274 research outputs found

    Kepekaan Multibudaya Bagi Konselor dalam Layanan Konseling

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    Multicultural sensitivity both theoretical and empirical needs to be owned by counselors in the counseling service. Multicultural sensitivity is important in the counseling process because of its multicultural sensitivity counselor at counseling services can be predicted to be more effective. Counselors are required to have a multicultural sensitivity as access to better know, understand and appreciate the whole cultural experience that is owned by the counselee as well as exploring the potential counselee with a fixed packing uniqueness. The counselor with a keen sensitivity better understand and appreciate the cultural bias between the counselor and counselee which is predicted to be able to direct the counselee to develop optimall

    Pemantapan Psychological Self Concept Peserta Didik Minoritas melalui Konseling Lintas Budaya dan Agama

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    This study aimed to describe the efforts of school counselor in establishing the Psychological Self Concept learners from minority cultural backgrounds in schools through counseling across cultures and religions. The subjects were students of class VII MTsN II Yogyakarta. At this time, students still bring cultural and religious upbringing of his childhood. Results showed that the influence of childhood subject in the establishment of Psychological Self Concept and the role of the school counselor effect, by providing guidance and counseling services which is based on social, cultural and religious and result conceptual steady against self-concept and improve aspects of the diversity of learners

    Spiritualitas dalam Konteks Konseling

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    Spirituality in the context of counseling have the same potential both positive or negative, counselors need to have a standardized competencies to integrating spiritual and religious dimension in the counseling process. Spirituality is a part of the individual\u27s development that characterizes humanity and as an indicator of mental health. Standarized competencies in integrating spiritual dan religious in counseling process can be achieved with education

    Efektivitas Konseling Karir Trait And Factor untuk Mereduksi Kesulitan Membuat Keputusan Karir

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    This research is motivated  importance of reduction in the difficulties experienced by the students in making career decisions so that learners are able to make a career decision is "right" that is, the process of making the right decision and best suited to the characteristics and individual goals. The purpose of this study is to obtain an overview effectiveness of career counseling services trait and factor to reduce the career decisions maiking difficulty Class XI students. Research using quasi-experimental methods. The design of this study is nonequivalent pretest - posttest control group design (pretest-posttest two groups). The instrument in this study was a career decision making difficulty questionnaire of students. Subjects were students of class XI of SMAN 3 Bandung school year 2013/2014 were taken by purposive sampling technique, and then raffle determine experimental group and the control group. Hypothesis testing is performed using the t test statistic, namely through statistical analysis of the independent t-test (independent sample t-test) using SPSS 20.0 for windows. The results showed: (1) the general difficulty making career decisions of students in middle category, (2) female students were more likely to have difficulty than male students, (3) the design of interventions in stacking based needs analysis, (4) career counseling trait and factor effective to reduce the difficulties students make career decisions


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    This study aims to find a design study model character education consists of learning tools and study guides students on thematic learning. The method used is research and development (Research and Development) combined with action research methods.The survey results revealed that students are given guidance at the time of the trial in the class did not give meaningfulness in learning. On the Character Education Model Integrated Thematic Teaching at primary schools HKBP Pematangsiantar developed through this research feasible tested again on the stage of a pilot project to test subjects' primary schools HKBP Pematangsiantar grade 2 and 3. Then proceed to the stage of dissemination in the 1st grade, primary school HKBP Pematangsiantar so that it can serve as the basis for the submission of policy proposals in the field of character education.   &nbsp

    The Application of The Right Brain Methods : The Association and Correlation Method In Optimizing Vocabulary Mastery at The Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 1 Rancah-Ciamis

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    This study investigated the application of the right brain methods, namely the association and correlation method in optimizing the students’ vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade of SMPN 1 Rancah Ciamis. It uses  the qualitative approach by using Classroom Action Research (CAR) to determine how the right brain methods help students in optimizing vocabulary mastery, and to analyze how the students’ progress related to the right brain methods in optimizing vocabulary mastery in the seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Rancah. This study is conducted in three cycles, each of which consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The data of the study are taken from the questionnaire, observation, interview and the students’ vocabulary test in form of multiple choice and students’ presentation. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive analysis both qualitatively and quantitatively. The results show that the implementation of the right brain methods, namely the association and correlation method affected possitively on the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery. It is based on the enthusisatic and the active participation of the students in the process of teaching and learning, and also the results of students’ vocabulary test from pre-cycle to cycle III


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    Learning difficulty is a barrier in a learning process which is faced by students so he/she cannot achieve academical achievement that he/she wants, Meanwhile social interaction is a mutual relationship process or interaction between 2 or more individuals which affect each other as individual developmental step in social situation in anywhere they live. This study was conducted to obtain how much the frequency distribution of learning difficulties and social interaction and also the students individual description who have learning difficulties and social interaction problems. Participants amounted to 217 students of 11th graders in SMA Negeri 15 Bandung. The research method used for data collection is descriptive analysis. The instrument used is a closed questionnaire using the Guttman scale with a choice of Yes or No answers. The results of this study revealed that learning difficulties students 11th graders in SMAN 15 Bandung are in the low category. Meanwhile their level of social interaction is high category. Six students are also found having both learning and social interaction difficulties with different symptoms


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    The purpose of this research is to find out and evaluate the form of handling pattern of troubled students conducted by guidance and counseling teacher at pgri 4 senior high school palembang. the research method used in this research is qualitative method with descriptive explanatory level. data collected through interviews, observation and documentation. further data analyzed refers to miles and huberman analysis model with data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. the results showed that the pattern of handling palembang was dominated by disciplinary approach with the imposition of sanctions which is conducted by guidance and counseling teacher in pgri 4 senior high school palembang. &nbsp

    Profil Tingkat Sense Of School Belonging Siswa SMK Negeri Kota Yogyakarta

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    The purpose of the study was to reveal the level of sense of school belonging in Yogyakarta City State Vocational High School students. Sense of school belonging is a feeling of being personally accepted, respected, recognized, supported, cared for, treated fairly and a feeling of happiness and safety in the school environment. This research is a quantitative research with descriptive method. Data collection techniques use the sense of school belonging scale which was adapted from The Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) Scale developed by Carol Goodenow. Data analysis uses quantitative data analysis. The study subjects were 193 out of seven schools in Yogyakarta City State Vocational School. The results showed that 30.05% of students of Yogyakarta City Vocational High School had a level of sense of school belonging to a high category, 69.95% were in the moderate category and 0% in the low category. The results of this study become a preliminary study for school counselors in designing guidance and counseling programs to improve the sense of school belonging to students


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    Guidance and counseling in Indonesia has been established since the 1970s. Despite all the obstacles in it’s aplication, guidance and counseling continuously to develop. Since that counselor profession has taken a role in order to serve optimizing the potency of the counselee. Along with the globalization, the role of the counselor becomes increasingly important, in conjunction with the problems faced by the counselor. Goverment through professional organization have develop a standardized guideline to meet the inherent expectations of the counselor profession. Through this article the authors try to describing an overview of the responsibilities that should met by the counselor in various settings as an effort to maintain and improvethe counselee wellbein
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