8,917 research outputs found

    Materialism, Idealism and the Onto-Epistemological Roots of Geography

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    The present article has as proposal the discussion of the philosophical categories of Idealism and Materialism in the Geographical thought. Starting from the assumption that the knowledge is a fact, we explicit our onto-epistemological basis by a dialog between the main representatives of each Philosophy pole, from Democritus to Hegel, exposing after the sublation to the metaphysics done by the dialectical materialism. Using a bridge to the hard core of the Critical Geography (Lefebvre, Harvey and Quaini), we transmute the philosophical debate to the geographical field showing the often ignored roots, logic and addictions of the Modern Geography. Retaking in the end the duel between Idealism and Materialism, we present our thesis in which the Crisis of Geography is, in fact, just the result of a process originated from its incapacity as a discipline to overcome the limiter vestige of its birth: the Metaphysics

    Como avaliar a eficácia ambiental do dispositivo de certificação florestal do FSC? Desafios e proposições metodológicas

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    Certification schemes have played an increasing role in global environmental governance. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is emblematic of these new forms of private environmental governance based on market values. Although there have been many studies on the impacts of FSC, this remains a controversial issue. Drawing on a critical review of the methodologies used to date to assess the impacts of forest certification schemes, this paper identifies three challenges that evaluation scholars have to address in order to assess the FSC scheme in terms of environmental effectiveness: developing a point of reference to which certification measures must be compared; extending and contextualising the scope of the evaluation; and analyzing all effective management measures that contribute to obtaining the environmental result observed before examining the specific role of certification. (Résumé d'auteur

    Ética y responsabilidad social en el periodismo deportivo

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    Neste artigo se realiza uma análise sobre as particularidades da conexão e desconexão do projeto socialista cubano no processo de globalização, observando-se os desafios que o país tem que enfrentar neste contexto. Se apresentam também, um conjunto de medidas a serem utilizadas na transição socialista cubana para inserir-se com êxito no processo de globalização.RESUMEN En este artículo se realiza un análisis sobre las particularidades de la conexión y desconexión del proyecto socialista cubano en el proceso de globalización, observándose los retos que tiene que enfrentar en este contexto. Se presentan además un conjunto de lecciones a manejar en la transición socialista cubana para insertase con éxito en el ámbito de la globalización.ABSTRACT In this article an analysis appears on the particularities of the connection and delinking of the socialistic Cuban project in the process of globalization, being observed the challenges that it has to face in this context. A set of lessons appear besides taking into consideration the socialistic Cuban transition in order to insert successfully in the area of the globalization

    Polifonía y innovación en las prácticas educativas en la educación

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    Este estudo focaliza a experiência do modelo pedagógico e-learning na Universidade Aberta de Lisboa, Portugal (UAb-Pt), mediante a análise das vozes dos sujeitos das práticas educativas. A teoria dialógica de Bakhtin direciona o estudo às vozes que compõem a polifonia: o discurso acadêmico / científico, o discurso oficial dessa universidade, e o discurso dos sujeitos da prática. A metodologia envolveu revisão da literatura, análise de documentos e realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com docentes e tutores. Ao nível dos resultados tentou compreender-se como os sujeitos interpretam e desenvolvem o modelo e como este se traduz em inovações, dificuldades, facilidades e desafios na prática educativa para a realização dos objetivos do projeto político pedagógico, na situação europeia atual. Ao nível das considerações finais conclui-se que o ensino na modalidade a distância tem contribuído para o sucesso educacional e para a inclusão social por meio da educação, aspecto que ganha relevância nas vozes estudadas.This study focuses on the experience of the pedagogical model and learning at the open university of Lisboa Portugal (UAb-Pt), through the analysis of the voices of the subjects of educational practices. The dialogical theory of Bakhtin’s directs study to voices that compose the polyphony : the academic/ scientific discourse, the official discourse of that university, and the discourse of the subjects of the practice. The methodology involved reviewing the literature, analyzing documents and conducting semi=structured interviews with teachers and tutors. At the level of the results tries to understand how the subjects interpret and develop the model and how this translates into innovation, difficulties, facilities and challenges in the education practice for the accomplishment of the objectives of the pedagogical political project, in the current European situation. At level of the final considerations it is concluded that distance e learning has contributed to education success and for inclusion through education, an aspect that gains relevance in the voices studied.Este estudio se centra en la experiencia del modelo de enseñanza e-learning en la Universidad Abierta de Lisboa, Portugal (UAB-Pt), mediante el análisis de las voces de los sujetos de las prácticas educativas. La teoría dialógica de Bakhtin dirige el estudio de las voces que conforman la polifonía: el discurso académico/científico, el discurso oficial de esta universidad, y el discurso de los sujetos de la práctica. La metodología incluyó una revisión de la literatura, análisis de documentos y la realización de entrevistas semiestructuradas con profesores y tutores. En cuanto a los resultados, tratamos de entender cómo los sujetos interpretan y desarrollan el modelo y cómo esto se traduce en innovaciones, las dificultades, las comodidades y los desafíos en la práctica educativa para lograr los objetivos del proyecto político pedagógico, en la situación europea actual. En cuanto a las consideraciones finales se concluye que la enseñanza en la distancia ha contribuido al éxito de la educación y la inclusión social a través de la educación, que se convierte en un aspecto relevante en las voces estudiadas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Walk with Me: a protocol for a pilot RCT of a peer-led walking programme to increase physical activity in inactive older adults

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    Background: Levels of physical activity decline with age. Some of the most disadvantaged individuals in society, such as those from lower socio-economic position, are also the most inactive. Increasing physical activity levels, particularly among those most inactive, is a public health priority. Peer-led physical activity interventions may offer a model to increase physical activity in the older adult population. This study aims to test the feasibility of a peer-led, multicomponent physical activity intervention in socio-economically disadvantaged community dwelling older adults. Methods: The Medical Research Council framework for developing and evaluating complex interventions will be used to design and test the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of a multicomponent peer-led physical activity intervention. Data will be collected at baseline, immediately after the intervention (12 weeks) and 6 months after baseline measures. The pilot RCT will provide information on recruitment of peer mentors and participants and attrition rates, intervention fidelity, and data on the variability of the primary outcome (minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity measured with an accelerometer). The pilot trail will also assess the acceptability of the intervention and identify potential resources needed to undertake a definitive study. Data analyses will be descriptive and include an evaluation of eligibility, recruitment, and retention rates. The findings will be used to estimate the sample size required for a definitive trial. A detailed process evaluation using qualitative and quantitative methods will be conducted with a variety of stakeholders to identify areas of success and necessary improvements. Discussion: This paper describes the protocol for the ‘Walk with Me’ pilot RCT which will provide the information necessary to inform the design and delivery of a fully powered trial should the Walk with Me intervention prove feasible

    El lenguaje de la imaginación en el pensamiento de la educación

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    The aim of this paper is to study the language of imagination with the research of the metaphor and symbol and its uses in education thought, and its horticultural metaphors connected to vegetable symbolism. The acting of imaginative power of the living metaphors (Paul Ricoeur) leads us to the next step, which aims to understand the dynamics of symbolic imagination in imaginative psyche (Gaston Bachelard, Gilbert Durand and Wunenburger). Concludes the paper the articulation of concepts defi ned to a pedagogy of imagination and the imaginative formation of the subject, so that the language of imagination can eff ectively contribute to education thoughtO objetivo deste artigo é estudar a linguagem da imaginação a partir da investigação da metáfora e do símbolo e de seus usos no pensamento da educação, com suas metáforas hortícolas devedoras do simbolismo vegetal. A atuação do poder imaginante das metáforas vivas (Paul Ricoeur) nos conduz ao passo seguinte, que busca compreender a dinâmica da imaginação simbólica no psiquismo imaginante (Gaston Bachelard, Gilbert Durand e Wunenburger). Conclui o artigo a articulação dos conceitos estudados a uma pedagogia da imaginação e à formação imaginante do sujeito, de modo que a linguagem da imaginação possa efetivamente contribuir com o pensamento da educaçãoEl objetivo de este artículo es estudiar el lenguaje de la imaginación a partir de la investigación de la metáfora y del símbolo y de sus usos en el pensamiento de la educación, con sus metáforas hortícolas deudoras del simbolismo vegetal. La actuación del poder imaginante de las metáforas vivas (Paul Ricoeur) nos conduce al paso siguiente, que busca comprender la dinámica de la imaginación simbólica en el psiquismo imaginante (Gastón Bachelard, Gilbert Durand y Wunenburger). Concluye el artículo la articulación de los conceptos estudiados a una pedagogía de la imaginación ya la formación imaginante del sujeto, de modo que el lenguaje de la imaginación pueda efectivamente contribuir con el pensamiento de la educacióninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    GUINEA-BISSAU: The Role of Local and International NGOs in Environmental Preservation and Sustainability of the Bijagos Archipelago

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    Bijagos Archipelago in Guinea-Bissau is at present subject to numerous external impacts that affect its centuries old balance. Since 1975 Guinean society has been using its natural resources in an uncontrolled way over the territory and especially in the coastal area. The archipelago has been increasingly raising interest, most of which is incompatible with the guarantee for a long-term sustainable development. It has also displayed a general impoverishment as far as resource preservation is concerned, due to internal demographic pressure of a population that has doubled since 1981 and to external pressure related to neighboring migrations and consequent depletion of non-renewable resources. This article aims to analyze the actions of local and international NGOs in the preservation and sustainability of the Bijagos Archipelago. We seek through an interdisciplinary approach to analyze the phenomena that are configured within the strategies of NGOs, on the assumption that these issues are articulated in the field of geography and sociology, as well as in politics and international cooperation. It is proposed new challenges to environmental issues, especially in a current situation shaken by constant instability internal and external policies


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    The focus of this issue is predominantly towards the retail store across a variety of topics. These include how sustainability service is performed and the role it plays in the promotion of sustainable consumption, store atmospheric responsiveness on the relationship of purchase intentions, effect of age, gender and educational level on customer evaluations of the design characteristics of fitting rooms/dressing rooms, customers' intention to use and actual use of self-service technologies (SSTs), and communications campaigns based on environmental themes through social networks

    Intergerationality and teaching: some reflections

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    A integeracionalidade está presente no âmbito dos espaços formais e informais de educação, notadamente nas relações entre discentes e docentes. Entretanto, no presente artigo, voltamo-nos para seu reconhecimento nas relações entre docentes em suas diferentes fases do ciclo de vida profissional. Partimos da compreensão do termo geração para relacionarmos a intergeracionalidade às modalidades de transmissão de saberes, em coexistência pacífica ou conflituosa, na construção identitária profissional dos/as docentes. Ancoramos-nos nas produções de Claudine Attias-Donfut (1988, 1991), Saez Carrerras (2002), Dumazedier (2002), Ferrigno (2010), Freire (1983, 1996), Huberman (2000), Mannheim (1982) e Ramos (2005, 2012, 2013). Reconhecê-la em nosso cotidiano no exercício da docência, requer desconstruirmos verdades estanques e padronizantes para nos abrirmos ao que Paulo Freire nos provocou ao longo de suas obras e de sua vida: à abertura à diversidade e alteridade, à mudança, ao diálogo, a assumimos uma postura dialógica junto aos nossos pares em tempos de vida pessoal e profissional diferentes e diversos.Intergenerationality is present within the scope of systematic and unsystematic educational spaces., especially in relations between students and teachers. However, in this article, we turn to its recognition of relations between teachers in different phases of their professional life cycle. We start by understanding the term generation to relate intergenerationality to the styles of knowledge transmission, in peaceful or conflictive coexistence, in professional identity construction of teachers. Our base is in the productions of Claudine Attias-Donfut (1988), Dumazedier (2002), Ferrigno (2010), Freire (1996), Huberman (2000), Mannheim (1982) and Ramos (2014). Recognizing it in our daily teaching practice requires deconstruction of watertight and staunch truths in order to open ourselves up to what Paulo Freire has provoked throughout his works and his life: to dialogue, take a dialogical stance with our peers at differentl and diverse times in personal and professional liveslife.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    CONSTRUCTING A NEW HISTORICIST IDENTITY: the role of Nettie in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple

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    This paper aims at analyzing the process of construction of identity of Nettie, the secondary narrator in The Color Purple (1982) by Alice Walker, under the new historicist perspective offered by D.G. Myers (2001). Examples of the character’s search for her roots in Africa and her observations of the imperialistic relations exercised by the British and suffered by the Africans in the beginning of the 20th century are presented as a means to offer both textual and historical evidence to support her role in the novel. Her personal conflicts are the representation, on an individual sphere, of the wars fought byminorities in Western societies.Keywords: New historicism. Construction of identity. Imperialism.Resumo:Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar o processo de construção da identidade de Nettie, a narradora secundária na obra The Color Purple (1982) de Alice Walker, sob uma perspectiva neo-historicista oferecida por D.G. Myers (2001). Exemplos da busca da personagem por suas raízes na África e suas observações em relação ao imperialismo exercido pelos britânicos e sofrido pelos africanos no início do século XX também são apresentados no sentido de oferecer evidências históricas e textuais às considerações em relação ao seu papel na referida obra. Seus conflitos pessoais são a representação, em esfera individual, das guerras travadas pelas minorias em sociedades ocidentais.Palavras-chave: Neo-historicismo. Construção da identidade. Imperialismo