1,607 research outputs found

    Hukum Islam: Antara Superior Dan Inferior Dalam Penegakan Hukum Di Indonesia

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    This paper examines the view of Islamic law on the superior and inferior in law enforcement in Indonesia. The focus of the problem is how the concept and the factors that affect law enforcement and a review of the enforcement of Islamic law in Indonesia. This study concluded that law enforcement is an effort being made to make the law, both in the formal sense narrow or broad in the sense of material, as a code of conduct in any legal act performed by all elements of society. While the law enforcement process is influenced by five factors: (1) factors laws or regulations, (2) factors of law enforcement officers, (3) factors means or facilities, (4) community factors, and (5) cultural factors. Basically, Islamic law believes that the goal or purpose of the law is the law of justice. Therefore, Islamic law does not require the existence of discrimination or superior - inferior before the law. Everyone is equal before the law

    Pendidikan Berbasis Adil Gender (Membongkar Akar Permasalahan dan Pengarusutamaan Gender sebagai sebuah Solusi)

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    Responsive gender education is a foundation of women\u27s empowerment. It is conducted not to create a higher statue for women. In the contrary, it is held to improve the independency, power and participation of women in order to avoid discrimination often happened to them. Therefore, a co-operative work by government, the private (non- government) institutions, independent institutions, and stakeholders of gender issue is expected to produce better public adjustments of gender. The gender mainstream will not only encourage to a stabilized and adjusted gender, but also will hold the government accountability of public to be in increase

    Identitas Gender dalam Perspektif Agama Kristen

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    The fundamental concept offered by feminism to analyze society is gender. The concept of gender is an inherent trait of men and women formed by social and cultural factors, so there are some assumptions about the social and cultural roles of men and women. For example; the woman is known as a weak, beautiful, emotional and motherly creature. While the man is known as a strong, rational, male and powerful creature. But these traits are not permanent, because they can change over time. This study reinforces the view that gender is a social-forming being that can change with the times, while sex is the nature of God whose role remains (unchangeable). Therefore, the identity of women\u27s behavior, there is always kaitanya with conflict that occurs, along with ethnicity ego, discrimination, and the issue of majority and minority relations. Gender is not the nature or the provision of God, therefore gender is concerned with the process of how men and women should act and act according to the structured values of society. Gender is a distinction between roles, functions and responsibilities between women and men

    Aksiologi Budaya Bugis Makassar terhadap Produk Peraturan Daerah (Perda) di Sulawesi Selatan (Studi Politik Hukum)

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    In general most of the tribes in South Sulawesi has a relationship, both in terms of language, as well as culturally. Bugis Makassar in public life, customs is a factor that was crucial. Indigenous is a manifestation of the "philosophy of life" man Bugis Makassar in their social institutions and occupy the highest positions in the social norms that govern the behavior patterns of people\u27s lives. Social system or societal values that were born under customary provisions have established patterns of behavior and views of human life Bugis Makassar. Adat is the key idea underlying all of his relationships, both with fellow human beings, social institutions, as well as with the natural surroundings, even with the macrocosm. As customs, rules accustomed, certainly can be called traditional, but not in the sense panngaderreng essential. Such a custom would be opposed by panngaderreng because panngaderreng actually build dignity and human dignity. Panngaderreng happenings include ade \u27about talking, about rapang, about wari and about sara\u27. But the progressive side of the law, look to a tendency to ignore the custom that we have and nurture over the years. And penetration protection against the formation of customary law are sometimes forgotten even element values in it have not been able to exist in the underlying fundamental laws of various products. Since most products are still legal hegemony in the interests of society who tend to put in a position pheriperial, or known by the politically conditioned, especially in the context of law in South Sulawesi regressu

    Kompetensi Guru dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi

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    This study aims to find out 1) an overview of teacher competency in ICT-based PAI learning in SMP Negeri 3 Parepare, 2) form of teacher competency implementation in ICT-based PAI learning in SMP Negeri 3 Pareparel, 3) supporting and inhibiting factors for implementing teacher competence in PAI learning ICT-based in SMP Negeri 3 Parepare. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Research instruments are guidelines for observation, interviews, and documentation. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that: (1) PAI teachers in SMP Negeri 3 Parepare, if their competencies are analyzed starting from pedagogic competencies, personality competencies, social competencies, and professional competencies and leadership competencies can be stated that PAI teachers in SMP Negeri 3 Parepare already have good competency but still needs to be improved in order to be more optimal (2) Implementation of ICT-based PAI teacher competencies in SMP Negeri 3 Parepare, analyzed from the use of theory, development of fields of study, and the use of information and communication technology (ICT) but not maximal so it still needs to be improved. (3) Supporting factors for implementing the competence of PAI teachers in SMP Negeri 3 Parepare are curriculum, teaching staff, and a conducive atmosphere of the school environment, while the inhibiting factors are facilities and infrastructure that do not support

    Revolusi Ilmu Pengetahuan Dan Relevansinya Terhadap Pembaharuan Hukum Islam

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    The development of Thomas Kuhn's epistemology has brought certain changes in human civilization and a major influence on thinkers of Islam. Kuhn has interesting fact that the philosophers of science generally ignores the basic hermeneutic issues such as the question of what is actually done by a scientist. According to Kuhn rasioanalitas ambiguous scientific fact that basically is not merely a matter of induction or deduction or rasioanalitas also objective, but rather on matters of interpretation (hermeneutical) and persuasion which tends to be more subjective. Methods renewal of Islamic law and family law in contemporary Islamic thought though shades of change is quite pronounced but reform law paradigm of classical legal methodology to a new methodology be applied is still rare. Because according to legal experts who are still using the classic paradigm of new methods offered does not offer a complete solution in addition to the still strong around the confines of dogmatic result of this apathy is getting stronger, and most of the Islamic State and non- state wear Islamic law and Islamic law most families in particular are still patterned utilitarianistik. But stretching renewal undertaken by thinkers over a bit much to excite a new study in the field of family law in particular and Islamic thought in general and also become a point of departure expectations change when Muslims slumped amid the swift currents of change

    Takdir dan Sunnatullah (suatu Kajian Tafsir Maudhu'i)

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    The concept of the Qada and Qadar is still the hot topic of discussion. For Muslims, destiny is a part of faith. Therefore, an understanding of the fate is very important for a Muslim. For an understanding of this destiny will determine the direction and attitude of a Muslim against a variety of things that happened during his life. Therefore, many scholars discuss the concept of destiny in their books. There are three people who understand it differently. The first group; they believe that man is not free at all of destiny because what they do has been determined by God. The second group; they believe that humans are very independent that they do not have any divine intervention at all. The last thought believe that anything done is within the rules of Allah. There is the intervention of God, but humans have a choice to do something

    Tasawuf Sebagai Etika Pembebasan; Memosisikan Islam Sebagai Agama Moralitas

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    The purpose of this study is to understand the nature of Sufism as an ethics of liberation and how to position Islam as a moral teaching. The background of this study is the inequality due to spiritual poverty that has penetrated into various aspects of human life depicted in the decline and even a moral degradation implicating the crisis that result in the fragility of the joints of human life The methodology used in this research is qualitative descriptive approach. The data were collected through literature studies and libraries related to the concept of Sufism in Islam in relation to the formation of human morality. The results of this study show that Sufism is one's attempt to get closer to God as closely as possible. The beginning of the emergence of the Sufism teachings was started along with the Islamic religion itself since the apostolic event of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Before Muhammad was appointed an apostle, he has repeatedly performed Tahannuts and khalwat in the Hira Cave. When he offered  tasawwuf in modern life, was not an offer to abandon the practical life of the world, but how the 'mortal' and practical world life is intended as a means of achieving pleasure and devotion to the Divine. Thus, the mortal 'has the value of immortality, where the mortality chooses the dimension ending Based on the results of the study, authors concluded two things. First, Sufism is not a form of escapism or escape from the life of the world, but asceticism breaks away from earthly fetters. Second, the teaching of Islam which is the religion of morality serves as a protector that provides composure and peaceful life

    Konsep Gender dalam Al-quran (Kajian Tafsir Tentang Gender dalam Qs. Ali Imran [3]:36)

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    This paper examines gender in the Qur'an, especially in QS. Ali Imran [3]: 36 with tahlili method. The interpretation of the concept of gender in these verses is the equality of women and men in doing any activity, especially in doing worship. The Qur'an gives spirit for all muslims to reproduce charity without distinction of sex. By doing worship to God, they further improve their safety, and for those who attain taqwa that is more precious in the sight of Allah

    Dakwah Melalui Radio (Analisis Program Konsultasi Agama Islam Di Radio Mesra Fm)

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    For media information, radio playing a significant role in conveying the values of Islam which is very important in the formation of a true Muslim personalities in accordance with the demands of the Prophet Muhammad. The existence of an Islam-based radio is felt to be very important because Islam should be spread widely and truth telling is the responsibility of the Muslims as a whole. As word of Allah in Surah al-Imran: 104.`Dari permaslahan above authors take the title essay propaganda through radio (program analysis consultancy Islam in Mesra radio FM) as the research object because the writer wanted to know how the production process of consultation Islam, what enabling and inhibiting factors Islam consultation program and analyze descriptively Islam consultation program. This research is using the case study method with the aim to explain the phenomenon through data collection techniques. This type of research is descriptive qualitative approach and used the theory of critical theory and the theory of mechanics.Hasil penelitian yang didapat adalah program konsultasi agama Islam merupakan program mingguan yang mengudara mulai pukul 10.30-11.30 disetiap hari Jum\u27at. The program has a dialog format or interactive manner. Factors supporting the consultation program of Islam, namely: Supported by the government and people of the city of Pare Pare while the limiting factor is the lack of public interest in consulting the religion of Islam, the lack of infrastructure in implementing the program, bad weather at the time of the program which affects not maximal broadcasting. Islam consultation program is very useful for people, especially in the town of Pare Pare, for answering complaints or problems faced by the people in the religious practice of Islam
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