44 research outputs found

    New Tracer for Monitoring Dynamics of Sediment Transport in Turbulent Flows

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    We have developed and tested a new instrumented tracer for advanced sediment transport studies, called SPY-Cobble, where the acronym SPY stands for “Single Particle dYnamics”. This new type of tracers with three internal acceleration sensors is an instrumented spherical cobble of 99 mm in diameter and a mass of 994.6 g. It was developed for detection and measurements of different elements of kinematics and dynamics (especially contact impact and friction forces) when moving at river bottom together with bedload or when resting on riverbed bottom surface

    System for indoor user localization using mobile devices

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    In the past when designing indoor user localization and navigation systems we were confronted with the problem of unburdening our users from needing additional hardware to use said systems. Almost every design put on paper required that a user have a specialized dedicated hardware. This however is no longer the case today due to massive popularity of smart phones and user handheld devices such as tablets, smart watches and netbooks. The hardware of which offers us multiple interesting and unconventional ways of designing systems for user localization and navigation. It was the goal of this thesis to develop a simple system for indoor user localization and navigation which would allow further integration with already existing services on this field. In the introductory chapters we take a look at basic localization methods, ways of implementation regardless of technology, technologies available to us and existing solutions currently on market. Followed by an in-depth look at the structure and workings of components which form the developed solution and how said solution tackles common problems encountered with localization methods and systems. Finally we take a look at additional components being developed and usage analysis

    System for indoor user localization using mobile devices

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    In the past when designing indoor user localization and navigation systems we were confronted with the problem of unburdening our users from needing additional hardware to use said systems. Almost every design put on paper required that a user have a specialized dedicated hardware. This however is no longer the case today due to massive popularity of smart phones and user handheld devices such as tablets, smart watches and netbooks. The hardware of which offers us multiple interesting and unconventional ways of designing systems for user localization and navigation. It was the goal of this thesis to develop a simple system for indoor user localization and navigation which would allow further integration with already existing services on this field. In the introductory chapters we take a look at basic localization methods, ways of implementation regardless of technology, technologies available to us and existing solutions currently on market. Followed by an in-depth look at the structure and workings of components which form the developed solution and how said solution tackles common problems encountered with localization methods and systems. Finally we take a look at additional components being developed and usage analysis

    The development of game for BlackBerry PlayBook platform using HTML5

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    The diploma paper presents in detail the development of game for BlackBerry PlayBook platform using HTML5, i. e. the path from idea to product. First, it examines the previously mentioned platform, the technologies used (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript) and environments for development (NetBeans, GIMP). The central part is dedicated to the development of our product (Game Time Attacker), which includes a description of the program code, implementation and publication of the game. The usefulness of our work can be seen in its educational and practical function, because the work is designed for the future user or computer science student or other users, it contains professional descriptions of the steps and interpretations of the content through the course of manufacture of the game, which we ultimately posted it online

    The development of game for BlackBerry PlayBook platform using HTML5

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    The diploma paper presents in detail the development of game for BlackBerry PlayBook platform using HTML5, i. e. the path from idea to product. First, it examines the previously mentioned platform, the technologies used (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript) and environments for development (NetBeans, GIMP). The central part is dedicated to the development of our product (Game Time Attacker), which includes a description of the program code, implementation and publication of the game. The usefulness of our work can be seen in its educational and practical function, because the work is designed for the future user or computer science student or other users, it contains professional descriptions of the steps and interpretations of the content through the course of manufacture of the game, which we ultimately posted it online

    Navigation systems

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    In this thesis we present different navigation systems which may be used also in surveying. Map as a basis of navigation is described at the beginning. Next, we focus on navigation based on celestial bodies. We present basic terms such as navigation and orientation and describe some primitive methods, which had been used for orientation without compass. We present two important time keeping instruments that facilitated the process of position determination, the chronometer and chronograph, and introduce two typical navigation instruments, compass and a sextant. The major part of the thesis is dedicated to descriptions of navigation systems which include the GNSS-systems, SBAS-systems, pseudolites, TPS-systems, INS-systems, radar systems and mobile communications networks. Systems are presented in a similar form, containing the structure, operation, accuracy and utility

    Generation of an orthophoto from close range aerial images in the area of Sečovlje salina nature park

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    In the last few years new technologies have allowed wider use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for spatial data acquisition. For the purpose of this thesis the UAV was used as a platform to photograph the area of Sečovlje salina nature park. From the acquired images an orthophoto mosaic of the area was produced. The client needs this orthophoto as a raster layer in GIS in order to make further analysis. This thesis describes and outlines the used UAV and the related computer program required for the planning and acquisition of close range aerial images. After completing the fieldwork, the thesis focuses on processing the acquired data and producing a final as well as for the client in semantic terms improved orthophoto. The results were evaluated by analyzing the impact of particular influences on the quality of the final product. Conclusions are given in the final part of the thesis

    Wireless sensor system for the acquisition and analysis of jumps and spikes in valleyball

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    Diplomska naloga obsega načrtovanje, izdelavo, preizkus ter analizo meritev strojnega in programskega dela brezžičnega senzorskega sistema za analizo skokov in udarcev žoge pri odbojki. Cilj diplomske naloge je razvoj sistema, ki je zmožen brezžičnega prenosa, obdelave, prikaza in shrambe podatkov pridobljenih o funkciji stopala. Te podatke se naknadno analizira, za namen pridobitve rezultatov, ki bi privedli do boljšega razumevanja funkcije stopala za namen gibanja. Ozadje diplomske naloge predstavljajo predvsem lastne izkušnje s sistemi za pridobivanje podatkov v športu in navdušenje nad senzorsko tehniko, ki športu doda nove možnosti. Motivacija za izdelavo diplomske naloge izhaja iz osebnih in tehničnih razlogovzaradi težje poškodbe prisotne v moji odbojkarski karieri, se je povečalo moje zanimanje in navdušenje za uporabo senzorske tehnologije v športu. To me je usmerilo v razvoj sistema, ki bi lahko pomagal pri vadbi in preprečevanju poškodb v športu. Metodologija razvoja in preizkusa sistema je temeljila na združevanju izkušenj in nasvetov s strani mentorjev, lastnega preizkušanja ter sprotnega učenja. Vsak korak pri razvoju in izpopolnjevanja sistema je bil premišljen in izveden na osnovi teoretičnih znanj in praktičnih izkušenj. Rezultati so potrdili večino naših predvidevanj in pričakovanj. Rezultati podrobnejših analiz pa so raznovrstninekateri sovpadajo z našimi pričakovanji, drugi ne. Prvi funkcionalni preizkus sistema nam je prinesel zanimive rezultate, ki spodbudijo k nadaljnjim razvoju sistema. Pri pregledu rezultatov prvega funkcionalnega preizkusa so bile odkrite možne izboljšave izvedbe sistema in meritev. Prepričan sem, da bodo pri nadaljnjem razvoju in preizkušanju sistema pridobili nove zanimive in koristne podatke, ki bodo korist pri vadbi in v pomoč pri morebitnemu preprečevanju poškodb v odbojki.The bachelor thesis contains planning, production, testing and result analysis of the software and hardware aspect of a wireless system for analyzing jumps and ball impacts in volleyball. The goal of the thesis is to develop a system that would be capable of capturing, wireless transfer, processing, displaying and storing data derived from the function of the foot. This data is subsequently analyzed, for the purpose of obtaining results, which would lead to a better understanding of the function of the foot for the purpose of movement. The background of this bachelor thesis consists mainly of my own experience with systems for data acquisition in sport and my enthusiasm for sensors in sport, which adds new opportunities to sport. Motivation for the preparation of the thesis is of personal and of technical reasonsbecause of a serious injury in my volleyball career, my interest and enthusiasm for the use of sensor technology in sports has increased. This led me to the development of a system that could help in training and prevention of injuries in sports. The methodology of development and testing of the system was based on the combination of experience and advice from my mentors, personal testing, and ongoing learning, throughout the development process. Each step in the development and improvement of the system was thought-through and carried out on the basis of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. The results confirm most of our predictions and expectations. The results of more detailed analyzes are diversesome confirm our expectations, others do not. The first functional test of the system has brought interesting results that encourage further development of the system. During the review of the first functional test, we got ideas about possible improvements and upgrades to the system and the measurement process. I am convinced that in the further development and testing of the system, new interesting and useful data will be acquired, which will benefit training and help with possible prevention of volleyball injuries