59 research outputs found

    Eastern European cities as command and control centres in a time of economic crisis

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    This article describes the command and control function of eastern European cities based on the financial performance of the largest corporations with headquarters in the region and the impact of selected sectors on this function. Research has shown that, despite the global economic crisis of 2008–2012, the revenue and net income of the companies studied have increased to some extent. Currently, the strongest “command and control cities” in eastern Europe are Warsaw and Prague. The sector that exerts the greatest influence on the regional command and control function in eastern Europe is the consumer business and transportation sector. The economic crisis has also produced a geographical pattern in eastern Europe that runs counter to current global trends: companies in the region currently tend to concentrate their headquarters in fewer cities, which is becoming common in other parts of the world. The article employs a standardization method based on the mean and standard deviation of financial values for each corporation studied

    Economic resilience of the command and control function of cities in Central and Eastern Europe

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    The authors propose a new approach to the analysis of cities in a time of potential major crisis in a dominant sector consisting of the largest firms generating the command and control function of a city. This purpose is served by the creation of the Central and Eastern European Economic Centre Index (CEEECI), which reflects the potential of each studied city and its development and/or fields of economic specialisation of its largest companies capable of generating regional command and control (C&C) functions of cities. Research has shown that the C&C functions of cities such as Warsaw, Prague, and Budapest are the most resistant to economic crisis of the dominant sector. More than half of the analysed cities are economically dominated by the consumer business and transportation and manufacturing sectors

    Kuga in prestopki zoper zdravje

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    Spatial research study of Peruvian immigrants in Santiago de Chile

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    The article offers results of the social-spatial research study of Peruvian immigrants in the Chilean capital of Santiago de Chile. The permanent Peruvian immigration to Santiago started at the beginning of the 1990s, and has been quickly rising since 1995 . Peruvians are, next to Argentineans, the second largest group of immigrants in Chile, while in the urban area of Santiago they are even the largest immigrant group. The concentration of Peruvian immigrants in the old city centre is clearly visible, what raised the attention of the Chilean society, media and scientists. With the help of demographic data from 2002 we want to show the structure of Peruvian immigrants and visualize their spatial distribution by maps

    Šavrinke – preprodajalke med osrednjo Istro in obalnimi mesti ter nosilke simbolnih identifikacij: Družbenozgodovinske okoliščine delovnih migracij in šavrinizacije istrskega podeželja

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    The paper presents the sociohistorical conditions, trade routes and every day life of migrant women traders from the north-eastern Istrian countryside. In the first half of the 20th century they traded in central Istria, where they gathered eggs, and paid for them with consumer goods, e.g. thread, soap, paraffin, salt, kerchiefs and handkerchiefs and other goods, and sold them in Trieste. The egg-selling centres, the main weekly trade routes and the conditions under which the women involved in this activity worked are listed and discussed. In the conclusion the role of the migrant women traders (known as Šavrinkas in central Istria) in the preservation of the original ethnic label Šavrini and in the processes of the “šavrinization” of the northern Istrian countryside is outlined.V prispevku so opisane družbenozgodovinske okoliščine, trgovske poti in vsakdanjik preprodajalk s severovzhodnega istrskega podeželja, ki so v prvi polovici 20. stoletja v osrednji Istri zbirale jajca, jih plačevale s potrošnimi artikli – sukancem, z milom, s petrolejem, soljo, z rutami, robci idr. ter prodajale v Trstu. Našteta so žarišča jajčarstva, glavne tedenske trgovske poti in okoliščine, v katerih so se ženske oprijele tovrstne dejavnosti. V zaključku je orisana vloga preprodajalk, ki so jih v osrednji Istri poimenovali Šavrinke, pri ohranjanju izvorno etničnega poimenovanja Šavrini ter v procesih šavrinizacije severnoistrskega zaledja

    The formation of the town of Logatec

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    Delo temelji na opazovanju razvoja poselitve na Logaškem. V sklopu historične karakterizacije, pri čemer sem želel razumeti razvoj naselja, ki se ga lahko prepozna v današnji (tlorisni) podobi mesta, sem se opiral na različne vire: geografski, zgodovinski in arheološki viri (zemljiške knjige, zemljevidi, urbar in arheološka odkritja). S temi viri sem uspel v veliki meri ovreči povezavo med Longatikom in (srednjeveškim) Logatcem, umestiti središča naselij, ki danes sestavljajo mesto, in nakazati ohranitev usmeritve poti skozi preteklost, ki se je v današnje stanje spremenila šele na prehodu v 19. stol. Predvsem 19. stol. je dalo podlago današnji ureditvi in obliki mesta Logatec.The work is based on observing the development of settlement in Logatec region. As part of the historical characterization, where I wanted to understand the development of the settlement, which can be recognized in today\u27s (floor plan) image of the city, I relied on various sources: geographical, historical and archaeological sources (land registries, maps, urbar and archaeological discoveries. With these sources, I was able to largely disprove the connection between Longaticum and (medieval) Logatec, locate the centers of settlements that make up the city today and indicated the preservation of the route through the past, which changed to its current state only at the turn of the 19th century. Especially the 19th century gave the basis to today\u27s arrangement and form of the town of Logatec

    Strateška lega zgornje Pivke

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    Zgornja Pivka je že večkrat v zgodovini odigrala pomembno vlogo prav zaradi svoje strateške lege. Nazadnje se je to pokazalo po prvi svetovni vojni, ko je z uveljavitvijo Rapallske pogodbe pripadla Italiji in tako postala mejno ozemlje. Prek meje se je vzpostavil kontrabant. Čez Pivško kotlino je potekala druga linija Alpskega zidu, mogočnega obrambnega sistema, ki naj bi branil vzhodno mejo pred Jugoslavijo. Naravni prehod v smeri sever-jug, dobra preglednost nad kotlino ter dobri pogoji za oskrbo vojaških enot so bili glavni razlogi za izgradnjo utrdb na Primožu, kjer je bil hkrati komandni center za okoliške bunkerje. Za vojaške potrebe so zgradili vodne zbiralnike, ceste, mostove, smodnišnico, letališče, regulirali strugo reke Pivke in pogozdili burji izpostavljene predele. Vojska je trenirala na Petelinjskem in Palškem jezeru. Tu sta bila vojaška poligona že iz časa Avstro-Ogrske. Na jezerih je izvajala vojaške manevre tudi Jugoslovanska ljudska armada, ki je za razliko od italijanske vojske povzročila veliko večjo škodo. Dno Palškega jezera so 1990. leta sanirali in lastnikom zemljišč izplačali odškodnino, medtem ko najdemo na Petelinjskem jezeru še vedno luknje od granat, topovska gnezda in strelski jarek. Its strategic position has given Upper Pivka (Zgornja Pivka) an important role in history on several occasions. The last of these occurred after the implementation of the Rapallo Treaty at the end of the First World War, when the area was annexed to Italy and turned into borderland. Across the border the ‘Kontrabant’ developed. Through the Pivka Basin (Pivška kotlina) ran the second line of the Alpine Wall, which was a mighty defence system build to protect Italy’s eastern border with Yugoslavia. The natural north-east passage, a good view of the valley, and good conditions for supplying military units were the main reasons for building fortifications on the Primož hill. The command centre for the nearby bunkers was also located there. For military purposes, water reservoirs, roads, bridges, a powder magazine, and an airfield were built; the bed of the Pivka river was regulated, and the parts most exposed to strong winds (“burja”) were forested. Lakes Petelinjsko jezero and Palško jezero were used as training fields by the army. The two military fields had already been in service in Austro-Hungarian times. The Yugoslav People’s Army also used the lakes for its manoeuvres and did much more damage to them than the Italian army had done previously. The bottom of Palško jezero was reconstructed in 1990, and the owners were compensated. On Petelinjsko jezero, however, bomb craters, gunnests, and a trench can still be seen. 