3,551 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Rasio Keuangan terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan LQ 45 Periode 2011 - 2015

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    This research aims to help investors in deciding how to invest in the stock market by analyzing the impact of company\u27s financial ratio on its share price. Financial Ratio used in this research are Current Ratio, Debt-Equity Ratio, Total Asset Turnover, Return on Equity, and Earning per Share as independent variables, and Stock Price as the dependent variable. This research employed the purposive sampling method using 18 samples of LQ45 companies which fulfilled the research criteria between 2011 – 2015 from 45 existing listed companies. This research employed Multiple Linear Regression analysis to test the hypothesis. The result shows that the Debt Equity Ratio and Earning per Share have significant influence on Stock Price, whereas Current Ratio, Total Asset Turnover, and Return on Equity do not have significant influence on stock price. Investors should review financial statements issued by the company and use financial ratios particularly Debt Equity Ratio (DER) and Earning per Share (EPS) as references in making an investment

    Monitoring Dan Evaluasi IKM Tekstil Dan Produk Tekstil Di Kota Bandung

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    Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) as a part of the national industrial sector has a critical influence in developing economic, social and political state of Indonesia. Therefore, the government has issued many policies, programs, and activities to enhance the development of SMEs. The absence of an online information system that shows the development of the SME cause the government has difficulty in overseeing the development of SMEs. Difficulties experienced by the government due to lack of information also in line with Law No. 3 of 2014 on Industry, precisely on Article 64 which stated that the industry is obligated to submit industry data that are accurate, complete, and timely periodically to the Minister, governors and regents/mayors. Therefore, the industry, in particular Small and Medium Enterprise (SME), requires a web-based information system that will be a tool that can be used by industry to facilitate the reporting of industrial activities. Therefore, this research aimed to develop a web- based information system for SMEs Sentra Textiles and textile products (TPT) in West Java. The system will contain information about the condition and position of SMEs Sentra Textiles and textile products (TPT) in Bandung, West Java. In addition to preparing an information system, this research will conduct an analysis of the current condition of SMEs to be taken into consideration in making the SME development strategy

    Analisis Dan Evaluasi Jabatan Pada Perusahaan Tekstil

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    This research presents job analysis and evaluation in order to design salary structure of a textile company. Preliminary interview, questionnaire, observation and focus group discussions were applied for job analysis. In addition, a point factor system and analytical hierarchy process methods were used for doing job evaluation. Job description and job specification and basic salary of each job were produced in this study

    Perancangan Sistem Value Chain Terhadap Prospek Pengumpulan E-Waste Di Bank Sampah

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    Electronic waste (e-waste) has become environmental issue in Indonesia. Several tons of e-waste was generated each year. Available landfills will not be sufficient to accommodate e-waste that people produce. Waste bank become one of many solutions to overcome this problem. Implementation of pilot project in waste bank is needed to see the prospects of e-waste collection in waste bank. Thus, the goal of this research is to design a value chain system for e-waste collection prospect in waste bank and system simulation as the foundation for implementing a pilot project. Simulations on 2 scenarios had been done to determine profitability of e-waste collection's pilot project in waste bank. Based on simulation, it is known that there is profit generated from e-waste recycling process for 2 scenarios. Ranges of profit for 2 months are Rp. 7.963.879 - Rp. 40.447.047 for scenario 1 and Rp. 7.952.394 – 40.435.561 for scenario 2. If only PCB component that could be recycled, profit for 2 months still can be generated in the range Rp. 689.964 – Rp. 6.398.486 for scenario 1 and Rp. 678.478 – Rp. 6.387.000 for scenario 2. Thus, implementation of e-waste collection's pilot project in waste bank is profitable

    Penilaian Atribut Usabilitas Oleh Gamer First Person Shooter (FPS) Indonesia

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    Computer games, especially First Person Shooter (FPS) have become one of the fastest growing and most economically sucessful software in Indonesia. Given the potential economic benefits of the FPS games, it is important to design its user interface as USAble as possible to win the market. In accordance, it is crucial to find out what user interface factors should be considered in designing an FPS game. These factors can be used as a designing guide for game developers in Indonesia. The purpose of this paper is to discover the main user interface factors that should be considered in designing an FPS game especially from USAbility point of view and to suggest improvement of the user interface in current FPS game.Fourty (40) USAbilty attributes from literature review are qualitatively grouped into 5 factors. Those factors are: Basic FPS Feature (BFF), Basic Game Feature (BGF), Display & Sounds (D&S), Help & Hints (H&H), and Enjoyment (E). Usability testing on the factors is conducted in three different groups of players: Novice, Experienced, and Expert. Mann-Withney Test are conducted to understand performance difference for each group. The result shows that BGF and H&H are not significantly difference for all groups. While for BFF, the novice group tend to have different preference rather than other groups since there is not enough time duration given on novice users accessing the FPS feature. For D&S, expert tend to have different preference rather than other groups. Some future research potentials are also proposed in this paper

    Pengendalian Internal Siklus Pendapatan Bisnis Online Situs Bb.com

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    The objective of this short essay is to describe how internal control is functioned as one of the tools in handling online business risks. The essay explains the benefits of an effective internal control in managing business especially online businesses which are very common nowadays and also how the effective internal control can handle the risks of online businesses. In understanding the benefits and how the effective internal control can handle the online businesses' risks, the author used a hypothetical-deductive method. The author has chosen observation as a tool to collect the primary data of internal controls of one of the online businesses in Indonesia, BB.com website. The research proves that by applying an effective internal control, the business entity can reduce its risks and keep its customers satisfied

    Perancangan Kursi Dan Meja Laptop Yang Ergonomis Di Universitas Katolik Parahyangan

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    Seiring pesatnya perkembangan teknologi elektronik, jumlah pemakaian laptop di kalanganmahasiswa Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (UNPAR) semakin meningkat. Laptop dapatmeng-akomodasi kebutuhan mahasiswa akan komputer dengan mobilitas yang tinggi sehinggamereka dapat mengerjakan tugas, laporan atau pekerjaan lainnya di area kampus di sela-selaperkuliahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi serta merancang fasilitas pendukungberupa kursi dan meja untuk menggunakan laptop di UNPAR ditinjau dari aspek ergonomis.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah perancangan berpusatkan pada pengguna(user-centered design) yang terwujud melalui langkah-langkah Ergonomic Design Process. Selainergonomis, diharapkan kursi dan meja laptop yang dihasilkan juga memiliki fitur yang sesuaidengan kebutuhan mahasiswa sebagai pengguna laptop. Evaluasi fasilitas yang tersedia saat inidilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner Nordic Body Map dan kuesioner mengenai kebutuhan fituryang melibatkan 20 responden mahasiswa. Hasil pengumpulan informasi dari kedua kuesionertersebut menunjukkan bahwa fasilitas saat ini mengakibatkan tingkat cidera otot yang cukup tinggidan belum memenuhi kebutuhan akan fitur yang diinginkan mahasiswa. Selanjutnya dihasilkanbeberapa alternatif konsep kursi dan meja laptop yang kemudian ditentukan konsep terpilihmelalui metode focus group dengan 9 responden mahasiswa. Setelah diperoleh konsep terpilih,rancangan kursi dan meja laptop dilanjutkan dengan membuat prototipe yang memperhatikandata antropometri mahasiswa UNPAR dan daftar fitur yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa.Evaluasi terhadap prototipe kursi dan meja laptop yang dihasilkan menunjukkan bahwa rancangankursi dan meja sudah memenuhi 100% dari daftar kebutuhan fitur. Selain itu dari aspek ergonomi,rancangan kursi sudah memenuhi 72% dari daftar kebutuhan ergonomi dan rancangan meja sudahmemenuhi 86.6%

    The Dynamics of Indonesian Banking Competition 2006 – 2013

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    There have been many views and hypothesis regarding the impact of competition on banking performances and stability. In order to find the optimum level of competition, we should start by measuring the level of competition in the industry. This article shows the development of competition level in Indonesian banking, measured with four different methods (Concentration ratio, Herfindahl-Hirschmann Index, H-statistic, and Lerner Index). We found that concentration in deposit and loan markets have become slightly more concentrated, with increasing market power indicated by Lerner Index. We also found that Lerner Index of Indonesian banking have a bimodal distribution, which indicates that Indonesian banking tend to be divided into two clusters based on its market power. On the other hand, development of H-statistic illustrates different tendencies where it indicates that banking market power is diminishing. The different result indicates that, even if the overall assets of Indonesian banking have become more productive, it has become more costly for them to earn new assets. Therefore we recommend Indonesian banking to do consolidations in order to gain economies of scale and scope in earning new assets

    Pandangan Pelaku Pendidikan di Universitas terhadap Pemberlakuan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN 2015

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    The implementation of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 is a challenge that must be faced by all universities across the ASEAN countries, especially in Indonesia. Attempts to prepare graduates is important to be prepared. This study sought to see the perpetrators preparedness education in the Faculty of Economics Atma Jaya Jakarta in an attempt to anticipate the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community, especially the ASEAN MRA Framework on accountancy services. The findings indicate that educational actors have learned and prepare to welcome the implementation of Asean Economic Community (AEC) findings also indicate that the addition of capacity and capability of the students is absolutely necessary in order to compete

    Kebijakan Pengelolaan Kehutanan di Madagaskar: Studi Tentang Negara-pemerintah Transisional

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    Kebijakan kehutanan termasuk sebagai norma-norma yang mempunyai kepentingan dalam ekonomi. Aturan dalam kehutanan adalah terpenting juga untuk pembangunan ekonomi nasional. Dengan demikian ini adalah dampak sustainable development dalam masyarakat. Pembangunan sector kehutanan memiliki peran sangat penting dalam perkembangan hukum. Pengunaan analysis hukum dan/atau analysis yuridis memiliki hal diperlukan. Penilitian ini akan membahas tentang analysis yuridis terhadap kebijakan kehutanan di Madagaskar mengenai degradasi kawasan kehutanannya dilihat dari problema dan isunya. Banyak poin akan menjadi relevan diambil sebagai masukkan dalam kebijakan kehutanan optimal. Kebijakan kehutanan di Madagaskar adalah cukup baik dalam strategi dengan struktur kelembagaan dengan organigram orang orang yang pertanggungjawab serta peraturan UU Kehutanan namun penerapannya atau aplikasinya sangat lemah dikarenakan pertangggungjawab yang resmi atau legal mengantung kecundurian government (gubernmen transisi) yang memiliki konsentrasi lebih kepolitik daripada ekonomi
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