159 research outputs found

    Patirto nedarbo sąsajos su vyresnio amžiaus asmenų subjektyvia gerove Baltijos šalyse

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    In this paper, using data obtained from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), previously experienced unemployment links to the subjective well-being of older adults in the Baltic States are analyzed. One of the global challenges faced by a considerable number of countries is the aging of society. Subjective well-being of older adults and its factors are becoming one of the fundamental issues of the research as older adults are becoming a bigger part of society, and it becomes critical to understand what makes their lives wholesome. According to the life course perspective, human development is a lifelong process, and various events, personal life experiences may shape people and their lives. Therefore, it can be assumed that such a significant event as previously experienced unemployment may be related to the subjective well-being at older ages. Thus, this study aims to analyze the links between previously experienced unemployment and the subjective well-being of life of older adults in the Baltic States. Data obtained from the 7th wave of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) was used for the analysis (Bergmann et al., 2019; Börsch-Supan, 2020). Two thousand eight hundred five responses of Estonians, 941 of Lithuanians, and 809 of Latvians over the age of 50 were analyzed. The subjective well-being, previously experienced unemployment, socio-demographic, personality, and health factors were analyzed. Research results show that many factors predict the subjective well-being of older adults in the three Baltic States: sociodemographic data can explain around 11% of the variance of the subjective well-being. Income additionally explains 2%, factors related to a person’s health adds 11% to the explanation, personality traits – also 11%, previously experienced unemployment – less than 1%. In the model containing all the factors, the most important predictor was personality trait neuroticism, and the model explained 35% of the variance of the subjective well-being. The subjective well-being was not linked only to gender and living with a partner. By analyzing the links between previously experienced unemployment and subjective well-being, we found that these links are relatively weak, although they remain even when controlling a range of factors of subjective well-being.Straipsnyje, remiantis Europos sveikatos, senėjimo ir išėjimo į pensiją (SHARE) tyrimo duomenimis, analizuojamos anksčiau patirto nedarbo sąsajos su vyresnio amžiaus Baltijos šalių gyventojų subjektyvia gerove. Analizuoti 2 805 Estijos, 941 Lietuvos ir 809 Latvijos gyventojų, vyresnių nei 50 metų, atsakymai. Buvo nagrinėjama subjektyvi gerovė, anksčiau patirtas nedarbas, socialiniai ir demografiniai, asmenybiniai ir sveikatos veiksniai. Atlikus regresinę analizę, svarbiausiu prediktoriumi buvo neurotiškumas, nedarbo patirtis taip pat buvo reikšmingas prediktorius, modelis bendrai paaiškino 35 proc. subjektyvios gerovės dispersijos. Galima daryti išvadą, kad patirtas nedarbo epizodas gali palikti ilgalaikius neigiamus padarinius asmens subjektyviai gerovei, net ir kontroliuojant daugelį subjektyvios gerovės veiksnių

    Asmeninės socialinės paslaugos Lietuvoje: iš sovietinio paternalistinio į rinkos modelį

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    This article analyzes the development of personal social services (PSS) after the restoration of the independent state of Lithuania in 1990, looking through the lens of organizational peculiarities. The development of services in Lithuania occurred not only by introducing the principles of the welfare state but was also influenced by the marketization trends in the area, passing through the experience of the Western countries. Therefore, in Lithuania, the origination of PSS as a separate welfare sector and its marketization occurred almost in parallel.Straipsnyje analizuojama asmeninių socialinių paslaugų (ASP) sistemos raida Lietuvoje ir apžvelgiami šių paslaugų organizavimo pokyčiai. Kuriant demokratinės ir gerovės valstybės principais grindžiamą ASP sistemą šalyje, kartu formavosi prielaidos rinkos santykiams įsitvirtinti, perimant rinkodaros tendencijas, kurios tuo metu jau buvo gana ryškios Vakarų valstybių praktikoje. Analizė atskleidė, kad Lietuvos ASP sistemos atsisiejimas nuo sovietinio globos modelio ir jos kūrimas remiantis gerovės valstybės principais vyko kartu įtraukiant į šią sistemą vis daugiau rinkos modelio elementų

    Social Services Programs Today and in the Future

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    The development of social services is discussed in the paper. The institutional care system was dominating for a long time in Lithuania. The community-based social services are a new thing for social service users, providers and organizers. The different amount of resources is given to social services in municipalities. Almost 60 percent of social service fund is dedicated to institutional care and there is a tendency to increase the funding of institutional care. The childcare is mostly institutionalised. The social service system has to be directed towards the efficiency of the system, the involvement of private organizations and NGO into the provision of social services, the priority of community based services

    Labour moblity within Europe. Comparison of opportunities between Belgium and Lithuania

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore and analyse the situation of labour mobility in the European Union - how Belgium and Lithuania deal with and promote the right of free movement of workers in the EU. The review of migration policy in Europe and specifically in Belgium and Lithuania is presented in the first part of the paper. The research is presented in the second part of the paper. The purpose of this research is to find out and compare the experiences of Belgian and Lithuanian people who were working or are working in another European country than their own. The qualitative research approach and semi-structured interviews were used in this study. The clear list of issues and questions were prepared to interview both Belgian and Lithuanian people who were working or are working in another European country. The interviews conducted with both Belgian and Lithuanian citizens, working (high) skilled work (projects managers, project coordinators, doctors, scientists) reveal their migration purposes and advantages of living and working in a foreign country

    Supervision and Collection of Data about Client

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    The need for knowledge-based social work is being widely discussed internationally. The Department of Social Work at Stockholm University has taken part in a pilot project in Lithuania, the aim of which is to develop community-based and knowledge-based social work. An educational and training programme has been adopted for this purpose. An important part of this effort is the implementation of a computerised case management system backed by advisory supervision at 14 social service centres throughout Lithuania. The objective of the computerised case management system is to enable social service centres to simply and effectively gather key information about clients, activities and treatment procedures. The objective of the advisory supervision programme is to implement new methods,including a psychosocial approach to relating to clients. The purpose of both programmes is to strengthen the development of the social service centres. The strategy is to analyse the empirical material generated by the computerised case management system. This analysis makes it possible to evaluate and monitor the client population, as well as the procedures employed and the results achieved by the treatment centres. Thus, the computerised case management system enables the staffs of the social service centres to be more aware of what their work entails. This heightened awareness then forms the basis for advisory supervision. The integration of the computerised case management system with advisory supervision is a powerful tool for broadening the interface between research and practice in social work, thereby making social work more securely knowledge-based