73,303 research outputs found

    Development of a Cost-Efficient Multi-Target Classification System Based on FMCW Radar for Security Gate Monitoring

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    Radar systems have a long history. Like many other great inventions, the origin of radar systems lies in warfare. Only in the last decade, radar systems have found widespread civil use in industrial measurement scenarios and automotive safety applications. Due to their resilience against harsh environments, they are used instead of or in addition to optical or ultrasonic systems. Radar sensors hold excellent capabilities to estimate distance and motion accurately, penetrate non-metallic objects, and remain unaffected by weather conditions. These capabilities make these devices extremely flexible in their applications. Electromagnetic waves centered at frequencies around 24 GHz offer high precision target measurements, compact antenna, and circuitry design, and lower atmospheric absorption than higher frequency-based systems. This thesis studies non-cooperative automatic radar multi-target detection and classification. A prototype of a radar system with a new microwave-radar-based technique for short-range detection and classification of multiple human and vehicle targets passing through a road gate is presented. It allows identifying different types of targets, i.e., pedestrians, motorcycles, cars, and trucks. The developed system is based on a low-cost 24 GHz off-the-shelf FMCW radar, combined with an embedded Raspberry Pi PC for data acquisition and transmission to a remote processing PC, which takes care of detection and classification. This approach, which can find applications in both security and infrastructure surveillance, relies upon the processing of the scattered-field data acquired by the radar. The developed method is based on an ad-hoc processing chain to accomplish the automatic target recognition task, which consists of blocks performing clutter and leakage removal with a frame subtraction technique, clustering with a DBSCAN approach, tracking algorithm based on the \u3b1-\u3b2 filter to follow the targets during traversal, features extraction, and finally classification of targets with a classification scheme based on support vector machines. The approach is validated in real experimental scenarios, showing its capabilities incorrectly detecting multiple targets belonging to different classes (i.e., pedestrians, cars, motorcycles, and trucks). The approach has been validated with experimental data acquired in different scenarios, showing good identification capabilities

    El Convenio de La Haya de 1980 sobre aspectos civiles de la sustracción internacional de menores y su aplicación en Chile: las modalidades de restitución del menor

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    The Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction of 1980 provides three ways to carry out and ensure the prompt return of children under 16, who have been internationally subtracted, as soon as possible. This paper analyses these modalities, in order to highlight the importance of adjusting the judicial and administrative proceedings to the requirements of this agreement and to develop relevant legal amendments for its proper performance.Para garantizar la restitución de las niñas y niños menores de 16 años que han sido objeto de sustracción internacional con la mayor celeridad posible, el Convenio de La Haya sobre aspectos civiles de la sustracción internacional de menores de 1980 establece tres modalidades o formas para concretar dicho retorno. El presente trabajo analiza estas modalidades, con el fin de resaltar la importancia de ajustar las actuaciones judiciales y administrativas a los requerimientos del Convenio de La Haya sobre aspectos civiles de la sustracción internacional de menores de 1980 y de realizar las modificaciones legales pertinentes para su adecuada implementación

    At My Mother's Table: Migration, (Re)production and Return Between Hadchit, North Lebanon and Sydney

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    In the era of globalisation, studies of migration focus on mobility, deterritorialised identities and diasporic forms of belonging across nation state boundaries. Indeed, uprootedness from the soil of home and place has resulted in a general condition of ‘homelessness’ in late modernity, referred to as the diasporic condition. The search for an ‘absolute home’ has become the Holy Grail for pilgrims in late modernity and forms the basis for this study, which explores the ‘migrant’s conundrum’: does home move where the migrant moves, or is it forever tied to the primordialism of place, soil and kinship? Through an examination of the construction of homeliness amongst an immigrant community of 500 households from the village of Hadchit, North Lebanon, who reside in Western Sydney, Australia it will be shown how their strategies of home-building depend upon the capacity to imagine themselves as being united by kinship, a shared village of origins and as part of the broader communal Maronite identity (Mwarne), which now transcends nation state boundaries. Patrilineage (bayt), village (day’aa) and sect (ta’eefa) have historically defined Lebanese sectarian identities and now, as this study shows, are deployed as a strategy of home-building and community construction in diaspora. ..

    Naturaleza especial de la perención prevista en ley sobre procedimiento de casación

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    Roberto Rizik Cabral: Abogado dominicano, egresado de la Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), casa de estudios en la que también se ha desempeñado como catedrático de la asignatura denominada “Garantías”. En su ejercicio profesional se ha concentrado en las áreas de banca, finanzas internacionales, seguros, fusiones y adquisiciones, ejecución de contratos, inversión extranjera, arbitraje, solución de conflictos y derecho corporativo en general. Ha sido coautor de los capítulos correspondientes a República Dominicana en guías legales internacionales. Perteneció a la comisión presidencial encargada de la redacción del Código de Comercio dominicano.El presente es un análisis de la perención (o extinción de las causas) en materia de derecho común y en casación. Como hace ver el autor, en estos dos ámbitos dicha institución jurídica presenta diferencias fundamentales. Así, en derecho común, el plazo para la misma (en principio 3 años) comienza a correr a partir del último acto válido de procedimiento ejecutado por cualquiera de las partes; mientras que, en casación, el referido plazo de tres años empieza a contabilizarse a partir de sendos actos específicos enunciados por la ley: o a partir de la fecha del auto que autoriza al recurrente a emplazar, siempre que este no deposite dicho emplazamiento en la Secretaría del tribunal o que el recurrido no solicite la exclusión del recurrente, o a partir de la expiración del plazo de 15 días que se le otorga al recurrido para que constituya abogado y notifique su memorial de defensa, siempre que el recurrente no solicite la declaratoria de defecto o la exclusión del recurrido. Como consecuencia de esta diferencia fundamental, en derecho común cualquier nuevo acto realizado por cualquiera de las partes hace que se inicie de nuevo el plazo para la perención, lo que no sucede en casación. Además, mientras en derecho común el referido recurso debe ser expresamente solicitado por una de las partes, en casación se da de pleno derecho y puede ser declarado de oficio por el propio tribunal


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    A business model is a plan for the successful operation of a business, identifying the source of revenue, the intended customers, value proposition, key resources, activities, and financing. It describes how organizations create, deliver and capture value. The recent developments in information and communications technology (ICT) disrupted most business models in different industries. The higher education industry is no exception, where it witnessed enormous integration of information and communications technologies. E-learning in higher education has made a tremendous shift in students’ life and raised the expectations of higher education service quality. The main objective of this thesis to develop a disruptive business model with a value proposition that leverages the recent development in the ICT sector and helps reduce educational costs, optimize operations of educational institutions, and provide an increased number of students with access to high-quality educational services. The research work provides a comprehensive literature review on using ICT in higher education and utilizes a well know business model canvas – designed in 2010 by business theorist Osterwalder – to develop a disruptive model of higher education. Two surveys have been conducted in the empirical part of this study. The first one investigates the current application of online technologies in higher education, targeting students, faculty, and parents. The second survey evaluates the students’ reactions to e-learning courses that they had taken. The results of the studies align with the value and technologies proposed by the business model. Hence, the two surveys’ findings prove the validity and the unique potential of the proposed business model. The study reveals that the implementation of the new model might face substantial resistance to change because many teachers, parents, and even students do not perceive online learning as a valid alternative to traditional education. Therefore, institutions of higher education will need to conduct information campaigns to convince students, parents, and employers of the validity of the new model

    Teorija izglednosti i rizik

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    Rad predstavlja aksiomatsku metodu modeliranja ponašanja u uvjetima nesigurnosti i rizika, čiji smo razvoj opisali od teorije korisnosti koja se u početku uzimala relevantnom u području odlučivanja, pa do kompozitne kumulativne teorije izglednosti koja obuhvaća više karakteristika ljudskog ponašanja te time postaje sve više primjenjivana u praksi. Pokušaj da se objasni odlučivanje u uvjetima nesigurnosti i rizika koja ne prati teoriju očekivane korisnosti rezultirao je razvojem nekoliko novih ideja. Jedna zamisao je gledati moguće ishode kao dobit ili gubitke relativno ovisne o referentnoj točki. Ta ideja je bila temelj teorije izglednosti koju su predstavili Kahneman i Tversky. Značajnost referentne točke proizlazi iz karakteristike da ljudi osjećaju averziju prema riziku u slučajevima kada ostvaruju dobit u odnosu na referentnu točku te da osjećaju sklonost prema riziku u slučajevima kada ostvaruju gubitak. Iduća generalizacija koja je integrirana u teoriju izglednosti jest tendencija da se precjenjuju male vjerojatnosti pojedinih ishoda dok se, s druge strane, podcjenjuju ishodi s velikom vjerojatnošću događanja. Stoga je potrebno modelirati ovaj efekt dodjeljivanjem težina odlukama koje će transformirati vjerojatnosnu skalu ishoda. Uvodi se kumulativni model koji transformira kumulativne vjerojatnosti umjesto pojedinačnih. U ovom radu smo obradili kumulativnu teoriju izglednosti koja je dodatno proširila i generalizirala odlučivanje koristeći Quiqqenovu teoriju rang-ovisne korisnosti koja osigurava da donositelj odluke ne bira nužno stohastički dominirajući ishod. Ispreplitanjem teorije izglednosti i kompozitne teorije izglednosti, na kraju dobivamo kompozitnu kumulativnu teoriju izglednosti koja osim što uvažava precjenjivanje ishoda s malim vjerojatnostima i podcjenjivanje ishoda s velikim vjerojatnostima, također i obuhvaća drugu krajnost po kojoj ljudi nekada u potpunosti zanemaruju malo vjerojatne ishode dok one s velikom vjerojatnosti uzimaju kao sigurne ishode. Takva kompleksnija teorija pronalazi sve više primjene u praksi, posebice u svijetu financija, osiguravajućih kuća te tržišta dionica.This paper presents an axiomatic method for modeling human behavior under uncertainty and risk which development is observed as of the early beginning of expected utility theory up to composite cumulative prospect theory which incorporates thorough behavioral characteristics making its application even more welcome. An attempt to explain decision under uncertainty and risk that violate expected utility have resulted in several new ideas. One is to think of prospects in terms of gains and losses relative to neutral reference point. This notion was the cornerstone of Kahneman and Tversky’s prospect theory. The significance of the reference point arises from the fact that people are generally risk averse when they realize gain and risk seeking when they realize loss. Another generalization integrated in prospect theory is the tendency to overweight small probability and underweight high probability. Therefore, the modeling of this effect incorporates decision weights which transform the probability scale. This model transforms cumulative rather than individual probabilities. In this paper, we elaborated cumulative prospect theory which offered generalized decision theory using Quiggen’s rank dependent utility theory and ensuring that decision maker doesn’t necessarily chooses stochastically dominating outcome. Combining prospect theory and composite prospect theory results in composite cumulative prospect theory which not only embraces the overweighting of small probability outcome and underweighting high probability outcomes but also includes the decision makers occasional tendency to absolutely ignore unlikely outcomes as well as to consider highly likely events as certain. Due to its ability to describe complex human behavior, the application in practice is becoming more welcome, especially in finance, insurance and stock markets


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    The aim of this article was to attract attention on the importance of risk management. Here we are dealing with the definition of the risk as something that happens in the future but cannot be predicted exactly today because there is uncertainty, further more we are giving the highligts on risk decisions and balancing risk against reward. We are also giving the guidelines concerning identification and categorization of risk and some types of risk measurement.Cilj ovog rada bio je usmjeriti pažnju na važnost upravljanja rizikom. Naglasak je na definiciji same riječi rizik i shvaćanju njezinog značenja kao i na odlučivanju kod rizičnih situacija te balansiranju negativnog aspekta i pozitivnog aspekta rizične situacije. Date su određene smjernice koje se tiču indenlifikacije i kategorizacije rizika, a samim logičnim slijedom navedeni su i tipovi rizika koji se u praksi obično nalaze isprepleteni što otežava njihovo prepoznavanje. Naravno, da bi ocijenili razinu rizičnosti potrebno je vršiti mjerenja rizika pa smo iz tog razloga rad zaključili načinima mjerenja rizika i upotrebom proizašlih rezultata


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai rasio performa PLTS dan effesiensi modul surya dan inverter di PLTS SMKN 69 Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMKN 69 Jakarta dengan cara melakukan pengukuran pada modul surya dan inverter pada 10 hari sampel mulai tanggal 24 – 28 Januari dan 19 – 23 September 2022. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif evaluasi. Hasil penelitian Berdasarkan perhitungan sampel selama 10 hari dari tanggal 24 Januari 2022 sampai 28 Januari 2022 dan 19 September 2022 sampai 23 September 2022 didapatkan nilai rasio performa harian yang menggambarkan kinerja dari PLTS untuk melihat kegagalan pada komponen dan efektivitas PLTS menunjukan nilai effesiensi modul surya rata-rata adalah 11,1% dan effesiensi inverter adalah 91,6% serta nilai dari rasio pefroma PLTS SMKN 69 selama 5 hari menunjukan nilai yang baik berkisar 65% - 76%. Kesimpulan, nilai effesiensi modul surya masih berada dibawah nilai effesiensi pada nameplate yaitu 18% dikarenakan pemasangan modul surya yang efektif adalah menghadap utara sedangkan pada PLTS terpasang sisi barat dan sisi timur. Sedangkan nilai effisiensi rata rata dari inverter dan rasio performa dinilai baik, karena pada umumnya 60% - 80%. ***** The purpose of this study is to determine the value of the PLTS performance ratio and the efficiency of solar cell and inverters in PLTS SMKN 69 Jakarta. This research was conducted at SMKN 69 Jakarta by taking measurements on solar cells and inverters on 10 sample days from January 24-28, 2022 and September 19-23, 2022. The research method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive evaluation approach. The results of the study based on sample calculations for 10 days from January 24 – 28 and September 19 - 23 2022 obtained a daily performance ratio value that describes the performance of the PLTS to see the failure of the components and the effectiveness of the PLTS shows the average solar module efficiency value is 11.1% and the inverter efficiency is 91.6% and the value of the pefromance ratio of PLTS SMKN 69 for 5 days shows a good value ranging from 65% - 76%. In conclusion, the efficiency value of the solar cell is still below the efficiency value on the nameplate which is 18% due to the effective installation of solar cell facing north while the PLTS is installed on the west side and east side. While the average efficiency value of the inverter and performance ratio is considered good because in normaly range which is 60% - 80%