357 research outputs found

    Tobulumo kelyje: XVII–XVIII amžiaus Lietuvos jėzuitų provincijos naujokų charakteristika

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    This article presents the first stage of a long-lasting Jesuit formation – the Novitiate. The activities, rules, calendar, and instructions of the Jesuit Novitiates were defined by the official documents of Jesuit Order. The Novitiate in Vilnius was the only institution of its kind in the Lithuanian Jesuit Province. After the establishment of the Jesuit Novitiate in 1604, 23 people joined it, and this number gradually increased. The average number of novices in Vilnius in 1604–1771 was 56. Young people of all ages expressed their desire to join the Jesuit Order. They were admitted to the Order at the age averaging between 17–18 years, but there were also novices who did not match this average (the age of novices ranges from 15 to 30 years). Meanwhile, lower requirements for brothers made it possible for them to join the Order at an older age, with the average age of 25. Sometimes, those who had been admitted to the Novitiate had already received an education (often in Jesuit schools) or were already priests. After the establishment of the Novitiate, besides Lithuanians, another large part of the novices was from Polish lands and Ruthenians. By separating the Jesuit Provinces of Lithuania and Mazovia, the Lithuanian Province became even more “Lithuanian.” In 1604–1771, only 48 people left the Novitiate, which is only about 10 percent of the total number of the retired members in the Province (the vast majority, almost 80 percent, of the members who were retired from the Order were scholastics). This initial analysis assumes that the typical Jesuit novice is about 18-years-old and of Ruthenian or Lithuanian/Samogitian origin.Straipsnyje aptariamas pirmasis ilgai trukusios jėzuitų vienuolinės formacijos etapas – noviciatas – būsimųjų Jėzaus draugijos narių rengimas. Straipsnyje pristatomi formalūs priėmimo, ugdymo reikalavimai ir teisinis noviciato veiklos reglamentavimas, užfiksuotas oficialiuose Draugijos dokumentuose. Taip pat, remiantis personalinio pobūdžio šaltiniais, apžvelgiama, kokio amžiaus, išsilavinimo, kilmės jaunuoliai įprastai būdavo priimami į noviciatą, kada iš jo pasitraukdavo ir kaip tęsdavosi jų formacija sėkmingai baigus noviciatą

    Татары Великого Княжества Литовского в Соединенных Штатах Америки

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    At the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century, Tatars of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania started migrating to new lands and countries including England, Argentina and America. They were looking for work and the USA became their preferred country. Many Tatars returned back to homeland, but most of them stayed in America and succeeded. Tatars from Ivje, Navahradak, Mir, Kleck, Tavsiuny, Milkuny, Śviańciany, Dokšycy, Uzda, Śmiłavičy, Minsk, Vilnia and other settlements of Russian Empire before the World War I founded their registered society in New York in 1907. It was the first Muslim organization in the USA. They also founded the Muslim mizars in the Maple Grove and Cedar Grove cemeteries in New York. They started teaching children and bought a building for mosque in 1930. Tatars provided the annual dances and picnics, organized the funding (dues, fees, fines, loans, donations) for payment of expenses, helped the Society members (death and illness benefits) and Muslims in other countries including the former homeland (Ivje in 1922, Niekrašuncy, Warszawa in 1945 and etc.). They published a newspaper, the prayer books. They took part in the main historical events in the USA: the World War I, the World War II, Korean and Vietnam wars, post-war occupation of Germany, etc. Unfortunately, the Society had been developed until 1960s (member quantity was more than 300) and now it is in decline due to assimilation and migration. This article is devoted to the Tatar society of the USA. It is based on the results of study of family collections, oral stories, archival documents (Ellis Island cases, certificates of birth, death, marriage, draft) and pictures. The organization structure, the names of the famous Tatars and the Society board members (presidents, vice-presidents, secretaries, treasurers, imams, teachers, bank account holders, funeral committee members, etc.), the information about two cemeteries are re- vealed and provided.В настоящей статье раскрыты неизвестные страницы истории религиозной организации татар с территории бывшего Великого княжества Литовского, волею судьбы оказавшихся на Американском континенте в конце XIX – начале XX вв. Организация появилась в 1907 г. в Нью-Йорке, тогда же был заложен и первый мизар. В 1930 г. приобретено здание для мечети, выбраны имам, муэдзин и годжий; налажено самофинансирование организации, взаимодействие с органами власти, учреждениями и другими религиозными обществами Америки и мира. Однако по прошествии 6-и десятилетий ввиду нарастающих процессов ассимиляции и урбанизации, а также отсутствия притока новых татар-иммигрантов организация постепенно стала приходить в упадок. При написании статьи были исследованы документы из архива организации, в том числе протоколы заседаний, переписка и т. п., семейные документы из частных коллекций, а также проведен устный опрос ныне живущих татар, изучены метрические данные и анкеты пассажиров пароходов.&nbsp

    From Ruszczyc to the Iron Curtain: Studies in the History of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Stefan Batory University in Vilnius (1919–1939)

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    Rec.: Małgorzata Geron (ed.), Wydział Sztuk Pięknych na Uniwersytecie Stefana Batorego w Wilnie (1919–1939/45): Dydaktyka, twórczość i tradycja artystyczna, Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2022

    „Sunkiose grandinėse“: elgesys su karo belaisviais Vokiečių ordino valstybėje Prūsijoje, Lenkijos karalystėje ir Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje XV amžiaus pirmoje pusėje

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    This article delves into a analysis of the treatment of prisoners of war during the late 14th and 15th centuries. The study not only examines the challenges encountered by the prisoners themselves, as documented in their letters, but also sheds light on the difficulties faced by the officials of the Teutonic Knights and lords involved in their release and care. The work highlights the most salient aspects of captivity, including the deprivation experienced by the prisoners, the means by which they were able to obtain basic necessities such as food and clothing, and the types of places in which they were typically detained. Moreover, the article explores the various factors that influenced the behavior of both captors and captives, and distinguishes between the appropriate and inappropriate treatment of prisoners based on the established norms of medieval times.Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjamas elgesys su karo belaisviais XV a. Jame gilinamasi į sunkumus, su ku­riais susidurdavo ne tik patys belaisviai (pagal jų pačių laiškus), bet ir su jų išlaisvinimu ir priežiūra susiję asmenys (Vokiečių ordino pareigūnai, senjorai). Taip pat aptariami svarbiausi nelaisvės aspektai, belaisvių nepritekliai, būdai, kuriais jie galėjo gauti būtiniausių dalykų, pavyzdžiui, maisto ir drabužių, ir vietos, kuriose paprastai buvo laikomi belaisviai. Be to, aptariami veiksniai, darantys įtaką kalintojų poelgiams, kartais lemiantys žiaurų elgesį, ir atskiriama, koks elgesys su belaisviais pagal Viduramžiais nusistovėjusias normas buvo tinkamas, o koks – netinkamas

    Istorija ir socialiniai mokslai: longue durée

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    Judėjimo simfonija. Kelių eismo taisyklės ir eismo įvykiai Pirmojoje Lietuvos Respublikoje

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    The article examines the laws and rules governing traffic on streets and roads published in the First Republic of Lithuania, as well as statistical data on traffic accidents. Centralised legal regulation of traffic did not begin until the late 1930s, but within a short period of time three successive laws were published. In the mid-1930s, such a law regulated not only the movement of motor vehicles, but also all non-motorised vehicles and pedestrians. At the same time, statistics on road accidents began to be collected. It is clear from these statistics that, despite strict traffic regulation and sluggish motorisation, the number of accidents has steadily increased.Straipsnyje nagrinėjami Pirmojoje Lietuvos Respublikoje paskelbti įstatymai ir taisyklės, reglamentavę judėjimą gatvėse ir keliuose, bei statistinės žinios apie eismo įvykius. Centralizuotas teisinis eismo reglamentavimas prasidėjo tik trečiojo dešimtmečio pabaigoje, tačiau per trumpą laiką buvo paskelbti net trys vienas kitą pakeitę įstatymai. Ketvirtojo dešimtmečio viduryje tokiu įstatymu buvo reglamentuojamas ne tik motorinių transporto priemonių, bet ir visų nemotorinių priemonių bei pėsčiųjų judėjimas. Tuo pačiu metu buvo pradėtos rinkti statistinės žinios apie nelaimingus įvykius keliuose. Jomis remiantis akivaizdu, kad, nepaisant griežto eismo reglamentavimo ir vangios motorizacijos, nelaimingų įvykių skaičius nuolat didėjo

    „Grobis atsidūrė turguje“: grobstytojų tipologija, nelegalaus realizavimo schemos ir baudžiamoji praktika 1945–1947 metais

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    This research focuses on plunder from variuos co-operative or state institutions (mostly those which had belonged to the Ministry of Internal Trading or the Unity of Co-operatives of Lithuanian SSR) in the first post-war years (1945–1947) in the Lithuanian SSR. The primary source for this article is comprised by 54 criminal cases from the archive of the Supreme Court of the Lithuanian SSR. Cases used in this study were chosen based on one important criteria: that there were not only acts of plunder but also the realization of stolen goods. This would most likely be achieved by selling the goods through various marketplaces (looking from the Soviet point of view, the plundered items belonged to the black market anyway – even if the market activities were not forbidden). Also, the practices of punishment applied in the cases of plunderers and speculators are analyzed. The research shows that even in the very first years of the post-war period, illegal economic processes were widespread in Soviet Lithuania. Plunderers were hitting the Soviet economy hard – despite the harsh practice of punishment, the Soviet government would lose tens of millions of rubles in the Lithuanian SSR each year.Straipsnyje, remiantis Lietuvos SSR Aukščiausiojo Teismo baudžiamosiomis bylomis, analizuojami grobstymo ir grobio realizavimo procesai 1945–1947 m. Lietuvoje. Išnagrinėtos 54 grobstytojų grupių bylos yra suskirstytos tipologiškai, taip pat analizuojami grobio realizavimo būdai ir baudžiamoji praktika. Iš tyrime surinktos medžiagos akivaizdu, kad jau pirmaisiais pokario metais įvairūs grobstymai ir juodoji rinka buvo plačiai išsikeroję Lietuvos SSR, nors sovietai vykdė griežtą baudžiamąją politiką grobstytojų atžvilgiu