296 research outputs found

    The impact of hydroelectric projects on water regime

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the impacts of hydropower plants of Mavcice and Medvode on the water regime of the plain Kranjsko-Sorško polje, Slovenia. Both hydropower plants are situated on the Sava River between Kranj and Medvode on an aquifer layer of variable thickness. The hydropower plants have changed the river regime into a lake regime. As a result, the infiltration of the Sava into groundwater increased, while sediment transport was cut off. We prepared the water balance of the Sava River, a groundwater model of Kranjsko-Sorško polje using\ud Modflow and a comparison of volume of both reservoirs. We established the flow rate and directions of groundwater flow, a larger inflow at the Medvode hydropower plant, which is a\ud consequence of groundwater drainage downstream from the hydropower plant Mavcice, and\ud considerable volume change in the Mavcice reservoir. Due to sedimentation the infiltration of the\ud Sava is decreasing, which was demonstrated with measurements of piesometric pressures

    Reduced Permeation of Precipitation Water into Groundwater on Ljubljansko polje

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    The permeation of water into groundwater in an urban environment is considerably differ-ent than that in an untransformed landscape. Built-up and open surfaces have very different proportions of impermeable surfaces. Due to urban land use on Ljubljansko polje, the loss of permeating precipitation water is more than 0.5m3/s or 190 mm of precipitation

    Mortaliteta in osutost krošenj doba (Quercus robur L.) na trajnih ploskvah - 20-letni pregled

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    Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) forests in Slovenia are experiencing widespread mortality. Changes in lowlands are reflected in decline of complete forest complexes, high mortality, uneven stand structure and associated forest regeneration problems. Prediction of the present-tree response in disturbed forest ecosystems may significantly contribute to better guideline policies for the silvicultural and forest management practice in the changing environment in both stressed and stabile forest ecosystems. Data from annual crown condition surveys in the 1995-2014 period from four permanent plots have been compared with parameters from hemispherical photo analysis and hydrometeorological data. Good agreement has been confirmed between crown defoliation and total opennessall parameters from the hemispherical photo analysis, which were corrected for winter period values, also indicated a better agreement. Mortality rate and crown defoliation correlated well with extreme drought events. Pattern of agreement among compared parameters was different for the Krakovski gozd and Dobrava plots on one hand and Cigonca and Hraščica plots on the other hand. Mortality is influenced by the average air temperatures much more than by precipitation and groundwater table oscillationsV dobovih sestojih Slovenije ugotavljamo povečano mortaliteto. Spremembe v nižinskih delih se kažejo kot upad vitalnosti celotnih gozdnih kompleksov, povečanje smrtnosti, porušeno razmerje razvojnih faz in težave, povezane z naravno obnovo. Napovedi sedanjega odziva dreves lahko v prihodnje prispevajo pomembne informacije za nadaljnje gospodarjenje in gojenje tako v poškodovanih kot ohranjenih dobravah. Podatke vsakoletnega popisa stanja krošenj na štirih stalnih vzorčnih ploskvah smo vzporejali s podatki analize hemisfere krošenj in hidrometeorološkimi podatki. Potrdili smo dobro ujemanje med osutostjo in odprtostjo krošenj (hemisferna analiza). Parametri, od katerih smo odšteli zimske vrednosti in jih vzporejali z osutostjo, so pokazali boljše ujemanje od osnovnih. Potrdili smo korelacijo med smrtnostjo in osutostjo krošenj ter ekstremnimi sušnimi razmerami. Vzorci ujemanja so se med sabo razlikovali za Krakovski gozd in Dobravo na eni strani ter Cigonco in Hraščico. Povezava med smrtnostjo in povprečno temperature zraka je bila večja od povezave s podtalnico in padavinami

    Mortality and crown conditions on Quercus robur L. permanent plots - a 20-year overview

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    Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) forests in Slovenia are experiencing widespread mortality. Changes in lowlands are reflected in decline of complete forest complexes, high mortality, uneven stand structure and associated forest regeneration problems. Prediction of the present-tree response in disturbed forest ecosystems may significantly contribute to better guideline policies for the silvicultural and forest management practice in the changing environment in both stressed and stabile forest ecosystems. Data from annual crown condition surveys in the 1995-2014 period from four permanent plots have been compared with parameters from hemispherical photo analysis and hydrometeorological data. Good agreement has been confirmed between crown defoliation and total openness; all parameters from the hemispherical photo analysis, which were corrected for winter period values, also indicated a better agreement. Mortality rate and crown defoliation correlated well with extreme drought events. Pattern of agreement among compared parameters was different for the Krakovski gozd and Dobrava plots on one hand and Cigonca and Hraščica plots on the other hand. Mortality is influenced by the average air temperatures much more than by precipitation and groundwater table oscillations

    Flooding in the area of Knežak, Bač and Koritnice in November 2000

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    Podtalnica Ljubljanskega polja

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    Ljubljansko polje is a juncture of numerous human activities. The source of drinking water for about 300,000 residents, it holds one of the most important bodies of groundwater in the country. Unfortunately, the influences of urbanization, agriculture and industry that threaten and burden it are reflected in the quality and quantity of the groundwater.Ljubljana je pri oskrbi z vodo odvisna od podzemnih vodnih virov. Količina razpoložljive vode se zmanjšuje in njena kakovost postopoma slabša. Knjiga širšo strokovno javnost seznanja s težavami, s katerimi se Ljubljana sooča pri svoji oskrbi z zdravo pitno vodo. Skupina 27 sodelavcev iz osmih ustanov je strnila rezultate številnih raziskav zadnjega desetletja o podtalnici na Ljubljanskem polju kot naravnem viru regionalnega pomena. V trinajstih poglavjih so podrobneje predstavljeni tako naravne značilnosti Ljubljanskega polja in podtalnice (naravne razmere, elementi vodne bilance, dinamika, ranljivost, živalstvo, obremenjenost) kot tudi vplivi različnih dejavnosti na njeno količino in kakovost (javna oskrba s pitno vodo, raba tal, kmetijsko obremenjevanje, rodovitnost tal, vplivi industrije in obrti, pomen zasebnih vodnjakov)

    Denitrifcation of drinking water

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    Most of the drinking water in Slovenia comes from groundwater. Unfortunately, in the majority of cases it is polluted because of industry, traffic and other human activities. One of the pollutants are nitrates. If they are present in drinking water in big concentrations (over 50 mg/l), they are harmful to human health. Especially babies are sensitive to the increasing quantity of nitrates and can get methemoglobinemia, commonly called »the blue baby syndrome«. Nitrogen comes into groundwater in different ways and in the form of different compounds. Approximately 80 % of it is in the form of ammonia compound, which - in water with enough oxygen - oxidizes to nitrates. The quantity of nitrates in groundwater is analysed and annually monitored by ARSO, the Agency of the Republic Slovenia for the Environment. The results of annual reports show that the north-east part of Slovenia is the one most loaded with nitrates. Most of the fault lies in intensive agricultural activity which during fertilization emits big quantities of nitrogen into the soil. In 1991, the EU enacted the Nitrates Directive. Slovenia as the future member of EU accepted the Directive and changed its regulation on entering dangerous materials and vegetable nutritions in ground accordingly. This defined the entire Slovenian territory as a sensitive area which required an operative programme with protection measures against the pollution of water with nitrates and pesticides from agriculture. This operational programme represents a preventive measure against the pollution of water with nitrates; where waters are already polluted, the pollution should be removed using different treatment methods, such as biochemical and physico-chemical, including reverse osmosis, electrodialysis and ion exchange

    Analysis of land consolidation procedures for the case of land consolidation Juršinci

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    Slovenian food self-sufficiency is far below the European Union average, so it is necessary to protect the agricultural land and with instruments of land policies, such as land consolidation, to encourage greater use of them. In the thesis, land consolidations of agricultural lands, their objectives and effects are presented firstly. Procedures of land consolidations are described and problems which arise in the implementation of land consolidations are presented. Furthermore, actual Slovenian legislation is examined in the field of land consolidations. Here, entire procedures of land consolidation with all components are presented and meliorations are mentioned, which are often conducted at the same time as land consolidations. The valuation of agricultural land, which represents one of the most important stages of the whole process of a land consolidation, is discussed separately and in detail. Valuation of agricultural land is very important phase for a fair and successful implementation of the whole process and the most common cause of complaints by the owners. Factors which must be considered in land valuation are presented. In the last part of the thesis, the valuation of agricultural land for land consolidation area Mostje – Juršinci is presented and analysed