198 research outputs found

    Yang Minoritas : Yang Tertindas (Analisis Konflik Ahmadiyah Vs “Islam”)

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    Power is everywhere, so is revealed by Foucault. Power possessed by the majority who don\u27t rarely brought the existence of a conflict with minority parties. Similarly, religion, religions are like two sides of a coin. On the one hand the belief gave way towards peace, but on the other side of religion considered to be a source of division in the community. The religion of the majority religion is considered as a powerful or have power in society even more dominant than countries with other religions are minorities. Religious conflicts have often occurred in different countries and even Indonesia are in fact as a multicultural country in religion. Conflict not only between different faiths, even some internal conflict / co-religionists because of differences in the interpretation of scripture that ultimately led to anarchy. Religious issues will be difficult to overcome if both parties use their eyes in search of the truth. As a multicultural country, should all parties can appreciate and respect each other and understand and understand the Human Rights owned by each individu. Freedom of religion is one of the rights that should be protected. In the cases of minorities in this country, should the state government in this case is able to protect its citizens and uphold human rights in the embrace and believe in a religion

    Ruang Publik dan Ekspresi Politik Identitas (Studi Tentang Pergulatan Identitas Ke-Papua-an di YOGYAKARTA)

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    Study on the dynamics of communities of Papua and its identity. Giddens statement of that identity is a social construction that can be formed in space and time. For the author of the Papua community is a unique community, not only the striking racial differences but they are very ideologically in fighting for his rights in Yogyakarta. This paper tries to answer the question of how the condition of identity of which belonged to someone after constructed? What is done with the collective identity after formed?. This research is the study of the field with a qualitative approach

    Pengelolaan Warisan Budaya Bangka: Inkonsistensi Kebijakan,Regulasi, Dan Partisipasi Publik

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    This study aimed to describe government policy in managing the cultural heritage as a basis for legal regulation spawned cultural heritage management can strengthen the identity. This study uses qualitative policy analysis. Policy analysis seeks to influence the policy-making process "through research and arguments that not only supports the analysis of "problem", but also an analysis of what options or alternative policies to be taken". The results showed that the cultural heritage management policy which consists of the management of cultural heritage and the management of cultural heritage objects in Bangka generally been contained in the strategic documents the district level. Strategic documents such as RPJMD, RKPD, Renstra, and RTRW district policy contains clear enough about the efforts to optimize the development of culture and tourism program. But, in terms of implementation of cultural heritage management is still hampered by the absence of regulations governing technical matters in the management of cultural heritage. The issue of the lack of regulation has an impact on the emergence of various internal constraints in the field of culture and tourism as well as cross-sectoral as seen from the unavailability of an expert team of cultural heritage, human resources competent in the field of culture, inconsistent implementation of culture, cultural heritage and knowledge of cultural heritage objects are less effective in the community. This affects the level of public participation in the management of cultural heritage in the future

    Implikasi Terbitnya Regulasi Tentang Pertimahan Terhadap Dinamika Pertambangan Timah Inkonvensional Di Pulau Bangka

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    Implication of the publication of the regulation of dynamics of tin mining on Bangka Island, it is most clearly visible are the rise of tin mining unconventional. The Central Government controls over commodities lead is so strong that they use their hands to do military protection. The local community is prohibited to mine, sell, even save them even one kilogram of matter. This condition is a precondition for the emergence of dissharmonsation in the management of lead in this area. Last issue about the rules of tin mining this regulation until now has never been resolved. So in a forum, all conflicts that erupted about tin mining will stop when the tin islands of Bangka Belitung Province have been exhausted

    Peran Ulama dalam proses Rekonsiliasi Pasca Konflik di Aceh

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    In the context of Aceh, the word “Ulama" refers to an Islamic scholar who own boarding school (In Aceh language known as Dayah) or a leader of an Islamic boarding school (known as Teungku Dayah). Ulama become "the backbone" of any social problem and play strategic and influential roles in Acehnese society. However, The Ulama roles have changed in the post-conflict era in Aceh. The assumption that Ulama are unable running their authorities in Acehnese society especially in the post-conflict era. Ideally, their roles are needed in the reconciliation regarding the agents of reconciliation who have authority like the Ulama and are trustworthy by Acehnese society. Therefore, this article aims to discuss the position of Ulama in the process of post-conflict reconciliation in Aceh. To investigate the problem, a descriptive qualitative method was used, where the method is to describe the nature of a temporary situation that occurs when the research is carried out in detail, and then the causes of the symptoms were examined. The data were literature studies, participatory observation, and in-depth interviews. The results of this research showed that during an important period of Aceh's history, the Ulama constantly become guardians that provide a religious ethical foundation for each socio-political change in Aceh, and subsequently they also act as the successor to the religious style that developed in the society. Even the formation and development of the socio-political and cultural system occurred partly on the contribution of the Ulama. The position of Ulama in the process of post-conflict reconciliation in Aceh can be found in four ways. Firstly, knowledge transmission. Secondly, as a legal decision-maker which refers to Sharia law, especially related to the reconciliation process. Thirdly, as a mediator. Fourthly, cultural roles in the form of ritual or ceremonial guides that are carried out when the parties of the conflict have met an agreement to reconcile.Dalam konteks Aceh, “Ulama” merujuk pada sosok individu yang memiliki Dayah (pesantren) atau pimpinan Dayah yang terkenal dengan sebutan Teungku Dayah. Pada ranah sosial, Ulama Aceh merupakan “tulang punggung” keputusan dalam berbagai hal. Ulama hadir sebagai kelompok strategis dan berpengaruh dalam kehidupan masyarakat Aceh. Namun, pasca konflik Aceh, telah terjadi dinamika pergeseran peran ulama di Aceh. Ada anggapan bahwa ulama tidak lagi mampu menjalankan otoritasnya dalam masyarakat, terutama pada masa pasca konflik. Padahal idealnya, ulama turut berperan dalam proses rekonsiliasi, mengingat saat ini belum ada agen rekosiliasi yang memiliki otoritas seperti ulama dan benar-benar dapat dipercaya oleh masyarakat Aceh. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini ingin mendiskusikan tentang posisi Ulama Aceh dalam proses rekonsiliasi pasca konflik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu suatu metode untuk menggambarkan sifat suatu keadaan yang sementara terjadi pada saat penelitian dilakukan secara detail, dan kemudian berusaha memeriksa sebab-sebab dari gejala tersebut. Data dalam penelitian ini bersumber dari studi pustaka, obeservasi partisipatoris dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam setiap periode penting seajarah Aceh, ulama selalu hadir sebagai satu kekuatan yang memberi ladasan etis keagamaan bagi setiap perubahan sosial-politik di Aceh, dan selanjutnya ulama bertindak sebagai penerus corak keagamaan yang berkembang dalam masyarakat Aceh. Bahkan pembentukan dan perkembangan sistem sosial-politik dan budaya masyarakat Aceh terjadi sebagian atas kontribusi para ulama. Adapun Posisi ulama dalam proses rekonsiliasi di Aceh pasca konflik dapat dilihat dalam empat hal. Pertama, transmisi pengetahuan. Kedua, sebagai pengambil keputusan hukum yang bersumber dari ajaran Islam, terutama terkait dengan proses rekonsiliasi. Ketiga, sebagai mediator. Keempat, peran kultural yang berupa pemandu ritual atau seremonial yang dilakukan ketika pihak yang bertikai sudah menemukan kata sepakat untuk berdamai

    Male victimization of women Covered in Society’s Expectation in Razia Sultana Khan’s Seduction: The Perspective of Seven Building Tasks of Language

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    Living in the society’s expectation is like we are forced to do what they want us to do and it is in the circle of hell. At one time, we need society as the means to communicate and be a natural human being. At the other hands, its culture and custom destroy ourselves especially those who have sexist culture and custom. This Bangladesh short story titled Seduction is one of the representatives of society that has sexist culture. It tells about a young girl who is forced to marry at the young age and becomes the object of her husband’s sexual trinket. What the writer wants to emphasize is the way the author named Razia Sultana Khan describe the treatment and the culture through Paul Gee’s seven language blocks’ perspective. The result of the discussion is that this short story, indeed, contains some of the seven building blocks that are significance, activities, identities, relationships, politics, connections and sign systems and knowledge.Living in the society’s expectation is like we are forced to do what they want us to do and it is in the circle of hell. At one time, we need society as the means to communicate and be a natural human being. At the other hands, its culture and custom destroy ourselves especially those who have sexist culture and custom. This Bangladesh short story titled Seduction is one of the representatives of society that has sexist culture. It tells about a young girl who is forced to marry at the young age and becomes the object of her husband’s sexual trinket. What the writer wants to emphasize is the way the author named Razia Sultana Khan describe the treatment and the culture through Paul Gee’s seven language blocks’ perspective. The result of the discussion is that this short story, indeed, contains some of the seven building blocks that are significance, activities, identities, relationships, politics, connections and sign systems and knowledge

    The Empowerment of Households towards Independence through Social Capital in Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan 1) Peran Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) dalam pemberdayaan Keluarga Penerima Manfaat (KPM), 2) Peran Modal Sosial dalam mewujudkan kemandirian KPM PKH di Kabupaten Sukoharjo Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Penentuan informan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Jumlah informan utama sebanyak 8 orang Keluarga Penerima Manfaat, 4 orang informan kunci yakni Kepala Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Koordinator Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Supervisor PKH dan pendamping PKH, serta informan pendukung yakni 2 orang tetangga KPM PKH. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data melalui tiga tahap yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Verifikasi data dilakukan dengan cara ketekunan pengamatan dan triangulasi sumber dan waktu. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1) Peran PKH dalam pemberdayaan KPM berupa pemberdayaan melalui pemberian bantuan sosial, pemberdayaan melalui kegiatan Pertemuan Peningkatan Kemampuan Keluarga (P2K2) atau Family Development Session (FDS), pemberdayaan melalui Koperasi PKH dan pemberdayaan melalui KUBE (Kelompok Usaha Bersama) PKH, 2) Peran Modal Sosial Dalam Menciptakan Kemandirian KPM PKH dengan menyelaraskan antara dimensi nilai kultur, dimensi trust, reciprocity, partisipasi, dimensi sistem komunikasi, dan jaringan usaha yang dimiliki oleh KPM PKH. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh adanya relevansi antara social bounding, social bridging, dan social linking yang dijalankan oleh KPM. Dengan demikian, pilihan saluran penghidupan KPM PKH melalui pemanfaatan modal sosial menjadi peluang strategis dan produktif untuk menjaga daya tahan ekonomi rumah tangga miskin menuju kemandirian.This research aims to reveal 1) The Role of Program Keluarga Harapan or known as PKH (Family of Hope Program) in empowering beneficiary households or known as KPM (Keluarga Penerima Manfaat), 2) The Role of Social Capital in realizing the independence of KPM-PKH in Sukoharjo district, Central Java Province, Indonesia. This research was qualitative by using a case study approach. The determination of informants used a purposive sampling technique. The informants were eight beneficiary households and four key informants they were the Head of Sukoharjo district office of the Ministry of Social Services, coordinator of Sukoharjo district, PKH supervisor, PKH facilitator, and two key informants to support any information. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data were analyzed into three stages; data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The data were verified by observation and source triangulation and time. The result showed that 1) The Role of PKH in empowering the beneficiary households by providing social assistance, strengthening by the regular meeting of Family Development Session, known as P2K2 (Pertemuan Peningkatan Kemampuan Keluarga), strengthening by PKH cooperative, and joint business group, known as KUBE (Kelompok Usaha Bersama), 2) The Role of social capital to build independence of KPM-PKH by adopting cultural values, trust, reciprocity, participation, communication system, and venture networks of beneficiary households. This is caused by the relevance of social bonding, social bridging and social linking carried out by KPM-PKH. To conclude, livelihoods choice of KPM-PKH by employing social capital becomes strategic and productive opportunities to empower independence among poor households as beneficiary of PKH

    Male victimization of women Covered in Society’s Expectation in Razia Sultana Khan’s Seduction: The Perspective of Seven Building Tasks of Language

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    Living in the society’s expectation is like we are forced to do what they want us to do and it is in the circle of hell. At one time, we need society as the means to communicate and be a natural human being. At the other hands, its culture and custom destroy ourselves especially those who have sexist culture and custom. This Bangladesh short story titled Seduction is one of the representatives of society that has sexist culture. It tells about a young girl who is forced to marry at the young age and becomes the object of her husband’s sexual trinket. What the writer wants to emphasize is the way the author named Razia Sultana Khan describe the treatment and the culture through Paul Gee’s seven language blocks’ perspective. The result of the discussion is that this short story, indeed, contains some of the seven building blocks that are significance, activities, identities, relationships, politics, connections and sign systems and knowledge.Living in the society’s expectation is like we are forced to do what they want us to do and it is in the circle of hell. At one time, we need society as the means to communicate and be a natural human being. At the other hands, its culture and custom destroy ourselves especially those who have sexist culture and custom. This Bangladesh short story titled Seduction is one of the representatives of society that has sexist culture. It tells about a young girl who is forced to marry at the young age and becomes the object of her husband’s sexual trinket. What the writer wants to emphasize is the way the author named Razia Sultana Khan describe the treatment and the culture through Paul Gee’s seven language blocks’ perspective. The result of the discussion is that this short story, indeed, contains some of the seven building blocks that are significance, activities, identities, relationships, politics, connections and sign systems and knowledge

    Domain Dimension of Family Relationships in the South of Johor through the Family Well-Being Index 2017

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    Institusi keluarga adalah suatu unit asas sosial yang teramat penting terhadap proses perkembangan, pembinaan dan pembangunan insan melalui kapasiti pembentukan modal insan. Pembangunan secara fizikal sahaja tidak bermakna jika tidak diselarikan dengan pembangunan insan berasaskan sifat fitrah. Adalah tidak mustahil jika berlakunya konflik dalaman sehingga mencabar institusi keluarga masa kini adalah antaranya kerana keluarga tidak dapat menangani proses pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi yang progresif dengan penuh kesederhanaan dan keseimbangan dalam keluarga, contohnya apabila berlakunya keruntuhan dalam interaksi keluarga sehingga wujudnya kerenggangan hubungan dan ketidakpatuhan ahli keluarga terhadap sistem nilai. Oleh itu usaha mengimbangi tuntutan pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi perlulah seiring dengan kemantapan hubungan dalam institusi keluarga, seperti yang ditekankan dalam Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga melalui dimensi Hubungan Kekeluargaan. Usaha itu adalah selaras dengan hasrat mewujudkan kesejahteraan dalam institusi keluarga yang melibatkan pembangunan individu dan keluarga secara seimbang dan menyeluruh dari segi fizikal, rohani, ekonomi, sosial dan mental. Selari dengan hasrat itu, satu kajian yang khusus untuk menguji Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga telah dilakukan ke atas seramai 319 orang responden yang mewakili keluarga masing-masing di daerah Pasir Gudang, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, pada tahun 2017. Untuk perbincangan dalam kajian ini adalah tertumpu kepada dimensi Hubungan Kekeluargaan dari aspek Sokongan Motivasi, Masa Bersama, dan Ambil Tahu. Dapatan kajian secara keseluruhan menunjukkan Indeks Kesejahteraan Keluarga bagi dimensi Hubungan Kekeluargaan adalah di tahap cemerlang, sekali gus memberikan interpretasi yang relevan dengan persepsi dan pengamalan positif dalam kalangan responden kajian, melalui pengujian domain Hubungan Kekeluargaan yang merentas tiga item utama.Family institutions are fundamental units of social importance in the process of human development, construction, and development, through the capacity of human capital formation. Physical development alone is meaningless if it is not accompanied by human development based on its natural nature. It is impossible to deal with internal conflicts and to challenge current family institutions because families cannot handle progressive social and economic development processes with simplicity and balance in the family. For example, when there is a disruption in family interaction, there is a loss of family relationships and non-compliance with the value system. Therefore, efforts to balance the demands of social and economic development must be consistent with strengthening relationships within family institutions, as emphasized in the Family Well-Being Index through the Family Relationships dimension. This effort is in line with the desire to create prosperity in family institutions which involves developing individuals and families in a balanced and holistic manner physically, spiritually, economically, socially and mentally. In line with that, a study aimed at testing the Family Well-Being Index was conducted on 319 respondents representing their families in the Pasir Gudang district, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, in 2017. For discussions in this study, the focus would be on the family relationships dimension in terms of Motivational Support, Togetherness, and Curiosity. Overall study findings indicate that the Family Well-Being Index for the Family Relationships dimension is at an excellent level, thus providing relevant interpretations of positive perceptions and practices among study respondents, through testing the Family Relationships domain in three main dimensions

    The Shift of Staple Food from Sago to Rice: A Study about Food Security and Indigenous Communities

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    Food security is still becoming a crucial issue in developing countries nowadays, either in urban or rural areas. There are many factors triggered this condition, such as the increase in population pressure and conflict, privatization and changing tenure arrangements, poverty, social differentiation and also environmental degradation. It’s undeniable that food security is a multidimensional problem, especially for people who lived in rural or isolated areas. In Mentawai Islands, a district located in the western part of Indonesia, the indigenous people depend on forest product (sago) as their main source of food. However, since 2012, the government has destroyed their food culture by establishing the ‘National Food Security Improvement Program’ and conducting the agricultural intensification as well as establishing 600 hectares of new rice fields in six sub - districts; South Pagai, North Pagai, Sikakap, South Sipora, North Sipora, and South Siberut. This study is conducted comprehensively using the Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (FSVA) to understand and describe the exact profiles of food-insecurities and vulnerable households. Furthermore, it also identified the risks and vulnerabilities of food consumption in Mentawai communities. Findings depict that shifting or transforming the food culture from sago to rice is a serious issue because socio-cultural aspects influence it and surely the government has to make a parallel policy that can accommodate the people needs, not only prioritize the national development agenda.Food security is still becoming a crucial issue in developing countries nowadays, either in urban or rural areas. There are many factors triggered this condition, such as the increase in population pressure and conflict, privatization and changing tenure arrangements, poverty, social differentiation and also environmental degradation. It’s undeniable that food security is a multidimensional problem, especially for people who lived in rural or isolated areas. In Mentawai Islands, a district located in the western part of Indonesia, the indigenous people depend on forest product (sago) as their main source of food. However, since 2012, the government has destroyed their food culture by establishing the ‘National Food Security Improvement Program’ and conducting the agricultural intensification as well as establishing 600 hectares of new rice fields in six sub - districts; South Pagai, North Pagai, Sikakap, South Sipora, North Sipora, and South Siberut. This study is conducted comprehensively using the Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (FSVA) to understand and describe the exact profiles of food-insecurities and vulnerable households. Furthermore, it also identified the risks and vulnerabilities of food consumption in Mentawai communities. Findings depict that shifting or transforming the food culture from sago to rice is a serious issue because socio-cultural aspects influence it and surely the government has to make a parallel policy that can accommodate the people needs, not only prioritize the national development agenda
