5,629 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Pokok Bahasan Hukum Gravitasi di Madrasah Berdasarkan Abdurrahman Al-khazini

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    This paper aims to reveal the law of gravity that triggered western scientist (Sir Isaac Newton) with Islamic scientists. This finding is expected to be a medium of learning IPA Madrasah Aliyah in teaching materials that will be used. Data collection is done by qualitative method that is with approach of history of philosophy of science with Islamic perspective. Data analysis is done qualitatively by connecting each aspect covering the rationale, the similarity of language, the concepts used, the influence of other figures, the year of glory and the study of other literature. From all the process of analysis that has been done and the discussion that has been exposed it can be concluded that Sir Isaac newton in the thought of the law of gravity has been influenced by al-khazini. These findings can be taught in Madrasahs through lecture, demonstration and other methods that are sociologically anthropologically close to madrasah culture

    Penganutan Asas Sistem Dua Jalur (Double Track System) Dalam Melindungi Anak Yang Berkonflik Dengan Hukum: Tinjauan Formulasi Dan Aplikasinya

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    Overview of the sanctions measures, especially in thecontext of a criminal measure as a reflection of the adoption of adouble track system in Act No. 11 of 2012 turned out to be verysimple and consequently weakening back the adoption of thisprinciple. This shows that there are doubts the legislators informulating sanctions act as an alternative to criminalsanctions for children in conflict with the law and ultimatelythe adoption of a double track system becomes less meaningful.ملخص: نظرة عامة على صیاغة تدابیر الجزاءات ، وخاصة في سیاق إجراء جنائيبوصفھا انعكاسا لاعتماد نظام المسار المزدوج في القانون رقم أحد عشر من 2012تبین أن تكون بسیطة جدا و بالتالي یضعف مرة أخرى اعتماد من ھذا المبدأ. ھذا یدلعلى أن ھناك شكوك المشرعین في صیاغة عقوبات یكون بمثابة بدیل ل عقوباتجنائیة على الأطفال في نزاع مع القانون ، وفي نھایة المطاف اعتماد نظام المسارالمزدوج یصبح أقل وضوحا

    Tarekat Sebagai Sistem Pendidikan Tasawuf

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    The research of this dissertation was entitled Tarekat As a System of Sufism Education (The Moral Study of the Education System of the Qodiriyah Wa Naqsabandiyah Congregation in Ogan Komering Ilir District). This is motivated by the growth and development of a desire for spiritualism or Sufism in society in the form of tarekat teachings. The teachings of Sufism which were once exclusive and individual can only be learned by special people. In its development the tarekat underwent a shift so that it was inclusive and communal / group that could be learned by all Muslims. The growth of Sufism Majlis became the embryo of the formation of non-formal institutions of Sufism namely tarekat. Qadiriyah wa Naqsabandiyah (TQN) is one of the Sufism educational institutions which consists of educational components that work systemically. So the formulation of the problem is how morality in the spiritual education system of the Qadiriyah wa Naqsabandiyah Order includes aspects; Educational Objectives, Educators, Students, Educational Processes, Curriculum and evaluation. This research is a type of field research (Field Research), while the research approach that I use is the Phenomenological approach. This research includes descriptive qualitative research. In collecting data, the authors used primary and secondary data sources, namely murshid tarekat, students, provincial and district JATMAN administrators, and tarekat guidebooks. Data collection techniques are interview techniques, observation, and documentation. After the data is obtained, then it is analyzed using the descriptive-qualitative method with the technical data collection, data selection process (data reduction), data assessment, and conclusion drawing. This study found that in the Qadiriah Wa Naqsyabandiyah Ogan Komering Ilir Congregation, there are educational components that work systemically, including: Educational Objectives that have a moral characteristically Effective Ritualist, become an Al\u27Abid al Kamil, a moral educator (Teacher Centered) being the main controller in education, students who have the morality of Resignation Religion, namely surrender fully/have a strong belief in spiritual guidance given by murshid (Rabithah and Wasilah). The Education Process that has an Akhlakistik Religious Internalisation, namely internalizing religious values ​​through Dhikrullah (Dzikir Darajah and Khasanah), and with the method of Mujahadah, Muraqabah, and Musyahadah. The curriculum which has the morality of the subject of Eksperiance Oriented is oriented towards the spiritual experiences of students through the Amaliah and the teachings of the TQN (Aurad Dhikr, Tawajjuhan, Khataman, Shalawat, Istighasah and Manaqiban). Evaluation that has an akhlaqic Collegial Personal in the sense of institutional evaluation and individual (personal) evaluation in terms of the spiritual/inner condition of the student through isyarah murshid. With the findings above, the most important contribution in this research is Practically, this dissertation shows that the existence of the TQN tarekat institution in Kab. Ogan Komering Ilir is one of the Islamic Religious education institutions that focuses on the spiritual formation of the community so that it is able to create positive community morals in the face of the swift currents of globalization/modern civilization values ​​in the present

    Penafsiran Aba K.h.m. Zen Syukri : Studi Metodologi Tafsir Kitab Qut Al-qalb

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    K.H.M. Zen Syukri is a famous scholar in South Sumatra. He spent time in the field of religious education, both formal and non-formal. He started from the madrassa to sue to boarding school, learning from famous priest-chaplain. His figure is recognized by other scholars from various Islamic organizations

    Formulasi Hukum Dan Pentingnya Jaminan Kepastian Hukum Produk Pangan Halal Dalam Hukum Nasional

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    The Food Act No.18 of 2012 is in the government'sdevelopment efforts of food to meet the basic needs of theIndonesian people in a fair and equitable based onindependence and not contrary to the religion, beliefs and,cultur of society. Related to food safety hazards includingdangerous category of "unlawful and or dubious" its effect doesnot seem as effects of chemical contamination, physical andmicrobiological direct implications for health problems. Theimportance of the legal aspects of drug and food labeling,related with the ever-increasing consumer demands, especiallyregarding the halal aspect. This issue has been legallyregulated by government, both in the food laws, consumerprotection laws and regulations governing government is moretechnical. With the certification of halal food products becamepublic consumption, is one of the government's efforts to protectconsumers against 88% Muslim community.ملخص: قانون الأغذیة 18 لسنة 2012 في جھود التنمیة في الحكومة من الموادالغذائیة ل تلبیة الاحتیاجات الأساسیة للشعب الإندونیسي في الثقافیھ عادلة ومنصفةعلى أساس الاستقلال و الذي لا یتعارض مع الدین، والمعتقدات، و المجتمع . تتعلقمخاطر سلامة الأغذیة بما في ذلك فئة خطیرة من "غیر قانوني و أو مشكوك فیھا" لایبدو أثره كما آثار التلوث الكیمیائي، والآثار المباشرة الفیزیائیة و المیكروبیولوجیةللمشاكل الصحیة. أھمیة الجوانب القانونیة لوضع العلامات المخدرات والمواد الغذائیة،ذات الصلة مع طلبات المستھلكین المتزایدة، وخاصة فیما یتعلق بالجانب الحلال. وقدتم تنظیم ھذه المسألة من الناحیة القانونیة من قبل الحكومة، سواء في قوانین الطعاموالقوانین واللوائح التي تنظم حمایة المستھلك الحكومة ھو أكثر تقنیة. مع إصدارالشھادات للمنتجات الأغذیة الحلال أصبحت الاستھلاك العام، ھي واحدة من الجھودالتي تبذلھا الحكومة لحمایة المستھلكین ضد المجتمع المسلم

    Manajemen Kelas dan Dampaknya terhadap Efektifitas Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran Fiqih di Madrasah Aliyah Paradigma Palembang

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    Effective teaching and learning process can be realized well if there is interaction between teacher and students, fellow students or with other learning resources. In other words, learning is said to be effective if there is a maximum interaction. Furthermore, maximum interaction will be easy to implement if the class and students are in a good arrangement or management. This management in the education literature is called class management. In other words, the effectiveness of learning is closely related to class management. To test this assumption the author conducted research at the Madrasah Aliyah Paradigm especially on fiqh subjects with the formulation of the problem as follows: 1. What are the procedures for Class Management in the Teaching and Learning Process Fiqh Subjects in the Palembang Paradigm of Palembang? 2. What is the impact of Class Management on the effectiveness of Teaching and Learning Fiqh Subjects in the Palembang Paradigm of Madrasah Aliyah? What factors can affect the effectiveness of the Teaching and Learning Process Fiqh Subjects in the Palembang Paradigm? This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of descriptive research. Acting as key informant is the deputy head of the curriculum, academic supervisors and 2 fiqh teachers. Then in the collection several techniques are used, namely observation (observation), interviews (interviews), and documentation studies. After the data is collected, it is then processed using qualitative descriptive techniques and deductive and inductive conclusions. Based on data analysis can be formulated several research conclusions as follows: 1. Class arrangement and organization of students in Islamic Jurisprudence Aliyah Paradigm class subjects are in accordance with classroom management procedures. Class Management Procedures in the Teaching and Learning Process subjects of jurisprudence in Aliyah Madrasas The Palembang paradigm is intended to begin with an increase in the awareness of educators as teachers. Then increase student awareness. Next is the introduction of student behavior. Making social contracts / class rules and setting alternative solutions through various approaches. 2. Class Management can improve the effectiveness of the Teaching and Learning Process subject of Fiqh in the Palembang Islamic Elementary School Paradigm, because it has fulfilled and has implemented the elements in the effectiveness of learning. 3. Factors that can affect the effectiveness of the Teaching and Learning Subjects of Fiqh in Aliyah Madrasas The Palembang paradigm consists of two factors (external and internal). External factors, including environmental factors and instrumental factors such as; curriculum, program/teaching materials, facilities and facilities, and the factors of the teacher itself. Internal factors, including the physiological and psychological conditions of students in the form of interests, talents and abilities possessed by each student

    Soekarno Dan Pemikirannya Tentang Agama, Politik, Dan Pendidikan Islam

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    Soekarno is better known not as an expert on religion and education, but as a political figure and leaders of this nation. However, that does not mean Soekarno did not have the concept of religion and education. Based on literature data searches by the author, the author encountered a number of ideas or thoughts Soekarno who come into contact with the area of religion and education are sourced from Soekarno views about Islam. In some writings, Sukarno many calls and identify the various problems faced by the Islamic world, especially with regard to cultural issues, low intellect and political phenomenon in various parts of the Islamic world. But Sukarno always believed, that if Muslims would be modern and upgraded, then Islam is no longer a religion in the sense of mere ritual, but Islam will be transformed into the power of transformation and change. Religion, politics and education according to Sukarno became the top priority to be implemented because it is in fact a decisive factor for the development of Muslims in Indonesia. Islam, which is believed to be the most perfect religion, place education as a very important aspect which requires his people. There is no other way to fix the slump Muslims besides preparing an education system which is rooted in the values, principles, objectives and political religion of Islam. The Soekarno thinking about religion that he conducted a series of efforts to release Muslims from its association to the interpretation or opinion among the scholars past and awaken Muslims to freedom to deal directly with the Qur'an and hadith through intellectual work. As well as provide space for the people to give rights to all of them to govern and regulate the way in solving the problems of Islamic education in Indonesia through The politically. Soekarno thought of religion, politics and Islamic education is always oriented towards the progress. "Islam is Progress" is the key word into the background and also the power of thought displayed by Sukarno. Thus, the authors can not say that Sukarno thought about religion, politics and education, today no one is against the spirit of the times. This shows that what is delivered by Soekarno it does have a view far into the future, and this of course can only be done by someone who does have a way of thinking that has been cooked

    Islam : Ilmiah Dan Dakwah (Perspektif Filsafat Ilmu)

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    This study sought to reinforce differences, as well as to find forms or teleological principles between scientific of Islam and Islamic preaching mission. The research use integrative, descriptive and analytical approaches on the existing bibliographical sources. Thus, the authors dissect the difference and teleological principles between Islamic preaching mission and Islamic science by philosophical approach to the philosophy of science (ontology, epistemology, and axiology). The results of this study are; in principle teleological and also in general, basically Islamic sciences and mission of preaching are the same. In a general sense both together toward God that attempt to reach an understanding of God. The difference is in terms of each delivery method. Scientific, is the process of searching for an understanding of God, through the traces of nature. It reveals God through searching for meaning of nature, humans, and the environment. It is intended for people who have learning capacity. While religious preaching aims to anyone. And, preaching no need to use testing methods, instead it has a variety of delivery methods

    Zakat Community Development (Zcd) dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa Teluk Payo Kabupaten Banyuasin

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    Poverty brings people to “kufr”, which resulted in a lot of people who do not want to implement a series of worship are obliged to do. Social life gradually ignored and no longer cared for in everyday people just thinks how do I get the money to make ends meet. In helping people who cannot afford, arranged in religion as well as helping the poor is by way of charity. “Zakat” should be done to help the poor to the prosperous and independent life. As it is now done program Zakat Community Development (ZCD) in Teluk Payo District of Banyuasin II Banyuasin in the development of poor communities in a comprehensive manner by integrating aspects of the economic and social aspects (education, health, religion, environment, and other social aspects) that Its main funding comes from “zakat, infaq”, and alms to realize a prosperous society and independent. ZCD program is a program to help poor people improve lives to become prosperous and independent manner to the poor given in accordance with the venture capital skills possessed

    Dinamisasi Hukum Islam: Suatu Pendekatan Dalam Kerangka Metodologi Ushul Fiqh

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    Islamic law broadly recognizes two kinds of sources oflaw, namely the source of law which is "naqli" and a source oflaw is the "aqli". Sources of law based on the proposition is theQur'an and al-Sunnah, while the source of the laws of logic isthe result of the effort to find the law by emphasizing theprocess to think with a variety of methods. Figures or imamsschools in exploring of legal values that not explicitly specifiesin detail and firm in the Qur'an and Sunnah, each of themoffers the methodological framework, the theory and principlesof ijtihad which became a reference in setting their law.Methodological framework in question is a methodologicalframework Usul Fiqh. Enterprises using ijtihad in issuing legalframework Usul Fiqh methodology is expected to produce legalproducts that are felt dynamic. This article will explore thedynamics of Islamic law with the rules of fiqh methodologyapproach.ملخص: یعترف القانون الإسلامي على نطاق واسع نوعین من مصادر القانون، التيھي مصدر القانون وھو" حجة الدین "ومصدر القانون ھو" المنطق ."مصادرالقانون بناء على اقتراح ھو القرآن و آل السنة، فیما أكد مصدر من قوانین المنطقھي نتیجة جھد للعثور على القانون مع التركیز على عملیة التفكیر مع مجموعةمتنوعة من الطرق .قادة أو الكھنة المدارس في استكشاف القیم القانونیة التي لم یتمتنظیمھا بشكل واضح في التفاصیل وشركة في القرآن والسنة، كل واحد منھم یقدمالإطار المنھجي والنظري ومبادئ الاجتھاد الذي أصبح مرجعا في محیطھم القانون .الإطار المنھجي في السؤال ھو إطار منھجي أصول الفقھ .ومن المتوقع أن تنتجمنتجات القانونیة التي شعرت دینامیكیة الشركات باستخدام الاجتھاد في إصدار الإطارالقانوني منھجیة أصول الفقھ .ھذه المادة سوف تستكشف دینامیات الشریعة الإسلامیةمع قواعد النھج منھجیة الفقھ