677 research outputs found

    Informatics: Science or TĂ©chne?

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    Informatics is generally understood as a “new technology” and is therewith discussed according to technological aspects such as speed, data retrieval, information control and so on. Its widespread use from home appliances to enterprises and universities is not the result of a clear-cut analysis of its inner possibilities but is rather dependent on all sorts of ideological promises of unlimited progress. We will discuss the theoretical definition of informatics proposed in 1936 by Alan Turing in order to show that it should be taken as final and complete. This definition has no relation to the technology because Turing defines computers as doing the work of solving problems with numbers. This formal definition implies nonetheless a relation to the non-formalized elements around informatics, which we shall discuss through the Greek notion of tĂ©chne

    Faces of irrationality in Euripides: on Medea's Irrationality

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    In Nascimento (2015) I criticized the thesis defended in Irwin (1983) according to which two of the most famous characters in Euripides’ plays, Phaedra and Medea, could be said to exemplify akratic behavior and, in the case of Phaedra, even to explain it. In that article, I’ve pointed out several weakness in these thesis in order to justify my disagreement. I also suggested that, although there was no reason why we should stop looking for examples and explanations of akratic behavior in Euripides’ plays, that should not be the only kind of irrational behavior we ought to be interested in finding there. In this paper, I argue that Medea actually instantiates a form of irrational behavior that is different from akratic behavior. The argument that follows is divided in four parts. After a brief introduction (section I), I clarify what sort of irrationality I believe to be instantiated by Medea’s behavior using Michael Bratman’s theory of plan stability (section II). Then, I analyze Euripides’ text in order to show why I think we should say that Medea does display that kind of irrationality (section III). The paper concludes with a brief summary of the argument (section IV)

    Uma Abordagem Sobre o Contextualismo EpistĂȘmico

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    Resumo O Contextualismo EpistĂȘmico Ă© conhecido por alegar oferecer a melhor resposta para alguns dos principais problemas epistemolĂłgicos, dentre eles o problema gerado pelos paradoxos cĂ©ticos e, por conseguinte, por deter o conhecimento sobre muitas coisas que ordinariamente julgĂĄvamos jĂĄ conhecidas. Da mesma forma, seria uma via capaz de manter a validade do princĂ­pio de fechamento dedutivo. O presente texto pretende analisar a teoria contextualista, conforme apresentada por Stewart Cohen, mostrando como o contextualismo resolve essas questĂ”es. Na primeira parte do texto apresentaremos alguns problemas (e algumas caracterĂ­sticas histĂłricas) que culminaram no surgimento do contextualismo. Na segunda parte explanaremos a teoria contextualista de Cohen. Em seguida levantamos algumas objeçÔes comumente endereçadas ao contextualismo. Por fim, concluĂ­mos que, embora nĂŁo seja completamente refutada, a teoria contextualista deve dirimir dĂșvidas e explicar algumas dificuldades para manter a sua plausibilidade. Palavras-Chave: Contextualismo; Ceticismo; Conhecimento; Stewart Cohen. Abstract Epistemic Contextualism is known by his allegation to possess the best answer to some of the major epistemological problems, among them, the problem created by the skeptical paradoxes and therefore the claim that we can know many things we ordinarily claim to know, and also maintains the validity of the closure principle. This paper seeks to examine Contextualism, as presented by Stewart Cohen, showing how Contextualism solves these problems. In the first section of the text I will present some problems (and some historic features) that originated Contextualism. In the second section I will present the Cohen`s Contextualism. Then, we consider some objections raised against the contextualista theory. Finally, we conclude that although these objections are not able to completely refute contextualism its proponents have to give better explanations in order to maintain its plausibility. Keywords: Contextualism; Skepticism; Knowledge; Stewart Cohen

    Dor e historicidade no poema

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    Procuraremos investigar as condiçÔes filosĂłficas que permitiram que o pensamento de Heidegger tenha identificado, nos anos 1930, a questĂŁo da comunidade Ă quela da Alemanha. Trata-se de mostrar que isso se deve ao modo pelo qual ele compreendeu o contexto de surgimento de sua investigação. Na sequĂȘncia de sua obra (em particular no conjunto de estudos sobre poesia da dĂ©cada de 1950, reunidos em A Caminho da Linguagem), Heidegger procurarĂĄ interrogar uma transformação desse contexto que impedirĂĄ todo pensamento da comunidade em termos de limites locais

    Fortuna: Drawing, Technology, Contingency

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    This article explores the relationship between drawing, technology and contingency in three artists' work since the late 1950s, to engage the relationship between forms of artistic labour, the autonomy of the studio, and the internalization of the techniques and tempos of the contemporary life world more broadly. Each artist hybridizes drawing with more modern technological modes: in his solvent transfer method Robert Rauschenberg brought drawing to the condition of collage and into direct contact with the contemporary printed mass media; William Kentridge’s ‘Drawings for Projection’ and his more recent ‘flip-book films’ engage with increasingly obsolete forms of visual communication to explore both the fraught recent history of South Africa and the potentials articulated in physical acts of making; and in her Motion Capture Drawings British artist Susan Morris employs biometric digital technology to generate lines directly from the unconscious movements of the body, measured over extended durations, in a contemporary form of surrealist automatism. While not wishing to propose too close an alignment between these three practices, this article explores the ways in which in each case automatic, contingent, non-conscious, or otherwise ‘dark’ aspects of drawing are brought into focus as drawing is aligned with other more recent technological forms. The implications of this contingent aspect – or fortuna – are examined in the context of the growing power of measurement, quantification and control to structure contemporary life more broadly

    Fazer universidade como quem faz escola: virtualidades da filosofia para crianças ao leme de um mestrado

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    After almost a decade of study, research, and dissemination in the field of philosophy for children (p4c), the University of the Azores has created a Master’s degree in Philosophy for Children. While it may appear to be just another university course of study in the academic field of philosophy, we believe that this Master’s is a case study in its own right, as it has allowed us to think about what p4c is capable of when it takes over the university. Not only has the Master’s degree helped shape p4c, but p4c has itself driven the development of the Master’s. Through this process, a different way of existing “within the university” emerges, revealing points worthy of attention that conventional academia does not always value. This article reflects on some of the ideas relating to this process and, without any pretension of establishing rules or claiming to be a finished product, offers some considerations that in our view constitute a turning point for the way people exist within the university. After experiencing a Master’s based upon p4c, neither the university nor philosophy itself can be understood in the same way as before. What is it about p4c, then, that makes it capable of transforming whatever it touches

    Imagens de Santa Cruz: os primeiros testemunhos visuais europeus do Brasil: da Utopografia Ă  Topografia

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    O artigo reĂșne as primeiras representaçÔes visuais sobre o Brasil na arte portuguesa do sĂ©culo XVI, estabelecendo um paralelo com as criaçÔes de outros paĂ­ses europeus sobre o assunto, tendo presente o respectivo impacto filosĂłfico e ideolĂłgico na cultura e mentalidade da Ă©poca. Da “Utopografia Ă  Topografia” desenvolve-se o processo da passagem das imagens ideologicamente preformatadas pela cultura ocidental para as primeiras representaçÔes realistas dos habitantes e da natureza do Novo Mundo. Sublinha-se, por outro lado, a inovação introduzida pelos artistas portugueses nos programas iconogrĂĄficos tradicionais da pintura europeia contemporĂąnea, nomeadamente na contextualização das representaçÔes do amerĂ­ndio na arte sacra e na sua respectiva inserção no universo civilizacional do Cristianismo. Salienta-se a forma reservada como a divulgação das imagens sobre o Brasil e seus habitantes circulou em Portugal atravĂ©s de criaçÔes Ășnicas, da pintura Ă  iluminura, no quadro de um “tacito silĂȘncio visual”, em contraste com a ampla circulação europeia decorrente do desenvolvimento da indĂșstria da gravura e da edição ilustrada e das suas consequentes utilizaçÔes como arma de propaganda. Finalmente acrescenta-se ao corpus de imagens primitivas do Brasil e seus habitantes uma nova representação inserida no chamado “Livro de Horas de D. Manuel I”


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    The first aim of this note is to describe an algebraic structure, more primitive than lattices and quantales, which corresponds to the intuitionistic flavour of Linear Logic we prefer. This part of the note is a total trivialisation of ideas from category theory and we play with a toy-structure a not distant cousin of a toy-language. The second goal of the note is to show a generic categorical construction, which builds models for Linear Logic, similar to categorical models GC of [deP1990], but more general. The ultimate aim is to relate different categorical models of linear logic

    Galileo Galilei, Holland and the pendulum clock

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    The pendulum clock was one of the most important metaphors for early modern philosophers. Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) discovered his pendulum clock in 1656 based on the principle of isochronism discovered by Galileo (1564-1642). This paper aims at exploring the broad historical context of this invention, showing the role of some key figures such as Andreas Colvius (1594-1671), Elia Diodati (1576-1661), Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) and Constantijn Huygens, the father of Christiaan Huygens. Secondly, it suggests - based on this context - that it is hard to believe that Huygens did not know about Galileo’s idea to construct a pendulum regulated clock. Finally, this article illustrates how the Dutch philosopher Spinoza (1632-1677) might have been inspired by Huygens’ discovery of the synchronization of the pendulum clocks in his views on the agreement between bodies in the universe.The pendulum clock was one of the most important metaphors for early modern philosophers. Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) discovered his pendulum clock in 1656 based on the principle of isochronism discovered by Galileo (1564-1642). This paper aims at exploring the broad historical context of this invention, showing the role of some key figures such as Andreas Colvius (1594-1671), Elia Diodati (1576-1661), Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) and Constantijn Huygens, the father of Christiaan Huygens. Secondly, it suggests - based on this context - that it is hard to believe that Huygens did not know about Galileo’s idea to construct a pendulum regulated clock. Finally, this article illustrates how the Dutch philosopher Spinoza (1632-1677) might have been inspired by Huygens’ discovery of the synchronization of the pendulum clocks in his views on the agreement between bodies in the universe.---Galileo Galilei, Holanda e o relĂłgio de pĂȘnduloO relĂłgio de pĂȘndulo foi uma das metĂĄforas mais importantes para os filĂłsofos modernos. Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) inventou o relĂłgio de pĂȘndulo em 1656 baseado no princĂ­pio do isocronismo descoberto por Galileo (1564-1642). Este artigo busca explorar o amplo contexto histĂłrico dessa invenção, demonstrando o papel de algumas figuras-chave como Andreas Colvius (1594-1671), Elia Diodati (1576-1661), Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) e Constantijn Huygens, o pai de Christiaan Huygens. Em segundo lugar, sugere-se - baseado nesse contexto - que Ă© difĂ­cil acreditar que Huygens nĂŁo sabia da ideia de Galileo de construir um relĂłgio regulado por um pĂȘndulo. Por fim, este artigo ilustra como o filĂłsofo holandĂȘs Espinosa (1632-1677) pode ter se inspirado nessa invenção de Huygens da sincronização do relĂłgio de pĂȘndulo em suas visĂ”es sobre o acordo entre os corpos no universo.---Original em inglĂȘs
