538 research outputs found

    Historical and geopoetic perspective on narration in the series of short stories “Sitting on the River Bank” by Ivan Shmelev

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    The article is devoted to an analysis of the historical and geopoetic perspective on narration in the series of Ivan Shmelev’s short stories Sitting on the River Bank. In these works, the geographical area of France becomes the prism through which the narrator perceives and interprets the cultural space of Russia.The article is devoted to an analysis of the historical and geopoetic perspective on narration in the series of Ivan Shmelev’s short stories Sitting on the River Bank. In these works, the geographical area of France becomes the prism through which the narrator perceives and interprets the cultural space of Russia.The article is devoted to an analysis of the historical and geopoetic perspective on narration in the series of Ivan Shmelev’s short stories Sitting on the River Bank. In these works, the geographical area of France becomes the prism through which the narrator perceives and interprets the cultural space of Russia

    Local identification and self-identification of citizens of the Northern Russian cities of Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk (based on folklore-ethnographic studies)

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    A local population survey based on a specially developed questionnaire was conducted to study the local identity of Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk in the Arkhangelsk region from 2000 till 2015. The data on folklore and speech obtained allow us to analyze the distinctive features of Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk citizens’ local identity. The study leads to the conclusion that Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk's citizens have developed their own local identity, but with different specific characteristics. Arkhangelsk was founded as a traditional town, Severodvinsk during country's urbanization processes.A local population survey based on a specially developed questionnaire was conducted to study the local identity of Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk in the Arkhangelsk region from 2000 till 2015. The data on folklore and speech obtained allow us to analyze the distinctive features of Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk citizens’ local identity. The study leads to the conclusion that Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk's citizens have developed their own local identity, but with different specific characteristics. Arkhangelsk was founded as a traditional town, Severodvinsk during country's urbanization processes.A local population survey based on a specially developed questionnaire was conducted to study the local identity of Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk in the Arkhangelsk region from 2000 till 2015. The data on folklore and speech obtained allow us to analyze the distinctive features of Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk citizens’ local identity. The study leads to the conclusion that Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk's citizens have developed their own local identity, but with different specific characteristics. Arkhangelsk was founded as a traditional town, Severodvinsk during country's urbanization processes

    Borys Pasternak wobec ideologii swoich czasów

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    Boris Pasternak avoided open ideological declarations. We usually discern his attitude and views from his works. As an active participant of the intellectual and artistic life of his times, however, Pasternak was compelled to opt for a standpoint regarding the problems faced by Russian society at the time. The poet represented a certain attitude towards such ideological issues as revolution, anti-Semitism, feminism, the role of Christianity in history, and new ideas and trends in art. Other ideologies such as ecology, Tolstoyism and Marxism, to which he attached lesser importance, should also be mentioned

    Teatr i dramat rosyjski w polskich badaniach rusycystycznych

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    The article analyzes Polish studies of the Russian theater and drama of the first half of the twentieth century in the context of the Great Theater Reform, written by Katarzyna Osińska, Jadwiga Gracla, Halina Mazurek, Ludwika Mięsowska, and others. It is pointed out that the critical works of these Polish scholars bring many important conclusions concerning contemporary dramatic literature in Russia. In the past drama as a literary genre did not attract much attention from Polish Russian scholars, although in recent years the situation has changed. More and more valuable dissertations are being published on this subject

    Wojenna proza Wiktora Astafiewa a problem nienawiści i przebaczenia

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    Viktor Astafyev was an outstanding Russian writer and a representative  of ”village prose”. In his oeuvre, along with works on the question of “man and nature”, we may find numerous important works concerning the subject of war. Astafyev fought in WWII, which left him with some unhealed wounds. In his novels about this 'Great Patriotic War', the dominating pacifist humanism triggered the first depiction of German soldiers through the prism of Christian mercy in Russian literature. The attempt to analyze the novel The Cursed and the Slain is very relevant in light of our present reality, full of news of new military conflicts, including that in eastern Ukraine

    Когнитивная семантика и нарративные функции парентезы „кажется” в разных контекстах художественного дискурса

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    This article analyzes the cognitive semantics of the parenthesis кажется, as well as its functions in developing a fictional narrative strategy. The analysis shows that the parenthesis кажется does not have its own conceptual value and it is functionally related to the subject's reflection on cognitive activity, whose contents are predetermined by various perspectives of the context. The semantics and narrative functions of the parenthesis кажется are identified within such parameters as ‘communicative logic of the cognitively active subject’, ‘subjective structure of context’, along with a ‘communicative register’ — ‘reproductive’ or ‘informative’ — and a ‘narrative strategy’

    Силуэты женщин в прозе Людмилы Улицкой в гендерном аспекте

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    The main female characters in Ludmila Ulitskaya’s stories are mostly “little women” – residents of communal areas and outcasts of society – those who are now called marginal. In general, the writer presents a reflection on the complexity of the spiritual path a woman goes through in search of her individual self and identity in the social and cultural space. Ulitskaya reveals to the readers her profiles of women of the Soviet era who are placed in a pseudoegalitarian gender system, and that is why they fight for identity, feeling that Soviet society is not their native and natural sphere of existence.The main female characters in Ludmila Ulitskaya’s stories are mostly “little women” – residents of communal areas and outcasts of society – those who are now called marginal. In general, the writer presents a reflection on the complexity of the spiritual path a woman goes through in search of her individual self and identity in the social and cultural space. Ulitskaya reveals to the readers her profiles of women of the Soviet era who are placed in a pseudoegalitarian gender system, and that is why they fight for identity, feeling that Soviet society is not their native and natural sphere of existence.The main female characters in Ludmila Ulitskaya’s stories are mostly “little women” – residents of communal areas and outcasts of society – those who are now called marginal. In general, the writer presents a reflection on the complexity of the spiritual path a woman goes through in search of her individual self and identity in the social and cultural space. Ulitskaya reveals to the readers her profiles of women of the Soviet era who are placed in a pseudoegalitarian gender system, and that is why they fight for identity, feeling that Soviet society is not their native and natural sphere of existence

    Paradygmat antropocentryczny jako kategoria lingwistyczna w badaniu obiektów językowych

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    This study constitutes an attempt to present views from contemporary cognitive linguistics on the definition and realization of the anthropocentric paradigm in the language system. On the basis of reseachers' opinions, the author comes to the conclusion that a language can be analyzed as a peculiar semantic system whose realization is related to a human being. The available results of linguistic object studies, which take into consideration the anthropocentric paradigm, prove that nowadays anthropocentrism should be presented as a linguistic category

    The archetype of the hero in the story “The state fairy tale” by Oleg Pavlov

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    In the article, basic features of the main hero of the story The state fairy tale captain Khabarov are being analysed. It’s also proved that the story became a support for overcoming the spiritual chaos for the writer during the epoch of disintegration of the 1990s.In the article, basic features of the main hero of the story The state fairy tale captain Khabarov are being analysed. It’s also proved that the story became a support for overcoming the spiritual chaos for the writer during the epoch of disintegration of the 1990s.In the article, basic features of the main hero of the story The state fairy tale captain Khabarov are being analysed. It’s also proved that the story became a support for overcoming the spiritual chaos for the writer during the epoch of disintegration of the 1990s

    Formy realizacji argumentu propozycjonalnego w rosyjskich zdaniach z czasownikiem mentalnym: „przestrzeganie”, „kompresja”, „rozszczepienie”.

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    The subject of the article is the mental verbs (verbs of knowledge, understanding and thinking) of the modern Russian language, treated in terms of syntactic valence. The author examines the grammatical forms of the realization of propositional argument in sentences with mental verbs with the predicate-argument structure P (x, q). The forms of representation of propositional argument are divided into three types: observance, compression and splitting. The author shows that in this area we have to deal with an analog reflection of the propositional structure, or more or less a compression of proposition argument, or its dismemberment and doubling of its syntactic position. The author takes into account the regularity of the implementation of each grammatical form, quoting the relevant quantitative data.The subject of the article is the mental verbs (verbs of knowledge, understanding and thinking) of the modern Russian language, treated in terms of syntactic valence. The author examines the grammatical forms of the realization of propositional argument in sentences with mental verbs with the predicate-argument structure P (x, q). The forms of representation of propositional argument are divided into three types: observance, compression and splitting. The author shows that in this area we have to deal with an analog reflection of the propositional structure, or more or less a compression of proposition argument, or its dismemberment and doubling of its syntactic position. The author takes into account the regularity of the implementation of each grammatical form, quoting the relevant quantitative data