4,732 research outputs found

    Scanning electron microprobe characterization of air filters from the Kavadarci town and Tikveš valley

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    The paper presents data from SEM characterization of Air Filters from Kavadarci town and Tikveš valey, Republic of Macedonia. Several filters from air pumps were submitted for characterization of particulate matter by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) / Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS).The method of individual particle analysis provides important information about the composition and morphology of the particles, information that otherwise cannot be obtained by bulk analysis methods. The SEM–EDS technique is a valuable tool for the characterization of particles of less than 10 μm (PM10). Additionally, the identification of the morphology and chemical composition of these particles provides valuable information for the determination of their origin. EDS analyses revealed that the filters contained several aluminosilicate phases, including illite, plagioclase, quartz, and possibly amphibole/pyroxene and chlorite. Other phases observed were calcite, gypsum, iron oxides/hydroxides, chromites, silver minerals, and metallic phases. Minor nickel was found associated with metal oxides and stainless steel. No indicated of fibrous materials

    Metamorphism of the skarn rocks from the Sasa ore field

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    The aim of this paper is to define the metamorphism of the skarn rocks from the Sasa ore filed. In these rocks ilvaite, rhodonite, bustamite, johansenite-ferrojohansenite, andradite, actinolite-ferroactinolite and epidote were determined. On the base of the presence minerals associations in studied rocks were determinated three facies: albite-epidote-hornfels facies; hornblende-hornfels facies; K-feldspate-cordierite-hornfels facies. The rocks studied are formed in temperature condition T 400–800oC and preassure P 1.5–2 kbar

    Civil law versus common law concept of Freight forwarders

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    Present research paper is focused on the comparative aspects of freight forwarders. Starting this paper with theoretical analysis of the “representation doctrine,” and exploring the status of the freight forwarder in Germany, United Kingdom and United Stated of America, we focused our attention on the liability of the freight forwarders towards the principal and the third party in civil and common law systems.     Observing the existing legislation, judicial and arbitration practices, we present the advantages and disadvantages of the two divergent systems of freight forwarders: German legal system versus British and American legal systems/Continental versus Anglo-Saxon legal systems. The main core of this topic is “the concept of representation,” where the place of the freight forwarder is inevitable. We also analyze the justification of Anglo-Saxon model of freight forwarder with accent on the non-vessel operating common carrier (hereafter NVOCCs), as the most sophisticated model of freight forwarder in global frames.     This paper also deliberates the legal repercussions of the unsettled status of the freight forwarders vis-à-vis any third person and his principal. Regarding this issue, economic effects have never been subject of discussion. Just a superficial examination of this topic is enough to conclude that each type of representation lead to achieving one objective and it’s - transferring the economic effects of representation toward the principal.     Disagreements escalate in the field of obligations regarding the questions: which of the three subjects is in the legal relation and with whom? Who can be a plaintiff or defendant in the civil procedure?! Does the existance of uniform concept of representation is justified? Finally, is it possible to apply the same legal standards for ascertaining the liability of the freight forwarder in particular legal systems?     The responses to all of these questions have a great impact on determination of freight forwarders liability. The impact of globalization definitely changed the position of the freight forwarder. So, which of the two systems offers more applicable legal regime for freight forwarders? Is it the civil law or common law system, or in the field of freight forwarders boundaries between these systems are not as much actual as in many other segments of law.    

    The Balkan Wars through the Prism of the Wider Theoretical Framework of the Concept of the “Security Dilemma”

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    This paper researches the two Balkan wars and the actions of the participating countries by using the theoretical concept of the so-called “security dilemma’ as one of the key concepts in the science of international relations. It’s an attempt to make an analysis of the Balkan wars, or, more specifically, of all the key elements of this theoretical framework. The goal is to find out whether this theoretical concept can be applied to the countries which took part in the Balkan Wars, and if its application in this specific case can offer some answers about the reasons behind the start of the two Balkan Wars, the question of the balance of power and its shifts, as well as the changes in alliances between the participating countries. In order to successfully accomplish this goal, the paper is going to utilize relevant literature on the topic of this theoretical concept, but also on the historical period of the two Balkan wars (1912 and 1913). With this approach, we hope to look at the subject from a different angle, which has not been sufficiently explored

    Преглед и класификација на глаголите што искажуваат психичка состојба во германскиот и во македонскиот јазик

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    Предмет на овој труд е анализа на глаголите што искажуваат психичка состојба кај човекот, а се поврзани со семантичкиот признак „емоционалност“ во германскиот и во македонскиот јазик. Под поимот глаголи што искажуваат психичка состојба подразбираме одредено множество глаголи што изразуваат состојба на љубов, омраза, чудење, сомнение, жал, срам, радост, страв, лутина и други емотивни состојби кај човекот. Во ова група глаголи спаѓаат глаголите: се/сака (/sich/ lieben), се/мрази (hassen), се/чуди (/sich/ wundern), се сомнева (zweifeln), /се/ жали (trauern), /се/ срами (/sich/ schämen), се радува (/sich/ freuen), /се/ плаши (/sich/ fürchten), /се/ лути (/sich/ ärgern) и други. Бројот на овие глаголи е голем и во понатамошниот текст табеларно е претставена група од четириесет глаголи и се дава предлог за нивна поделба, укажувајќи на разликите меѓу ваквиот тип на глаголи во германскиот и во македонскиот јазик

    Wavelet application in solving ordinary differential equations using Galerkin method

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    The Galerkin method is one of the most used methods for finding numerical solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations. Its simplicity makes it suitable for many applications. In this paper we show that the wavelet-Galerkin method is an improvement over the standard Galerkin method for ordinary differential equations

    Idea behind Reasonable Accommodation as a Way Forward in Achieving Equality

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    According to statistics of the International Labour Organization, an estimated 386 million of the world's working-age people have some kind of disability. Unemployment among persons with disabilities is as high as 80 percent in some countries. The question of reasonable accommodation rises as an important issue that needs to be considered when speaking about disability discrimination in the area of employment and occupation. The purpose of every reasonable accommodation, which is exclusively based on the social model of disability, is to provide disabled persons with access to employment, work and advancement in the work, as a way forward to achieving equality. This paper elaborates on the question of the legal nature and the effect of reasonable accommodation, on what type of accommodation is appropriate and effective in legal terms. In addition this paper will look at the question of protection, i.e. who should be protected - the individual person or the group of persons with disabilities, the framework of the legal obligation to protect and its limits. Comparatively, the paper analyses the reasonable accommodation duty as provided in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation. Today, in different legal systems, there are various ways of regulating the reasonable accommodation. Namely, whether it should be considered as an anti-discrimination duty or as a form of an affirmative action? This question does not have a single answer and but will be elaborated in greater detail in the paper using comparative experience from the EU Member-States, USA, and Australia. Furthermore, the paper assesses the current situation on the reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities in the Macedonian context. Finally, the paper identifies the key challenges and recommends actions for overcoming them. The text uses results from research and surveys that have been conducted in the country and abroad as an illustration of trends and patterns

    За расказноста во лирски контекст (Кон „Ѓулабии“ на Станко Враз)

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    Првата книга љубовна поезија на основоположникот на лирскиот израз во новата хрватска литература Станко Враз, дозволува во раскошниот лирски контекст да бидат нотирани елементи на расказност (=нарација). Тоа се должи помалку на влијанието на европскиот Запад и школата на романтизмот, а повеќе на настојувањето на поетот во автентичниот поетски интерес – да се изрази љубовта спрема Љубица Кантили, да бидат вметнати доминантните преокупации на иделогијата и поетиката на илиризмот – родољубието и словенофилството

    Сензорна и аналитичка евалуација на ладно - цедени масла од сончоглед

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    Составот на масните киселини, испарливите компоненти и сензорна евалуација на 16 ладноцедени сончогледови масла беа предмет на ова истражување. Низок удел на мононезаситена олеинска киселина и висок удел на полинезаситена линолеинска киселина (со удел преку 60%) може да предизвика брза оксидација на маслото во споредба со масла кои имаат висок удел на олеинска киселина и да предизвикаат „ужегнат“, „кисел“ или „горчлив“ вкус. Количеството на α-пинен може да служи како маркер при процесот на производство на ладноцедено сончогледово масло. Овој монотерпен е многу испарлив. Според тоа, екстремно ниски концентрации на овој монотерпен, како и други испитувани монотерпени укажуваат на незадоволителен квалитет на сончогледови зрна или несоодветен третман на зрната пред процесот на ладно цедење. Клучни зборови: ладноцедени сончогледови масла, испарливи компоненти, состав на масни киселини, сензорна евалуација

    Geotectonic model of the Alpine development of Lakavica graben in the eastern part of the Vardar zone in the Republic of Macedonia

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    Lakavica graben is located in the eastern subzone of the Vardar zone, which during the Alpine orogenesis was covered with very complex processes of tectogenesis. On the area of about 200 km2, in the Lakavica graben, are present geological units from the oldest geological periods (Precambrian)to the youngest (Neogene and Quaternary). Tectonic structure, or rupture tectonic, is very intense developed and gives possibility for analysis of the geotectonic processes in the Alpine orogen phase. This paper presents the possible model for geotectonic processes in the Lakavica graben, according to which can be generalized geotectonic processes in the Vardar zone during the Alpine orogeny