599 research outputs found

    Tingkat Perubahan Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Keluarga Buruh Migran

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    Gondanglegi sub district is occupying the first position as the largest supplier of migrant workers in the area of ​​South Malang in 2014. This research focuses on Panggungrejo Village as the object of research. A village with area of ​​203 km2, population of 1,877 people consisting of 866 men and 1,011 women. This village pervades 12 RTs, and this research took 2 RTs namely RT 5 and 6, with 5 respondents. These five respondents are representatives of various migrant workers. Some represent their wives as migrant workers, husbands and children. This study uses the theory of social mobility; a change, shift, increase or decrease of the status and role of its members. Welfare indicators used are economic, educational, social and health. The result of the research shows that there is a change of the respondents\u27 life level in terms of economic, social, educational and even health compared to prior becoming migrant worker, although the rate of change is not too significant

    Zakat Tebu di Desa Ganjaran Kecamatan Gondanglegi Malang

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    This study describes the behavior of sugarcane farmers in implementing the obligation of an important teaching in Islamic law: zakat. Each people is subject to the obligation of crop zakat. Textually, sugarcane is not part of any category in the classification of the zakat object because it is not in the form of grain. If the terms of economic value generated, sugarcane farming is very promising and is eligible to be one of zakat object. Sugarcane becomes a major commodity that is high-yield for the people in the village of Ganjaran Gondanglegi Malang. In practice, the sugarcane farmers in Ganjaran use two patterns in issuing zakat, namely: as zurū' or as tijāroh. As the pattern of distribution, they perform independently and directly to the mustahiq in the form of money or goods, instead of going through the zakat institution (‘āmil)

    Santri dan Multikulturalisme

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    Sambas conflict in 1997 and 1999 caused big number of refugees, mainly Madureses, which spread in various regions. Many young refugees were sheltered at Islamic boarding schools (pondok pesantren), especially in East Java. They usually got special treatment, from financial dispensation to psychological assistance. One pondok pesantren accommodating the Victims of Sambas conflict was Raudlatul Ulum 1 Ganjaran Gondanglegi Malang. Although it did not have particular program to handle those young victims, a number conflict victims were found. The research problems are formulated as follows: (1) how is the Sambas conflict victims\u27 perception on multiculturalism at Islamic boarding School Raudlatul Ulum 1; (2) what is the role of the boarding school in the formation of their perception on multiculturalism? It is a field research with qualitative approach. This research resulted that the conflict which the victims had experienced in Sambas had provided deep trauma, especially psychologically one. Their mentality and perceptions are also affected significantly, especially shortly after the conflict. This is noticed from their fear of meeting with people from different ethnicity, especially Dayak and Melayu. But over time, the trauma turned into an understanding that the conflicts occurred because of economic interest or because of political engineering based on the interests of the rulers. One of the factors that shape their perception of this conflict is pondok pesantren. Its environment and the education system significantly affected their perception. Pondok pesantren inhabited by the students with quite vast of race, ethnicity or language, thereby building tolerance between them, while its education system could build the character of leaders who are ready to protect the society with all its diversity

    Peran Ekonomi Kreatif terhadap Pengembangan Jiwa Entrepreneurship di Lingkungan Pesantren

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    Today, by effectuation of the Asian Economic Community (AEC), the competition will be increas-ing the quality of human resources. It presents a consequence for every individual to constantly develop and improve their quality. No exception to human resources who live in boarding schools. Boarding School community needs to improve its quality to be competitive arena of the world of work. Therefore, coaching that done in a boarding schools, should reflect and provide education about the importance of self-reliance, especially in the financial sector. This study aims to analyze the role of the creative economy to the development of entrepreneurial spirit in a boarding schools education system that has applied entrepreneurship education as a means to train financial independence of the students By using the phenomenological approach, this qualitative research began with the collection of data through observation and documentation for later analysis so found some creative economic role towards developing the spirit of entrepreneurship in boarding schools. The conclusion from this study is that the creative economy has some important role in the deve-lopment of the spirit of entrepreneurship in boarding schools. There are: (1). Stimulate creative and innovative behavior on a product / service. (2). Explore and hone skills (3). Providing knowledge with methods of learning by doing (4). Provide training on the analysis of SWOT (Strength, Weak-ness, Opportunity and Threat). This study is limited to the analysis of the role of the creative economy to the development of entre-preneurship spirit in boarding schools, especially in Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Gontor Putri 1 so that it can't be generalized to the other boarding schools


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    This study aims to increase student learning participation through the chain message game method in PPKn class X-4 SMAN 1 Ponorogo subjects. This Classroom Action Research uses a chain message game learning method. The population in this study was 36 students of grade X-4 SMA Negeri 1 Ponorogo. The results showed an increase in student participation through the chain message game method in PPKn class X-4 subjects of SMA Negeri 1 Ponorogo in the first cycle of the cooperation indicator by 83.3%, the indicator of answering questions by 33.3% and the indicator of expressing opinions by 27.8% While in the second cycle the indicator of cooperation by 100%, the indicator of answering questions by 69%, and the indicator of expressing opinions by 61.1%. Cycle I and cycle II in the indicators of cooperation increased by 16.7%, answered questions increased by 35.7%, and expressed opinions by 33.3%. These results show that the learning method of chain message games is able to increase student learning participation.&nbsp

    The Effect of Social Media-Based Digital Marketing Toward Increasing Income of MSMEs Gondanglegi Malang in Islamic Economic Perspective

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    Advances in technology support the sophistication of information and communication technology. This has an impact on the economic sector. That way, the economic system must innovate so that it can be in line with and in line with today's life. One of the innovations that can be done is to use a digital marketing strategy. Digital marketing is the use of digitization which is used as a forum for promotion related to products and services owned by business actors to customers through an approach strategy with an online system. According to previous research, the most active internet users in Indonesia are on social media with around 60.4%. That way marketing through social media is expected to fully contribute to economic progress. The purpose of this study was to determine digital marketing from an Islamic economic perspective and to analyze the effect of social media- based digital marketing on increasing MSME income in Gondanglegi District, Malang Regency. This type of research uses descriptive quantitative. This data collection technique used a questionnaire which was distributed to 30 MSME actors in Gondanglegi District who carried out marketing methods using social media. The results of the study show that digital marketing strategies are permissible from an Islamic perspective. In addition, statistical analysis shows that there is a significant influence between social media-based digital marketing on increasing MSME income in Gondanglegi District, Malang Regenc


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    This research is aimed to increasing the learning interest of class X-11 students of SMA Negeri 8 Surabaya with a sample of 30 students in history subjects based on the Qr- Code that is Teams Games Tournament (TGT) learning model. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) conducted collaboratively. The design of this study uses data collection techniques based on observation based on questionnaires. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that the application of the Qr Code-based TGT learning model in history subjects could increase the learning interest of X-11 students at SMA Negeri 8 Surabaya. This can be proven through the results of the student learning interest questionnaire from the results of the pre-cycle using the conventional model to get a percentage of learning interest of 38.94%, increasing to 69.43% in cycle I. After modification, in cycle II it shows an increase in learning interest to 83.8%

    Management of Land Owned by the Village Government for Improving Community Welfare: The Maqashid Syariah Approach

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    Tourism village was one of the factors that can move the economy of the village community. This study aims to determine the management of village land used as agro-tourism land, and its impact on improving the welfare of the people of Kebaron Village, Krembung District, Sidoarjo Regency. This research was qualitative method with a case study research approach. The result found that village land which was managed for guava picking agro-tourism by using lease transactions. The impact of this agro-tourism is that the community experiences an increase in welfare, because it provides a place for the community to work, increase community income, make village land productive and improve village facilities. To measure welfare, the maqashid sharia indicator is used, so that welfare is measured in 5 things, namely: Hifdz Ad-Din, Hifdz An-Nafs, Hifdz Al-Aql, Hifdz An-Nasl, Hifdz Al-Mal. This research was expected to contribute to the management of agro-tourism land and the welfare of tourism industries in indonesia


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    This paper reveals the methodological element (usul fiqh) of the “NU fiqh school”, especially those formulated and applied in Bahtsul Masail, and which qualified to be called an institution or ideology-based school of law (madhhab). Using normative, historical and philosophical approach simultaneously, this paper suggests that usul fiqh is not at all monolithic. Throughout its history, this discipline has evolved and changed in such a way, giving rise to various variants or paradigms. One of them is NU usul fiqh, an distinctive Islamic jurisprudance which is influenced by local context and logic of thinking inherited from generation to generation by NU scholars


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    Indonesia's rule of law is a combination of the rechtstaat concept and the rule of law. It can be seen from the side of law enforcement that emphasizes the importance of a just law of certainty and the importance of law efficacy. Other criteria state that Indonesian law isa crystallization of the source of pancasila law and the bill 45,combining the good elements of the concept of individualism and communality/collectivism that are accepted by pancasila, where personal rights are part of a feeling of personal ownership in the "just and lawful humanity" contest. And appreciate the cohesion in every joint of society's life reflected in the "union of Indonesia" scheme that soekarno clarified asa state of community on a principle of cooperation. This characteristic of Indonesia is what distinguishes legal systems from other countries. Hence the term pancasila law. When linked with the combining literature between more than one option at best, it is referred to as a prismatic choice and therefore as a prismatic law