868 research outputs found


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    L’articolo introduce un elenco di pubblicazioni sulla Riforma e sulla sua eredità del 2016, sottolineando la ricchezza e la varietà di queste pubblicazioni che offrono nuovi elementi per la comprensione della Riforma del XVI secolo, anche in prospettiva ecumenica

    Development and destruction of the liberal prison system in Spain: a general framework for studying the topic

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    During the Restoration and the Second Republic, up until the outbreak of the Civil War, the prison system that was developed in Spain had a markedly liberal character. This system had begun to acquire robustness and institutional credibility from the first dec- ade of the 20th Century onwards, reaching a peak in the early years of the government of the Second Republic. This process resulted in the establishment of a penitentiary sys- tem based on the widespread and predominant values of liberalism. That liberal belief system espoused the defence of social harmony, property and the individual, and penal practices were constructed on the basis of those principles. Subsequently, the Civil War and the accompanying militarist culture altered the prison system, transforming it into an instrument at the service of the conflict, thereby wiping out the liberal agenda that had been nurtured since the mid-19th Century

    Fichte and Gentile - Notes about the relationship between Transcendental Idealism and Actual Idealism

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    This essay is to express some considerations about the theoretical relation which bonds the Actual Idealism of Giovanni Gentile to the "system of freedom" concerning the Wissenschaftslehre or 'Doctrine of Science' of Johann Gottlieb Fichte. The Doctrine seems to have rightful claim to be the philosophical system nearest to the Actualistic code, which was to be openly developed by Gentile in the early years of twentieth century, and the seeds of which had already been sewn by the monographic studies dedicated to Rosmini and Gioberti, from one side, and to Marx, from another. The essay discusses the conceptual lineage of Actual Idealism, it's specific links to Doctrine of Science as a critique of Kant and Hegel, and possible reasons for the widely perceived lack of acknowledgement perceptible in the Italian thinker's work

    Justice and Reconciliation as Social Recognition: A Reading from The Spirit of Christianity and Its Fate of Hegel and Its Update in Axel Honneth

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    Our research reflects on the passing of a justice model linked to moral law imputes, positive punishment for non-compliance, for a model that reconciles justice. Following this line of thought, we add the contributions of Axel Honneth, according to which the establishment of a normative principle of justice must provide guidance for political action. This was only made possible to the extent that such principles are allied to social practices. By analyzing the Spirit of Christianity and its Fate, an early work of Hegel, we intend to verify the relevance of the concept of justice, for the design of the hegelian attack on the positive law and subsequent defense of ethics as reconciliation and fullness of life. From the understanding of justice as reconciliation in Hegel we approach that which underlies the reconstruction of social practices as Honneth understands

    The Ethical Dimension of Liturgy according to Paul Ricœur: A Liturgical Reading of “Amour et justice”

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    In a community of faith called Church, liturgy supposes sacred times and spaces where people of God celebrate the mystery of Christ. But more than a celebration, liturgy is an ethical configuration of the person, who listens the words narratively and perceives the symbols esthetically, with the mystery of Christ’s life that reveals God and man at the same time. In order to understand liturgy, according to this central subject that is accepted academically in systematic theology and liturgical studies, we propose to consider the ethical dimension of faith as an anthropological mediation of the mystery celebrated in the worship. At the same time, to develop our research, we analyze in liturgical terms the book titled Amour et justice written by Paul Ricœur, considering the place of the Holy Scripture, especially the meaning of narratives of prophetical vocations in the configuration of the person, taking up his previous book Soi-meme comme un autre as a hermeneutical reference to understand the testimony and affirmation of the person, who goes from narratives to action in the praxis, that is to say to “the ontology of action”

    Indigenous Ethics and Bionomic Concepts in the New Latin American Constitutions and their Contribution to the Environmental Debate

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    In Latin America, the public sphere has historically conceded a narrow participation range to the indigenous people. Following democratization that changed the continent starting in the 1980s, some Andean countries began to adopt constitutional reforms that enabled the indigenous communities to participate in national decision making.   They even went to the point of putting the traditional justice applied by minority groups and the national modern constitutions on the same level.  This is particularly the case with Ecuador and Bolivia. In 2008, Ecuador became the first nation to codify and include in its constitution the Rights of Nature. The Ecuadorian ecosystem, thus, became a person of rights, possessing inalienable rights to exist and flourish. Citizens were as well given authority to petition on behalf of the ecosystem. In Bolivia, the New State Politic Constitution, approved in 2009, bestows upon the indigenous groups the right of applying their own justice. This process expresses the accommodation of two juristic zones: that from the Enlightenment positivistic tradition and the autochthonous one. This new legal architecture included regional popular ethical principles that widened the debate about the natural environment and the way the state deals with it. It is the case of concepts like Pachamama (a holistic notion of world) and sumak kawsay (equivalent to that of wellbeing, or even the Good Life). Their revival has diversified the internal juridical landscape by adding an Amerindian perspectivism. This paper will investigate the range of the application of indigenous Ethics and bionomic concepts in multicultural societies, specifically in the case of Latin American countries that have included such elements in their constitutions. It will discuss whether that sort of parallel axiological system could represent a valuable contribution to the global environmental debate

    From Vatican II to Amoris Laetitia: The Catholic Social and Sexual Ethics Division and A Way of Ecclesial Interconnection

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    This paper navigates the development of ethical issues during Vatican II and the impulse to develop a new moral theology just after the Council. This paper argues, on one hand, that Gaudium et Spes develops a new moral theology based on the imperative of conscience mediated by faith in issues of social ethics. On the other hand, the old moral orientation was preserved on sexual ethics. After the council, these two moral faces have led magisterial teaching to two different paths that can be seen chronologically in approaches used for issues of social and sexual ethics. Vatican II encouraged a new moral theology, visible in social ethics in the years immediately following the Council. But the same spirit was not embraced by the Magisterium on issues of sexuality until the publication of Amoris Laetitia with its ecclesiology of pastoral discernment

    State Terrorism: South America during the 1970s. A case of State Terrorism Transnationalization

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    During the 1970s, for the first time in the political history of the Southern Cone, supranation-al integration between the different dictatorships of the region took place. These intensified state repressive action, putting into operation a counterrevolutionary state war machine with a clear desire for liquidation, which reached an objective realization through the disappear-ance of people and the spread of terror. As a result of this process, which knew no national boundaries or ideological boundaries, there was a massive violation of human rights; on the other hand, and from this, in the field of social sciences the conceptualization of State terror-ism was used before its conceptual precision allowed for unicity of criteria. This article pre-sents a theoretical conceptual reflection to advance the understanding of the specific mecha-nisms of the emergence, expansion and transnationalization of State terrorism. With the con-crete study of the Operation Condor, which fully demonstrated the integration of the dictator-ships of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay

    A contação e a formação de professores

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    Este artigo busca refletir sobre os processos da leitura, na medida em que a ludicidade implícita desta metodologia integra as dimensões afetivas, motoras e cognitivas, bem como, o fortalecimento da sensação de liberdade que o ato de ler produz ao criar certas impressões, imagens e possíveis atos de transformação. Reconhecemos que a inserção do lúdico através da leitura é essencial para o desenvolvimento da pessoa, uma vez praticada, é significativamente codificada pelo individuo, sem deixar de considerar o conhecimento e a leitura de mundo que cada leitor possui. Assim, a criação de espaços não imagináveis e sem limites para que as pessoas descubram o entusiasmo e prazer na leitura é fundamental. E, também, a utilização de estratégias para contação, pois proporciona a oportunidade dos sujeitos terem contato com registros impressos, livros, cenas, tiras, fotos de ilustração e etc. Uma vez que ao ouvirem uma história, é passível participar, de alguma forma, do processo de construção da linguagem e dos personagens inseridos no texto ao contexto de sua realidade, muitas vezes sentidas na memória e nas sensações do ser humano. Este estudo se apóia na análise do processo de aquisição e (re) construção do conhecimento de estudantes do curso de Pedagogia da Unicap, sendo este processo planejado ao longo das disciplinas de Alfabetização e Letramento; Currículo e Ensino da Língua Portuguesa I e II, ministradas no 3º (2015.1) e 4º (2015.2) período e, desenvolvido a partir de uma ação extensionista. Consideramos que a leitura, o conto, e a fantasia são essenciais na estimulação do desenvolvimento intelectual, pessoal e emocional, permitindo a reconstrução da maneira de pensar, de ver o outro, a si mesmo e o mundo

    O Destino da Arte na Era do Terror

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