675 research outputs found

    Aprender la historia de Cuba: recuerdos de un esclavo centenario.

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    "Biografía de un cimarrón" de Miguel Barnet es un paradigmático ejemplo de discurso testimonial mediato que pretende rescatar la voz del oprimido. El carácter subjetivo del relato estructura una identidad social que se inscribe en una continuidad histórica. El lector podrá reconocerse en un pacto autobiográfico cuya peculiaridad radica en su carácter performativo, intersubjetivo, con el que el "gestor" del relato captura al lector

    La fine dell’eccezione atlantica e la decolonizzazione dell’Europa

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    Fin dalla sua fondazione, il Portogallo venne visto, e si vide, come ciò che Eduardo Lourenço, nella sua opera, ha chiamato “insolita eccezione portoghese” (Lourenço, 1999a: 11). Un’eccezione divenuta storicamente norma, costruita prima di tutto in rapporto allo stesso corpo fisico e politico dell’Iberia, e che ha poi portato all’indipendenza del Regno del Portogallo, nell’eccezionale e narrativamente miracolosa, battaglia di Ourique, poi riaffermata nella non meno miracolosa battaglia di Aljubarrota; questa specie di vocazione all’eccezionalità era inscritta nella stessa geografia del paese, sottolineata già in tempi antichi da Zurara nella prima cronaca dell’espansione, la Crónica da Tomada de Ceuta.Since its foundation Portugal has been seen by others and by itself as, in the words of Eduardo Lourenço, an “uncommon Portuguese exception”. An exception that has historically become a norm firstly built upon the relationship with both the physical and political body of Iberia, leading afterwards to the independence of the Reign of Portugal. This independence was perceived as an achievement gained through the exceptional and narratively miraculous Battle of Ourique and reaffirmed then thanks to the equally miraculous Battle of Aljubarrota. This sort of vocation for 'exceptionality' was inherent in the geography of the country itself, as Zurara emphasized in ancient times in the first chronicle of its expansion: the Crónica da Tomada de Ceuta

    Huellas del universo guaranĂ­ en la memoria escrita del paraguayo Augusto Roa Bastos

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    Marcel Dominguez (1868-1936) wrote on the history of Paraguay, valuing the traces of the indigenous peoples; Eloy Fariña Núñez (1885-1929) interpreted the poetic dimensions of the Guaraní universe, composing the "Secular Canto"; The anthropologists Kurt Unkel (1883-1945), Leon Cadogan (1899-1973) and Bertomeu Meliá (1932) showed an interest in those same people, exploring their roots and ways of life. In Augusto Roa Bastos’ works, an awareness of historical order, similar poetic dimensions and human reach is once again represented. All this is done through a language where, without "alibis or civilizing betrayals", he tells the good use of myths, allowing us to read the reality, all our reality. The genesis of the Guarani (1948), Son of Man (1960), (1993) confirm Roa’s success, a writer who speaks of his Guaraní legacy, Yo el Supremo (1974) and El Fiscal handles from his writing a colonial heritage and expiate with words of a common language the memory of Miguel Vera, the records of an anonymous compiler and the notes of the outlaw Felix Moral

    Memoria antica e memoria indiana. Il discorso sulle divinità indigene nell’opera di fray Juan de Torquemada

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    La Monarquía indiana – pubblicata nel 1615 a Siviglia da Fray Juan de Torquemada – rappresentò uno dei più significati sforzi di incorporare le religioni indigene all’interno di una visione globale della diversità religiosa. Come prodotto di un processo moderno di “mondializzazione”, l’opera di Torquemada rifletteva sulla natura delle divinità mesoamericane da un punto di vista estremamente innovativo. Il francescano produsse un’evoluzione dei metodi e delle strategie missionarie utilizzate nella prima parte della storia coloniale. Nel contesto dei moderni discorsi sulla religione, l’opera di Torquemada non rappresenta solamente un tentativo “etnografico” di comprendere la complessità delle religioni indigene allo scopo di promuovere l’evangelizzazione. Al contrario, la riflessione missionaria sulla divinità indigene stabiliva un tappa fondamentale della costruzione moderna di una teoria globale del politeismo.The Monarquía indiana - published in Seville in 1615 by Fray Juan de Torquemada - represented one of the most significant efforts to include Indigenous religions within a global view of religious diversity. As a product of a modern process of “mondialization”, the work of Torquemada reflected on the nature of Mesoamerican gods from a ground-breaking point of view. The Franciscan produced an evolution of the missionary methods and strategies used during the first part of colonial history. In the context of modern discourses on religion, the work of Torquemada does not represent only an "ethnographic" attempt to understand the complexity of Indigenous religions in order to promote evangelization. On the contrary, the missionary reflection on Indigenous gods established a key stage in the modern construction of a global theory of polytheis

    Sexual/Textual Migrations: Queer of Color Theory in Chile

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    This article argues that the resistance to certain foreign influences in Chilean queer thought is an understandable defense against neocolonial “adaptations” of queer theory into local debates, but can also leave issues of race and experiences of racialized sexuality by the wayside. It then examines the work of one Black queer migrant to Chile, the Dominican performance artist Johan Mijaíl, to show how Black queer theory can not only help expand the focus of Chilean queer theory beyond US imperialism and neoliberalism to questions of race, migration, and hemispheric colonialism, but also strengthen existing critiques of Chilean exceptionalism.Este artículo propone que, si bien la resistencia a ciertas influencias extranjeras en el pensamiento cuir chileno constituye una estrategia de defensa comprensible contra el neocolonialismo de "adaptar" la teoría cuir a los debates locales, este rechazo corre el riesgo de dejar de lado consideraciones importantes sobre raza y sexualidades racializadas. Al examinar el trabajo de une migrante cuir y Negre a Chile - le artista dominicane de performance Johan Mijaíl - el artículo muestra que la teoría cuir Negra es capaz de expandir el enfoque de la teoría cuir chilena a asuntos de raza, migración y colonialismo hemisférico que van más allá de su enfoque mayoritariamente dirigido hacia el neoliberalismo y el imperialismo estadounidense. Asimismo, la teoría cuir Negra también puede fortalecer la crítica a la excepcionalidad chilena

    Comparison of Magnetic Probe Calibration at Nano and Millitesla Magnitudes

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    Magnetic field probes are invaluable diagnostics for pulsed inductive plasma devices where field magnitudes on the order of tenths of tesla or larger are common. Typical methods of providing a broadband calibration of Ḃ probes involve either a Helmholtz coil driven by a function generator or a network analyzer. Both calibration methods typically produce field magnitudes of tens of microtesla or less, at least three and as many as six orders of magnitude lower than their intended use. This calibration factor is then assumed constant regardless of magnetic field magnitude and the effects of experimental setup are ignored. This work quantifies the variation in calibration factor observed when calibrating magnetic field probes in low field magnitudes. Calibration of two B? probe designs as functions of frequency and field magnitude are presented. The first Ḃ probe design is the most commonly used design and is constructed from two hand-wound inductors in a differential configuration. The second probe uses surface mounted inductors in a differential configuration with balanced shielding to further reduce common mode noise. Calibration factors are determined experimentally using an 80.4 mm radius Helmholtz coil in two separate configurations over a frequency range of 100-1000 kHz. A conventional low magnitude calibration using a vector network analyzer produced a field magnitude of 158 nT and yielded calibration factors of 15 663 ± 1.7% and 4920 ± 0.6% T [over]Vs at 457 kHz for the surface mounted and hand-wound probes, respectively. A relevant magnitude calibration using a pulsed-power setup with field magnitudes of 8.7-354 mT yielded calibration factors of 14 615 ± 0.3% and 4507 ± 0.4% T [over]Vs at 457 kHz for the surface mounted inductor and hand-wound probe, respectively. Low-magnitude calibration resulted in a larger calibration factor, with an average difference of 9.7% for the surface mounted probe and 12.0% for the hand-wound probe. The maximum difference between relevant and low magnitude tests was 21.5%

    Reflections on viruses, death, life and human-nature relationship in Candomblé

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    A causa de la preocupación por la posibilidad de cremación de cuerpos por el incremento del número de muertes por Covid-19, algunas asociaciones de religiones afrobrasileñas han reclamado el derecho de entierro de los miembros del Candomblé. Los rituales funerarios facilitan el paso de los muertos al mundo espiritual y su reintegración en la sociedad como antepasados, y devuelven a la tierra la materia con la que se formó la persona. Esta preocupación por la muerte es, por lo tanto, una preocupación por la vida y la naturaleza, reafirmando el principio de interconexión entre todos los seres y de circularidad de la existencia.Concerned about the possibility of cremation of bodies because of the increase in the number of deaths by Covid-19, some associations of Afro-Brazilian religions have claimed the right to burial of Candomblé members. Funeral rituals facilitate the passage of the dead to the spiritual world and his or her reintegration into society as an ancestor, and returns the matter with which the the person was formed to the earth. This concern for death is, therefore, a concern for life and nature and reaffirms the principle of interconnection among all beings and of circularity of existence

    Poor, underprivileged and delinquent minors in Brazil during the transition from Empire to Republic: a historiographical balance

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    The article reviews the bibliography produced by the Brazilian academy about the poor, destitute and delinquent minority in Brazil, in the period that corresponds to the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Within this chronological frame, the article explores the role of the public power in the care of poor and disadvantaged minors and gives special attention to the Orphans Court and to the asylum institutions that worked in the assistance and education. Issues such as the criminalization of minors and the discussion about child labor are also covered.O artigo revisa a bibliografia produzida pela academia brasileira a respeito da menoridade pobre, desvalida e delinquente no Brasil, no período que corresponde ao final do século XIX e começo do século XX. Dentro deste recorte cronológico, o artigo explora a atuação do poder público no atendimento aos menores pobres e desvalidos e concede especial atenção para o Juízo de Órfãos e para as instituições asilares que atuavam na assistência e educação. Questões como a criminalização dos menores e a discussão sobre o trabalho infantil também são contempladas

    A case of complexity in the Latin American family. Tracing the Galleno Villafán history

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    The complexity and diversity of many Latin America families create a peculiar space of real as well as phantasmagoric presences. The Latin American history draws upon multicultural and multiethnic references that are at times untraceable. Latin American fa milies develop in this context often unaware of the constant transformation and amalgamation impacting the personal and communal consciousness. Yet memory anchors their evolutional reference and serves to create an identity. In this essay, I present a case study of family complexity and the relevance of memory in defining or forming family identity. This is the Galleno Villafán family, my family that evolved from Peruvians and immigrants.La complejidad y diversidad de muchas familias latinoamericanas ha creado un espacio particular de presencias tanto reales cómo fantasmagóricas. La historia latinoamericana se desenvuelve entre referencias multi-culturales y multi-étnicas que son a veces poco trazables. En este contexto las familias latinoamericanas se desarrollan sin muchas veces ser conscientes de los continuos procesos de transformación que impactan la conciencia personal y colectiva. La memoria ata sus referencias comunes y sirve para crear identidad. En este ensayo, presento un caso de estudio de complejidad familiar y trato de la relevancia de la memoria en definir o formar la identidad familiar. Se trata de la familia Galleno Villafán, mi familia, que se ha originado a partir de raíces peruanas y migrantes

    Using an Apple iPad and Communication Application to Increase Communication in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    With the increase in the number of students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it is imperative to determine productive interventions to enhance communication skills. Recent investigations regarding the use of speech generated devices (SGD), such as the Apple iPad, to communicate have been performed with mixed results (Flores, Musgrove, Renner, Hinton, Strozier, Franklin, & Hill, 2012). The researcher used a single subject design, incorporating multiple baselines across settings, for two preschool students diagnosed with ASD in a public preschool during snack time and center time. The purpose of this study was to determine if the use of a SGD increased requesting skills in students with ASD and if the communication behavior transferred across settings. Both students demonstrated an increase in communication using the iPad across settings, however generalization from one setting to another for the same behavior (requesting a snack) were inconclusive. The implications of these findings are discussed
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