4,974 research outputs found

    Ловушка технологических заимствований и условия ее преодоления в двухсекторной модели экономики

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    Abstract: Излагается модель экономического развития, сочетающего инновационные и имитационные процессы. Выделен сектор производства знаний. Модель учитывает, что условия привлечения знаний и технологий из-за рубежа меняются нелинейным образом в зависимости от дистанции до лидеров. Показано, что ориентация главным образом на использование зарубежных технологий ведет к сохранению экономической отсталости. Вместе с тем модель выявляет ограниченность автономного технологического развития. Численный вариант модели иллюстрирует возможности преодоления порождаемой технологическим иждивенчеством ловушки.Note: (Москва

    Внедрение технологии регулирования минимальных доходов населения в Республике Алтай. / Монография - М.: Консорциум по вопросам прикладных экономических исследований. 2002.

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    We are interested in reaction-diffusion equations that model excitable me-dia under the influence of an additive noise. In many models of this type, the homogeneous zero state is stable and interesting dynamics is observed only for certain initial data. In the presence of noise, the excitable media is stimulated and the noise may be sufficiently large to nucleate wave forms. In computa-tions, we see for small noise that only target waves are nucleated when the time scales for excitation and inhibition are sufficiently separated. We provide a theorem that supports this observation

    Научные школы: проблемы становления, развития и угасания

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    Evolution of variability is a key factor in the successful exploitation of commonalities in software product families. Assessment of variability can be used to determine how the variability provided by a product family should evolve. In this paper, we present COSVAM (COVAMOF Software Variability Assessment Method), a variability assessment technique that specifically addresses evolution of variability. We exemplify our approach with the Dacolian case study

    Методы расчета ущерба от катастроф различного типа

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    Abstract: Стандартно применяемые методы расчета ущерба от природных катастроф основываются на применении средних значений. Такие подходы, однако, неприменимы для многих случаев, когда распределения ущербов от катастроф описываются степенным законом. Предлагаются новые методы расчета, основанные на анализе распределения Парето. Обсуждается эффект нелинейного роста ожидаемого ущерба со временем.Note: (Москва

    Книги сотрудников ЦЭМИ

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    Gaussian process (GP) models are widely used to perform Bayesian nonlinear regression and classification tasks that are central to many machine learning problems. A GP is nonparametric, meaning that the complexity of the model grows as more data points are received. Another attractive feature is the behaviour of the error bars. They naturally grow in regions away from training data where we have high uncertainty about the interpolating function. In their standard form GPs have several limitations, which can be divided into two broad categories: computational difficulties for large data sets, and restrictive modelling assumptions for complex data sets. This thesis addresses various aspects of both of these problems. The training cost for a GP has 0(N3) complexity, where N is the number of training data points. This is due to an inversion of the N x N covariance matrix. In this thesis we develop several new techniques to reduce this complexity to 0(NM2), where M is a user chosen number much smaller than N. The sparse approximation we use is based on a set of M 'pseudo-inputs' which are optimised together with hyperparameters at training time. We develop a further approximation based on clustering inputs that can be seen as a mixture of local and global approximations. Standard GPs assume a uniform noise variance. We use our sparse approximation described above as a way of relaxing this assumption. By making a modification of the sparse covariance function, we can model input dependent noise. To handle high dimensional data sets we use supervised linear dimensionality reduction. As another extension of the standard GP, we relax the Gaussianity assumption of the process by learning a nonlinear transformation of the output space. All these techniques further increase the applicability of GPs to real complex data sets. We present empirical comparisons of our algorithms with various competing techniques, and suggest problem dependent strategies to follow in practice

    Реформы – не для проформы

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    Estimates of erosion, deposition and H-isotope retention in JET from previous divertor campaigns have relied on analysis of in-vessel components removed at shutdowns. The components analysed have also provided an incomplete coverage of the vessel. In 2004, new diagnostics are being installed to give a more complete picture (such as smart tiles) and to provide some time resolution. The latter includes further quartz microbalances (QMB), following the successful operation of a prototype in 2002-2004 [H.-G. Esser, G. Neill, P. Coad, G.F. Matthews, D. Jolovic, D. Wilson, M. Freisinger, V. Philipps, Quartz microbalance: a time-resolved diagnostic to measure material deposition in JET, Fusion Eng. Des. 66-68 (2003) 855-860; H.-G. Esser, V Philipps, M. Reisinger, G.F. Matthews, J.P. Coad, G.F. Neill, JET EFDA Contributors, Effect of plasma configuration on carbon migration measured in the inner divertor of JET using quartz microbalance, J. Nucl. Mater. 337-339 (2005) 84-87], which will also have temperature control. Other diagnostics include rotating collectors and deposition monitors [M. Mayer, V Rohde, P Coad, P. Wienhold, ASDEX Upgrade Team, JET EFDA Contributors, Carbon erosion and migration in fusion devices, Phys. Scr. T111 (2004) 55-59]. Units are also being installed to provide information on mirrors for ITER. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Наукоемкий сектор экономики России: состояние и особенности развития

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    Abstract: В работе выделяется высокотехнологичный сектор российской экономики, исследуются некоторые особенности и предпосылки его эффективного развития, приводятся качественные и количественные оценки наукоемких рынков и производств, в том числе в отраслевом разрезе. В русле общих тенденций интеллектуализации современного технологического развития рассматриваются некоторые проблемы, специфика, место и роль инфокоммуникационной среды экономики. Работа выполнена при поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда (проекты № 99-02-00016 и № 99-02-00271). Bagrinovsky K.A., Bendikov M.A., Frolov I.E., Khrustalev Ye.Yu. The high technology sector of economy of Russia: a state and peculiarities of development. - Moscow, CEMI Russian Academy of Science, 2001. - 120 p. (Rus.) The high technology sector of the Russian economy, some features and premises of its effective development are studied in this paper. The qualitative and quantitative valuations of the high technology markets and productions, including in a branch slit are presented. Some problems, specificity, place and role of the infocommunicative environment of economy are considered in terms of the common tendencies of intellectualization of modern technological development. The work was supported by RFN (projects № 99-02-00016 and № 99-02-00271).Note: (Рус.) [Аннотация

    Самозанятость и ее противоречия.

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    AbstractWe present a Stone duality for bitopological spaces in analogy to the duality between topological spaces and frames, and discuss the resulting notions of sobriety and spatiality. Under the additional assumption of regularity, we prove a characterisation theorem for subsets of a bisober space that are compact in one and closed in the other topology. This is in analogy to the celebrated Hofmann-Mislove theorem for sober spaces. We link the characterisation to Taylor's and Escardó's reading of the Hofmann-Mislove theorem as continuous quantification over a subspace. As an application, we define locally compact d-frames and show that these are always spatial


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    Abstract: гл. в кн. Internetional Benefit Guidelines' 98 - William M. Mercer, - Лондон, 1998

    Многофакторная модель стимулирования хозяйственной деятельности

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    Abstract: Описывается способ мультипликативного соединения взвешенных частных показателей в один обобщенный. Разрабатывается действенная многофакторная система оплаты труда, устанавливается социально и экономически обоснованная дифференциация ставок налогообложения. Представлены методологические соображения и процедура определения весов объединяемых частных показателей, опирающаяся на некоторую модификацию метода главных компонент, называемую двухаспектно-поляризационным взвешиванием.Note: (Москва