9,515 research outputs found

    Prospects for United States of America-China political and economic relations under Donald Trump's presidency

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    The purpose of this article was to introduce the possible future relations between China and the United States of America under Donald Trump’s presidency. The paper is divided into five sections: economy, real challenges, trade policy and industry, diplomacy. Each of them is introducing key issues in terms of the main topic. The secondary point of this article was to show the gravity of change after United States of America election results in December 2016 and the impact of this event on American policy toward China. The main conclusion which arised from the article is: USA-China relations during upcoming decade are going to be eminently tensed that it was before. Trade policy, Taiwan, strategic rapprochement of the United States of America with such countries as India and Russia, as well as innovation race across many industries, will remain a point of contention. The future of Sino-US relations will probably depend mostly on the emerging administration of the 45th President of the United States of America

    Dining Cryptographers with 0.924 Verifiable Collision Resolution

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    The dining cryptographers protocol implements a multiple access channel in which senders and recipients are anonymous. A problem is that a malicious participant can disrupt communication by deliberately creating collisions. We propose a computationally secure dining cryptographers protocol with collision resolution that achieves a maximum stable throughput of 0.924 messages per round and which allows to easily detect disruptors.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Effects of Store Brand Perceived Risk on Buyers’ Behavior – Four Decades of Research Overview

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    Celem artykułu jest prezentacja pojęcia postrzeganego przez konsumentów ryzyka związanego z markami własnymi oraz przegląd najważniejszych badań nad tym konstruktem, prowadzonych na przestrzeni ostatnich 40 lat. Realizacja tak postawionego celu wymagała przeprowadzenia wyczerpujących studiów literatury na ten temat. Wyjaśniono szereg aspektów pojęcia postrzeganego ryzyka oraz przedstawiono główne efekty oddziaływania postrzeganego ryzyka związanego z markami własnymi na zachowania nabywców. Artykuł dostarcza menedżerom marki wiedzy na temat głównych kierunków ich działań odnoszących się do zarządzania asortymentem marek własnych. The majority of undertaken research on the influence of store brand perceived risk on the consumers’ behavior concerned mainly producer’s brands. Albeit, the research advances in the last four decades on store brand perceived risk, research and literature gaps still remain. This article aims to review what we know about examining and measuring perceived risk of store-branded products. The article is organized as follows. First, some aspects of the risk constructs are emphasized, such as how it is defined and used in consumer and marketing research. Second, major effects of store brand perceived risk are introduced and next, the conclusion and highlighted implications are indicated

    On path-quasar Ramsey numbers

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    Let G1G_1 and G2G_2 be two given graphs. The Ramsey number R(G1,G2)R(G_1,G_2) is the least integer rr such that for every graph GG on rr vertices, either GG contains a G1G_1 or G\overline{G} contains a G2G_2. Parsons gave a recursive formula to determine the values of R(Pn,K1,m)R(P_n,K_{1,m}), where PnP_n is a path on nn vertices and K1,mK_{1,m} is a star on m+1m+1 vertices. In this note, we first give an explicit formula for the path-star Ramsey numbers. Secondly, we study the Ramsey numbers R(Pn,K1Fm)R(P_n,K_1\vee F_m), where FmF_m is a linear forest on mm vertices. We determine the exact values of R(Pn,K1Fm)R(P_n,K_1\vee F_m) for the cases mnm\leq n and m2nm\geq 2n, and for the case that FmF_m has no odd component. Moreover, we give a lower bound and an upper bound for the case n+1m2n1n+1\leq m\leq 2n-1 and FmF_m has at least one odd component.Comment: 7 page

    New security and control protocol for VoIP based on steganography and digital watermarking

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    In this paper new security and control protocol for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service is presented. It is the alternative for the IETF's (Internet Engineering Task Force) RTCP (Real-Time Control Protocol) for real-time application's traffic. Additionally this solution offers authentication and integrity, it is capable of exchanging and verifying QoS and security parameters. It is based on digital watermarking and steganography that is why it does not consume additional bandwidth and the data transmitted is inseparably bound to the voice content.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    SecMon: End-to-End Quality and Security Monitoring System

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    The Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is becoming a more available and popular way of communicating for Internet users. This also applies to Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems and merging these two have already proven to be successful (e.g. Skype). Even the existing standards of VoIP provide an assurance of security and Quality of Service (QoS), however, these features are usually optional and supported by limited number of implementations. As a result, the lack of mandatory and widely applicable QoS and security guaranties makes the contemporary VoIP systems vulnerable to attacks and network disturbances. In this paper we are facing these issues and propose the SecMon system, which simultaneously provides a lightweight security mechanism and improves quality parameters of the call. SecMon is intended specially for VoIP service over P2P networks and its main advantage is that it provides authentication, data integrity services, adaptive QoS and (D)DoS attack detection. Moreover, the SecMon approach represents a low-bandwidth consumption solution that is transparent to the users and possesses a self-organizing capability. The above-mentioned features are accomplished mainly by utilizing two information hiding techniques: digital audio watermarking and network steganography. These techniques are used to create covert channels that serve as transport channels for lightweight QoS measurement's results. Furthermore, these metrics are aggregated in a reputation system that enables best route path selection in the P2P network. The reputation system helps also to mitigate (D)DoS attacks, maximize performance and increase transmission efficiency in the network.Comment: Paper was presented at 7th international conference IBIZA 2008: On Computer Science - Research And Applications, Poland, Kazimierz Dolny 31.01-2.02 2008; 14 pages, 5 figure

    Pomiar kapitału marek własnych detalistów

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    The aim of this paper is to present the concept of store brand equity (also known as private label brand equity), selected methods of its measurement, potential practical implications and directions for future research on this topic. There is a number of articles focused on brand equity referring to the manufacturer's brands, and yet there are not numerous papers related to brand equity of the store brands. Findings provide key directions to store brand managers regarding how to determine, approach and leverage the equity of their store brands

    Hydrological and geomorphological effects of extreme precipitation in May 2014 in the Rybny Potok catchment (Babia Mountain Massif)

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    Mountain streams are subject to continuous modeling of river beds during floods. The greatest changes occur within them, however, during the catastrophic floods caused by sudden rainfall. The increase in the intensity of transformation occurs in forest areas, where the wooden logs carried by the swollen streams create a dumping ground, around which there is a greater accumulation of transported material and the formation of an increased mosaic of geomorphological forms. The study was conducted in the Rybny Potok catchment area (Babia Góra National Park). The flooding occurred on 15-16 May 2014 due to the heavy rainfall, which on 15 May amounted to 138 mm. Whereas 216.5 mm of rainfall fell in the catchment area in three days. This resulted in a sudden and full spate streams, contributing to a significant transformation in the bottoms of their geomorphological valleys. There were created many new forms, while the pre-existing increased their size

    Religion in the discourse of politics : a debate on abortion in Poland

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    Artykuł dotyczy polskiego sporu aborcyjnego osadzonego w realiach dyskursu polityki. Analiza uwzględnia przede wszystkim debaty sejmowe z lat 2006/2007–2016, a więc te, które odbywały się po latach: 1989 i 2004, określanych jako dwa punkty zwrotne w procesach transformacji ustrojowej i demokratyzacji. Publikacja przedstawia główne strategie dyskursywne stosowane przez uczestników sporów oraz wskazuje na miejsce, jakie zajmują w nich wątki religijne. Metodą wykorzystaną w pracach jest socjologiczna analiza dyskursu, zdefiniowana głównie według założeń Jorge Ruiz Ruiz i uzupełniona elementami analizy ilościowej.Abstract: The aim of the article is to present the Polish discourse of politics related to the question of the abortion law. The analysis focuses on parliamentary debates that took place between 2006/2007 and 2016, thus, after years: 1989 and 2004 which are recognized as the two turning points of Polish transformation and democratization processes. The paper presents the discursive strategies applied by the adversaries as well as underlines the religious arguments formulated by them. The method, that has been chosen for the investigation, is the sociological discourse analysis defined mainly according to Jorge Ruiz and supplemented by the elements of the quantitative research

    New social movements in Germany in the context of migration crisis

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    Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie profilu trzech ruchów społecznych funkcjonujących we współczesnych Niemczech, których działalność związana jest bezpośrednio z problemem kryzysu migracyjnego, a które wykazują pod względem programowo-ideologicznym profil skrajnie prawicowy, a także próba ich umieszczenia w teorii nowych ruchów społecznych. Działalność wybranych ruchów, zgodnie z przyjętą hipotezą, nastręcza licznych wątpliwości w związku z zastosowaniem do nich wspomnianej teorii. Przy zastosowaniu analizy jakościowej materiałów publikowanych przez wybrane ruchy społeczne, analizy ich działalności w przestrzeni publicznej oraz dyskursu naukowego im poświęconego, wykazano, że zjawisko skrajnie prawicowych ruchów społecznych nie jest zbieżne z kategorią nowych ruchów społecznych. W pierwszej części tekstu przedstawiono profil trzech skrajnie prawicowych ruchów społecznych działających w Niemczech (PEGIDA, Pro-Bewegung oraz HoGeSa). Następnie przybliżono dostępne wyniki badań socjologicznych i politologicznych, przeprowadzonych do tej pory przez niemieckich badaczy, podkreślając problematyczność w zdobyciu wystarczających danych niezbędnych do wnioskowania o faktycznym zapleczu społecznym i charakterze tych grup. W kolejnej części zestawiono elementy teorii nowych ruchów społecznych z obecnym wizerunkiem skrajnie prawicowych ruchów antyimigracyjnych, wskazując zarówno na podobieństwa, jak i różnice. W podsumowaniu stwierdzono, że wykazane rozbieżności stanowią lukę w analizie nowych ruchów skrajnie prawicowych i potencjał do przyszłych badań.The aim of the article is to present the profile of three social movements operating in contemporary Germany, whose activities are directly connected with the issue of migration crisis and the ideological profile can be classified as extreme right, as well as an attempt at placing them in the theory of new social movements. According to the research hypothesis, the selected groups present multiple difficulties in terms of applying this theory into their activities. By the application of qualitative content analysis, analysis of the activities of the selected movements in a public sphere but also the scientific discourse dedicated to them, it was demonstrated, that the phenomenon of extreme right social movements is not convergent with the category of new social movements. In the first part of the article the profile of three German extreme right groups (PEGIDA, Pro-Bewegung and HoGeSa) was presented. Subsequently, the results of available sociological and political research conducted recently by German scientists were demonstrated, highlighting the difficulties in obtaining sufficient research material that is required in order to draw scientific conclusions about this type of movements. In the next part, the elements of the theory of new social movement were correlated with the current profile of new extreme right anti-immigrant social movements, indicating similarities and discrepancies. In the conclusion it was shown that the differences pose a gap in the analysis of new extreme right social movements and opens up the possibility of further research