43,468 research outputs found

    The effects of teaching styles on student knowledge

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    Udaljeni nadzor i udaljeno upravljanje računalom koriste se za nadzor zaposlenika u tvrtkama odnosno za upravljanje udaljenih računala poslovnih klijenata u svrhu otklanjanja grešaka ili pak prijenos podataka s jednog računala na drugo preko Interneta ili neke slične mreže. U radu su detaljno opisani programi za udaljeno upravljanje (TeamViewer, RealVNC, TightVNC i Remote Desktop Connection) te programi za udaljeno nadziranje (NetSupport School Tutor, NetSupport School Student i LANVisor). Međusobno su uspoređeni programi za upravljanje i navedeni su osnovni protokoli koji su prisutni kod udaljenog spajanja

    Communication Library Mechanisms for Children’s Social Integration

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    The article deals with communicative mechanisms of social interaction between libraries and different population categories. In conditions of information society, crisis situations, and war conflicts libraries should not only be supported by society but also to reintegrate into social life. Legislative instruments that regulate the work of libraries for children and determine its place in society were analyzed. The information about sociocultural, educational and informational functions of libraries much broader on the current conditions than set by legislation have been considered. The study finds that libraries for children work with different categories of young people including relocates, children with limited health capacities, teach finance and computer basics, develop creative talents and provide psychological help for parents. The paper presents an idea that libraries are not only limited to leisure activity institutions but have an important role in the process of socialization. The article deals with mechanism of library interaction with young people, particularly social partnership. Based on the research of sites and blogs of regional children’s libraries, the National Library of Ukraine for children, the main mechanisms of communication for social integration of young people into public and social life were determined

    Wageninski programi za evaluaciju analitičkih laboratorija

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    The paper describes three of the Wageningen Evaluating Programmes for Analytical Laboratories (WEPAL). These include the analyses of numerous compounds and elements and different parameters such as inorganic chemical composition, organic matter, polycyclic hydrocarbons (PAH), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), organochlorine pesticides, some herbicides, heavy metals, particle size, and so on in soil, sediment, compost, manure, and sludge. One programme includes the analysis of inorganic chemical composition, nutritional values, and selected vitamins and amino acids in plant samples. Finally, the paper describes how the results are reported and statistically evaluated.Opisana su četiri Wageningenska programa za evaluaciju analitičkih laboratorija (Wageningen Evaluating Programmes for Analytical Laboratories – WEPAL). Tri programa uključuju analize brojnih spojeva i elemenata i određivanje raznih parametara – na primjer sadržaj anorganskih komponenata, sadržaj organske tvari, policiklični aromatski ugljikovodici (PAH), poliklorirani bifenili (PCB), organoklorni pesticidi, neki herbicidi, teški metali, veličina čestica itd. – u tlu, sedimentu, kompostu, gnojivu i mulju. Jedan program obuhvaća analize sadržaja anorganskih komponenata, sadržaj nekih vitamina i aminokiselina te nekih nutritivnih vrijednosti u uzorcima biljaka. Opisan je način izvještavanja rezultata i statističke evaluacije rezultata

    Contribution of Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine to the World’s Biomedical Literature (1988-1997)

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    The contribution of Turkish researchers to sciences is increasing. Turkish scientists published more than 6.000 articles in 1999 in scientific journals indexed by the Institute for Scientific Information’s Science Citation Index, which puts Turkey to the 25th place in the world rankings in terms of total contribution to science. The number of biomedical publications authored by Turkish scientists is increasing faster than that of engineering and other non-medical sciences, which might be one of the main causes of the steep rise in Turkey’s rankings that we have been witnessing in recent years. More specifically, researchers affiliated with Hacettepe University produce almost a quarter of all the biomedical publications of Turkey that appear in international biomedical literature. In this paper, we report the findings of the bibliometric characteristics (authors and affiliations, medical journals and their impact factors, among others) of a total of 1.434 articles published between 1988 and 1997 by scientists affiliated with Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine and indexed in MEDLINE, a well-known biomedical bibliographic database

    Zlonamerni programi

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    Today, during the epoch of informatics and human progress, there is a big interest for malware programs as well as for the programs used for protection against them. Malware is each program which has ability for moving into someone's computer system with intention to disable, or at least make difficult, work of this independent or network user. Natural residence of malware is Internet. It is impossible to give precise taxonomy of malware because their number is increased each day. The term computer virus is often wrongly used as universal phrase for all malware, including and real viruses.Danas, u informatičkoj epohi razvoja ljudskog društva, postoji veliki interes za proučavanje zlonamernog programa (malware) i odgovarajućih programa za zaštitu od njega. Zlonamerni ili nepoželjni program je svaki koji poseduje sposobnost useljavanja u računarski sistem korisnika u nameri da na bilo koji način oteža pa i onemogući rad samostalnog ili umreženog korisnika, pri čemu je prirodno stanište nepoželjnog programa Internet. Precizna taksonomija neopoželjnih programa je onemogućena pre svega njihovim svakodnevnim uvećavanjem. Pri tome se, često pogrešno, termin kompjuterski virus upotrebljava kao sveobuhvatna fraza koja podrazumeva sve nepoželjne programe uključujući i prave viruse

    Zlonamerni programi

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    Today, during the epoch of informatics and human progress, there is a big interest for malware programs as well as for the programs used for protection against them. Malware is each program which has ability for moving into someone's computer system with intention to disable, or at least make difficult, work of this independent or network user. Natural residence of malware is Internet. It is impossible to give precise taxonomy of malware because their number is increased each day. The term computer virus is often wrongly used as universal phrase for all malware, including and real viruses.Danas, u informatičkoj epohi razvoja ljudskog društva, postoji veliki interes za proučavanje zlonamernog programa (malware) i odgovarajućih programa za zaštitu od njega. Zlonamerni ili nepoželjni program je svaki koji poseduje sposobnost useljavanja u računarski sistem korisnika u nameri da na bilo koji način oteža pa i onemogući rad samostalnog ili umreženog korisnika, pri čemu je prirodno stanište nepoželjnog programa Internet. Precizna taksonomija neopoželjnih programa je onemogućena pre svega njihovim svakodnevnim uvećavanjem. Pri tome se, često pogrešno, termin kompjuterski virus upotrebljava kao sveobuhvatna fraza koja podrazumeva sve nepoželjne programe uključujući i prave viruse

    Implementing a Fitness and Nutrition Program for Special Olympics Athletes

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    Introduction: Only 17-30% of individuals with ID meet the recommendations for daily exercise Populations of individuals with ID have higher BMI, lower cardiovascular fitness and lower muscle strength compared to the general population Individuals with ID also have many dietary challenges necessitating nutritional education and interventions One study following four athletes with ID, showed that pairing athletes with and without (unified sports) resulted in a positive change in social self-concept for athletes with ID Given the above, we: Created a 6-week pilot training and nutrition program for Special Olympics Vermont (SOVT). Paired athletes with ID with college athletes without ID to promote wellness during the athlete’s off season.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1229/thumbnail.jp

    Scenariji izobrazevanja mentorjev v Romuniji - k izboljsevanju pripravnistva uciteljev

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the induction programme for newly qualified teachers and mentor education in Estonia, providing a comparative analysis of existing Estonian and possible Romanian models of mentoring. While the Estonian induction programme has been in place for more than ten years, induction in Romania is a relatively new and has only been mandatory since 2011 (National Law of Education 1/2011). The specifics of mentor professional development within the Romanian induction framework have yet to be explicated. This paper proposes two possible scenarios suitable for the Romanian system :1) long-term regulated academic education (part of master or doctoral level studies), and 2) flexible short-term in-service education. The advantages and disadvantages of both models are examined and ways to overcome some of the disadvantages are identified. Ultimately, the paper proposes that a flexible, needsdriven system which encompasses a degree of choice will best fulfil the professional development needs of teachers who wish to become mentors. (DIPF/Orig.