Ă„tgĂ€rder för att förhindra upprepning. UpprĂ€ttelseutredningens förslag pĂ„ en ekonomisk kompensation innebar att en statlig ersĂ€ttning skulle utges till de drabbade, trots att nĂ„gon egentlig ersĂ€ttningsskyldighet för staten inte förelĂ„g. Staten följde utredningens rekommendation och införde en ny lag som ger möjlighet till ersĂ€ttning, lagen (2012:663) om ersĂ€ttning pĂ„ grund av övergrepp eller försummelser i samhĂ€llsvĂ„rden av barn och unga i vissa fall. Lagen började gĂ€lla den första januari 2013 och ger rĂ€tt för de som drabbades av vanvĂ„rd nĂ€r de var placerade i den sociala barnavĂ„rden mellan Ă„ren 1920-1980 att ansöka om ersĂ€ttning hos en sĂ€rskild nĂ€mnd kallad ErsĂ€ttningsnĂ€mnden. ErsĂ€ttningen mĂ„ste sökas senast den sista december 2014. Lagen stĂ€ller upp ett antal specifika villkor, villkor som ErsĂ€ttningsnĂ€mnden har att bedöma om de Ă€r uppfyllda eller inte i varje enskilt fall. Till sin hjĂ€lp att tolka villkoren har nĂ€mnden lagens proposition. Lagen och propositionen blev hĂ„rt kritiserade frĂ„n flera hĂ„ll nĂ€r det framkom att hela 43 % av de som ansökt om ersĂ€ttning fĂ„tt avslag, efter att nĂ€stan ett Ă„r av beslutsfattande passerat. Kritiken handlade framförallt om att ersĂ€ttningen Ă€r för svĂ„r att fĂ„ – nĂ„got som mĂ„nga menar har som konsekvens att ersĂ€ttningen inte alls fyller sitt syfte som upprĂ€ttelse, utan snarare innebĂ€r att staten Ă„terigen sviker de drabbade.The Swedish government initiated an inquiry in 2006 to survey the extent of serious abuse or neglect of children in social care. The inquiry took place primarily through interviews with volunteers who wanted to share what had happened to them in their childhood. More than 1000 people were interviewed, the huge interest was not expected and the time frame for the inquiry had to be extended not once, but twice. Before the completion of the first inquiry, VanvĂ„rdsutredningen (inquiry of serious abuse or neglect), a new inquiry had to be initiated – UpprĂ€ttelseutredningen (inquiry of redress). The purpose of the new inquiry was to suggest a redress for those affected by the deficiencies in social care. The suggestion intended a three step process: a recognition and an apology, an economic compensation and to develop measures to prevent similar events from happening again. The inquiry suggested that the government should give an economic compensation even though there was no legal obligation for the government to do so. The government followed this suggestion and introduced a new law granting economic compensation. The law entered into force on the 1st of January 2013 and gives those who were subjected to serious abuse or neglect as a child in social care between 1920 and 1980 the right to apply for compensation with ErsĂ€ttningsnĂ€mnden, the government agency examining the eligibility for compensation. It is possible to apply for the compensation up to and including the 31st of December 2014. The law stipulates a number of conditions whose fulfillment has to be evaluated by ErsĂ€ttningsnĂ€mnden in every single case. The government bill serves as a guidance of interpretation. The law and the government bill were widely criticized when it became clear that 43 % of those who have applied for compensation have been denied such, after almost one year of decision making conducted by the agency. The criticism mainly referred to the fact that the compensation is too difficult to receive – to many the consequence of this is, that the compensation system does not fulfill its purpose as a means of redress, instead the government once more lets down those affected

    Vuxnas erfarenheter av fosterhemsplacering som barn

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    The purpose of our research was to focus on children that were placed in foster care and from their experiences understand how that affected them in their adult life. The method of our choice for the report was a qualitative content analysis. In our report we have used empirical data from four autobiographies written by adults placed in foster care as children. A conclusion was that all adults had sometime experienced inferiority towards the social worker. It was shown that the adults that were placed in foster care as a child had not had the possibility to influence decisions made regarding their placements. Further, the foster children saw themselves as different to other children that were not in foster care. Their feelings of being different were confirmed when they were discriminated by various means. As adults they described a fear of not being allowed to stay with their foster families at the same time as they found it difficult to adjust to the family’s rules and norms. They felt affinity with the foster family, but also felt as being part of it

    Att beforska barn och unga i hem, skola, samhÀllsvÄrd och kriminalvÄrd

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    The article describes and analyses the legal framework concerning children’s participation in research in Sweden. Research on children is one way to improve children’s living conditions. For example, there is a need for knowledge about children’s and young people’s situation at home, at school, in community care and in correctional facilities. It is inevitable that there arise both ethical and legal issues concerning this research. A law has been in force since 2004, which deals with vetting the ethics of research that involves humans, i.e. the Act (2003:460) concerning the Ethical Review of Research Involving Humans. The article aims to analyze the legal preconditions according to this legislation for conducting social science research on children and young people in Sweden and to discuss the child’s status as a research person from a child-rights and vulnerability perspective. In addition to the legal framework, decisions by the Central Ethical Review Board that concern research on children within the social sciences are examined and discussed

    Bevisprövningsdilemman och snÀva rekvisit i lagen (2012:663) om ersÀttning pÄ grund av övergrepp och försummelser i samhÀllsvÄrden av barn och unga i vissa fall - En rÀttssÀkerhetsstudie

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    Den statligt tillsatta VanvĂ„rdsutredningen konstaterade Ă„r 2010 att det under en stor del av 1900-talet förekommit mĂ„nga fall av allvarliga försummelser och övergrepp vid institutioner och familjehem inom den sociala barnavĂ„rden. Med anledning av vad hade som presenterats tillsatte regeringen dĂ€refter UpprĂ€ttelseutredningen med uppdrag att nĂ€rmare utreda möjligheterna till upprĂ€ttelse för de barn som utsattes för vanvĂ„rd under tidsperioden 1920-1980. UpprĂ€ttelseutredningen menade att det frĂ€mst var samhĂ€llet som bar ansvaret för den vanvĂ„rd som hade Ă€gt rum inom ramen för den sociala barnavĂ„rden och att ett beviljande av en sĂ€rskild statlig ersĂ€ttning skulle utgöra ett viktigt led i en upprĂ€ttelseprocess och ett erkĂ€nnande av vad som hade hĂ€nt. Vidare anfördes att eventuella skadestĂ„ndsansprĂ„k enligt normala ersĂ€ttningsrĂ€ttsliga principer i huvudsak skulle vara preskriberade till följd av den lĂ„nga tidsperiod som förflutit sedan hĂ€ndelserna hade Ă€gt rum varför möjligheterna för den enskilde att erhĂ„lla ersĂ€ttning enligt skadestĂ„ndslagen skulle vara smĂ„. UpprĂ€ttelseutredningens förslag kom sedermera att resultera i införandet av lagen (2012:663) om ersĂ€ttning pĂ„ grund av övergrepp eller försummelser i samhĂ€llsvĂ„rden av barn och unga i vissa fall. Denna nya ersĂ€ttningslagstiftning trĂ€dde i kraft den 1 januari 2013 och ger den som varit omhĂ€ndertagen för samhĂ€llsvĂ„rd under perioden 1920-1980 rĂ€tt till ersĂ€ttning om 250 000 kronor om det kan antas att han eller hon har utsatts för sĂ„dana övergrepp eller försummelser som Ă€r av allvarlig art i samband med vĂ„rden. Med hĂ€nsyn till risken för bevissvĂ„righeter till följd av den mĂ„nga gĂ„nger lĂ„nga tidsperiod som har förflutit sedan vanvĂ„rden Ă€gde rum uppstĂ€ller den nya ersĂ€ttningslagen inte samma krav pĂ„ bevisning i jĂ€mförelse med den allmĂ€nna skadestĂ„ndsrĂ€tten. Detta resulterar emellertid i skillnader vid bevisprövningen beroende pĂ„ om den enskilde omfattas av den nya ersĂ€ttningslagen eller om denne faller utanför lagens tillĂ€mpningsomrĂ„de. Trots de lĂ€ttnader, som sĂ„ledes föreligger i bevishĂ€nseende, leder dock utformningen av de rekvisit som i övrigt ska vara uppfyllda till att nĂ€ra hĂ€lften av alla inkomna ansökningar om ersĂ€ttning fĂ„r avslag. En anledning till att en sĂ„ stor andel av ansökningarna leder till avslag Ă€r bland annat att den rĂ„dande samhĂ€llssynen pĂ„ barnuppfostran under olika tidsperioder fĂ„r betydelse för bedömningen av vad som ska anses utgöra vanvĂ„rd av sĂ„dan allvarlig art som lagen krĂ€ver. Detta leder till att samma hĂ€ndelse kan bli föremĂ„l för olika bedömningar beroende pĂ„ nĂ€r i tiden denna Ă€gde rum. Vidare tar inte lagen sikte pĂ„ alla de fall av privata placeringar som lĂ€nge var vanligt förekommande under 1900-talet. Slutligen omfattas inte heller sĂ„dana hĂ€ndelser som inte kan antas ha ett nĂ€ra samband med vĂ„rden av barnet eller som Ă€gt rum senare Ă€n Ă„r 1980. Sammantaget mĂ„ste införandet av den nya ersĂ€ttningslagen anses fylla en viktig funktion som ett erkĂ€nnande och en ursĂ€kt för de övergrepp och försummelser som sĂ„ mĂ„nga barn utsattes för inom ramen för den sociala barnavĂ„rden. Den problematik som kan föreligga rörande bevisprövning och lagens snĂ€vt utformade rekvisit medför dock att relevant lika fall de facto inte behandlas lika ifrĂ„ga om de faktiska möjligheterna att erhĂ„lla ersĂ€ttning. Denna omstĂ€ndighet kan ifrĂ„gasĂ€ttas ur ett rĂ€ttssĂ€kerhetsperspektiv och kommer att undersökas nĂ€rmare inom ramen för denna framstĂ€llning.In 2010, a commission, appointed by the Swedish government, found that serious neglect and abuse had been occurring within the public childcare system during the 20th century. As a result of these findings, a second commission was mandated to inquire the possibilities for restitution for all children who had experienced neglect or abuse between 1920 and 1980. The commission suggested that an economic compensation provided by the government would play an important part in the restitution process, as well as provide a public acknowledgement of the abuse that had occurred within the system. It also stated that any other claims for compensation according to the Swedish law on damages would essentially be statue-barred due to the long period of time that had passed since the occurring of these events. The suggested economic compensation subsequently resulted in a new law coming in to force on 1 January 2013. This new law gives anyone who has been fostered and cared for within the public childcare system during 1920-1980, a right to an economic compensation of 250 000 SEK if it can be assumed that he or she had been subjected to abuse of a serious nature in connection with the care provided. Due to the long period of time that has passed since the stated timeframe for compensation, the issue of presenting evidence proving the occurrence of abuse of a serious nature can prove difficult. Therefore, the new law does not require as much evidence in order to grant compensation as what is otherwise the norm according to the general law on damages. However, this has resulted in differences in the sifting of evidence depending on if the individual is covered by the new legislation or falls outside its scope. In order to be granted compensation, the new law also stipulates a number of necessary conditions that have to be fulfilled in order for the individual to be granted compensation. Despite the alleviation regarding evidence, nearly half of all the applications for compensation are rejected due to the way these conditions have been formulated. Amongst other things, the varied public perception on children’s upbringing during different time periods has come to play an important part in the assessment of what should be viewed as such abuse that will entitle the individual to compensation. Depending on when the abuse took place, this will result in different assessments of the same event. Moreover, the new law does not cover private placements, something that was very common during the 20th century. Finally, the new law does not cover such events that are not viewed as having a connection with the public care provided for the child, nor does it cover such events that have taken place past 1980. On the one hand, taking all these issues into consideration, the enacting of the new law must be considered important as a public apology and an acknowledgement by the state of the neglect and abuse that so many children were subjected to within the public childcare system during a large part of the 20th century. On the other hand, the new law can be considered problematic with regard to the sifting of evidence and the way in which the necessary conditions have been formulated. Cases, which can be viewed as identical, will therefore not be treated in the same way in regards to the actual possibility for the individual to acquire compensation. This can be questioned from a broader perspective based on the rule of law

    "Att finnas till i ur och skur" : En studie om familjehemssekreterares upplevelser och förestÀllningar om avbrott i familjehemsplaceringar

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    The aim of this study was to examine family home social workers experience and conception of unplanned as well as planned disruptions in family foster care. We also wanted to investigate the main reasons of disruption identified by family home social workers, and how they are managed. Another aim was to investigate how family home social workers work with children, biological parents and foster parents post-disruption. Data was conducted during seven semi-structured interviews with family home social workers from five municipalities in the south of Sweden. In this study we used Social constructivism as a perspective to understand the collected data, and the analysis is based on the concept of institutional logics from the New Institutional Theory and Attribution theories. The Attribution theories describe the cause of an event or behavior to help people understand the world. Overall we could determine that unplanned disruption and relocation is a failure for all parties involved in a foster care placement. In conclusion we found that matching is a crucial aspect in preventing disruptions, and that poor matching are causing disruptions. Furthermore, adequate and sustained communication between children, foster parents and social services plays a key role in preventing as well as managing disruptions

    Uppföljning av ett haveri i social barnavÄrd

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    Barnets socialsekreterare-vad betyder den nya lagstiftningen i praktiken?

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    Author: Ylva Tornestrand Title: The child’s social worker, what does it mean in practise? Supervisor: Bodil Rasmusson Assessor: Norma Montesino The aim of this essay is to examine how the new legislation is applied in practice when it comes to children placed in foster homes should have their own social worker. This has been done through the perspective of the child’s social worker. The study is qualitative and based on the interviews with five social workers, who are social workers to children placed in foster homes. The soci al workers do follow up of the placement of the children. All interviewees found the amendment positive as they describe that this leads to a more defined responsibility, the children are prioritized and thus an improvement for children placed in foster ho mes. The social workers’ opinion was that by having your own social worker it gives the children better security, but actually it is all about having a good relation and continuity in contact with the children. At the same time they described difficulties in their role. These difficulties were about maintaining a comprehensive view and cooperation between the adults who were jointly responsible for the children. Several of the social workers also experienced an increased workload due to this organizational change

    De borde omhÀndertagit mig första gÄngen : Kvalitativa intervjuer med barn som placerats utom hemmet

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    Examensarbetet inleds med en förankring i barnskyddslagen och barnets rĂ€ttigheter. Examensarbetet Ă€r en utvĂ€rdering av tio barns subjektiva upplevelse före, efter och under den tid de var placerade, vilka Ă€r mina frĂ„gestĂ€llningar. Undersökningen Ă€r en utvĂ€rdering med halvstrukturerade intervjuer med skattningsskalan Outcome Rating Scale som grund. Barnen fick vid intervjutillfĂ€llet med egna ord berĂ€tta hur de upplevt placeringen. Undersökningen visade att beslutet att placera dem var en nödvĂ€ndig Ă„tgĂ€rd. Barnen hade reflekterat över sina liv samt hur de upplevde placeringarna i fosterhem, slĂ€ktinghem och i institutionsmiljöer. Jag har i undersökningen informerat om barnskyddslagen och barnens rĂ€ttigheter. Examensarbetet belyser ocksĂ„ barns styrka eller utsatthet, resiliens och risk med placeringar. Vilken risk utsĂ€tts barnen vid placeringar och vilken risk upplever barn om de inte blir placerade. Resiliens innebĂ€r att bemĂ€stra för barnen svĂ„rupplevda livssituationer. OmhĂ€ndertagandet av barn vĂ€cker opinion bland allmĂ€nheten. FrĂ„gorna stĂ€lls emot varandra, Ă€r det bra med en placering eller Ă€r det skadligt för barnen?The degree thesis opens with declaring the enactment of child welfare in relation to the act of child’s rights. The degree thesis is an evaluation of ten children’s subjective experience before, during and after the re-placement. My frame of questions concentrates around this specific experience. This analyze is an evaluation based on semi-structured interviews where the Outcome Rating Scale- method has been used as a base. The degree thesis also illuminates resilience and the risks of re-placements, both risks in re-placements itself as well as the risks the child experiences if it does not get re-placed. Resilience implies knowledge of mastering a situation that a child experience as severe perceived. During the interview the children expressed, in their own words, how they experienced the re-placement. The children reflected over their lives as well as how they experienced the re-placement with relatives, foster care as well as different institutions. The survey shows that the decision to re-place the children in question was a required arrangement. The topic of child re-placement awakens different opinions among people. The public argues opinions to solve the question: is it a good resolution to re-place a child or will the child get harmed

    Det uppmÀrksammade barnomhÀndertagandet : En kvalitativ innehÄllsanalys av hur svenska medier framstÀller omhÀndertagande av barn

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    The purpose of this study was to examine how newspapers construct the image of childcare in Sweden. To be more specific the aim was to explore and understand how media describes the work that social services are doing when they investigate the need of childcare or decide to emancipate a child from their parents. The questions this study wanted to answer is which perspective media most commonly choose to emphasize and if there were certain participants that was rendered as victims or perpetrators. To answer those questions this study used a qualitative content analysis applied on articles in six different Swedish newspapers. The theories applied on this study was social constructionism, priming and media logic. We found that Swedish newspaper, while discussing child protective services, more frequent described social services in a negative way. The material this study analyzed showed that children usually was pictured as victims while social services more commonly was the perpetrator. An interesting result was that even in articles where children was displayed as perpetrators, social services still was presented as ineffective. The conclusion of this study was that social services need a better way to communicate with the media to create a nuanced picture of child protection in Sweden

    FörÀldrars deltagande vid institutionsvÄrd av unga - ur ett professionellt perspektiv

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    This essay is based on a qualitative study about parents’ involvement in children’s treatment in residential care. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with professionals working at institutions for youth between the age 13-20 and litterature related to the chosen subject. The purpose of this essay is to examine how the professionals reason about parents’ involvement in residential youth care and which impact it may have on the care of the youth, both positive and negative. By using system theory we have been able to get an overall perspective of the family and how the residential placement can effect their lives. The results of the interviews indicate that the professionals had a simular comprehension about parents’ involvement and considered it to be an important part in the care of the youth. However, there were some differences in the approach when working with the families. Some residentials used established methods in family treatment with therapeutic intentions, while most of the residentials used the every-day-contact to influence the parent-child relationship. Among other reasons, the overall perception was that the parents are the most important people in a child’s life because no one can be able to replace them. We found that in cases of oppression in the name of honour or sexual abuse the professionals chose not to involve the parents because of the fact that the contact could create more damage than actually help the youth. The professionals argued that a good collaboration with the parents depended on the parents’ attitude towards the treatment. To create a working relationship between professionals and parents and between professionals and youth, respect and honesty were important, equally so flexibility in formation of the treatment
