2,575 research outputs found

    Complete Feed Batang Pisang Terfermentasi Dengan Level Protein Berbeda Terhadap Kecernaan Bahan Kering, Kecernaan Bahan Organik Dan TDN Secara in Vitro

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    The study aimed to investigate the effect of protein level in the complete feed based on fermented banana pseudostem(CFFBP) on in vitro digestibility. The experiment was conducted from May to August 2016. CFFBP was made at the field laboratory of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University, Malang. Proximate and in vitro digestibility analysis was carried out at the Animal Nutrition Laboratory, the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Brawijaya University. The experiment used Completely Randomized Design with 3 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments were P1CFFBP at protein level 12%; P2CFFBP at protein level 14%; P3CFFBP at protein level 16%. The results showed that digestibility of dry matter (DMD), digestibility of organic matter (OMD) and Total Digestible Nutrient (TDN) were significantly affected by the treatments (P<0.01). The highest digestibility of DMD, of OMD and TDN was found at CFFBP with protein level 14%. The DMD value were P171.56%, P2 75.06% and P3 74.32%. The OMD value were P165.53%, P2 68.50% and P3 69,82%. The TDN value were P161.84%, P2 66.07% and P3 64.91%. The experiment concluded that the increasing level of protein in the CFFBP could increase DMD, OMD and TDN, and it was related to the availability of protein and energy ratio. The ideal level of protein in this experiment was 14%

    Penggunaan Kadar Protein Berbeda Pada Ayam Kampung Terhadap Penampilan Produksi Dan Kecernaan Protein

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    The research was conducted to find the protein level that gives the best results on the production performances of native chickens (crossed of Bangkok and Kedu chicken) on feed consumption, water consumption, body weight gain, and FCR and protein digestibility. This research constisted two steps. Firstly, the study found the best production performances using 100 chicks (DOC) with average body weight of 36.98 ±5.50 g/chick without differentitating their sex. Secondly, using 60 months old cocks, the study invetigated the best treatment wich has a good protein digestibility. The study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments namely P0=control feed (using factory feed), P1=20% of protein feed, P2=19% of protein feed, P3=18% of protein feed, and P4=17 % of protein feed. Each treatment had 5 replications. If there was found significant differences among the results, the statistical test was continued by test of Least Significant Difference (LSD). The results showed that the use of different protein levels in feed did not give significant differences (P>0.05) on feed consumption, water consumption, body weight gain, and FCR. The treatment that used 19% of protein had the best value on weight gain. On the contrary, the results showed that decreasing levels of protein level on feed treatment had a highly significant effect (P<0.01) on protein digestibility. The study suggests that 19% of protein can increase the weight of native chicken and has a good protein digestibility

    Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Hotel Kartika Graha Malang dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Pengunjung

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    Marketing Communication Strategy is a planning to consume products to targeted markets to achieve the company goals. Through marketing communication strategies, companies try to disseminate information, influence, persuade or remind the target market about a message of the company and its products to be accepted, buy the products offered by the company. This research used descriptive qualitative research. This research was conducted at Hotel Kartika Graha Malang, with a purposive sampling technique with data collection techniques. While the technique of data collection was done by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used data reduction, data presentation and conclusion withdrawing. The results of this study showed that Kartika Graha Hotel Malang used the IMC theory which implemented Marketing Commucation, Sales Promotion, and Marketing Event and also used the Kotler theory included the marketing mix with four P (4P) namely Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. While the supporting factors in marketing communication strategies were the solid and also the application of elements of marketing communication  maximally  and adequate products and facilities. The inhibiting factors in implementing the marketing communication strategy were the lack of human resources such as driver and technicians that caused clashes with other departments and also budget problems such as the late disbursement from the specified date

    Cover Identifikasi dan Mekanisme Jaringan Sosial Ekonomi Nelayan Purcine Saine Desa Pasongsongan Kabupaten Sumenep Madura

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    Jaringan sosial dalam sistem produksi nelayan terdiri dari beberapa kegiatan, yaitu kegiatan penyediaan alat-alat produksi, pemeliharaan alat-alat produksi dan aktifitas produksi nelayan. Alat-alat produksi seperti perahu, jaring, mesin, wadah-wadah dan alat-alat lainnya disediakan oleh nelayan itu sendiri. Alat-alat tersebut pada umumnya dibeli dari pihak lain. Nelayan harus menyediakan modal uang untuk membeli peralatan tersebut. Memang, modal uang tidak selamanya berasal dari uang milik sendiri tetapi berupa pula uang pinjaman. Nelayan menjalin hubungan dengan Pihak utama yang menjadi penyedia modal yaitu pengepul dan koperasi. Aktifitas produksi dalam hal melaut nelayan bekerjasama dengan ABK dalam posisi ini nelayan lebih dominan. Dalam proses rekrutmen ABK, jaringan kekerabatan, ketetanggan, dan pertemanan turut berperan. Biasanya juragan akan menempatkan kerabat-kerabat mereka yang sudah berpengalaman pada kedudukan strategis dalam tugas-tugas di perahu. Demikian juga pendega-pendega tersebut masih bertetangga dengan juragan.diharapkan tidak mengendurkan semangat dan displin bekerjanya. Pada dasarnya pemanfaatan jaringan kekerabatan, ketetanggan, dan pertemanan dalam rekrutmen tenaga kerja adalah untuk mengamankan operasi perahu sehingga bisa mewujudkan kepentingan bersama yang tidak merasa saling dirugikan. Jaringan sosial dalam sistem distribusi pemasaran, sistem distribusi yang dimaksudkan adalah sistem penjualan dart hasil ikan yang diperoleh nelayan. Sistem distribusi dapat dilihat melalui dua kegiatan yaitu kegiatan pengangkutan dan penjualan/pelelangan ikan. Kegiatan pengangkutan adalah kegiatan penanganan ikan yang dilakukan sejak tibanya atau kembalinya nelayan dari kegiatan menangkap ikan hingga ikan tersebut berada di tempat penjualan ikan, yaitu tempat pelelangan ikan (TPI) atau pihak konsumen. Kegiatan distribusi ini juga dikenal sebagai kegiatan pemasaran. Secara umum, pihak yang terlibat dengan nelayan dalam sistem distribusi atau pemasaran ikan ini adaiah jasa angkut (manol), pihak keamanan, pihak TPI/Koperasi, pengepul dan pedagang. Setelah kegiatan menangkap selesai dan sampai di darat, nelayan tidak langsung menjual ikan hasil tangkapannya tetapi nelayan menjalin hubungan dengan pengepul untuk menjualkan hasil tangkapannya melalui proses lelang, karena nelayan tidak memiliki akses untuk menjual ikan di TPI. Sedangkan sistem bagi hasil perahu purseine adalah sistem bagi 2 (maron). Dalam sistem maron pemeliharaan dan kerusakan perahu, purse seine, mesin dan kebutuhan bahan bakar sepenuhnya menjadi tanggungan juragan darat. ABK tidak dibebani tanggung jawab apapun kecuali mengoperasikan perahu yang sudah dalam keadaan siap pakai. Nelayan purse seine melakukan pembagian hasii atau biasa disebut totalan kepada ABK apabila nelayan sudah meiakukan 3-4 kali trip atau melaut. Dari hasil penerimaan akan dipotong untuk biaya operasional perahu, lawuhan sebesar 10% untuk dibagi ke semua ABK, pembayaran manol @ Rp. 4.000/keranjang, restribusi 3% untuk TPI, 10 % untuk pengepul sebagai komisi menjualkan ikan di TPI. Setelah semua potongan telah dilakukan maka nelayan/pemilik perahu melakukan bagi hasil maron (50% : 50%) antara nelayan pemilik perahu dan ABK. Dari 24 orang ABK nantinya akan dibagi sesuai peran masing-masing seperti juragan laut 3 bagian, pemantau ikan 2 bagian, penebar umpan 2 bagian, penarik pemberat 2 bagian, bocahan 1 bagian. Sistem bagi hasil yang berlaku di kalangan nelayan purseine di Pasongsongan dapat diterima dengan baik oleh semua pihak sehingga tidak ada yang merasa dirugikan

    2017.08. SEMNAS UNIKAMA 30-8-17

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    2017. SK Per Reviewer Peternakan

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    Bangunan yang didesain untuk menahan tekanan lateral (horizontal) tanah disebut bangunan dinding penahan tanah. Biasanya bangunan dinding penahan dibuat ketika terjadi perubahan dalam elevasi tanah yang melampaui sudut at-rest dalam tanah. Tekanan tanah lateral di belakang dinding penahan tanah tergantung kepada sudut geser dalam tanah

    Business Development of Iwak Peyek Business Group

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    Iwak peyek is a kind of a delicious traditional snack. The potency of iwak peyek craftswoman is encouraging and has a bright prospect and very strategic. Almost of the social stratum can do the business with small capital. This business can absorb manpower, decrease unemployment, increase people income and prosperous as carried out by iwak peyek craftswoman group decreased the amount of poverty figure. The two partner is a traditional craftswoman has never used process standard. The cleanliness or hygienic process of iwak peyek is an important thing to achieve consistent product quality and store capacity any longer. The problem of the two partner has, among others, : 1. The limitation of technology innovation. 2. The limitation of marketing management for iwak peyek product. 3. The limitation of science in accessing to Department of Health for product registration.  4. The limitation of science for attractive product packaging. 5. The limitation in creating of consistent variation product for iwak peyek and hygienic to make an attractive product for consumers. The solution to be provided is training and association program continually for the two partner. The business activity of the two partner is located in Jalan Ikan Nus, Kelurahan Tunjungsekar, Kecamatan Lowokwaru. This program is a mutual benefit cooperation between Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University and the two partner. This activity is expected to continue in  increasing people income and prosperous in the next future. The target to be achieved, among others, 1. To issue final report in a form of journal. 2. To develop science and skill of the two partner. Keywords: science and skill , business development, iwak peyek produc
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