12,221 research outputs found

    La asistencia hospitalaria infantil en la Valencia del siglo XIV : pobres, huérfanos y expósitos

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    El concepto pobreza, se entendía durante la Edad Media, no en el sentido restringido y economicista con que hoy empleamos el término, sino en uno mucho más amplio, que incluía, además de la indigencia, toda situación de debilidad fisica, social o jurídica, que afectara temporal o permanentemente al individuo (1). Nada tiene de extraño, pues, que el niño, incapaz de afrontar por sus propios medios la adversidad y el desamparo, aparezca sistemáticamente equiparado al pobre en los textos medievales (2). Al igual que la viudez, el exilio, el cautiverio, la vejez, etc., la orfandad se consideraba como una forma de pobreza de características especiales, que debía ser objeto prioritario de la acción caritativa cristiana; por ello la literatura religiosa de la época, en sus reiteradas llamadas a la práctica de la limosna, solía destacar al huérfano como persona particularmente digna de recibir ayuda de sus semejantes, junto con el indigente y el enfermo (3). En efecto, los niños que, por muerte o por abandono de sus padres, quedaban sin hogar -fenómeno nada insólito en una sociedad pobre como era la medieval, azotada frecuentemente por la epidemia y el hambre-, planteaban un serio problema asistencial, pues exigían unos cuidados tanto más costosos y perentorios cuanto menor era la edad de las criaturas en el momento de producirse su desamparo

    El reportaje digital : una apuesta narrativa frente al archivo documental

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    Este artículo analiza las características que presenta el reportaje digital, denominado especial temático, en dos publicaciones electrónicas (elpais.es y elmundo.es), a la luz de las posibilidades hipertextuales, multimedia e interactivas que proporciona internet, todo ello con el objetivo de plantear opciones alternativas a su carácter actual, más cerca del archivo documental distribuido en apartados temáticos que del relato que explora todas las posibilidades narrativas y expresivas a su alcance. The main purpose of this paper is to analize digital report items in two electronic media (elpais.es and elmundo.es) in order to understand how they use hipertextual, multimedia and interactive options. Morover, it proposes to explore more creative possibilities in this media through changing its current design, which is inspired in database categories and collections of individual items. Our claim is to emphasize another design that recovers narrative"s sense and developpes a story

    Catálogo de los manuscritos romanos sobre la disputa De auxiliis

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    This book lists the manuscripts related to the 'De Auxiliis' Controversy that are preserved in Rome. This dispute is one of the episodes in Spanish intellectual history with the greatest international resonance, if we take into account the commotion caused in Rome and the secular repercussions it will have within the Catholic and even Protestant sphere. This theological controversy also involves highly topical concepts that attract the interest of contemporary philosophers. This book contains a complete list of the manuscripts preserved in Rome, trying to relate them to each other and to point out which are the most reliable and valuable sources. This involves the description of a considerable number of manuscripts that had not been described in any catalogue until now, and the identification of some unknown works. In addition, several unpublished letters by Domingo Báñez and Luis de Molina are transcribed here

    Algumas notas sobre o Compendium Grammatices Hebraeae de Baruch Spinoza

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    Separata de Helmantica, Vol. 49, nº 148-149By commenting the latest translation of the hebrew grammar by Spinoza, the author, on the train of the comments with which Ferdinand Alquié introduces this work, emphasizes some particular aspects of Spinoza's thought about the Language Philosophy. He examines the definition given by Spinoza of the semantic features of certain parts of speech, underlining the contribution that the Hebrew grammar by Spinoza represents for the understanding of the whole thought of this author

    Christian Hebrew Printing in the Sixteenth Century: Printers, Humanism and the Impact of the Reformation

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    Christian printers of Hebrew books have long been recognized as a crucial factor in the spread of Christian Hebraism in early modern Europe. Their works have traditionally been listed together with Jewish books in bibliographies such as Moritz Steinschneider\u27s catalogue of books on Hebrew language instruction, and the Bodleian library\u27s collection Hebrew imprints since both contain Hebrew type, but grouping them together also blurs their distinctive features. Yet the business of Hebrew printing for Christians differed in character from Jewish printing in a variety of ways. In this essay I will analyze the geographic distribution of non-Jewish Hebrew printing firms in sixteenth-century Europe and the kinds of books they produced, identify the most important Hebrew printers and the reasons for their success in this specialized field, and consider several effects of the Reformation upon Christian Hebrew printing. In this article, the author firstly examines the circumstances of printing and publication of Hebrew books among Christians in the 16th century; for this purpose, he makes use of statistics, adding some remarks. Next, he focuses on the Reformation as one of the outstanding factors to the development of Christian printing involved in the edition of Hebrew works. En este articulo, el autor examina, en primer lugar, las circunstancias de impresión y publicación de libros hebreos en círculos cristianos en el siglo xvi, sirviéndose para ello de datos estadísticos comentados. A continuación, centra su exposicion en la Reforma como uno de los factores decisivos para el desarrollo de las prensas cristianas involucradas en la edicidn de obras hebreas

    \ubfFilosof\ueda de la liberaci\uf3n o liberaci\uf3n de la filosof\ueda?

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