340 research outputs found

    DFP analiza izrade robotiziranih međuproizvoda u brodogradnji

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    Brodograđevna industrija spada u jedne od najkompleksnijih proizvodnih industrija. Dugi niz godina se nastoji postići optimalna proizvodnja, sa minimalnim gubicima i maksimalnim rezultatima konačnog proizvoda-broda. Da bi se omogućio takav pristup proizvodnji potrebno je redovito modernizirati proizvodne procese u brodogradilištu tj. biti u toku sa svjetskim trendovima u proizvodnji broda. Ulaganje u unapređenje proizvodnih linija je ključan i primaran potez za postizanje ušteda. U svijetu industrije je zavladao trend težnje za automatizacijom i robotizacijom proizvodnih pogona iz razloga jer još uvijek nije postignut željeni i zadovoljavaći stupanj automatizacije/robotizacije. Iz tog razloga većina brodogradilišta je u stadiju djelomično automatiziranih i robotiziranih pogona radi čega je još uvijek vrlo veliki postotak prisutnosti ljudske radne snage. U ovom članku će se osvrnuti na nedostatke proizvodnog procesa promatranog brodgradilišta sa ciljem davanja uvida u mogućnost optimiziranja predmontažne faze gradnje broda

    Kritičen pogled na procese robotizacije v podjetjih

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    Research Question (RQ): Robotization has many effects on our society, which, on the one hand, are expressed in potential benefits, on the other hand they represent a risk to society. Therefore, important question occurs: ""What are the effects of robotization on the need for human labour and hence to unemployment?" Purpose: The purpose of the article is to give a critical view of the research question raised. In a critical discussion, I will begin by focusing on the explanation of the word robot, robotization, and consequently on positive as well as negative aspects of robotization. Some authors argue that robotization is not very different from other technologies that support automation and higher productivity. Others feel that robots can replace people at work. Explanations and insights by various authors on the course of robot development and robotization are clearly summarized. At the conclusion of the discussion, I gave a critical look at the introduction of robotics and robots into the working environment. Method: The article uses the critical discourse method. The findings are based on meta-analysis. Content review of the articles was used to summarize and compare qualitative data. Results: The advantage of robotization is primarily in the replacement of employees at workplaces that endanger the health of workers and where dangerous working conditions prevail. On the negative side, it represents a job placement, which can be performed by a empoyee without major problems. The robot then puts the worker in an unequal position, as the robot lowers the value of work, it is almost infallible and has no problems with absenteeism, poor interpersonal relationships, family, and so on. Organization: Management must be aware of the changes brought about by the robotization process. Society: The process of robotization can affect the occurrence of negative consequences for employment. The article highlights areas in which we need to be careful when introducing robotization. Originality: The originality is in the presentation of a critical view of the process of robotization in Slovenia. Limitations / further research: The article represents a critical view of the robotization process, the research was not done


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    The 4th Industrial Revolution can be seen as the environment of modern economic, social and cultural progress, in which all current evolutionary processes are based on digital systems. These processes pose challenges for tax systems, such as robotization, digitalization and other technological innovations. The tax system must adapt to the changes caused by the 4th Industrial revolution, use their potential and ensure economic development, stable budget revenues and fair and proportional distribution of taxes. Research problem: what are the possible directions of reforming the tax system in the context of the challenges of the 4th Industrial revolution to ensure sufficient tax revenues? The aim of the study is to identify the problems faced by the tax system as a result of the 4th Industrial revolution, and possible directions of restructuring. To achieve this aim, the research of scientists and expert opinions of international organizations were analyzed and systematized using the methods of operationalization, systematic analysis, induction and deduction. The obtained results of the study provide two directions for restructuring tax systems: introduction of new taxes and the reorganization of existing tax systems by adapting them to new conditions in the context of technological progress. Further studies, after assessing and justifying the possibilities of reforming the tax system, can provide recommendations for maintaining a balanced budget of the country.  4-ąją Pramonės revoliuciją galima laikyti šiuolaikinio ekonominio, socialinio ir kultūrinio progreso terpe, kurioje visi vykstantys evoliucijos procesai paremti skaitmeninėmis sistemomis.Šie procesai sukuria tokius iššūkius mokesčių sistemai: robotizacija, skaitmenizacija ir kitos technologinės inovacijos. Mokesčių sistema turi adaptuotis prie 4-osios Pramonės Revoliucijos kuriamų pokyčių, išnaudoti jų potencialą ir užtikrinti ekonomikos plėtrą, stabilias biudžeto pajamas, teisingą ir proporcingą mokesčių paskirstymą. Tyrimo mokslinė problema: kokios galimos mokesčių sistemos pertvarkos kryptys 4-osios Pramonės revoliucijos iššūkių kontekste, siekiant užtikrinti pakankamas mokestines pajamas? Tyrimo tikslas – identifikuoti4-osios Pramonės revoliucijos keliamus iššūkius mokesčių sistemai ir galimas pertvarkos kryptis. Tikslui pasiekti buvo išanalizuoti ir susisteminti mokslininkų tyrimai ir tarptautinių organizacijų ekspertų ataskaitos naudojant operacionalizacijos, sisteminės analizės, indukcijos ir dedukcijos metodus. Gauti tyrimo rezultatai numato dvi mokesčių sistemų tobulinimo kryptis: naujų mokesčių įvedimas ir esamų mokesčių sistemų pertvarkymas pritaikant jas prie naujų sąlygų technologinio progreso kontekste. Tolimesniuose tyrimuose, įvertinus ir argumentuotai pagrindus mokesčių sistemos pertvarkos galimybes, galima suformuoti rekomendacijas siekiant išlaikyti šalies biudžeto balansą. &nbsp

    Robotization of car body spot welding

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    U radu je prikazan cijeli proces robotizacije točkastog zavarivanja karoserija vozila te niz izazova i problema koji se javljaju. Proces se odvio u tvornici Revoz, tvrtke Renault, na području Republike Slovenije. Prednosti i nedostaci robotskog zavarivanja, te parametri korišteni za odabir robota u obavljanju posla su navedeni. Pokazani su načini rada prije robotizacije i modifikacije postojećih konstrukcija koje su se trebale promjeniti da bi roboti mogli zavarivati. Plan radnog mjesta robota u tvornici je priloţen, te će se analizirati radni prostori u kojima će pojedini roboti obavljati zadatke. Navedeni su svi elementi u otoku i njihova uloga u cijelom procesu robotizacije. Detaljnije su opisana zavarna kliješta i njihov odabir, pri čemu je opisivana njihova mehanička karakteristika, ali i konkretni tipovi za pojedini autodio. Navedene su i točke zavara na nekim autodijelovima koje će se morati zavariti. Nadalje se u završnoj fazi procesa obraĎivao sami programski kod jednog robota. Za kraj se evidentira vrijeme utrošeno na cijelokupan proces automatizacije/robotizacije procesa, te se iznose očekivanja od cijelog sustava.This paper presents the whole automotive welding process of the vehicle body and a series of challenges and problems that arise. The process took place at the Revoz factory, Renault, in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. The advantages and disadvantages of robot welding, as well as the parameters used to select robots in performing the work are listed. Methods have been demonstrated before the robotization and modification of the existing structures that should be changed to enable the robot to weld. The factory robotic work plan is attached, and work spaces will be analyzed in which individual robots will perform tasks. All elements in the cell are listed and their role in the entire robotization process. More specifically, the welding pliers and their selection are described in detail, describing their mechanical characteristics, as well as specific types for individual autodies. There are also points of disturbance on some auto parts that will have to be sealed. Further, in the final phase of the process, the program code of a robot was processed. For the end, the time spent on the entire process automation / robotization process is recorded, and the expectations of the whole system are high

    Robotizacija točkastog zavarivanja karoserije automobila

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    U radu je prikazan cijeli proces robotizacije točkastog zavarivanja karoserija vozila te niz izazova i problema koji se javljaju. Proces se odvio u tvornici Revoz, tvrtke Renault, na području Republike Slovenije. Prednosti i nedostaci robotskog zavarivanja, te parametri korišteni za odabir robota u obavljanju posla su navedeni. Pokazani su načini rada prije robotizacije i modifikacije postojećih konstrukcija koje su se trebale promjeniti da bi roboti mogli zavarivati. Plan radnog mjesta robota u tvornici je priloţen, te će se analizirati radni prostori u kojima će pojedini roboti obavljati zadatke. Navedeni su svi elementi u otoku i njihova uloga u cijelom procesu robotizacije . Detaljnije su opisana zavarna kliješta i njihov odabir, pri čemu je opisivana njihova mehanička karakteristika, ali i konkretni tipovi za pojedini autodio. Navedene su i točke zavara na nekim autodijelovima koje će se morati zavariti. Nadalje se u završnoj fazi procesa obraĎivao sami programski kod jednog robota. Za kraj se evidentira vrijeme utrošeno na cijelokupan proces automatizacije/robotizacije procesa, te se iznose očekivanja od cijelog sustava

    Application of SMAW Process in the Construction of Steel Structures

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    Ovaj rad govori o osnovama ručnog elektrolučnog postupka zavarivanja, o njegovoj primjeni, prednostima i nedostacima. Prikazani su parametri koji utječu na proces zavarivanja ovim postupkom, zatim dodatni materijali i na kraju osvrt na tehnologičnost samog postupka.This paper presents the theoretical basis of manual arc welding process, its application together with its advantages and disadvantages. The paper gives an overview of basic and influential parameters this procedure has on the welding process, the review of additional materials, and the review of the precedure\u27s technologicality

    Kultūrinės atminties pokyčiai takiojoje modernybėje

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    Based on the insights of modern philosophers, particularly Zygmunt Bauman, the work examines how cultural memory can be affected by globalisation and what kind of challenges arise when collective truths are passed on from generation to generation. The sources selected for the analysis are modern dystopias that design possible versions of cultural response. Other subjects significant to the research include phenomena of modern culture that help to uncover the latest trends and the views on cultural heritage held by people of the 21st century. The article comes to the conclusion that the changes of cultural memory in a fluid modern world can be affected deeply by factors such as the ideology of consumerism and the insularity of a web community, but this is only a possibility. Western authors Aldous Huxley and Michel Houellebecq place a stronger emphasis on determinism, whereas Lithuanian writer Jaroslavas Melnikas highlights the possibility of freedom. Nevertheless, notably, all of these texts are projections that primarily encourage critical thinking and demonstrate the ambivalence of the current situation. Contemporary culture is likely at a turning point, but the results of the transformation are still unclear.Remiantis šiuolaikinių filosofų, daugiausia Zygmunto Baumano, įžvalgomis gilinamasi, kaip kultūrinę atmintį gali paveikti globalizacija, kokie iššūkiai kyla perduodant kolektyvines tiesas iš kartos į kartą. Analizės šaltiniais pasirinktos modernios distopijos, kurios modeliuoja galimus kultūrinio atsako variantus. Tyrimui papildomos reikšmės turi ir kiti šiuolaikinės kultūros reiškiniai, padedantys atskleisti naujausias tendencijas, XXI amžiaus žmonių požiūrį į kultūrinį paveldą. Straipsnyje prieinama prie išvados, kad kultūrinės atminties pokyčiai takiojoje modernybėje gali būti stipriai veikiami tokių faktorių kaip vartojimo ideologija, tinklinės bendruomenės uždarumas, tačiau tai tėra galimybė. Akivaizdu, kad Vakarų autoriai Aldousas Huxley’is ir Michelis Houellebecqas labiau pabrėžia determinizmą, lietuvių rašytojas Jaroslavas Melnikas – laisvės galimybę. Vis dėlto pažymėtina, kad visi šie tekstai yra projekcijos, kurios visų pirma skatina kritinį mąstymą ir parodo esamos situacijos dviprasmiškumą. Tikėtina, kad šiuolaikinė kultūra išgyvena lūžį, tačiau virsmo rezultatai dar nėra aiškūs