2,103 research outputs found

    Does Integrated Information Lack Subjectivity

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    I investigate the status of subjectivity in Integrated Information Theory. This leads me to examine if Integrated Information Theory can answer the hard problem of consciousness. On itself, Integrated Information Theory does not seem to constitute an answer to the hard problem, but could be combined with panpsychism to yield a more satisfying theory of consciousness. I will show, that even if Integrated Information Theory employs the metaphysical machinery of panpsychism, Integrated Information would still suffer from a different problem, not being able to account for the subjective character of consciousness

    Openness and growth: Empirical research on the case of Serbia

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    This paper shows the results of research related to the impact of Serbia openness to its economic growth in the period between January 2005 and December 2009. The subject of the research are two potential channels of indirect impact, as follows: (a) impact of the openness to economic growth through capital accumulation, and (b) impact of the openness to economic growth through total factor productivity growth. The results of this empirical research point out to positive effect of capital accumulation and total factor productivity growth to the economic growth. On the other hand, there is no reliable evidence about any impact of the Serbian economy openness to TFP growth and capital accumulation. Hence, bearing in mind the results obtained in this empirical research, we cannot make a satisfactorily reliable conclusion that openness affects economic growth of Serbia via the aforementioned channels

    Social Capital and Space

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    Rad razmatra prostorne aspekte socijalnog kapitala. U prvom delu rada razmatramo kako se prostor shvata u ključnim teorijama socijalnog kapitala. Uključene su tri grupe teorija o socijalnom kapitalu: ključni autori (Bourdieu, Coleman, Putnam), ekonomske/razvojne teorije i mrežne teorije. Analiza pokazuje da autori u različitoj meri shvataju prostor u zavisnosti od svojih teorijskih pristupa socijalnom kapitalu. Drugi deo rada je produbljena komparativna analiza dinamike socijalnog kapitala u teoriji, istraživanjima i javnoj politici. Glavni cilj ovog dela rada je da razumevanje tri prostorne dimenzije socijalnog kapitala: prostorni okvir, prostorna distanca i mobilnost aktera. Istraživanja pokazuju da prostorne determinante ne utiču isto na sve socijalne aktere i da su neki tipovi socijalnog kapitala više podložni efektima prostornih dimenzija. Posebno poglavlje je posvećeno socijalnom kapitalu i prostoru u javnoj politici. Programi javne politike su manifestacija dugotrajne političke tendencije stvaranja željenih formi društvenosti preinačavanjem prostornih determinanti. U javnopolitičkim programima socijalnog urbanizma dominira model lokalne zajednice koja predstavlja optimalni okvir za razvoj socijalnog kapitala.The paper explores the spatial aspects of social capital. In the first part of the paper we provide an overview of the space dimension in relevant theories of social capital. Three approaches to social capital are included: key theories (Bourdieu, Coleman, Putnam), economic/ development theories and network theories. Differences among the authors with regard to spatial dimensions are based on different conceptualizations of social capital. The second part of the paper is an in-depth comparative analysis of spatial dynamics of social capital in theory, research and public policy. The main goal of this part of the paper is to examine three spatial dimensions of social capital: spatial framework, space distance and mobility of social agents. The research-based results indicate that space does not have the same effect on different social agents and that some types of social capital are more determined by space dimensions. The last chapter focuses on the public policy conceptualizion of social capital and space. The space-based manipulation of social capital in public policy reflects the long-lasting political tendency to modify sociability through the manipulation of spatial factors. The programs of social urbanism are based on the local community as the optimal spatial framework for social capital development

    Genuine participation in participant-centred research initiatives : the rhetoric and the potential reality

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    The introduction of Web 2.0 technology, along with a population increasingly proficient in Information and Communications Technology (ICT), coupled with the rapid advancements in genetic testing methods, has seen an increase in the presence of participant-centred research initiatives. Such initiatives, aided by the centrality of ICT interconnections, and the ethos they propound seem to further embody the ideal of increasing the participatory nature of research, beyond what might be possible in non-ICT contexts alone. However, the majority of such research seems to actualise a much narrower definition of ‘participation’—where it is merely the case that such research initiatives have increased contact with participants through ICT but are otherwise non-participatory in any important normative sense. Furthermore, the rhetoric of participant-centred initiatives tends to inflate this minimalist form of participation into something that it is not, i.e. something genuinely participatory, with greater connections with both the ICT-facilitated political contexts and the largely non-ICT participatory initiatives that have expanded in contemporary health and research contexts. In this paper, we highlight that genuine (ICT-based) ‘participation’ should enable a reasonable minimum threshold of participatory engagement through, at least, three central participatory elements: educative, sense of being involved and degree of control. While we agree with criticisms that, at present, genuine participation seems more rhetoric than reality, we believe that there is clear potential for a greater ICT-facilitated participatory engagement on all three participatory elements. We outline some practical steps such initiatives could take to further develop these elements and thereby their level of ICT-facilitated participatory engagement.Peer reviewe

    Platonism, cartesianism and Hegel’s thought in the Matrix Trilogy

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    In this article I will try to interpret changes in Neo, the main character in The Matrix Trilogy, against the background of the ideas of Plato and Descartes, as well as Hegel’s from his Philosophy of History and The Phenomenology of Spirit. Although “philosophical” The Matrix Trilogy is not long-winded and boring film: instead of talking endlessly, the characters are working ceaselessly, and that work is changing them. Contrary to wide­spread opinion, this interpretation does not find the presence of Descartes’ hyperbolic doubt in the first part of trilogy, but first film sees as a pure Platonism. Nevertheless, there are the Cartesian motifs (e.g. dualism, freeing mind from preconceived opinions, acquiring different habits of belief). The result of the first film is the position of Hegelian unhappy consciousness. This is just a preparation for the key moment of whole Trilogy that is the dialogue between Neo and Architect. Neo’s decision to chose to save Trinity is interpreted in Hegel’s terms of the infinite right of the subject to satisfy himself in his activity and work; because of that, this, sixth Neo is new. After showing the differences in the objectives of Neo and Agent Smith, and transformations of the objectives of humans, the third part of the article analyzes the very end of the Matrix Revolutions, using Marx’s ideas, with some references to Plato and Nietzsche

    Impact of Tourism on Roundabout of Economic Process

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    The relation between of production and consumption units, market mechanisms, and the behaviour of economic subjects in the market are aspects that enable an understanding of tourism in the economic process. Two basic factors of tourism “free time and free money” as the goal of creation of each individual, striving to meet the needs for luxury, rest, rehabilitation and recreation, are directly linked to the basic economic relationship, the relationship between limited resources and unlimited needs. Not respecting the principles and rules of the socio-economic sphere, by the dynamics of the development of techno-economic sphere, the increasing difference between the poor majority and rich minority in the world, causing many economic and social problems. Given the economic problems on a global level, further directions of development of tourism should be sought through the analysis of the relationship, or better to say, interdependence of development of techno-economic and socio-economic spheres. This paper seeks to determine and clarify the importance of tourism as a factor stimulating circular flow of economic processes

    Social, Cultural and Political Changes and Consequences Integration of Serbia in the European Union

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    The subject of sociological and economic analysis is the most important social, economic, political and cultural preconditions of Serbia's integration into the EU. It appears on two levels: the first is normative and the other is empirical or real. On the one hand are the goals and achievements of EU integration, and on the other hand are the assumptions, actors, and achievements of Serbia in EU integration. Special attention is paid to the subjects, institutions, legislation and the consequences of Serbia's Eurointegration in the field of education, industrial relations, pension, health, and social protection reforms. It concludes that the ruling political elites play an important role in the slow European integration of the country, and the consequences of this affect the majority of the population of Serbia

    Farewell to Universalism: Nationalism and Xenophobia after the “End of History”

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    The last few decades have brought about a significant change in the character of nationalism in Europe and, more widely, in the Western world. Quite paradoxically, nationalist politics is nowadays no more justified by appealing to biological or cultural superiority of one’s own nation or by the belief in its universal historical mission (e.g., “civilizing through colonial rule”), but rather by seemingly more modest arguments concerning equality, justice, right to difference, autochthony or even liberal democracy. This new defensive stance of today’s nationalism has allowed for a normalization of the right-wing political parties in institutional political life. However, it has not stopped xenophobia, but merely helped it to gain a more respectable face and spread more widely across the political spectrum. I argue that the rise of Western nationalism can be explained by the decline of universalism in philosophy, social sciences and citizens’ political sensibility in general. I also suggest that xenophobia and nationalism are supported not only by explicitly differentialist concepts, such as postmodernism or pragmatism, but also by some unquestioned presuppositions of political liberalism. This point is substantiated by an analysis of Fukuyama’s thesis about the “end of history” and of Rawls’ concept of international justice, in particular as to their treatment of the immigration problem

    Promene stanovništva Srbije u postjugoslovenskom periodu (1991–2017): važniji demografski aspekti / The Population Change in Serbia in the Post-Yugoslav Period (1991-2017): Significant Demographic Aspects

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    Cilj rada je da se razmatraju trendovi kretanja stanovništva Srbije i njegovih komponenti tokom poslednje tri decenije. To je period korenitih političkih, ekonomskih i socijalnih transformacija. Analiza je zasnovana na podacima vitalne statistike (1991–2017), popisa iz 1991, 2002. i 2011, kao i zvaničnih ili procena autora. U tom periodu neki raniji dugoročni procesi su nastavljeni (pad fertiliteta, snižavanje mortaliteta, iseljavanje), ali su prisutne i neke nove pojave i procesi (smanjenje stanovništva, negativan prirodni priraštaj, masovne prisilne migracije). Autori ukazuju na međuzavisnost analiziranih promena komponenti demografskog rasta i odmaklog starenja stanovništva i zaključuju da su to najvažniji činioci koji će odlučujuće delovati na demografski razvitak Srbije u narednim decenijama

    Practical lessons of past European disasters

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    The subject of the paper is the necessity of paying attention to practical lessons of the past European disasters in order to improve adequate responses of today. The main goal is to show possible ways of improving resilience of the countries and regions by implementing the principle of “build it better”, not only to domain of construction building, but also to societal relations. The method is critical analysis of the past disasters, e.g. the European tsunami that happened about eight thousand years ago, the Little Ice Age that occurred at the end of the 13th and beginning of the 14th century, the hurricane of 1674 in Northwestern Europe, and the Great Storm of 1703. There are presented relevant recent international documents which advocate the strengthening of preventative measures and the development of communities and nations resilience, in relation to the consequences of disasters, combined with the current gender theory demands. The most significant result of the paper is raising risk awareness that disasters do not always hit “others and other continents”, but could happen in Europe too. As the paper’s implication, there is also stressed the necessity of different societal organization, based on gender equality and inclusion of all citizens as actors in risk management efforts