2,915 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Yuridis Penggunaan Surat Kuasa Jual Terhadap Penjualan Objek Hak Tanggungan Dalam Penyelesaian Kredit Macet

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    Act No. 4 Year 1996 On Amenability Rights, did not recognize the selling power of attorney known is the agreement between the creditor and the debtor to sell the object of a security interest is under the hand as efforts to resolve the bad credit borrowers, the agreement between the creditor and the debtor agreed after the occurrence of bad loans by the debtor. Use of the selling power of attorney by the creditor for the sale of objects Amenability Right are not in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 4 Year 1996 On Amenability Rights, the lender and the buyer objects encumbrance not get legal protection, the purchase agreement does not meet the requirements of the agreement validity requirements as stipulated in Article 1320 of the Civil Code. Keywords: Selling Power of Attorney, amenability right, credit   Surat kuasa jual yang dibuat dan ditanda-tangani oleh kredit dengan debitur pada saat pencairan kredit atau pada saat penandatanganan perjanjian kredit bertetangan atau tidak dikenal dalam Undang-Undang No 4 Tahun 1996 tentang Hak Tanggungan, artinya surat kuasa jual tersebut tidak mempunyai kedudukan hukum berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1996 tentang Hak Tanggungan. maka kreditur dan pembeli barang pembatas tidak mendapatkan perlindungan hukum, perjanjian pembelian Tidak memenuhi persyaratan persyaratan validitas perjanjian sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 1320 KUH Perdata. Kata kunci: Surat Kuasa Jual, Hak Tanggungan, Kredi

    Anteseden Konflik Pekerjaan-keluarga dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Tingkat Kehadiran di Tempat Kerja (Studi Kasus Uptd Pendidikan Kecamatan Sagulung Kota Batam)

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    The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical evidence about the influence of Antecedents Work Family Conflict on the Level of Attendance at Work (Case Study UPTD Sagulung District of Batam). The population of this study is 130 female teachers in UPTD Sagulung District who teach grades 4, 5, 6 who need higher responsibility than teachers who teach in grades 1, 2, 3.The sample in this study is determined after the distribution of questionnaires, where the questionnaire is given to all the population and how many questionnaires are returned and worthy to be processed. This study used primer data which obtained by questionnaire. The result showed that involvement in work have a significant influence on the work of conflict, involvement in the affairs of the family doesn't have a significant influence on the family conflict, involvement in work have a significant influence on the family conflict, involvement in the affairs of the family doesn't have a significant influence on the work of conflict, expectation in a job doesn't have a significant influence on the work on conflict, expectation in a family doesn't have a significant influence on the family conflict, expectation in a job doesn't have a significant influence on work family conflict, expectation in a family doesn't have a significant influence on work family conflict, expectation in a job has a significant influence on a family conflict, conflict in a job has a significant influence on work family conflict, conflict in a family has a significant influence on work family conflict, and conflict in work family has a significant influence on the level of attendance of a person in a job

    Influence, Motivation, Work Environment and Discipline Performance Against High School Teacher in the City in Bogor

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    This study aims to determine the effect, motivation, work environment and discipline on the performance of high school teachers in the city of Bogor. This study uses the data questionnaire distributed to teachers working in secondary schools in the city of Bogor. The method used in this research is the analysis of individual level. The research object High School in the city of Bogor. Number of questionnaires distributed as many as 350 sheets, questionnaires back as much as 300 sheets, while a questionnaire that can be used as many as 280 sheets. The test results are used by multiple linear regression which include validity, reliability and test R Square. Results from the study showed the coefficient of determination (adjusted R2) has a value of 0.769, so it can be seen that the variables of motivation, work environment and discipline 78.9%, the performance of teachers of vocational schools in the city of Bogor. while the remaining amount. 21.1% influenced by other factors

    Dampak Penilaian Prestasi Kerja terhadap Promosi Jabatan pada Sekolah Permata Harapan II Batam

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    Human Resources has an important role in a company. Company is a tool to achieve goals that must be able to provide clarity of status to someone in the working environment, both in terms of ties, position and role. One of the efforts to improve the effectiveness of work is the assessment of employee performance against promotion of office. Performance appraisal is the employee\u27s psychological bond to the company, the willingness to work hard and the desire to further increase in the career. Improving the company\u27s capabilities requires performance changes with changes in system variables, strategic objectives and control systems, interpersonal relationships. In the corporate environment there is a culture of work that is a culture, norms and habits that apply everyday. This study examines the relevance of employee performance appraisal to promotion of positions at Permata Harapan II Batam School. By using linear regression analysis of one independent variable, the result shows that there is influence between employee performance appraisal to promotion of position. Implementation of employee performance appraisal gives the most dominant influence. Employee performance appraisal on promotion positively affects the effectiveness of work at Permata Harapan II Batam School

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan, Motivasi dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Riau

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    Effective leadership is a vital requirement for the survival and success of the organization. Effective leadership not only affect his subordinates but also he is able to ensure that his subordinates achieve best execution of the work. Thus, in this study aimed to examine the effect of Leadership (X1), motivation (X2), job satisfaction (X3) effect on performance (Y) Employees in the Riau Islands Provincial Transport Department. The number of respondents research counted 128 employees by distributing questionnaires were subsequently analyzed using SPSS for Windows version 21. The statistical t-test results showed that both the leadership variable (X1), motivation (X2), and job satisfaction variables (X3) effect on the performance of employees ( Y). F test results stating that all the variables in this study affect the performance of employees. In this study the results of leadership are variables that have the greatest influence on employee performance. And regression estimation results show the predictive capability of all independent variables on employee performance (Y) amounted to 40.3%, while the remaining 59.7% is influenced by other variables outside the study

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Autentik pada Emosi Positif, Kepercayaan, dan Harapan Serta Dampaknya pada Komitmen Organisasional

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    This study examines the effect of authentic leadership on hope, trust in leaders and positive emotions. In addition, this research also tests the influence of hope, trust in leaders and positive emotions on organizational commitment. This research conducted in survey research framework with cross-sectional data type. Total of 140 respondents completed the questionnaire with self-administered survey. The Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ), State Hope Scale, The Trust in Management Scale, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (HEAT-Short Version), and Organizational Commitment Questionnaire were used to measure the variables involved. Hypothesis testing with SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) shows several findings. The results showed a positive and significant effect of authentic leadership with hope, trust in leaders and positive emotions. Positive influence was also shown in the trust on a leader to organizational commitment. While the positive influence of hope and positive emotions towards organizational commitment is not supported

    Analisa Faktor Penyebab Cacat Produksi Pengisian Gas Oksigen : Studi Kasus di PT SAMATOR Gas Kota Batam

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    The focus of this research is to know factors causing production defects in the filling of oxygen gas in the process of filling storage tanks with specification 99.60% - 99.9% pure oxygen at PT. Samator. This study found several dominant factors that affect the quality of oxygen purity that has been set company. Production output samples were taken in november 2017 for 25 working days with replication system in group and sub group.The data feasibility test is expressed by the adequacy test and data uniformity to ensure that data is eligible for further processing. Data analysis on the calculation of process capability shows the value of Cp <1.33 means the ability of the process of filling the storage tank with 99.60% - 99.9% pure oxygen specification shows the ability is still low so that the quality of the product is in doubt.This result raises the suspicion of factors causing potential defect product as the cause of the low ability process, to know the cause of the low ability of process then fishbone diagram accompanied by chi square statistic test to validate the alleged defect of production find 6 dominant factor that is raw material of air and water content) , Employee Kopetensi, Standard operational procedures that have not been raw, machine maintenance, engine setup and temperature

    Analisis Penyebab Cacat Produk Truck Body 777 pada Aktifitas Painting

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    Painting activity is a production process that determines the quality of the company\u27s products. This painting process is an application in liquid form, to create a layer for later, a hard layer or cat layer. Product defects from painting activities that are still found by the availability of paint on the product, it is a challenge to provide the company the best  solution. Another problem is  the  number of cats  used by the production department in  the  painting process. Supply chain  issues  in  inventory inventory of painting materials, sometimes stocks and stocks runs out. This study will discuss and analyze the factors that find the number of cats in the painting Truck Body 777 performs Cuase and Effect analysis (fishbone diagram) and uses Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determine the cat\u27s glory factor. Data is taken from production data for one year and four months. Result of research result from every factor of production, cause of product defect in percentage, that is human being equal to 65%, method equal to 62%, machine equal to 48%, material equal to 75%, and environment 50%, and also highest dominant factor difference the amount of paint used in the 777 Truck Body process is a material facto

    The Effect of Lexical Relations Comprehension Towards Translation Ability at Unrika Batam

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    Tujuaan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) apakah pemahaman hubungan leksikal mempengaruhikemampuan menerjemahkan para mahasiswa semester tujuh di jurusan bahasa Inggris FKIPUNRIKA Batam, (2) untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh dari pemahaman hubunganleksikal terhadap kemampuan menerjemahkan para mahasiswa semester tujuh di jurusanbahasa Inggris FKIP UNRIKA Batam. Populasi diambil dari para mahasiswa semester tujuh diJurusan Bahasa Inggris FKIP UNRIKA Batam yang berjumlah 260 mahasiswa. Sampel dalampenelitian ini diambil dari taraf kesalahan 5% dari 260 siswa, sehingga sampel berjumlah 155mahasiswa. Dalam menganalisa data peneliti menggunakan model regresi sederhana.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pemahaman hubungan leksikalmempengaruhi kemampuan menerjemahkan dan pengaruh yang ditimbulkan dari pemahamanhubungan kata terhadap kemampuan menerjemahkan sejauh 4.4%

    Perancangan Kursi Ergonomis untuk Memperbaiki Posisi Kerja pada Proses Packaging Jenang Kudus

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    Jenang is one of the special food from the Kudus City of Central Java Province. The process of making jenang through several stages, namely the process of material insertion, the process of mixing the material while cooked with the mix, the process of printing in a baking sheet and packaging process. In the process of this jenang packaging is done by workers who sit on a wooden chair with no foam pads and no back support. Sitting position, judging from the aspect of ergonomics sitting position is less comfortable. Therefore, it is necessary to design seats for ergonomic jenang packaging operators. The method used in designing this chair is by descriptive analysis, with the seat dimension approach to anthropometry of worker's body. Required data include anthropometric data of workers' packaging body dimensions and data obtained from existing research. Then the data is processed to be applied to the design. This design is a prototype that will be measured and applied to the packaging hood of the worker. The purpose of this research is applying ergonomic chair to jenang packaging worker, so it is expected to improve work position of jenang packaging worker and reduce discomfort that can cause fatigue. The result of the research shows that with the application of ergonomic chair design to the jenang packaging worker, there is improvement of work position on the jenang packaging worker and decrease the level of discomfort that happened to the neck, back, round, buttock and elbow of the jenang packaging worker
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