174,473 research outputs found

    Cell wall microstructure, pore size distribution and absolute density of hemp shiv

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    This paper, for the first time, fully characterizes the intrinsic physical parameters of hemp shiv including cell wall microstructure, pore size distribution and absolute density. Scanning electron microscopy revealed microstructural features similar to hardwoods. Confocal microscopy revealed three major layers in the cell wall: middle lamella, primary cell wall and secondary cell wall. Computed tomography improved the visualization of pore shape and pore connectivity in three dimensions. Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) showed that the average accessible porosity was 76.67 ± 2.03% and pore size classes could be distinguished into micropores (3–10 nm) and macropores (0.1–1 ”m and 20–80 ”m). The absolute density was evaluated by helium pycnometry, MIP and Archimedes’ methods. The results show that these methods can lead to misinterpretation of absolute density. The MIP method showed a realistic absolute density (1.45 g cm−3) consistent with the density of the known constituents, including lignin, cellulose and hemi-cellulose. However, helium pycnometry and Archimedes’ methods gave falsely low values owing to 10% of the volume being inaccessible pores, which require sample pretreatment in order to be filled by liquid or gas. This indicates that the determination of the cell wall density is strongly dependent on sample geometry and preparation

    Condensation Phenomena in Nano-Pores - a Monte Carlo Study

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    The non-equilibrium dynamics of condensation phenomena in nano-pores is studied via Monte Carlo simulation of a lattice gas model. Hysteretic behavior of the particle density as a function of the density of a reservoir is obtained for various pore geometries in two and three dimensions. The shape of the hysteresis loops depend on the characteristics of the pore geometry. The evaporation of particles from a pore can be fitted to a stretched exponential decay of the particle density ρf(t)∌exp[−(t/τ)ÎČ]\rho_f(t) \sim exp [ -(t/\tau)^\beta]. Phase separation dynamics inside the pore is effectively described by a random walk of the non-wetting phases. Domain evolution is significantly slowed down in presence of random wall-particle potential and gives rise to a temperature dependent growth exponent. On the other hand roughness of the pore wall only delays the onset of a pure domain growth.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Wetting of prototypical one- and two-dimensional systems: Thermodynamics and density functional theory.

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    Consider a two-dimensional capped capillary pore formed by capping two parallel planar walls with a third wall orthogonal to the two planar walls. This system reduces to a slit pore sufficiently far from the capping wall and to a single planar wall when the side walls are far apart. Not surprisingly, wetting of capped capillaries is related to wetting of slit pores and planar walls. For example, the wetting temperature of the capped capillary provides the boundary between first-order and continuous transitions to condensation. We present a numerical investigation of adsorption in capped capillaries of mesoscopic widths based on density functional theory. The fluid-fluid and fluid-substrate interactions are given by the pairwise Lennard-Jones potential. We also perform a parametric study of wetting in capped capillaries by a liquid phase by varying the applied chemical potential, temperature, and pore width. This allows us to construct surface phase diagrams and investigate the complicated interplay of wetting mechanisms specific to each system, in particular, the dependence of capillary wetting temperature on the pore width

    Two hard spheres in a pore: Exact Statistical Mechanics for different shaped cavities

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    The Partition function of two Hard Spheres in a Hard Wall Pore is studied appealing to a graph representation. The exact evaluation of the canonical partition function, and the one-body distribution function, in three different shaped pores are achieved. The analyzed simple geometries are the cuboidal, cylindrical and ellipsoidal cavities. Results have been compared with two previously studied geometries, the spherical pore and the spherical pore with a hard core. The search of common features in the analytic structure of the partition functions in terms of their length parameters and their volumes, surface area, edges length and curvatures is addressed too. A general framework for the exact thermodynamic analysis of systems with few and many particles in terms of a set of thermodynamic measures is discussed. We found that an exact thermodynamic description is feasible based in the adoption of an adequate set of measures and the search of the free energy dependence on the adopted measure set. A relation similar to the Laplace equation for the fluid-vapor interface is obtained which express the equilibrium between magnitudes that in extended systems are intensive variables. This exact description is applied to study the thermodynamic behavior of the two Hard Spheres in a Hard Wall Pore for the analyzed different geometries. We obtain analytically the external work, the pressure on the wall, the pressure in the homogeneous zone, the wall-fluid surface tension, the line tension and other similar properties

    The first passage problem for diffusion through a cylindrical pore with sticky walls

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    We calculate the first passage time distribution for diffusion through a cylindrical pore with sticky walls. A particle diffusively explores the interior of the pore through a series of binding and unbinding events with the cylinder wall. Through a diagrammatic expansion we obtain first passage time statistics for the particle's exit from the pore. Connections between the model and nucleocytoplasmic transport in cells are discussed.Comment: v2: 13 pages, 6 figures, substantial revision

    The influence of geometry, surface character and flexibility on the permeation of ions and water through biological pores

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    A hydrophobic constriction site can act as an efficient barrier to ion and water permeation if its diameter is less than the diameter of an ion's first hydration shell. This hydrophobic gating mechanism is thought to operate in a number of ion channels, e.g. the nicotinic receptor, bacterial mechanosensitive channels (MscL and MscS) and perhaps in some potassium channels (e.g. KcsA, MthK, and KvAP). Simplified pore models allow one to investigate the primary characteristics of a conduction pathway, namely its geometry (shape, pore length, and radius), the chemical character of the pore wall surface, and its local flexibility and surface roughness. Our extended (ca. 0.1 \mu s) molecular dynamic simulations show that a short hydrophobic pore is closed to water for radii smaller than 0.45 nm. By increasing the polarity of the pore wall (and thus reducing its hydrophobicity) the transition radius can be decreased until for hydrophilic pores liquid water is stable down to a radius comparable to a water molecule's radius. Ions behave similarly but the transition from conducting to non-conducting pores is even steeper and occurs at a radius of 0.65 nm for hydrophobic pores. The presence of water vapour in a constriction zone indicates a barrier for ion permeation. A thermodynamic model can explain the behaviour of water in nanopores in terms of the surface tensions, which leads to a simple measure of "hydrophobicity" in this context. Furthermore, increased local flexibility decreases the permeability of polar species. An increase in temperature has the same effect, and we hypothesise that both effects can be explained by a decrease in the effective solvent-surface attraction which in turn leads to an increase in the solvent-wall surface free energy.Comment: Peer reviewed article appeared in Physical Biology http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1478-3975/1/1/005

    Water confined in nanopores: spontaneous formation of microcavities

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    Molecular Dynamics simulations of water confined in nanometer sized, hydrophobic channels show that water forms localized cavities for pore diameter ~ 2.0 nm. The cavities present non-spherical shape and lay preferentially adjacent to the confining wall inducing a peculiar form to the liquid exposed surface. The regime of localized cavitation appears to be correlated with the formation of a vapor layer, as predicted by the Lum-Chandler-Weeks theory, implying partial filling of the pore

    CO2 packing polymorphism under confinement in cylindrical nanopores

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    We investigate the effect of cylindrical nano-confinement on the phase behaviour of a rigid model of carbon dioxide using both molecular dynamics and well tempered metadynamics. To this aim we study a simplified pore model across a parameter space comprising pore diameter, CO2-pore wall potential and CO2 density. In order to systematically identify ordering events within the pore model we devise a generally applicable approach based on the analysis of the distribution of intermolecular orientations. Our simulations suggest that, while confinement in nano-pores inhibits the formation of known crystal structures, it induces a remarkable variety of ordered packings unrelated to their bulk counterparts, and favours the establishment of short range order in the fluid phase. We summarise our findings by proposing a qualitative phase diagram for this model
