3,887 research outputs found

    Metode Hipnoterapi Dalam Merubah Perilaku

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    As social beings every human being needs help overcoming the difficulties he encounters so that emerges bebagai form of ministry of the soul, from the mild, moderate to severe (therapy). As a result of the accumulation of problems in human beings, it will give birth psychic burden in life. Then humans feel uneasy, anxious, uncomfortable, frustrated, stressed, and depressed, then people try to get out of the problem trap is one method that can be developed in overcoming various problems of life one of them with hypnotherapy methods that certainly have various levels. many benefits that can be obtained by using this hypnosis-based technique at least the presence of this method is a solution in overcoming human problems for the future in the future

    Pandangan Guru terhadap Integrasi Kearifan Lokal dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah: Studi Deskriptif di Beberapa SMA di Bengkulu Selatan dan Kaur

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    Teachers\u27 Perspective of Local Wisdom Integration in History Learning: A Descriptive Study of High School Teachers in Sout Bengkulu and Kaur. The purposes of this research are: 1) to describe teachers\u27 perspective about term, scope and types of local wisdom; 2) to describe teachers\u27 perspective of integration local wisdom in high school history learning; and 3) to describe teachers\u27 perspective of strategy in local wisdom integration in history learning. This research used descriptive qualitative method. Data collection technique used is in-defth interview and interactive model of Milles and Huberman for the data analysis. The result of this research are: 1) local wisdom that is understood by history teacher is about tradition and custom, containing values, and helt for long time from generation to generation. Local wisdom, based on teachers\u27 perspective, can be categorized into several types, that in firm idea and activity as well as local widom related to relationship between human with God, human and human, and human and environment; 2) the teachers consider that local wisdom is very important to be integrated in history learning for three reasons; to preserve cultural hetitage, local wisdom as a sources of values, and to be used as an enrichment of learning material; 3) in integrating local wisdom in history learning, the teachers have one strategy, that is integration through relevance theme in official predetermined learning material

    Strategi Komunikasi pada Masyarakat Multikultural

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    Multicultural society is a multi-cultural, religious, ethnic and racial society.Communication process is done requires a certain strategy so that interactionbetween individuals in the community can take place properly. The communicationstrategy is carried out by elements of the society, from traditional leaders, ethnicleaders, religious leaders, community leaders to even the smallest element of society. The communication strategy should be able to demonstrate its operational ways practically, in the sense that the approach may vary from time to time depending on circumstances

    Hate Speech: Perspektif dan Etika di Media Siber

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    Hate Speech is termed hate speech. The sequence of words that make up the phrase. If viewed in terms of grammatically the speech is located as head (Main), and hate as a modifier (Explanation). It is clear that hate speech is a representation of the juridical aspect. In fact, it is part of a wide range of existing legislation. Not only Law No.11 / 2008 on ITE, but there are also articles of the Criminal Code and Civil Code. At least from the post-hate speech news circulating in the community, at least has reduced the intensity of speech hatred in the online media. Primarily, concerning the habit of some netizens doing a negative remark in the online media

    Mendialogkan Sains dan Agama dalam Upaya Resolusi Konflik

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    The issue of science and religion is a study that never hasbis to be studied and discussed. Both have uniqueness and can be continuously in accordance with the development of the times and science. In its development between science and religion there is a difference among scientists puts the relationship between science and religion, both those who are conflicted and who view the effort to integrate them. In this study can be drawn red thread between the two in an effort mendialogkannya, that religion can be used as a guide and guide for scientists, so that what is produced can work for the welfare of both the world and the hereafter. This is in line with the same scientific and religious objectives for human well-being, so that science and religion are something that can not be separated from one another. Because religion is not interpreted solely by a normative theological approach, it requires an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach, so that both have the power to support and mutilate

    Reproduksi Identitas Mahasiswa Ternate Di YOGYAKARTA

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    Identity Reproductions of Ternate Student\u27s in Yogyakarta. This Study shows that identity is so important for an individual because it refers to boundaries that differs himself from others. In a group, identity will create a tradition or something that can be labeled as their ethnicity markers so they could differ themself from others. Symbols could be a typical identity characteristic to express something that important in the community as a domain to communicate in showing their existency or their identity. Moreover those symbols could connect them to another ethnics

    Komunikasi Transendental: Shalat sebagai Bentuk Komunikasi Transendent

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    The term transcendental communication is a relatively new field of communication known in the area of communication science studies. Therefore, many interpretations or definitions can be given to transcendental communication. Transcendental communication is vertical, and its form is not as concrete as the form and tradition of communication in general. If in interpersonal communication or group communication for example, the limits of each communication element (communicator, communicant, message, media, etc.) are very clearly visible, with relatively measurable results / effects. While in communication transendental elements of communication is not all can be detected in sensory. Therefore, within certain limits, it is not wrong to say that transcendental communication is private / abstract. To dissect the transcendental communication model, this paper would like to see prayer as a transcendental form of communication that is vertical between God to man or vice versa between man to the creator of Allah SWT

    Peran Orang Tua dalam Pembentukan Identitas Gender Anak

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    This paper attempts to look at the role of parents in children\u27s gender identityformation . The role of parents of early gender development is important in acommunity because it is the smallest and closest sphere in an interpersonalrelationship . This role will be a pattern that forms the character of an individual to the development of gender . The behavior of parents towards their children will be the construction of identity is recorded in the child

    Teachers' Strategies in Teaching Speaking Lessons on Introvert Students in Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Ja-Alhaq Bengkulu

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    Strategi Guru Bahasa Inggris Dalam Mengajar Materi Speaking Terhadap Siswa Yang Berkarakteristik Introvert di Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Ja-alHaq Bengkulu. Kemampuan sesorang dalam berkomunikasi sering dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik kepribadiannya. Berdasarkan penelitian para ahli, terdapat dua karakter utama dalam diri seseorang, yaitu ekstrovert dan introvert. Siswa yang berkarakter introvert memiliki kemampuan yang tidak sama dengan siswa ektrovert dalam berkomunikasi bahasa asing. Untuk mengatasi problem tersebut, guru Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Ja-alHaq—sebagai objek penelitian ini—beberapa strategi agar kemampuan speaking siswasiswinya meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan deskripsi dari guru bahasa Inggris di Indonesia yang berpengalaman dalam pengajaran speaking terkait dengan tantangan dan strategi dalam proses belajar mengajar bagi siswa yang berkarakteristik introvert. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa para guru disarankan untuk menerapkan diskusi, main peran, story telling, dan wawancara. Di samping itu, guru juga harus mengetahui karakter dari peserta didiknya karena dengan mengetahui kepribadian peserta didik, para guru dapat memilih strategi pembelajaran yang tepat untuk diterapkan di kelas

    Keseimbangan Emosi dan Kesehatan Mental Manusia dalam Persfektif Psikologi Agama

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    Berbicara mengenai manusia adalah persoalan yang tidak habis habisnya untuk didiskusikan. Dalam berbagai aliran psikologi, seperti psikoanalisa (klasik) Sigmund Freud memandang bahwa prilaku manusia banyak dipengaruhi oleh masa lalu, alam tak sadar, dorongan dorongan biologis yang selalu menuntut kenikmatan untuk segera dipenuhi. Jadi tak heran bila psikoanalisa menganggap hakikat manusa adalah buruk, liar, kejam, non etis , egois ,sarat nafsu dan berkiblat pada kenikmatan jasman