6,059 research outputs found

    Theatre as motivation in Croatian language instruction

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    Ovaj rad usmjeren je na kazalište općenito te na povijesni razvoj kazališta u Požegi, odnosno njegove karakteristike kao institucije. Ovaj rad ukratko govori i o kazalištu te dramskim metodama u nastavi Hrvatskoga jezika, te također na utjecaj odlaska u kazalište u nastavi Hrvatskoga jezika. Cilj istraživanja je ispitati volju, poticaj i dostupnost odlaska u kazalište učenika škola u Požegi i okolici. Zadaci su ovog istraživanja ispitati vole li učenici ići u kazalište, te postoji li razlika u odlascima u kazalište između gradskih i općinskih škola. Postupak se proveo u drugim, trećim i četvrtim razredima osnovnih škola: Dobriša Cesarić, Katolička osnovne škole, Osnovna škola Mladost Jakšić te osnovna škola Dragutina Lermana Brestovac, prilikom čega su se anketirali učenici. Anketa se sastoji od 9 pitanja.This graduate thesis is focused on the theater in general and also on the historic development of the theater in Požega, its characteristics as the institution. This thesis tells us something about the theater and methods of drama in the Croatian language instruction and also about the influence of going to theater to Croatian language instruction. Aim of the research is to examine the will, stimulus and availability of going to the theatre among the pupils in Požega and nearby. The tasks of this research are to examine if the pupils love going to the theatre and if there is any difference between the urban schools and rural schools as far as the availability of going to the theatre is concerned. The process was carried out in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades of the schools: Dobriša Cesarić, Catholic elementary school, Elementary school Mladost Jakšić and Elementary school Dragutin Lerman in Brestovac. The pupils were interviewed and the questionnaire has 9 questions

    The cult of the Virgin Zoodochoz pege and its reflection in the painting of the Palaiologan era

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    The paper discusses the ways in which the miraculous cult and newly established liturgy of the shrine of the Virgin 'Zoodochoz pege' near Constantinople influenced the formation of a specific presentation of the Mother of God in the Palaiologan era, both in the Romaic Empire, and in the Eastern Christian lands where the liturgy was not performed in the Greek language


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    The diptych icon from Kotor: Imago pietatis and the Virgin with the Christ Child: In the light of the religious practice of the brotherhood of the flagellants

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    The diptych icon from Kotor (Imago pietatis and the Virgin with the Christ Child), painted probably in 1468, is examined from the aspect of the penitent and ascetic practice of the Kotor flagellants, who commissioned it for their needs. The members of the brotherhood of the Holy Cross particularly revered the cult of the Five Wounds of Christ, the particles of the lignum crucis and the experience of Christ's Passion. The said religious themes are analysed based on the archive material and preserved paintings, connected with this monastic brotherhood of Kotor

    Literary works of Dubravka Pađen Farkaš

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    Ovaj je rad rezultat proučavanja problemskih slikovnica osječke autorice Dubravke Pađen Farkaš. Cilj je ovoga rada interpretirati pet autoričinih slikovnica te uočiti i analizirati problematiku s kojom se likovi u slikovnicama susreću. Analizirane su sljedeće slikovnice: Mala zvijezda (2001.), Gospodin Otto i stari naslonjači (2010.), Nije me strah (2011.), Djevojčica i ptica (2013.) te Tajna (2015.). Rad donosi i kratki teorijski osvrt na slikovnice kao književnu vrstu, biografiju navedene autorice, te osvrt na njezinu suradnju s ilustratorom Draženom Jerabekom. U radu je istraženo kako autorica Dubravka Pađen Farkaš vidi i opisuje probleme s kojima se djeca svakodnevno susreću. Autorica svojim jednostavnim stilom pisanja progovara o razvodu, strahovima i odnosima u obitelji, odnosno, na djetetu prilagođen način, progovara o izrazito važnim životnim temama. Slikovnice su ove autorice iznimno poučne te na djecu djeluju terapeutski. Budući da slikovnice progovaraju o problemima s kojima se djeca zaista često susreću, pomoći će djeci prihvatiti probleme i suočiti se s njima. Autorica kroz zanimljive priče i likove nastoji naglasiti da se o problemima ne treba šutjeti te da se svaki problem može riješiti.This thesis is the result of studying the problematic picture books of the author from Osijek, Dubravka Pađen Farkaš. The aim of this study is to interpret the author’s five picture books and to notice and analyze the problems faced by the characters in picture books. There were analyzed the following picture books: Mala zvijezda (2001.), Gospodin Otto i stari naslonjači (2010.), Nije me strah (2011.), Djevojčica i ptica (2013.) and Tajna (2015.). The paper also provides a brief theoretical review of picture books as a literary type, a biography of the author, and a review of her collaboration with an illustrator Dražen Jerabek. This thesis investigates how the author Dubravka Pađen Farkaš sees and describes the children’s everyday problems. The author uses a simple style of writing to talk about divorce, fears and family relationships. She, in a child’s adapted way, talks about very important life topics. The picture books of this author are extremely educational and they act on children therapeutically. Since these picture books talk about children’s everyday problems, they will help children to accept problems and to face with them. The author through interesting stories and characters tries to emphasize that problems should not be kept in silence and that any problem can be solved


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    O pojmu časa, prostora in vzročnosti pri Aravkancih. Ali: Po čem si je treba zapomniti Juana Benigarja?

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    Juan (Ivan, Janez) Benigar, antropolog/etnolog, filolog, teozof, filozof in »politični aktivist«, je med letoma 1922 in 1925 napisal tri razprave, ki veljajo za jedro Benigarjevega etnološkega dela: o času, prostoru in vzročnosti med Aravkanci. Z njimi se je zelo približal Lévi-Straussovemu konceptu »divje misli«, a mu dispozitiv vednosti (epistemološki okvir) časa ni omogočal izostrene teoretske formulacije. Članek med drugim skuša predstaviti prevečkrat zanemarjen politični angažma Juana Benigarja in postaviti raziskave o njem onstran nacionalnega diskurza. Sklepna teza članka je, da si je treba Benigarja zapomniti predvsem kot človeka (ontološko) in kot kritičnega (angažiranega) intelektualca (teoretsko oziroma profesionalno). *** Juan Benigar, an anthropologist/ethnologist, philologist, theosophist, philosopher and “political activist” wrote three essays: on time, space and causality among the Araucanians between the years 1922 and 1925. In his essays Benigar approached Levi-Strauss’s concept of the “savage mind”. It was the dispositif (apparatus) of knowledge of his time (the epistemological framework) that prevented him to conceptualise it. The article tries also to stress the somehow forgotten “political engagement” of Juan Benigar and to conceptualise this scientist beyond national discourse. The final horizon of this article is that we should remember Benigar as a human being (ontologically speaking) and as a critical (socially engaged) intellectual (theoretically and professionally speaking)

    Vlado Šav in aktivna kultura

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