1,042 research outputs found

    Effect of fertigation with nitrogen and foliar application of some nutrients on growth, yield and apple fruit mineral composition

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    Utjecaj folijarne aplikacije nekih hraniva, sa ili bez fertirigacije s dušikom, u uspredbi s klasičnom gnojidbom s dušikom, na vegetativni rast, rodnost, te sadržaj mineralnih elemenata u plodovima, istraživan je sa sortom Golden Delicious, cijepljenom na podlozi M9, tijekom 2000-2002. Istraživanja su obavljena u dva subpokusa: u prvom počevši s dvogodišnjim, a u drugom s trogodišnjim voćkama. U obadva pokusa voćke su uzgajane kao super vreteno (razmak sadnje 3.2 x 0.7m). Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na veće značenje opterećenja rodom, a relativno mali učinak folijarne gnojidbe na rast, rodnost i sadržaj mineralnih elemenata u plodovima u godinama ulaska u produktivnu dob. Kada su stabla bila prikladno opterećena rodom, sadržaj i odnosi N/Ca, K/Ca i (Mg + K)/Ca bili su u granicama koje omogućuju uspješno čuvanje u hladnjači. Nasuprot tomu, u stabala s niskim opterećenjem, niti primjena folijarne gnojidbe nije pridonijela poboljšanju sadržaja mineralnih elmenata i plodovi su bili neprikladni za duže čuvanje u hladnjači.The effect of foliar application of some nutrients and fertigation in comparison with broadcast nitrogen fertilization on growth, yield and mineral fruit composition of young apple ‘Golden Delicious’, grafted on M9 rootstock was investigated in years 2000-2002. Two orchard experiments were established, one with 2-year and the other with 3-year old trees, grown at a spacing of 3.2 x 0.7 m and trained to super spindle. The results showed low beneficial effect of applied treatments, and relatively high effect of crop load on growth, yield and fruit mineral content. Ratios of N/Ca, K/Ca and (Mg + K)/Ca in fruits indicated good storage quality as related to normal crop load. Contrary to that, when treatments were applied on trees with inadequate crop load, no beneficial effect occurred and fruits showed low storage life. This result illustrates the important balance between vegetative growth and fruit load that occurs during tree establishment

    Growth and cropping of ‘Golden Delicious’ apple related to fertigation with nitrogen

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    Istraživanja su obavljena sa sortom jabuke Golden Delicious (Malus x domestica Borkh), koja je cijepljena na slabo bujnu podlogu M 9, i uzgajana u gustom sklopu (3000 stabala/ha). U pokusu je istraživan utjecaj fertirigacije dušikom u dozama od 45, 60 i 120 kg/ha, natapanja bez gnojidbe, te kontrole (bez natapanja i uporabe gnojiva) na rast i rodnost jabuke Golden Delicious. Tretmani su primjenjivani u dva vremenska intervala tijekom vegetacije: od 1. svibnja do 20. lipnja, te od 1. svibnja do 1. kolovoza. Pokus je trajao osam godina počevši od druge godine poslije sadnje (1992-1999.). Istraživanjima nije utvrđen konzistentan utjecaj primijenjenih tretmana na dinamiku rodnosti, kumulativni prirod i učinkovitost rodnosti. Najveći kumulativni prirod, uz relativno nizak indeks alternativne rodnosti, postignut je uz fertirigaciju sa 60 kg N/ha, kada je ona primjenjivana u razdoblju od 1. svibnja do 20. lipnja. U svim varijantama pokusa dinamika rodnosti slijedila je sličan trend uz jače izraženu tendenciju alternativne rodnosti u varijantama bez fertirigacije s dušikom, a puna rodnost postignuta je u petoj godini nakon sadnje.The study was conducted in a ‘Golden Delicious’/M9 orchard (3000 trees/ha) to investigate the effects of fertigation with N at 45, 60 and 120 kg/ha, and irrigation without fertilizers on the growth and productivity of the crop. Treatment durations were from 1 May to 20 June, and from 1 May to 1 August. Treatments began during the 2nd year after planting, and lasted eight years (1992-1999). Fertigation with N at different rates showed no consistent effect on the dynamic of cropping, cumulative yield and yield efficiency. The tendency to biennial bearing in the treatment with N-fertigation was generally low and markedly higher in the treatment without fertigation. The highest cumulative yield, with low index of alternate bearing was obtained in the treatment receiving 60 kg N/ha from 1 May to 20 June. The yield was obtained increasing dynamic followed the similar trend in all treatments, and full productivity was achieved in the fifth year after planting

    Deficitni princip namakanja oljčnih nasadov v Slovenski Istri

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    The olive tree has anatomical-morphological and physiological adaptations which enable it to cope well with dry conditions and water deficits. However, if water shortage occurs during the development phases (shoot growth, flower bud development, bloom, fruit set, cell division and enlargement and oil accumulation), which are the most susceptible to stress, it can also have a negative effect on the growth and productivity of olive trees. The Slovenian Istria is facing with increased risk of drought. Due to increased occurrence and intensity of agricultural droughts controlled deficit irrigation will become an inevitable element of agricultural practice in Slovene Istria.</span

    Demogeographic features of Požega-Slavonia County

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    Požeško-slavonska županija spada u red najslabije naseljenih hrvatskih županija. Županiju u suvremenim demografskim kretanjima karakterizira depopulacija koja je uvjetovana negativnim prirodnim kretanjem te izrazitom emigracijom stanovništva iz županije. Domovinski rat je uvelike utjecao na demografsku sliku županije te odredio određene uvjete za buduće kretanje stanovništva čime je otpočela nova faza demografskog razvoja. Stanovništvo županije na samome početku rata je brojilo oko 100 000 stanovnika da bi taj broj pao na svega 78 000 prema popisu iz 2011. godine. Stanovništvo županije karakterizira starenje te se udio starijih dobnih skupina povećava dok se mlađe dobne skupine „gube“ niskom stopom nataliteta i emigracijom. Županija je neravnomjerno naseljena, te se tako većina stanovništva nalazi na požeškom području dok su zapadni dijelovi županije izrazito rijetko naseljeni. Trenutačni demografski problemi županije uvjetovani su lošom prometnom povezanošću, ekonomskim stanjem, lošim provođenjem pronatalitetne politike te brojnim drugim faktorima.The Požega-Slavonia County is among the less inhabited Croatian counties. The county in contemporary demographic trends is characterized by depopulation which is conditioned by negative natural change and by the strong emigration. The Homeland War has greatly influenced the demographic picture of the county and set certain conditions for future population trends, thus starting a new phase of demographic development. The population of the county at the very beginning of the war was a counter of about 100,000 inhabitants, to fall to only 78,000 according to the 2011 census. The population of the county is characterized by aging and the share of older age groups increases as younger age groups "vanish" by the low birth rate and emigration. The county is unevenly inhabited, and so most of the population is in the Požega region, while the western parts of the county are sparsely inhabited. The current demographic problems of the county are conditioned by poor traffic connections, poor economic conditions, bad policy implementation and numerous other factors

    Slovenia: Generous family policy without evidence of any fertility impact

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    Slovenia was not a typical socialist country; the transformation that had started at the end of the 1980s did not cause such great turbulences as in other countries in transition. However, unfavorable consequences did accompany the transition, particularly for some segments of the population. Fertility trends in Slovenia, as seen in the total fertility rate, have not surpassed the replacement level since the end of the 1970s. The lowest level of 1.21 was reached during the 1999-2003 period. Since then, the total fertility rate has been increasing slightly. Postponement in childbearing began with cohorts born after 1960. In today’s Slovenian society, on average young women achieve higher education than men, and they perceive (potential) motherhood as a drawback in the labor market. Almost all parents in Slovenia are employed full-time, even those with small children. Nevertheless, the traditional gender-division of roles persists in the family. Extended education, relatively high unemployment among the young, and a shortage of adequate housing prolong the stay in the parental home. Together with insecure employment, a responsible parenthood norm, and the perceived high costs of children, this results in childbearing postponement and a lower final number of children. Slovenia has a relatively well-developed family policy, particularly on parental leave and pre-school childcare. Notwithstanding, almost no impact of family policy on fertility has ever been observed.childbearing, Europe, family policy, fertility, Slovenia


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    Danas u Istri nema matičnih nasada starih, autohtonih sorata vinove loze podignutih sukladno važećim zakonskim propisima. U novo posađenim vinogradima koriste se klonovi koji nisu selekcionirani u hrvatskoj nego u inozemnim rasadnicima, posljedica toga je uniformnost sorata i vinogradarske proizvodnje. S ciljem očuvanja tipičnosti vinogradarsko-vinarske proizvodnje u Istri, tijekom 2003. godine pokrenuta je znanstveno-istraživačka aktivnost s ciljem identifikacije i očuvanja autohtonih sorata u Istri, te podizanje matičnih nasada starih sorata. Od početka istraživanja pregledano je nekoliko desetaka starih vinograda diljem cijelog Istarskog poluotoka, u svrhu pronalaženja trsova starih sorata. Na temelju prikupljenih podataka, izdvojeno je tridesetak nasada u kojima je ukupno označeno niz biotipova različitih starih sorata vinove loze. Označeni su sljedeći biotipovi, bijele sorte: Guštana, Malvazija istarska bijela, Pergola, Puškavac bijeli, i crne sorte: Bontempo crni, Manjakan. Izvršena je klasifikacija prema OIV kriterijima te sanitarna kontrola na prisutnost virusa.Today in Istria there are no matriculair plantations of old autochthonous cultivars. Therefore the plantation of vineyards depends upon foreign nursery’s. In new vineyard plantations clones not selected in Croatia are planted what causes variety and grape production uniformity. Because of large consequences that clone selection has on viticulture production a scientific research activity was started with in order to identify and preserve autochthonous varieties in Istra, and establishing matriculair plantations of old varieties. Research started in 2003., in about fifty vineyards throughout Istria peninsula. We detected old varieties wine stocks. Based upon gathered material we separated several vineyards with different biotypes of different grape varieties. Marked biotypes were as folowing white ones: Guštana, Malvazija istarska bijela, Pergola, Puškavac bijeli, and black ones; Bontempo crni, Borgonja, Hrvatica, Manjakan. Viticultural features were measured according to OIV indicators and sanitary control was pursued to viruses’ presence

    Kosova dhe Sllovenia – dy Ngjarje, dy Rrugë, dhe sfida të ndryshme

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    Punimi bën krahasimin e zhvillimeve demografike të Republikës së Sllovenisë dhe të Republikës së Kosovës gjatë dekadave të fundit. Qëllimi kryesor është që të ceken dallimet e rëndësishme dhe shkaqet e evolucionit të ndryshëm të tranzicionit demografik në këto dy mjedise. Në të parën, tranzicioni përfundoi në fund të shekullit të kaluar, ndërsa në të dytën tranzicioni gjendet vetëm në fazën e parë. Përderisa Republika e Sllovenisë gjendet sot në një situatë posttranzicionale, të karakterizuar nga një ndryshim i konsiderueshëm i marrëdhënieve ndër-gjeneratave, Republika e Kosovës është ende një shoqëri në tranzicion me të dhëna statistikore për lëvizje të popullatës që tregojnë që Kosova duhet të ballafaqohet me sfida të pa shembull (që gjithashtu) lidhen me ndryshime të parashikuara radikale në strukturat e natalitetit të popullatës