17,278 research outputs found

    Prevention Programs of the Municipal Police

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    Import 02/11/2016Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na prevenci Městské policie Opava. Ve svém úvodu se stručně zabývá problematikou obecní policie a objasňuje pojem prevence. Dále podrobněji charakterizuje Městskou polici Opava, uvádí její preventivní programy včetně potřebných výdajů a analyzuje přestupkovost ve městě Opava. V závěru vyhodnocuje účinnost prováděné prevence a navrhuje její možná zlepšení.This bachelor thesis is focused on the crime prevention of the Municipal police Opava. The introduction deals with the short description of the municipal policy issues and explains the term preventive. Further is detailed described the Municipal police Opava and is mentioned its prevention programs inclusive of necessary costs and analyses the extent of offences in Opava. In the end is evaluated the efficacy of the conducted preventive and is proposed their possible improvements.153 - Katedra veřejné ekonomikyvelmi dobř

    Primární prevence užívání návykových látek pro děti z minorit z pohledu českých a belgických odborníků

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    This article deals with the theme of primary prevention of drug use focused on children from minority groups of inhabitants. The author draws attention to Dutch and Czech studies that relate to the theme of minority groups of inhabitants and theirs troubles concerning the topic of drugs. The article then continues by explaining the research done by Czech and Belgian specialists working in the field of drug prevention

    Evaluace kvality služby sociální prevence rané péče v kontextu individuálních potřeb klientů ve středisku rané péče v Pardubicích

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    The author - the Chairman of the Association for Early Care and the Head of the Centre for Early Care - describes in the article historical connections and the current state of social prevention - early care services provided according to Law. No. 108/2006 of the Digest concerning social services as amended only in the Czech Republic. The article also focuses on the quality evaluation of these services. The evaluation of their quality is presented based on individual needs of clients of the Centre for Early Care in Pardubice

    Possible roles, positions, factors and components of dairying in organic farming – a rewiev, mapping, survey and comparison in the Czech Republic

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    The full-value experiment is questionable in evaluation organic dairying. It is problem to do a trial under comparable conditions for comparison of organic and conventional farming because of legislative reasons and necessity of long period of such event. Most of comparisons are carried out as practice descriptive observations and any of them has been carried out about milk production. That is main reason, why the aim of this work is to carry out a opening of monitoring of some production conditions and results of bio-dairying in the Czech Republic (CR). The quality aspects of sources, procedures and products are main topics of solution of projects about organic farming philosophy, in particular in solution of organic dairy foodstuff chain. There were choosen twelve organic dairy farms (survey II, 2006) for more detail research of production conditions according to results of exploratory questionnaire (2006, survey I, n = 85 pieces of questionnaire and 58 organic farms, which practicise dairying) in the CR. The climatology characteristics of selected organic dairy farms were as follows: (I) 562±149 m above sea level on the average (from 270 to 970 m a. s. l.); (II) 571.0±69.9 m above sea level, mean year temperature 6.0±1.1 ºC and average year rainfall sum 843.0±184.3 mm. It is clear according to previously mentioned figures that the organic (ecology) dairy farming is realized mostly in the mountain or sub-mountain areas (less favourable areas, LFAs) as compared to climatic conditions of CR mean profile. The results of investigation of organic farm (E) and breeder conditions and dairy cow health state, reproduction performance and milk quality in organic farms (I data file) as compared to conventional dairy cow herds (K) were: milk yield (E) was 14.2±3.4 kg of milk/cow/day on average and 5165±1112 kg/cow/year; E farms have 50 % free stables, some of them as different untraditional modifications (mostly in herds with low number of dairy cows); it is necessary to increase this amount for welfare improvement in the future; there are 52 % of binding stables in K herds; there (E) is high occurrence frequency of can milking equipments (46.4 %); there are 5.4 % cases of hand milking, 21.4 % of pipeline milking equipments and 26.8 % of milking parlours; there (K) are 3 % of can milking equipments, 50 % of pipeline milking equipments and 47 % of milking parlours; the average organic herd has 60±91 heads it means about 1/3 of K herd in the CR; geometrical average (xg) of organic herd size is 17 heads; daily milk deliveries were 1318±1475 kg in summer and 976±1368 kg in winter season (there is too high variability in the mentioned indicators); breed structure of E herds is 59.8 % of Bohemian Spotted cattle, 18.8 % of Holstein (H), 12.5 % of Jersey breed; H breed is dominating 47.5 % in K herds; average ratio of excluded milk (for secretion disorders or treatment) is 2.99 % in E herds and 4.6 % in K herds (P<0.01); also there (E) is lower occurrence of clinical mastitis 0.53±1.97 %; service period is 124.3 days in K and 98.7±46,1 days in E herds on average (P<0.01); there (E) is better insemination index 1.66±0.45 in comparison to K herds 2.07 (P<0.01); there is longer longevity as duration of production life of dairy cows in E herds (6.02 lactations, „about 141 % better”) in comparison to K herds (2.50 lactations, P<0.01); milk quality showed the average total mesophilic bacteria count (CPM) 36.0±26.8 ths. CFU/ml in organic farms (E), which is comparable to the conventional farms (K); somatic cell count (PSB) was 192±87 ths./ml in E herds and 256 ths./ml in K herds, which is in connection with the lower ratio of milk exclusion from delivery in E herds; an occurrence of residues of inhibitory substances (RIL) was not reported in E herds, which is more advantageous in comparison to the K herds (0.16 %) and it could be an impact of lowered antibiotica drug use; the average fat and lactose contents (T; 4.05±0.19 %) and (L; 4.83±0.15 %) are well comparable with K farms and the results show on higher energy deficiency in E herd nutrition. The water quality (II) is necessary in dairying as well. Drinking water is necessary for health of animals (their watering) and for milk quality (milking equipment sanitation) as well. Drinking water is asked in dairy farms by legislation. The E farm water quality: the nitrate level varied in the range from 1.63 to 28 mg/l with average 10.5 mg/l in ecological farms and standard limit 50 mg/l was not exceeded; the levels of nitrite and ammonia ions were mostly under detection limit of method; legislative limit <0.5 mg/l was not exceeded by nitrite and once by ammonia ions 0.81 mg/l. The microbiological indicators are more sensitive of course. In total the limits were exceeded 7× u in coliform bacteria, 3× in streptococci and Escherichia coli was confirmed 3× (in comparison to demand 0). Therefore it is necessary to take care of incidental water source sanitation. The effect of origin of water source (communal water pipes or own well in the organic farm area) which was used in the organic farming (II) was: the more marked result differences were not observed between own wells (S) and communal water supply (V) in E farms; an exception was stated in insignificantly better results of hygienic indicators of communal supply; therefore it is necessary to put the higher importance on sanitation of own water sources. There were identified eight own wells and four communal supply. E. g. nitrate levels were a little higher for wells 11.7 > 8.2 mg/l. The nitrites were not different. Chemical oxygen consumption was 0.45 and 0.52 mg/l. The more expressive differences were identified in chlorides, sulphates and Mg: 8.33 and 3.02 mg/l; 27.9 and 16.8 mg/l; 18.9 and 3.5 mg/l

    Comparison of methods for risk analysis of major accidents

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    Tato bakalářské práce se zabývá metodami, používanými v bezpečnostním inženýrství pro analýzu rizik závažných havárií, podle zákona č. 59/2006 Sb. o prevenci závažných havárií ve znění pozdějších předpisů. Práce je rozdělena do tří hlavních částí. První část obsahuje stručný legislativní rozbor zákona č. 59/2006 Sb. o prevenci závažných havárií, ve znění pozdějších předpisů a požadavků na provozovatele, které z tohoto zákona vyplývají. Druhá část se zabývá charakteristikou vybraných (v praxi nejčastěji používaných) metod analýzy rizik závažných havárií. Pro každou z uvažovaných metod je uvedena její stručná charakteristika, identifikovány výstupy metody, postup použití a zhodnocení možností použití metody. V závěrečné části práce jsou jednotlivé vzájemně porovnány a je stanovena vhodnost jejich použití pro různé části analýzy rizik závažných havárií.This Bachelor’s thesis deals with the methods used in safety engineering for the risk analysis of major accidents, according to Act No. 59/2006 Coll., on the prevention of major accidents, as amended by later regulations. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part includes the legislative summary of Act No. 59/2006 Coll. on the prevention of major accidents, as amended by later regulations and requirements for owners, which result from this law. The second part deals with the characteristics of the selected (most commonly used in practise) methods for risk analysis of major accidents. For each of the methods is given its brief characteristic, output, technique of use and appreciation of use. In the final part all the methods are compared and the usability in different parts of the risk analysis of major accidents is specified.

    Příprava pedagogů na realizaci prevence na základních školách

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    Autor ve svém příspěvku sleduje roli školy v systému prevence, popisuje cíle prevence (objectives of prevention), vznik Minimálních preventivních programů (minimal preventative programmes) a problematiku role učitele – školního metodika prevence (school preventive worker)

    Examination of the Influence of Methane Admixture on Maximum Explosion Parameters of Selected Industrial Dusts

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    Import 04/07/2011Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá vlivem příměsi metanu na maximální výbuchové parametry dvou vybraných prachů, mouky a hnědého uhlí. Práce se v teoretické části zabývá pojmem výbuch, teorií ovlivňování výbuchových parametrů a tvorbou hybridních směsí. V další části pak popisuje přístroj VA 250l a postup měření vlivu přídavku různého množství metanu na maximální výbuchový tlak a maximální rychlost nárůstu výbuchového tlaku vybraných prachů.This thesis focus on the admixtures of methane blast at a maximum of two selected parameters of the dust, flour and brown coal. Thesis in the theoretical part with notion of an explosion, explosion theory influencing parameters and creation of hybrid mixtures. The next section describes the instrument VA 250 liters and the method of measuring the impact of different amounts of methane added to the maximum explosion pressure and maximum rate of pressure rise of selected powders.Prezenční030 - Katedra požární ochranyvelmi dobř

    Fire station Vyškov

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na návrh a vypracování projektové dokumentace Stanice Hasičského záchranného sboru Jihomoravského kraje, ve městě Vyškov p.č.2472/1. Návrh budovy respektuje jak územní plán města. Svým tvarem a hmotou nemá tvořit akcent, ale jen dotvářet stávající zástavbu. Budova je členěná na tři provozní celky a to na prostory stanie spolu s garážemi, dále pracoviště odboru prevence a kanceláře územního odboru. Má tři nadzemní a jedno podzemní podlaží, sřechu plochou.This thesis focuses on the design and preparation of project documentation Fire Rescue Station South Moravia, in Vyskov p.č.2472 / 1. Building design respects the city plan. It is shape and matter does not form an accent. The building is divided into three operating units on the premises standing together with garages, as well as workplace Prevention Department and the Department regional office. It has three floor and one souterrain, roof flat.

    The Evaluation of the Safety Processes in Particular Industrial Company

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na zhodnocení plnění požadavků platné legislativy pro bezpečnost a ochranu zdraví při práci v konkrétním podniku. Vytváří registr legislativních požadavků podle aktivit v podniku. Analýzou zjišťuje současný stav v podniku a vyhodnocuje míru splnění zákonných požadavků. Obsahuje návrhy na zlepšení.Bachelor thesis aims to evaluate the performance requirements of the applicable legislation for safety and health protection at work in a particular company. It creates registry of legal requirements by activities in the company. Parses the current state of the organization and evaluates the degree of compliance with legal requirements. It contains suggestions for improvements.