20,780 research outputs found

    The Evil of Banality: Moby Dick vs. the Extreme Machine

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    In this article I am suggesting that Feidelson’s approach be appropriated for the contemplation and understanding of extra-literary phenomena like the extreme machine. As Russell Reising points out, Feidelson’s “historical premise—that symbolism arose at a particular historical moment —could generate semiotic analyses of the relationships between cultural texts (literature, advertising, political discourses and so on) and social contexts, even though the texts themselves purport to transcend social determination” (180). One might extrapolate from this passage to ask the following questions: How do popular mass-produced objects and trends take on symbolic weight in American culture? What connections might we make between these commodities and American literary texts that represent historical events, debates, and individual psychology? And more specifically, if also more whimsically, is there a secret symbolic relationship between Melville’s Moby-Dick and the extreme machine

    “Till the Gossamer Thread You Fling Catch Somewhere”: Parvin E’tesami’s Creative Reception of Walt Whitman

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    The literary relation between Parvin E'tesami and Walt Whitman remains a largely unexplored field. This article analyzes the connection between “God’s Weaver” and “A Noiseless Patient Spider” to shed light on Parvin’s creative reception of Whitman. Creating a mixed-breed spider, combining characteristics from both Whitman’s insect and the Persian spider, and letting it contribute to the debate with the patriarchal system all demonstrate Parvin’s successful poetic inventiveness. The interaction between many forces—including Persian traditions of monazereh and mystical poetry, Parvin’s poetic genius, her personal situation as a female poet in a patriarchal society, and the unique characteristics of the American spider—led to Parvin’s creative reception of Whitman

    Kelan sÀhköinen asiointipalvelu opiskelijoiden nÀkökulmasta

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    TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ opiskelija-asiakkaiden kĂ€yttökokemuksia KansanelĂ€kelaitoksen sĂ€hköisestĂ€ asiointipalvelusta. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin opiskelijoiden kokemuksia Kelan sĂ€hköisen asiointipalvelun kĂ€ytöstĂ€ ja laadusta. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisen eli mÀÀrĂ€llisen tutkimusmenetelmĂ€n avulla sĂ€hköistĂ€ kyselylomaketta kĂ€yttĂ€en. Kyselylomake lĂ€hetettiin opiskelijoille verkkokyselynĂ€ sĂ€hköpostin vĂ€lityksellĂ€. Työn teoriaosassa selvitettiin KansanelĂ€kelaitoksen toimintaa, palveluiden tuottamista ja kehittĂ€mistĂ€ sekĂ€ sĂ€hköisen asioinnin suosiota. LisĂ€ksi opinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ selvitettiin yleiskuva julkisen hallinnon asiakaspalvelusta ja sĂ€hköisten palvelujen jĂ€rjestĂ€misestĂ€, eduista ja haitoista. Teoria-aineisto muodostui pÀÀosin Kelan omasta aineistosta, julkishallinnon kirjallisuudesta ja sĂ€hköistĂ€ asiointia koskevista laeista. Tutkimuksen verkkokysely lĂ€hetettiin 3236 Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijalle. Verkkokyselyyn tuli vastauksia 407 ja vastausprosentti oli 12,57. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, ettĂ€ Kelan sĂ€hköinen asiointipalvelu on vastanneiden opiskelijoiden suosiossa. Monet vastanneet kirjautuvat palveluun 1-4 kertaa vuodessa pankkitunnistusta kĂ€yttĂ€en. KĂ€yntikerroilla vastanneet yleensĂ€ hakevat etuuksia, ilmoittavat muutoksista, lĂ€hettĂ€vĂ€t hakemukseen tarvittavia liitteitĂ€ tai tarkistavat hakemuksen ratkaisua. PÀÀsÀÀntöisesti vastanneiden mielestĂ€ Kelan sĂ€hköisen asiointipalvelun laatu on hyvÀÀ, nopeaa, luotettavaa ja vaivatonta. Suurin osa vastanneista kokee sĂ€hköisen asiointipalvelun myös parantavan Kelan asiakaspalvelua. Tutkimustuloksista ilmeni, ettĂ€ osa vastanneista haluaa kuitenkin sĂ€hköisen asiointipalvelun sijaan tai lisĂ€ksi asioida toimistossa tai puhelimitse, koska he kokevat saavansa siten henkilökohtaisempaa palvelua. LisĂ€ksi osa vastanneista kokee sĂ€hköisen asiointipalvelun epĂ€selvĂ€ksi. Vastanneiden mielestĂ€ kehittĂ€mistĂ€ kaipaisivat sĂ€hköisen asiointipalvelun sivuvalikko ja hakemusten tĂ€yttöohjeet sekĂ€ mobiiliversion yhteensovittaminen Ă€lylaitteiden kanssa.The purpose of this thesis was to explore student customers’ experiences using Kela’s (The Social Insurance Institution of Finland) electronic services. The study aimed to discover students’ experiences of Kela’s e-services’ use and quality. The study used the quantitative research method and it was organized by using an online questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent to students via email. In the theory, the operations, production and development of services, and the popularity of the online services of Kela were explored. In addition, this study explored the public administrations’ customer service, online services, and their strengths and weaknesses. The theory was collected from Kela’s own material, literature of public administrations, and from the laws of online services. The online questionnaire was sent to 3236 students from the Satakunta University of Applied Sciences. The questionnaire received 407 responses which created a 12.57 percent response rate. The results show majority of the students favor using Kela’s online services. The respondents log in to Kela’s e-services 1-4 times per year with the use of their online banking codes. Students use these services to apply for benefits, inform about changes, and send needed documentation or check decisions of previously submitted applications. The respondents think that Kela’s e-services are high in quality, fast, trustworthy, and effortless to use. Majority of the respondents think the use of online services improve Kela’s customer service experience. However, the research results revealed that some of the respondents prefer to only visit the offices or use phone services, because this offers a more personal customer service experience. In addition, some of respondents stated that e-services are unclear, specifically the navigation of the side bar and no clear examples of completed applications available online. The respondents also stated the mobile version was in need of redevelopment in order to provide the user with a higher quality experience

    Common Sense and the Rhetoric of Technology

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    This article investigates rhetorical methods for establishing notions of common sense, especially the common sense that makes technological choices take on an aura of inevitability. I rely on a rhetorical framework drawn from Aristotle and Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca, as well as the philosophers Charles Taylor and Andrew Feenberg


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    Self-Indulgence is the American Word for Flair

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