10,097 research outputs found

    Height and timing of growth spurt during puberty in young people living with vertically acquired HIV in Europe and Thailand.

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to describe growth during puberty in young people with vertically acquired HIV. DESIGN: Pooled data from 12 paediatric HIV cohorts in Europe and Thailand. METHODS: One thousand and ninety-four children initiating a nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor or boosted protease inhibitor based regimen aged 1-10 years were included. Super Imposition by Translation And Rotation (SITAR) models described growth from age 8 years using three parameters (average height, timing and shape of the growth spurt), dependent on age and height-for-age z-score (HAZ) (WHO references) at antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation. Multivariate regression explored characteristics associated with these three parameters. RESULTS: At ART initiation, median age and HAZ was 6.4 [interquartile range (IQR): 2.8, 9.0] years and -1.2 (IQR: -2.3 to -0.2), respectively. Median follow-up was 9.1 (IQR: 6.9, 11.4) years. In girls, older age and lower HAZ at ART initiation were independently associated with a growth spurt which occurred 0.41 (95% confidence interval 0.20-0.62) years later in children starting ART age 6 to 10 years compared with 1 to 2 years and 1.50 (1.21-1.78) years later in those starting with HAZ less than -3 compared with HAZ at least -1. Later growth spurts in girls resulted in continued height growth into later adolescence. In boys starting ART with HAZ less than -1, growth spurts were later in children starting ART in the oldest age group, but for HAZ at least -1, there was no association with age. Girls and boys who initiated ART with HAZ at least -1 maintained a similar height to the WHO reference mean. CONCLUSION: Stunting at ART initiation was associated with later growth spurts in girls. Children with HAZ at least -1 at ART initiation grew in height at the level expected in HIV negative children of a comparable age

    The time benefits of young adult home stayers in France and Italy: a new perspective on the transition to adulthood?

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    This article analyses how two co-residing generations contribute to the housework workload in Italy and France during the early 2000s. It studies the intergenerational exchange of time between young adults and their parents by indirectly comparing the level of domestic comfort enjoyed by young people in the two closely neighbouring countries. A focus on the reasons for staying in the parental home provides an explanation for the tendency of young Italian adults to prolong their stay in the family nest. The results of time-use surveys suggest that young Italians (especially young men) may benefit more than their French counterparts in co-residing with their parents. Beyond the compositional or structural effects, they perform fewer domestic tasks than their French counterparts, a result that is related to different cultural practices

    The association between education and induced abortion for three cohorts of adults in Finland

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    This paper explores whether the likelihood of abortion by education changed over time in Finland, where comprehensive family planning services and sexuality education have been available since the early 1970s. This subject has not previously been studied longitudinally with comprehensive and reliable data. A unique longitudinal set of register data of more than 250,000 women aged 20–49 born in 1955–59, 1965–69, and 1975–79 was analysed, using descriptive statistics, concentration curves, and discrete-time event-history models. Women with basic education had a higher likelihood of abortion than others and the association grew stronger for later cohorts. Selection into education may explain this phenomenon: although it was fairly common to have only basic education in the 1955–59 cohort, it became increasingly unusual over time. Thus, even though family planning services were easily available, socio-economic differences in the likelihood of abortion remaine

    Ouaga 2007 : habiter, peupler, socialiser par les mobilités

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    Ce rapport dresse un panorama des mobilités et migrations qui traversent, forment et dynamisent Ouagadougou en 2007, date de l’enquête dont il présente les résultats. Il engage une observation des diverses mobilités formant la ville, observation qui sera actualisée en 2009 dans le cadre d’un projet plus large incluant d’autres capitales sahéliennes (Bamako, Niamey), avec la promesse de comparaisons instructives sur les évolutions urbaines de la sous-région. Dans cette étude, les migrations internationales sont centrales, mais elles sont replacées aux côtés des mouvements internes et des pratiques de multirésidence ou des migrations temporaires. En arrière-plan de l’analyse de ces mouvements, analyse déclinée selon l’âge, le sexe, l’éducation et le travail des individus, s’impose un questionnement sur les logiques de l’installation et du peuplement en ville. Dès lors, les migrations apparaissent comme une composante de la vulnérabilité urbaine, du caractère informel du travail. En effet, l’intensité des flux migratoires qui traversent et font la ville infléchit sa composition sociale et spatiale et ainsi son futur

    The effect of smoking on the duration of life with and without disability, Belgium 1997-2011

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    Background: Smoking is the single most important health threat yet there is no consistency as to whether non-smokers experience a compression of years lived with disability compared to (ex-)smokers. The objectives of the manuscript are (1) to assess the effect of smoking on the average years lived without disability (Disability Free Life Expectancy (DFLE)) and with disability (Disability Life Expectancy (DLE)) and (2) to estimate the extent to which these effects are due to better survival or reduced disability in never smokers. Methods. Data on disability and mortality were provided by the Belgian Health Interview Survey 1997 and 2001 and a 10 years mortality follow-up of the survey participants. Disability was defined as difficulties in activities of daily living (ADL), in mobility, in continence or in sensory (vision, hearing) functions. Poisson and multinomial logistic regression models were fitted to estimate the probabilities of death and the prevalence of disability by age, gender and smoking status adjusted for socioeconomic position. The Sullivan method was used to estimate DFLE and DLE at age 30. The contribution of mortality and of disability to smoking related differences in DFLE and DLE was assessed using decomposition methods. Results: Compared to never smokers, ex-smokers have a shorter life expectancy (LE) and DFLE but the number of years lived with disability is somewhat larger. For both sexes, the higher disability prevalence is the main contributing factor to the difference in DFLE and DLE. Smokers have a shorter LE, DFLE and DLE compared to never smokers. Both higher mortality and higher disability prevalence contribute to the difference in DFLE, but mortality is more important among males. Although both male and female smokers experience higher disability prevalence, their higher mortality outweighs their disability disadvantage resulting in a shorter DLE. Conclusion: Smoking kills and shortens both life without and life with disability. Smoking related disability can however not be ignored, given its contribution to the excess years with disability especially in younger age groups

    Socioemotional wellbeing of mixed race/ethnic children in the UK and US: patterns and mechanisms

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    Existing literature suggests that mixed race/ethnicity children are more likely to experience poor socioemotional wellbeing in both the US and the UK, although the evidence is stronger in the US. It is suggested that this inequality may be a consequence of struggles with identity formation, more limited connections with racial/ethnic/cultural heritage, and increased risk of exposure to racism. Using data from the UK Millennium Cohort Study (n = 13,734) and the US Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Birth Cohort (n ~ 6250), we examine differences in the socioemotional wellbeing of mixed and non-mixed 5/6 year old children in the UK and US and explore heterogeneity in outcomes across different mixed groups in both locations. We estimate a series of linear regressions to examine the contribution of factors that may explain any observed differences, including socio-economic and cultural factors, and examine the extent to which these processes vary across the two nations. We find no evidence of greater risk for poor socioemotional wellbeing for mixed race/ethnicity children in both national contexts. We find that mixed race/ethnicity children experience socio-economic advantage compared to their non-mixed minority counterparts and that socio-economic advantage is protective for socioemotional wellbeing. Cultural factors do not contribute to differences in socioemotional wellbeing across mixed and non-mixed groups. Our evidence suggests then that at age 5/6 there is no evidence of poorer socioemotional wellbeing for mixed race/ethnicity children in either the UK or the US. The contrast between our findings and some previous literature, which reports that mixed race/ethnicity children have poorer socioemotional wellbeing, may reflect changes in the meaning of mixed identities across periods and/or the developmental stage of the children we studied

    La masculinisation des naissances en Europe orientale

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    Dans plusieurs pays d'Europe orientale, le rapport de masculinité à la naissance est anormalement élevé. C'est en particulier le cas dans le Sud du Caucase (Arménie, Azerbaïdjan et Géorgie) où il a pu dépasser 115 garçons pour 100 filles, et dans une moindre mesure dans l'Ouest des Balkans, autour de l'Albanie, où il se situe autour de 110 (contre 105 normalement). La persistance de valeurs traditionnelles patriarcales demeure au coeur de la préférence pour les naissances masculines dans ces régions, mais la baisse récente de la fécondité et l'émergence d'une offre moderne de services de santé, consécutives au changement de régime politique et économique, ont renforcé le souhait de sélection prénatale en fonction du sexe

    Intérêt de l’analyse des causes multiples dans l’étude de la mortalité aux grands âges : l’exemple français

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    En France, la plus grande part des décès se produit aux âges élevés et même très élevés. Le décès est alors souvent l’aboutissement d’un processus complexe qui met en jeu plusieurs affections. Or, la plupart des études traitant des profils ou des tendances de la mortalité par cause reposent uniquement sur la cause initiale du décès. L’objectif de cet article est d’étudier l’impact de la prise en compte des causes multiples (cause initiale, cause directe et causes associées) sur la caractérisation de la mortalité en France à 60 ans ou plus. Les trois causes de décès les plus fréquentes à ces âges (maladies cardio-vasculaires, tumeurs et maladies de l’appareil respiratoire) sont inchangées mais la méthode fait ressortir le poids d’autres pathologies, en particulier le diabète et les troubles mentaux. L’interprétation des associations constatées entre différentes causes est complexe car la multiplicité des combinaisons théoriquement possibles nous oblige à effectuer des regroupements. L’article propose une analyse approfondie pour les deux groupes de causes de décès les plus fréquentes : les maladies de l’appareil circulatoire et les tumeurs.In France, most deaths occur among the elderly and very elderly. Death is often the end result of a complex process involving a number of ailments. However, most studies dealing with cause-specific mortality profiles or trends are only based on the underlying cause of death. The aim of this article is to study the impact of considering multiple causes (the underlying cause, direct cause and contributing causes) on the characterization of mortality in France at age 60 and over. The three most frequent causes of death at these ages (cardiovascular illness, tumours and respiratory illness) remain unchanged, but the method brings out the importance of other disorders, particularly diabetes and mental illness. Interpretation of the associations observed between various causes is a complex process since we need to set up groupings in view of the multiple theoretically possible combinations. The article offers an in-depth analysis of two groups of the most frequent causes of death: circulatory system illness and tumours

    Explorer la dynamique démographique mondiale en ligne

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    International audienceThe growth of the world population is a challenge for humanity. The French National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) wishes to contribute to the debate, and its Web site designed a freely accessible online tool for interactive and dynamic mapping of population indicators evolution. A set of annual measured or estimated demographic indicators for the years 1950 to 2050 at the country level are shown in a cartographic environment integrating territorial and spatial dimensions in an original manner. Data are drawn from the statistics of the United Nations Population Division and the aim is to show and get demographic trends on a planetary scale. This application was specially designed to be used by teachers and their students. The novelty is the combination of both spatial and time dimensions that give the application potentialities in a territorial decision making framework.La croissance de la population mondiale pose un défi à l'humanité. Les différences de fécondité et l'accélération des migrations redistribuent la croissance démographique et réorganisent le peuplement humain. Pour alimenter le débat public dans ce domaine, l'Institut national d'études démographiques (INED) a conçu un outil de cartographie dynamique et interactive accessible en ligne gratuitement sur son site internet (www.ined.fr). Il présente un ensemble d'indicateurs démographiques mesurés ou projetés annuellement entre 1950 et 2050 au niveau des pays dans un environnement intégrant de manière originale les dimensions territoriale et spatiale. Les données sont issues des statistiques de la Division de la population des Nations unies et l'objectif est de donner à voir et à comprendre l'évolution du phénomène démographique à l'échelle mondiale. Cet outil a été pensé comme un outil pédagogique destiné aux enseignants et à leurs élèves. La complémentarité des différents éclairages qui sont donnés stimule la réflexion, et l'interactivité permet à l'utilisateur d'interroger lui-même les dynamiques spatiales et ses différentes composantes. Ce qui lui confère un fort potentiel d'utilisation dans un cadre d'aide à la décision
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