133 research outputs found

    Internet Ussage and Agricultural Information Utilization by Agricultural Extension Staff in Bogor District

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    The vast development of communication technology produces so many communication media that can be used to disseminate information. One of the communication media that can be used is cyberspace communication or internet media. Agricultural extension workers as those who act as diseminator supposedly able to utilize agricultural information communication technology development in carrying out their duties and functions. This study aims to description of internet USAge by agricultural extension, analyze the factors affecting the level of internet USAge, as well as analysis of the utilization of information and its relevance to the level of use by agricultural extension. The level of internet USAge by respondents measured the frequency and duration of use is still low. Respondents use the internet less than three times a week and duration of less than three hours a day. Factors significantly correlated with the use of the Internet by agricultural extension is extension characteristics (age and availability of technology) and information needs of extension (information processing technology, marketing and climate). Utilization by agricultural extension information is stored for consumption in the form of private, shared with a fellow instructor for discussion, and distributed to farmers as extension material. More than half of the respondents utilize the information to be discussed to fellow instructor, the next disseminated to farmers and stored for personal

    BPJS Kesehatan’s Interpersonal Communication Goals in Handling Participant Complaints

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    One of the Social Security Administering Agency of Health Insurance (BPJS Kesehatan) duties is to handle complaints submitted by its participants. This study aims to analyze how the complaints by the BPJS Kesehatan of the Solok branch office to its participants through interpersonal communication are based on emphasizing interpersonal communication. This study uses data collection methods with structured interviews with the BPJS Kesehatan and with the three participants who submitted complaints according to the researcher's needs, then the method of observation and documentation. Researchers use data reduction, data presentation, and verification techniques for data analysis, while data validation techniques use triangulation, which checks data from various sources. This study indicates that the purpose of interpersonal communication can be achieved through several aspects of communication, namely emphasis on interpersonal needs, emphasis on communication channels, emphasis on messages, emphasis on listening skills, and emphasis on feedback. From the five aspects of interpersonal communication emphasized, it was found that the purpose of the BPJS Kesehatan interpersonal communication on its participants is to understand the information or messages conveyed and change attitudes.Salah satu tugas Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Jaminan Kesehatan (BPJS Kesehatan) adalah menangani pengaduan yang disampaikan oleh pesertanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana pengaduan oleh BPJS Kesehatan kantor cabang Solok kepada pesertanya melalui komunikasi interpersonal didasarkan pada penekanan komunikasi interpersonal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data dengan wawancara terstruktur dengan BPJS Kesehatan dan dengan ketiga peserta yang menyampaikan pengaduan sesuai dengan kebutuhan peneliti, kemudian metode observasi dan dokumentasi. Peneliti menggunakan teknik reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi untuk analisis data, sedangkan teknik validasi data menggunakan triangulasi, yang memeriksa data dari berbagai sumber. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tujuan komunikasi interpersonal dapat dicapai melalui beberapa aspek komunikasi, yaitu penekanan pada kebutuhan interpersonal, penekanan pada saluran komunikasi, penekanan pada pesan, penekanan pada keterampilan mendengarkan, dan penekanan pada umpan balik. Dari lima aspek komunikasi interpersonal yang ditekankan, ditemukan bahwa tujuan komunikasi interpersonal BPJS Kesehatan pada pesertanya adalah untuk memahami informasi atau pesan yang disampaikan dan mengubah sikap

    Masyarakat Bantaran Sungai: Penggunaan Media untuk Kebutuhan Informasi

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    Media menjadi salah satu elemen penting dalam menyusun perencanaan dan strategi komunikasi. Pemilihan media yang tepat menjadi salah satu faktor penentu sampainya pesan kepada sasaran, sehingga perlu mengetahui kepemilikan dan akses media pada masyarakat tertentu. Tujuan penelitian yang dilakukan adalah menganalisis penggunaan media pada masyarakat bantaran sungai dalam memenuhi kebutuhan informasinya. Sampel sebanyak 348 orang dengan taraf kesalahan 5%. Teknik penarikan sampel menggunakan proportionate stratified random sampling. Teknik tersebut digunakan untuk menarik sampel berdasarkan proporsional jumlah penduduk pada masing-masing kecamatan, dipilih secara random dengan melihat karakteristik geografis responden adalah yang berdomisili di bantaran sungai dalam wilayah Kota Banjarmasin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi pada masyarakat yang bertempat tinggal di bantaran sungai Kota Banjarmasin masih termasuk rendah dalam hal frekuensi dan durasi penggunaan. Dari sejumlah media konvensional, internet dan media sosial, serta pesan singkat, diketahui bahwa televisi dan whatsapp menjadi media yang paling sering dan paling lama digunakan dibanding media lainnya. Temuan penelitian ini dapat menjadi rujukan bagi para komunikator program kesehatan, lingkungan, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, maupun program bidang lainnya dalam menentukan media yang tepat, khususnya yang menjadikan masyarakat bantaran sungai sebagai khalayak sasarannya.The media is one of the important elements in developing communication planning and strategy. The selection of the right media is one of the determining factors for the delivery of messages to the target, so it is necessary to know the ownership and access of media to certain communities. The objective of research was to analyze the use of media in riverbank communities in fulfill their information needs. The sample was 348 people with an error rate of 5%. The sampling technique used proportionate stratified random sampling to draw a sample based on the proportional population in each sub-district, chosen randomly. The results showed that the use of media to meet the information needs is still low in terms of frequency and duration of use. From many conventional media, the internet and social media, as well as short messages, television, and WhatsApp are the most frequent and longest used media compared to other media. The findings of this study can be a reference for communicators of health, environmental, economic, social, cultural, and other field programs in determining the right media, especially those that make riverbank communities their target audiences

    The Cultural and Historical Trail Map of Peranakan Heritage in the Andaman Provincial Cluster in Thailand

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    This study explored the trace of Peranakan heritage in the Andaman provincial cluster and presented the Cultural and Historical Trail Map of Peranakan heritage in Andaman provincial cluster. The concept of development communication objectives was used to create a research framework. Research results in the "complement" phase showed 117 traces of Peranakan heritage in the Andaman provincial cluster. As for the "facilitate" phase, 83 sites were qualified. An analysis of the relationship of qualified sites with Peranakan culture revealed five significant connections between each location and culture: 1) Peranakan ancestral monument, 2) Peranakan shrine, 3) Sino-European architectural building, 4) Peranakan residential areas, and 5) Peranakan cultural and historical learning center. Upon completion of the last phase, "extend," 6 tourist maps were created to display 8 cultural sites in Ranong province, 15 sites in Phang Nga province, 33 sites in Phuket province, 8 sites in Krabi province, 14 sites in Trang province, and 4 sites in Satun province, respectively. This study, thus, has produced a visual map in each province which is a catalytic communication tool to promote tourism development at the regional level and national level

    The Unique Communication Pattern of Japanese and Indonesian Families Shaping Specific Character to their Children

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    The character-building system in Japan has become a role model in Indonesia. The initiators of education policies in Indonesia are intensively promoting character building as a solution to the decline in the quality of human resources. Character building in Japan and in Indonesia are carried out by the nuclear family at home. This study maps the differences in the communication patterns of Indonesian and Japanese parents in teaching character building to their children. Parents of productive age 17-50 years were used as respondents, had junior high school to postgraduate education, and had children aged 0-15 years. Questionnaires were distributed using google forms to Japanese people in Japan and Indonesians in Indonesia. It was found that the value of hard work in Indonesian families stems from the desire to avoid uncertainty and parents’ pragmatic thinking. In Japanese families, avoiding uncertainty teaches children a spirit of enthusiasm. Hofstede's cultural dimensions cannot explain the source of the spirit of togetherness in Indonesian and Japanese families, as well as the source of the spirit of hard work, and responsibility in Japanese families

    Analisis Program Tanggung Jawab Sosial PT Bumi Konawe Mining

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    PT Bumi Konawe Mining (PT BKM) is a company with foreign (Russian) investment which is working in the field of excavating and trading nickel ore overseas. So far, the company owns only one nickel location, in Indonesia, which is on Wowonii island, South East Sulawesi. Company works through local consultant, because the owners are foreigners, which makes local community not to trust them. So the aim of this research is to reveal which level of the CSR mechanism fails to deliver proper result. The goals for the research are (1) To analyze the satisfaction of local community members by CSR program of PT. BKM; (2) To analyze the Corporate Image of PT BKM; (3) To maintain analysis of multi- cultural communication of PT. BKM and describe its mechanism on the basis of their carrying out the CSR program. The method used in this research is quantitative method with a questionnaire and supported by qualitative data obtained through direct interviews with data and respondents using the guide questions. The tool used for the quantitative section is SEM (structural equation modeling). Research using significance level 0.05 or 95% confidence level. The research results reflect that age significantly influence CSR Program, which means the younger the age, the bigger the satisfaction of the CSR Program. CSR program also significantly influence the Perception of the Company by local community members, if the value of a CSR program increases, so does the value of Perception of the Company by local community members, represented by the Image of the Company and Cross-Cultural Communication

    Masyarakat Bantaran Sungai: Penggunaan Media untuk Kebutuhan Informasi

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    The media is one of the important elements in developing communication planning and strategy. The selection of the right media is one of the determining factors for the delivery of messages to the target, so it is necessary to know the ownership and access of media to certain communities. The objective of research was to analyze the use of media in riverbank communities in fulfill their information needs. The sample was 348 people with an error rate of 5%. The sampling technique used proportionate stratified random sampling to draw a sample based on the proportional population in each sub-district, chosen randomly. The results showed that the use of media to meet the information needs is still low in terms of frequency and duration of use. From many conventional media, the internet and social media, as well as short messages, television, and WhatsApp are the most frequent and longest used media compared to other media. The findings of this study can be a reference for communicators of health, environmental, economic, social, cultural, and other field programs in determining the right media, especially those that make riverbank communities their target audiences.Media menjadi salah satu elemen penting dalam menyusun perencanaan dan strategi komunikasi. Pemilihan media yang tepat menjadi salah satu faktor penentu sampainya pesan kepada sasaran, sehingga perlu mengetahui kepemilikan dan akses media pada masyarakat tertentu. Tujuan penelitian yang dilakukan adalah menganalisis penggunaan media pada masyarakat bantaran sungai dalam memenuhi kebutuhan informasinya. Sampel sebanyak 348 orang dengan taraf kesalahan 5%. Teknik penarikan sampel menggunakan proportionate stratified random sampling. Teknik tersebut digunakan untuk menarik sampel berdasarkan proporsional jumlah penduduk pada masing-masing kecamatan, dipilih secara random dengan melihat karakteristik geografis responden adalah yang berdomisili di bantaran sungai dalam wilayah Kota Banjarmasin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi pada masyarakat yang bertempat tinggal di bantaran sungai Kota Banjarmasin masih termasuk rendah dalam hal frekuensi dan durasi penggunaan. Dari sejumlah media konvensional, internet dan media sosial, serta pesan singkat, diketahui bahwa televisi dan whatsapp menjadi media yang paling sering dan paling lama digunakan dibanding media lainnya. Temuan penelitian ini dapat menjadi rujukan bagi para komunikator program kesehatan, lingkungan, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, maupun program bidang lainnya dalam menentukan media yang tepat, khususnya yang menjadikan masyarakat bantaran sungai sebagai khalayak sasarannya
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