3,341 research outputs found

    Referencias para dinamometría manual en función de la estatura en edad pediátrica y adolescente

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    Antecedentes y objetivo: La dinamometría de la mano es una prueba funcional recomendada en la evaluación nutricional. Suele expresarse en función de la edad pero durante el crecimiento, incluso a la misma edad, varía el tamaño corporal. El objetivo del presente trabajo es aportar referencias de la fuerza de la mano en función de la talla. Sujetos y método: La muestra consta de 1.798 escolares entre 6 y 15 años. Se midió la talla, el peso y la fuerza de ambas manos. La dinamometría media (DM) se expresó en función de la estatura y se obtuvieron ecuaciones predictivas. La estadística descriptiva, comparativa y el análisis de regresión se efectuaron con el SPSS 21.0 Resultados: Se aportan referencias percentilares para la DM por categorías de talla en rangos de 5 cm. Las fórmulas obtenidas a partir del modelo de regresión (varones: DM = 0,207*peso + 0,621*talla – 71,461; mujeres DM=0,258*peso + 0,394*talla – 43,967) fueron validadas con la mitad de la muestra. Conclusiones: Las ecuaciones predictivas que se aportan en este trabajo permiten estimar la DM a partir del peso y la estatura con independencia de la edad

    On the validation of rainfall retrieval algorithms for satellite microwave data

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    The Algorithm Intercomparison Project utilises rainfall estimates derived from radar data to validate the algorithms developed for rainfall retrievals from satellite microwave data. Since seven minutes are needed in order to have a complete radar scan, while the acquisition of the corresponding satellite microwave image needs only a few seconds, the same pixel can be sensed by radar as much as seven minutes later. Within this time delay the raining cells can be displaced and the consequent mismatch can cause a decrease in the correlation coefficient of the comparison. A method to reveal this time-lag effect is presented and a possible approach to take it into account in the validation process for future missions is suggested

    The determinants of professional self-fulfillment of university lecturers

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    У статті розкрито психологічний зміст феномена професійного самоздійснення фахівця. Подано результати визначення за допомогою регресійного аналізу чинників самоздійснення викладача вищої школи у просторі професії.The article presents the results of the empirical study determining the factors of university lecturers’ professional self-fulfillment by the means of regression analysis. The article shows that a person’s life success is related directly to satisfaction of his/her need for constant personal and professional growth and self-fulfillment as a process and a result of his/her life goal achieving. University lecturers are not only a bright representative of socionomy professions, but also key figures in professional training, ensuring the social and professional ascent of future professionals. Their scientific and pedagogical activities are intellectual creative work, which, as is well known, has a high cultural status, and individual talents of university lecturers determine the degree of education and science at all. Aspiration of these professionals to self-knowledge and active fulfilment of their educational and scientific tasks is the manifestation of their general intention to self-actualization and self-development, and hence to self-fulfillment in the profession. The performed statistical analyses of the experimental data and the qualitative interpretations of the regression analysis show that the indicators used in the study techniques and tests and the indicators of expert assessment of lecturers’ professional competence and its key components are sufficiently informative to determine their professional self-fulfillment. The following general factors of university lecturers’ professional self-fulfillment influencing achievement of self-fulfillment in the profession have been identified: “creativity during professional interactions” at the general level of professional self-fulfillment; “creativity during professional interactions” and “motivational criteria of communicative competence during professional interactions” at the level of internal professional self-fulfillment; “creativity during professional interactions” at the level of external professional self-fulfillment. Therefore, the “creativity during professional interactions” is the most prominent predictor of the high level of professional self-fulfillment (general, internal professional and external professional) achieved by these specialists. The regression models including this indicator are characterized by a high degree of predictability (R = 0.71 – 0.90; R2 = 0.51 – 0.81). Thus, creativity, as the ability to non-standard resolution of communicative tasks, as a manifestation of creativity in the communicative-speech components of the professional activities and as a form of pedagogical interaction, determines mostly university lecturers’ professional self-fulfillment and implementation of its internal and external professional forms In addition, the internal professional self-fulfillment of these specialists is determined by a number of such sufficiently expressed factors; these are the key criteria of the communicative competence: an instrumental criterion, as well as (in its composition) “adequacy during professional interactions”, the motivational criteria and the “reflection of professional interactions” element of the cognitive criterion; the professional competence criteria, including creative, self-educational and pedagogical; the parameters of lecturers’ non-verbal expressiveness: “formal-dynamic parameters of non-verbal behaviour” and “ability to manage and reflect non-verbal behaviour during pedagogical interactions’; “value orientations”, “rapport” and, finally, "the ability to express own thoughts”. In turn, the lecturer’s external professional self-fulfillment is determined by such, quite pronounced, main factors: “internal professional motivation” and “external positive motivation”; “professional competence”, including “informational competence”; “creativity” (in life); the instrumental criterion of the communicative competence includes “adequacy during professional interactions”, the cognitive criterion includes “construction of effective communicative programs” and the motivational criterion include “the motive for communicative difficulty overcoming”

    Prenatal exposure to cannabinoids evokes long-lasting functional alterations by targeting CB1 receptors on developing cortical neurons

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    The CB1 cannabinoid receptor, the main target of Δ9 -tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the most prominent psychoactive compound of marijuana, plays a crucial regulatory role in brain development as evidenced by the neurodevelopmental consequences of its manipulation in animal models. Likewise, recreational cannabis use during pregnancy affects brain structure and function of the progeny. However, the precise neurobiological substrates underlying the consequences of prenatal THC exposure remain unknown. As CB1 signaling is known to modulate long-range corticofugal connectivity, we analyzed the impact of THC exposure on cortical projection neuron development. THC administration to pregnant mice in a restricted time window interfered with subcerebral projection neuron generation, thereby altering corticospinal connectivity, and produced long-lasting alterations in the fine motor performance of the adult offspring. Consequences of THC exposure were reminiscent of those elicited by CB1 receptor genetic ablation, and CB1-null mice were resistant to THC-induced alterations. The identity of embryonic THC neuronal targets was determined by a Cre-mediated, lineage-specific, CB1 expression-rescue strategy in a CB1-null background. Early and selective CB1 reexpression in dorsal telencephalic glutamatergic neurons but not forebrain GABAergic neurons rescued the deficits in corticospinal motor neuron development of CB1-null mice and restored susceptibility to THC-induced motor alterations. In addition, THC administration induced an increase in seizure susceptibility that was mediated by its interference with CB1-dependent regulation of both glutamatergic and GABAergic neuron development. These findings demonstrate that prenatal exposure to THC has long-lasting deleterious consequences in the adult offspring solely mediated by its ability to disrupt the neurodevelopmental role of CB1 signaling

    La economía social y solidaria en Grecia

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    On October 31, 2016, the Greek Parliament approved Law 4430/2016 on Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS) in order to disseminate this alternative form of organization of economic activity; support and strengthen self-managed productive projects and collective social entrepreneurship, and regulate Cooperative Social Enterprises and Workers Cooperatives. In this work we have analyzed the main characteristics of the Greek ESS, mainly in relation to other European models; and the different types of companies it integrates, highlighting the differences between them and their main characteristics compared to other nearby institutions such as social cooperatives or social enterprises. Finally we present a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the implementation of the ESS in Greece, its magnitudes, its organization and the main promotion measures by the public authorities.El 31 de octubre de 2016 el Parlamento griego aprobó la Ley 4430/2016 de Economía Social y Solidaria (ESS) con el propósito de difundir esta forma alternativa de organización de la actividad económica; apoyar y fortalecer proyectos productivos autogestionarios y de emprendimiento social colectivo, y regular las Empresas Sociales Cooperativas y las Cooperativas de Trabajadores. En este trabajo hemos analizado las principales características de la ESS griega, principalmente en relación con otros modelos europeos; y los distintos tipos de empresas que integra, subrayando las diferencias entre ellas y sus principales características frente a otras instituciones próximas como las cooperativas sociales o las empresas sociales. Por último, presentamos un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de la implantación de la ESS en Grecia, de sus magnitudes, su organización y las principales medidas de promoción por parte de los poderes públicos

    Pietro Barozzi, \u2018De ratione bene moriendi\u2019

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    Glavni cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti usmenu književnost u gradu Ljubuškom i okolici. Imajući na umu etnološki i antropološki kontekst, lako se shvaća važnost usmene književnosti u svakidašnjem tadašnjem životu. Neke pjesme su se pjevale u određenim prigodama kao što su uspavljivanje djeteta, zabavljanje, tugovanje. Usmena književnost koja se prenosila s koljena na koljeno pratila je čovjeka praktički od početka pa do kraja života. U radu, kazivačica Stojka Vukojević je ispripovijedala niz događaja vezan za njen život, razne običaje za vrijeme određenih blagdana, neke prigodne pjesme itd. Budući da se većina onoga što je kazivačica izrekla događalo prije 50 ili više godina, poneki običaji bi se možda mogli učiniti zastarjelima i čudnima, dok su se nek održali još do danas. Ovaj rad se temelji na iskazu kazivačice, čiji je iskaz snimljen te prepisan točno onako kako je ona to izgovarala. Kroz oči jedne žene, kazivačice, ispripovijedan je cijeli jedan niz događaja, običaja, pjesama i svega što je u tadašnje vrijeme bilo specifično za područje ovoga kraja.The main objective of this study was to investigate the oral literature in the town of Ljubuški and the surrounding area. Bearing in mind the ethnological and anthropological context, it is easy to understand the importance of oral literature in everyday life. Some songs are sung in certain occasions like putting baby to sleep (lullabies), or for the purpose of fun , or grieving. Oral literature that has been passed from generation to generation accompanied man almost from the beginning to the end of life. In this paper, narrator Stojka Vukojevic narrated a series of events related to her life, and various customs during certain holidays, some traditional songs and so on. Since most of what the informant handed happened 50 or more years ago, some traditions may seem obsolete and strange, while some maintain to this day. This paper is based on the testimony of one informant, Stojka, whose testimony was recorded and transcribed exactly as she said it, word by word. Through the eyes of a narrator, we can see the entire sequence of events, customs, songs and everything that was specific for this area at that time

    SEU Characterization of Three Successive Generations of COTS SRAMs at Ultralow Bias Voltage to 14.2 MeV Neutrons

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    This paper presents a SEU sensitivity characterization at ultra-low bias voltage of three generations of COTS SRAMs manufactured in 130 nm, 90 nm and 65 nm CMOS processes. For this purpose, radiation tests with 14.2 MeV neutrons were performed for SRAM power supplies ranging from 0.5 V to 3.15 V. The experimental results yielded clear evidences of the SEU sensitivity increase at very low bias voltages. These results have been cross-checked with predictions issued from the modeling tool MUlti-SCAles Single Event Phenomena Predictive Platform (MUSCA-SEP3). Large-scale SELs and SEFIs, observed in the 90-nm and 130-nm SRAMs respectively, are also presented and discussed

    Use of social and moral tasks in the ecological upbringing of children of the senior preschool age

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    У статті обгрунтовується ефективність використання соціально-моральних задач екологічного змісту для корекції емоційно-ціннісного ставлення до природи у дітей старшого дошкільного віку.В статье обосновывается эффективность использования социально-нравственных задач экологического содержания для коррекции эмоционально-ценностного отношения к природе у детей старшего дошкольного возраста.The article substantiates the effectiveness of the use of socio-moral problems of ecological content for the correction of emotional and value relation to nature in children of the senior preschool age

    Diseño de un modelo SIGC en el marco del programa AUDIT para la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

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    El presente proyecto pone de manifiesto el compromiso de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid con la mejora continua de la calidad en el marco del programa AUDIT. Se pretenden establecer los criterios de calidad, hacer el seguimiento de los procesos definidos para lograrlos y establecer estrategias de mejora continua, así como responder al compromiso de satisfacción de las necesidades y respuesta a las expectativas de los diferentes grupos de interés, y facilitar el seguimiento de las titulaciones implantadas

    An event study of chinese tourists to Taiwan

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    The number of Chinese tourists visiting Taiwan has been closely related to the political relationship across the Taiwan Strait. The occurrence of political events and disasters or accidents have had, and will continue to have, a huge impact on the Taiwan tourism market. To date, there has been relatively little empirical research conducted on this issue. In this paper, tourists are characterized as being involved in one of three types of tourism: group tourism (group-type), individual tourism (individualtype), and medical cosmetology (medical-type). We use McAleer’s (2015) fundamental equation in tourism finance to examine the correlation that exists between the rate of change in the number of tourists and the rate of return on tourism. Second, we use the event study method to observe whether the numbers of tourists have changed abnormally before and after the occurrence of major events on both sides of the Strait. Three different types of conditional variance models, namely, GARCH (1,1), GJR (1,1) and EGARCH (1,1), are used to estimate the abnormal rate of change in the number of tourists. The empirical results concerning the major events affecting the changes in the numbers of tourists from China to Taiwan are economically significant, and confirm which types of tourists are most likely to be affected by such major events